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/mlp/ - Pony

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Okey luv
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Please god no! Anything but a fucking Corsa!
What an odd character combination
>comes in his 1.4L diesel peugeot 206 to take out octavia on a ride
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>her reaction to >>41987990
Better than a Corsa for sure.
Now imagine it riced up. Actually you don't have to.
>real world flag
No thanks.
>she is actually a british pony. And isn't native to equestria.
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Mai classy waifu.
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Donkey needs her dragon.
I completely forgot that Octavia is a redcoat. That’s alright though.
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Classy, beautiful, and talented. That's why I love her.
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Getting her cheeks wubbed
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>Consider the following:
Epically powerful and passionate sex with Octavia to the tune of Dvorak's Symphonia No. 9 movement 4.
Why is she brit?
Because reasons. Anyway, what else would she be?
Fandom decided she was in the early days and it ended up sticking
not enough camber
Posh=British. Well, English, to be more specific. I doon't think anyone is imgining her as a posh Scotsmare
Is there even such a thing as a posh Scot?
Yeah definitely—Not that I've met one. Last time I spoke to a Scotsman was in the entry queue to a festival where he was necking Dragon Soop.
Anyway, no reason for Octavia not to be a different nationality. I assume she was designated as English because that's one of the default options for fancy pants characters. Just look at Fancy Pants himself, as an example
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Scotsmare-imaginer speaking
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Respotan' a goldie
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Octavia is my favorite cryptid
Don't have obe wirt a camber
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No scotspeak but rather chavspeak, because it's funny to imagine
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>tfw I actually start to enjoy it as the song goes on
Cheers to Octavia!
Anything new from this comic? I can never find it when I try so I just see random bits posted here.
I think that’s it, don’t worry, I’m sure the two had a nice dinner with Tavi slurping up the anchovies off her half of the pizza first
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For now, that's it.
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If I recall, she's actually supposed to be a filly, right?
Probably depressing to not be able to spend time with ponies your own age and play like a regular foal because all the other foals are terrified of you.
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In Ponyville, the ponies tend to be skittish, but then warm up eventually.
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>puts on airs of well groomed sophistication in public
>is a lazy, unwashed slob at home
My dick.
Mare that stinks good
dong the donk
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Tolltavia looking like a Bloodborne boss
This thread needs more corse
Donkey was spitting
She's so sexy in those stockings.
Move aside /mlpol/, /mlpo/ is the new hotness
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I do not like this pony.
You're a disgrace.
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I agree, I was never big into Vinyl Scratch myself.
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I love this pony.
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It does suck that the Tolltavia stuff seemingly isn't on the boorus. Makes it hard to check in if there's been anything new added.
I wouldn't mind if anyone did it for me, but I don't want to upload my stuff, it makes me feel like a shill or an attention whore.
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Not that anon but I think I've saved most of your stuff from the Vinyl threads.
If you want I could upload them to derpi or other booru under an artist name of your choosing.
You could add whatever I missed and further art down the line, I love your Vinyl and Tollvia drawings.
That'd be awesome. Especially since I delete most of my own stuff on my drive anyways. Also, I don't think I need a name. I'm fine as anonymous. Just make sure Tolltavia is a tag and it should all be fine.
okay, but some of your stuff doesn't have Tolltavia in it so it'd just be under anonymous
Ah, then I guess I do need a name. I don't really care much so whatever you think is best.
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you got it, I'll get started tolltavianon
might need you to vet the stuff after I'm done uploading as there might be one or two mistakes with tags
is pic related your drawing btw?
Thanks mang.
Yup, that's mine, from a while back.
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here you are https://derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-tolltavianon
took me a bit, didn't know I had almost a hundred of your pics, thanks for drawing for us in /vst/ and here in the octy threads
Excellent style.
What car would octavia would own?
What did he mean by this?
Could someone draw Tavi playing with a meme instrument ?
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Thanks a million, man.
I've always considered myself an anon first and don't like the idea of promoting myself or what I do, so uploading things anywhere that's not 4chan feels a bit pompous or attention whoring. I do like that it is uploaded though so everyone who happens to want to see it can look it up.
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Also I put a few recent ones that weren't on there and I guess I'll put a few more that aren't there for completion sake.
I appreciate it.
And really, thank you guys at /vst/ for being so great. You guys being cool are what kept me coming back to /mlp/ as much as I do and I'm always glad whenever I come back and see you guys are still around.
wow that's really great. I can recognize the attempt at Zorak
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It's no problem at all, I think you deserve more recognition for your art and this was a small way I could help that happen along with it being catalogued.
They're so cute together, I really like Vinyl's chub from her beer habit and Tavi's tall skinny bod. The two of them are walking contradictions but still work so well together.
Hag doing hag things is also very cute, as is that frilly "gettin lucky" underwear and lack there of on Tavi's part.
I bet the half naked drunk cuddling was both adorable and hot.
Thanks, I knew I missed saving some so I can get them through the booru now.
And right back at you, glad you're still kicking and making art, I really do enjoy your style and I'm happy we can keep you interested in these mares.
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I have very fond memories of the Ka. My father had one, and we would aimlessly drive around in it listening to 80's thrash metal, just for the hell of it.
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Jesus christ that's exacly how I imagined a human Tolltavia to look like
How something so uncanny can also be adorable
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Favorite 'Tavi cocktail?
My guess is the Godfather.
Two parts rye whiskey, one part amaretto. Optionally, add a few dashes of bitters.
Her favorite non-cocktail is just straight scotch.
>Rotbox styleised after a computer mouse.
Still better than a Corsa.
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>..Agent 00-Tavi, the kitchen staff on hand are more than capable of preparing you a dish far more delectable than your ehh "mash and pie"..
Wheely Bopper
No wait...
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The tavi is thicc
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Thicc can work surprisingly well for her.

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