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Spring in Bloom edition
Previous thread: >>41896959 →

It's warming up! What fun springtime activities do you want to do with your favorite fillies?
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Filly time.
I love it when they trot in place like that, it's so fucking cute.
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Smart filly!
>>42017033 →
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Sketchy fillies.
why do fillies lying down outstretched like that always look so cute?
It looks like she's still trying to figure out how to sit comfortable, which is precious. Pick up the filly and let her rest on the bed.
they're wayyyyy wayyy too precious. I'm gonna need a whole bunch more of these, stat.
cat modo.
>I'm gonna need a whole bunch more of these, stat.
Sadly the artist in question hasn't drawn horses in about a decade and they didn't do much filly stuff to begin with. I agree though, they sure knew how to filly a filly.
does he draw cute human girls or maybe pokemon or something?
Moved on to standard anime art from the looks of it.
>standard anime art
so cute girls or pokemon or something
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Fillies deal with a lot of temptation. Very important to reward your filly when she does a good job.
this means they're for pinkie's dad, right
or is santa real in equestria. i assume he's a reindeer. Or something native to turkey.
Pinkie's dad probably eats them, but who knows for sure. Maybe there is an omnipotent being that can deliver presents to everypony's households in one night in exchange for milk and cookies.
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when she hits you with the Filly Stare
this is the filly side-eye. it's half as powerful, she's being merciful
the full filly stare can kill a man who isn't clenching
what did I do to deserve this?
I wouldn't recover, honestly.
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pssh you wuss, it's not that-
oh hell she's turning it up OH FUCK
She's a monster. She knows what it does to a man and yet she'll do it anyways.
>Ah like when his thingy gets big
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Wait a minute... that doesn't sound like something Applebloom would say!
Right, because she knows the work "dick". Life on a farm teaches you the facts of life at an early age.
it doesn't teach you 'dick' though
surely 'pecker'
Pecker's a solid one, could throw in a willy, maybe a wang if somepony's feeling spicy.
willy is what pip calls his. rainbow dash definitely talks about stallions' wangs.
>they look so silly! There's no way they can fly right with that thing hangin out.
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Hey Applejack, what's the biggest cock you've ever touched?
>Ah bucked a feller a couple of years back, couldn't walk straight fer a week.
Hey Rarity, what's the biggest cock you've ever touched?
>Dear! That's absolutely vulgar and I shall not play along with your ridiculous games.
Hey Rainbow Dash, what's the biggest cock you've ever touched?
Applejack would think rooster
True, but the bit doesn't work if none of them have a genuine answer.
also maybe she bucked a bawkbawk like with her hooves because he was being a bad bawkbgawk.
>I sawr a little hen, and he gave a little cluck,
>I knew exactly what he meant and so I kicked him in the fuck
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Two brats in strong need of correction!!!
They may need correction, but at least ease them into it. Fingerbang them first before plapping the daylights out of them. That way they’re exhausted and are forced to sit and watch.
Yep they are too smug, they feel in control.
10 bits for sweetie?
jeez i could flip that and get 1000
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>flipping sweetie belle
Better mean that literally, buster.
not saying i would, but i COULD.
this product is severely undervalued.
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To be fair the operational costs of having a Sweetie Belle are significant and have to be factored into the price.
oh yeah..
i want a filly i can teach to cook
but I would love her anyway
unbelievably hawt pose for sweebs
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She's just being a silly filly!
>do you like my perfectly square patch of earth?
it's very nice, swee-
>it's minecraft! i made minecraft
yes you did. is that rarity's diamond?
>I'm gonna make it into a pickaxe!!!
of course, honey.
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You're not going to watch a couple of fillies show eachother their flanks in the middle of a park, are you?
my pud is dragging the ground, what do YOU think
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Magical filly.
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dawwww i love seeing fillies playing with toys
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they're so precious and cute
i wonder how hard this was to animate.
fillyfillyfilly fillly

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You should donate a filly today!
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here is two filly
We have been blessed with fillies, thank you for your donation!
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Apple Bonnet.
Granny Smith gave her a biiig pile of cookies for this
As she should!
Cutest filly?
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I know who the coolest filly is, but the cutest is a lot harder.
Has to be Bloomy
definitely scoots is coolest
The filly you love.
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Royal fillies.
did they just get de-aged?
A seer determined what their adult proportions will be and gave the details to the royal smith. Clearly.
that, or those belonged to their mom and aunt
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Also possible. All I know is they're cute.
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Sleepy fillies.
they have sleepovers every single week
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They take turns sleeping over at eachother's houses, both because each of them sleeps best in their own bed and because that way it slightly reduces the odds of one of the adult ponies telling them they can't do it anymore because they keep breaking too much shit.
Of course, that last problem can be solved if they sleep over at (you)r place...
Unprotected filly tummy... I don't know if I can control myself

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