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File: Flitterfloosh.jpg (103 KB, 984x1134)
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I want to gently guide a filly Fluttershy to her very first orgasm.
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>>41998341 (OP)
Same need a green of fucking filly fluttershy
>>41998341 (OP)
licking her with the kind of gentleness you would use if your tongue was barbed like a cat's, even though it's not.
that's how gentle you gotta be
What kind of fucked up asshole wouldn’t want that experience?
surely her FIRST orgasm will not be from porking her though
you have to work her up to it. gentle rubs first. a lil kiss on her throbbing pink clit. blowing air on it gently.
>>41998341 (OP)
Maybe you can gently guide her into taking her very first bath too.
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>licking her with the kind of gentleness you would use if your tongue was barbed like a cat's, even though it's not.
Hardcore sex with fillies
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*softcore snuggles
I need a green about this
Based and sensualitypilled.
Check 'em.
>>41998341 (OP)
do NOT molest the filly, Anon.

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