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>"Pegathuth puthy"
I don't understanc
I want to plow her senseless while i make fun of her lisp.
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Please don't hurt me
I want to hear her lisp-ridden dirty talk as she rides me into the matress.
Why this sounds so fucking hot?
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>"That'th it thtud, buck me thenthelethth my throng thtallion!
Her lisp is powerful.
No way fag. But I'll headpat you platonically if you can avoid being such a potty mouth for five minutes.
kek i had a stroke reading that
kek that was my intention
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Mare farts.
She is so sexy
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I'm not going to buy a fucking account to view images. Someone put it on catbox or some shit.
Stop it, SHUTUP!!
I really want to fuck lisp mare.
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Me too buddy
This sounds like the name of some obscure aztec god or something.
Fleets is still a virgin because every time she tries to flirt she accidentally summons old gods?
Or the one she flirts with is afraid she's trying to bag an offering for a deranged sacrificial ritual.
How do you even write lisps and not forget how to form words? I sometimes confuse it with the same speech impediment Elmer Fudd has
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I am going to hunt you down, and when I find you, I'll make you wish you never even thought of tricking me.
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Jutht uthe a lithp tranthlator that automatically doeth it for you. Work thmarter, not harder
You didn't thee me reply to the wrong anon tho don't menthion it
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I want Fleetfoot to work me hard.
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i want her to hurt me
IMAGINE the fucking SMELL
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How does pegasus putty differ from unicorn putty?
Need to breed.
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Who are you...? S-sorry I just... I can't remember. You look familiar though. I just...
Better ventilation. Less sparkles.
They're not so horny.
Aww! I love you too, fleetfoot!
>this is the first time she's ever spoken to him
I'd hug her in a heartbeat.
Pegathuth bump
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Bump? Bump for what?
For Pegasus breeding, of course!
>running drillth
Imagine her shouting orders with that lisp.
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>"uniicorn pu22y"
Don't tell me Spitfire is jealous. I bet she has tons of admirers.
it's just Dash. an endless stream of fan letters from Rainbow Dash, and not even interesting 'you inspire me! you rock! xoxo' letters, more like 'today i saw a cloud and i remembered that time you were at a show and did a thing, well, bye'. stacks and stacks and stacks of them
Don't you think there'd be at least some stallions who are interested in her? I can't believe there wouldn't be any.
Who's that guy supposed to be?
Birdhorse booty.
The way I would plant my face in that. Holy fucking shit.
he's literally me
I want to drink Fleetfoot's dock sweat.
We all do.
Real talk, where's the Fleetfoot flag? She's clearly the most beautiful mare, for anyone who has taste for aesthetics.
So good looking. The Big Mac comic with her was very cute and I felt emotions deep inside.
We want Fleetfoot flag!
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Mods don't exist anymore

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>ridiculous oversized real-world horse vagina
Why do clop artists do this shit?
Kek. The sudden MS Sam really got me.
I wanna tickle her dock.
Funny how mods would introduce flags and then only update them to add the third star in the 4cc flag. Now, more mareflags? No, fuck off.
it's really not that much bigger proportionally. The ponut is worse and it's still not that bad
I want Fleetfoot to abduct me to take advantage of my fingers for better massages. I want to rub her flight muscles after every practice or race in secret until Spitfire gets suspicious why Fleetfoot is never sore and has such fast recovery times.
I want to use Fleetfoot's sweaty flight suit for my pillow case.
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Wasn't satisfied leaving my post audio only.
Very lovely
Rage... Rising...

Why wasn't Fleetfoot just here already? It's not a super edge case background pony, she has speaking lines and is one of the main Bolts. There's fighting game character flags.
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I love Fleetfoot so much~
Mods = Fags
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Only half of the side characters got flags. No idea why characters like Star Dancer or the Parasprites got one instead of characters like Fleetfoot and Lightning Dust who got left in the cold.
The entire thing looks retarded. Their legs and ass are the mares' sexiest feature, and adding insanely prominent genitals ruins them.
Majestic agility.
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Fleetfoot is my favorite rapist even though her name doesn't make sense
It just means she's a fast runner. She may also be a fast flyer, the jury's out on that one.
but there is no foot to be fleet
Her name means she's a fast Wonderbolt
Hooves are feet.
It means she has a foot fetish
She keeps a few in her fridge and throws them at people who ask too many questions.
No, Anon. You're supposed to look at the mare bits.
Then how did you get into mares in the first place? By looking at rule 34? They don't have prominent genitals in the show.
I'd let her lick my feet if she asked
This is so heartwarmingly cute
I want Fleetfoot to lisp her moans in my ear while I rub inside her horse pussy.
>he2 liiterally me
I want that Fleetzer
>eridan and sollux fighting for rarity
Wouldn't Eridan be more interested in Twilight?
I see where u are coming from, I think he would like winged twi
n0, I mean later
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The amount of blush on that Fleetfoot is very acceptable.
Why are you gay?
Why does a horse have a lisp anyways?
Because it makes her hotter.
why is her name fleetfoot when she doesn't have feet
She has a lisp, she doesn’t talk like she has her tongue hanging out of her mouth
British teeth (sad)
Because the writers originally wanted to ship her with Big Macintosh for the ultimate pun.
It was funnier that way though.
I never got where the rape meme came from.

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