Previous Thread: >>41922613Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.Vinyl Pastebin Collection- collection of Vinyl stories- Vinyl Greens-Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl) You (Anon x Vinyl) gets a ride from Anon and Anon date Vinyl and Anon at CHS Vinyl makes a deal Other Side (Anon x Scratch) the Vinyl Rape Wars Vinyl down by Manly Man kidnaps Anon Scratch x Neon Lights Takes Anon Care of Vinyl Scratch's Gangbang Bus Scratch: Raping anon to perfection archive: Binyl Scratch: "Do you even lift the bass?" pending) for many more pone stories.
>>42022192Is she always high?
>>42022202Vinyl's body would probably start to shake if she stopped using drugs.
>>42022202Higher than you
>>42022211Can we get much higher? (So high)
>>42022484The wub piece is real!
>>42022192snoot needs boop
>>42022728true hornlet hoursno horn at all
Anyone got pics of long hair vinyl?
another day, another vinyl
>>42024052A few>>42024053Sensual crotch area
>>42024053Nice little bit of fluff in the right places