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Dvorak edition

How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>122418700
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I'll give it a listen. I really like Petrenko's though, and his recording of the Symphonic Dances was the first time I ever actually really enjoyed them.
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so this is how tranime rots your brain
Dvorak is so cute. Like a little frog man

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now playing


Savall is based
That version of Symphonie fantastique is very good. My favourite is Paul Paray with Detroit.
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We love that atonal composer here, his glossy textures never fail to disappoint!

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Blasting some Bartok.

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The cycle begins in the depths of the Rhine river and also in the depths of the human psyche. It is clear that the meaning of what we witness on the stage is contained also in the music. The sustained meditation on the tonal triad, representing the swirling waters in the depths, is also an invocation of the natural order—the order from which we humans have, both to our loss and our gain, departed. In the Ring tonal harmony is the sound of Eden: pure, unsullied, guiltless. As the cycle develops, dissonance, chromaticism and melodies full of tragic tension replace the pure triads and pentatonic tunes of this supremely beautiful opening. But the pure harmonies and melodies sound always in the background, constantly reminding us of the home that we have lost, and which could never have satisfied us in any case.
What do you think of the one by Colin Davis?
It's the only one I've heard but I thought it was boring.
I really liked it! First time listening to it. I actually played it off the Sony "Munch Conducts Berlioz" set and after I listened to it been listening to "La Damnation de Faust, op. 24" and about to start up his similarly highly acclaimed recording of Berlioz's Requiem right now.
that’s because it is. i have no idea why it’s so popular
Shieeeeet Dvorak was a brotha? Outta sight man
fuck off back to /metal/ hector
stay here on /classical/ anon
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Leading into it with the exquisite and whimsical Roman Carnival Overture, op. 9.

It's not the worst version I've heard, but Davis has done much better Berlioz. And yes Munch is excellent in this repertoire.
/classical/ hector edition
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Reminder that we shun RYM composers here.
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Other composers to be shunned
Now Playing - Handel: Violin Sonatas

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True, Reger was better.

I didn't post Beethoven though?
Bach is an RYM composer
Not sure what this has to do with Reger?
Bach is an atonal composer.
Reger is also a RYM composer
>in my mind, it was real
NGMI Iass.
go back to /metal/ hector
stay here on /classical/ anon
Yeah go back to RYM hector
I don't enjoy Beethoven and Steve Reich enough to go on RYM, Iass.
time to go back to /metal/, hector
not sure what this has to do with /classical/ hector perhaps you' should try RYM?
time to stay here on /classical/ anon as I'm not sure what this has to do with RYM, perhaps you should try 4chan?
Man, choral music really is the peak of all art music, huh? Putting the marvelous quality of the works themselves aside, it seems virtually every composer regarded one of their choral pieces to be their finest work, often the culmination of their creative pursuits and artistic vision, and of course immediate, stalwart link with the divine, and finally the inherent and unparalleled beauty of the human voice to the listener's ear.
Now Playing - Haydn, Schumann, Brahms & Smetana: Chamber Works

What's a good hipster answer to "Who's your favorite opera composer?"
You guys don't know what hipster means huh
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now playing (string quartet no. 2)


A perfect work.
fuck, string sextet no. 2*
I'm not as well-acquainted with them as I am the string quartets or piano and clarinet quintets, but I'm always enjoyed them both whenever I've listened to them the couple times I have. So far so great!
What's the most sentimental, heart-string tugging, beautiful piano work/cycle? Chopin's Etudes or Ballades? Rach's Preludes or Etudes? Scriabin's Preludes? Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words? Something by Faure or Liszt?
Brahms' late piano works.
I've tried a few recordings and while I really like them, I never felt much emotion from them. Perhaps I'll give them another try tonight. Was gonna go with Liszt's Transcendental Etudes (Trifonov) but I'll try op. 117-119 first. Thanks.
all me btw
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(starts off with op. 116):

Gonna try asking one more time: any other works like Brahms' Hungarian Dances (orchestral version)? Aside from Dvorak's inferior attempt of his own with the Slavonic Dances, although I intend to give one more recording a try. I've found Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet to scratch a similar itch. Any others you guys can recommend?
This just means the intermezzo and ignore everything else.
Bartok's Hungarian Dances
ah yes, the intermezzo. all 13 of them in spread out across all 4 opus numbers, and for some reason not the g minor ballade or the e flat major rhapsody.
harpsichord music mogs (((piano))) music
all pale in comparison to the brilliance of the op 109, 110, and 111 piano sonatas
>109, 110, 111
Pales in comparison to 27, 13 and 57
no one believes this, not even you.
I do. Simplicity is the final achievement.
bait used to be believable
i like the wooden prince. I hate how underplayed bartok is.
Why is gustav mahlers music so perfect it makes me want to go outside and demolish every single twink on this planet while the finale to his 3rd plays. I just want too get freaky to his music it makes me feel some sort of way that the average man just cant understands.
least closeted mahler fan
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Ivan Wyschnegradsky - Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra

Both Ravel and Messiaen were fans of his, the French do reign supreme after all.


Not really closeted at that point is it.
no one is falling for this one hector
Falling for what? Messiaen attended his concerts and gave them praise, there are letters about Wyschnegradsky written by Ravel.

Mindbroken by microtonality.
stay here on /classical/ anon
go back to /metal/ insufferable faggot
never leave /classical/ lovable straight man
if you don't listen to masses with the proper liturgy sections between each movement you're doing it wrong
Kyrie, Gloria, Oratio/Collecta, Epistola, Graduale, Alleluia, Sequentia, Evangelium, Credo, Offertorium, Prefatio, Sanctus, Pater Noster, Agnus Dei
for requiem masses:
Introitus, Kyrie, Oratio/Collecta, Epistola, Graduale, Tractus, Sequentia, Evangelium Offertorium, Prefatio, Sanctus, Pater Noster, Agnus Dei, Communio
Hector this sounds like they’re playing out of tune pianos
>out of tune
Microtonality kills the soccer mothers and RYM sisters.
Yes hector that’s what it is. It kills those with functioning ear drums as well
post about your micropenis on /metal/ instead hector
The best part of microtonality is knowing that the masses are literally incapable of breaking out of the 12 tet box despite half the known world using different tunings. The ants keep marching following the other ant in the line, each one knows not where he goes, he simply follows the directions he was told! He loves familiarity, the unknown is fear - and he hates it!
That box is there for a reason hector
i've listened to quite a bit of this stuff and i'm not convinced. mildly interesting, but no more than that. hardly the revolution in music its proponents are selling it as
no, we’re just not interested in your micropenis, hector. go back to /metal/.
Yet there are so many boxes all across the world, it's just the masses for some reason always prefer the one they grow up with, funny how that works! HAH

Neither am I convinced by 12 tet, mildly interesting, but no more than that.
no one will ever prefer your micropenis, hector. go back to /metal/.
everyone prefers your megacock, anon. stay here on /classical/
Well hector radical liberation is the devil’s theology.
Shut up hector apologist
don’t reply to him
Keep talking anon critic
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waking up to Durufle's Requiem


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>[thing I don't like] is da devil!
In the mood for Beethoven 9th.
Thank you RYM sister.
You're welcome RYMsister
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Anytime RYM sister.
Cheers RYMsister
its time to stay here anon
Going to be honest Mozart seemed like a bit of a dickhead
>t. has no sense of humor
is counterpoint just rhythmic motifs or does a part have to repeat unchanged for it to be counterpoint?
Counterpoint in the broadest definition is simply a number of melodies that complement eachother playing simultaneously.
Oh. I thought it was layering different parts of the same melody.
Official list of decent - good composers (if you think of a popular composer who didn't end up here, chances are they are shit):
>Machaut, Dufay, Ockeghem, Brumel, Marenzio, Josquin, Gesualdo, Sheppard, Monteverdi, Buxtehude, Vivaldi, Handel, Bach, Haydn, Pergolesi, Krauss, Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, Rossini, Wagner, Brahms, Liszt, Strauss, Mahler, Dvorak, Chopin, Debussy, Ravel, Rimsky-Korsakov, Shostakovich, Faure, Varese, Hindeminth, Pfitzner, Scriabin, Grieg, Schoenberg, Berg, Webern, Szymanowski, Stravinsky, Villa-Lobos, and Busoni.
laughably absurd
That is fugue
Ok. Thanks! So does a fugue have to repeat the segments unchanged, or can the tones change?
time to fuck off back to /metal/ hector
a fundamental aspect of fugue is that the subject is first enters in the tonic and is then followed by an answer in a second voice, which is just the subject but in the dominant (or sometimes subdominant).
>time to fuck off back to /metal/ hector
We don't want him either.
Can we get an exchange program going? We'll trade your Hector for the Sisterposter.
you guys deserve him
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Would be curious for your thoughts on it, autistsister, here's the Credo:

there isn't much reason to listen to classical when metal exists
How about you keep Hector and we’ll throw in the sisterposter for free
Exact opposite
Maybe if you like virtuoso slop and dissonance
gg/ here. We'll take Hector and Sisterposter if you take the Gibson schizo
How would he fit in here? We only have acoustic guitars in our music. At least Hector can talk about Barton's bloody concerto.
So you don't like metal or classical
>fit in
It's not about guitars. It's about shitting up threads.
Well I’ve no idea who that is but I’m sure he’s a nice young man
He was never useful in any general when you think about it. In /metal/ he spams garbage no one but 1 or 2 anons cares about, now one might think he realized metal is garbage and moved to a better place, but here he does the same shit he did in /metal/ and apparently some /v/ generals.
He rarely discusses music, derailing discussions instead, is obsessivelly tripfagging without a trip(what's even the point of an anonymous board), never admits he's wrong(what's point of discussion/arguing if you refuse to learn and understand someone else?) and rarely posts new music. More than 3/4 of his posts are not about recs/discussion of music but rather his shitty 'controversial' opinions.

His IQ is presumably double digit, it's also evident from his taste and dunning kruger effect.
He is loved here
>Moved from /metal/ to /classical/
It’s like moving to India in search of a better life
Nah. It's like moving FROM India in search of a better life. But the fact of the matter is, the India in you will never leave. You are forever Indian.
I'll give those a try, thanks. Any suggested recording?

Not emotionally. If anything its antiquated sound results in a kind of novelty experience that creates distance between the listener and the music, which effectively alienates or at least stifles emotional resonance.

I love those piano sonatas but their appeal to me is more of an aesthetic awe in the musical craft and sublime beauty. I never really get any kind of internal swirling romantic emotions and erotic passion from virtually any of Beethoven's works, really. Or to put it another way, Beethoven doesn't tug at the human heartstrings (outside of maybe like Moonlight and Appassionata and Les Adieux, probably missing a couple others), poking and prodding at the chambers of the heart to playfully and pleasurably summoning out deliberate multitudes of emotions hidden within, but rather his music speaks to the intellect of aesthetic appreciation and the soul desperately yearning for a glimpse of the divine, the spiritually transcendent, hence the mastery of form and melody in his music as well as the revelation of God and Truth made manifest and available for experience through the beauty of his works.

But there isn't much of the everyday emotions of people.

That is indeed a good one. Really need to go through his other piano sonatas, I've only listened to a handful of the late ones and they were all at minimum excellent, and some masterpieces.
Great recording btw. Not definitive, and it is lacking a certain romantic and spiritual foundation you find in the old great recordings by the masters of the previous generations and era, but for a recording made in 2012 it's as good as one could hope for.

>any kind of internal swirling romantic emotions and erotic passion
>outside of maybe like Moonlight and Appassionata and Les Adieux,
Based and redpilled. Pathetique also, among his greatest works.
I say this as someone who can also appreciate his late sonatas, Hammerklavier esepcially, is excellent.
Right, exactly, Hammerklavier is a masterpiece, and while it does wonders for my auditory intellectual aesthetic sense -- the form and structure and melodies and ideas are stunning, exciting, and elegant -- and lifts my soul as it imbibes itself from the music as it traverses a spiritual journey through its sensational and immense architecture, it does nothing for me emotionally.
I decided to keep Gilels Sonata cycle on my harddrive(thanks for anon who rec'd), both recording and playing are wonderful and best I've listened to desu. The three that are missing in the collection I'm still think about, Kovacevich seems fine but I'm not particulary fond of it.
It's not very emotional, someone like Rach is definitely leagues above in that regard, but I wouldn't say it has no emotion at all. The pianissimo moments are usually somewhat emotional, but yes it doesn't 'flow as smoothly' so to speak
If Brahm's first symphony is Beethoven's 10th, what Sonata is Beethoven's 33rd?
> I never really get any kind of internal swirling romantic emotions and erotic passion from virtually any of Beethoven's works, really.
solution: stop jerking off so much
Stop coping
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now playing (Kovacevich's Beethoven Piano Sonata no. 29, "Hammerklavier")

start of it:


Happy to help! The Gilels set of the cycle is an essential part of anyone's collection, any collection in need of Beethoven piano sonata recordings.

Kovacevich's Beethoven took a while to grow on me because relative to the older masters I was so used to, his more contemporary approach comes off quite idiosyncratic but don't worry, he isn't one of the virtuosos which populate the current landscape like weeds, he plays with a poet's touch, just vary stylized and emphasized dynamics. I'd say listen to the old masters first and then come back to Kovacevich's and it'll be like discovering Beethoven's cycle for the very first time again. It won't replace the others, of course, but it makes for a nice supplement.

The old masters I'd personally recommend, in addition to the Gilels, are Backhaus (the first recordings I fell in love with so I will endlessly defend him), Kempff, and Schnabel. Some other big ones are Arrau, Brendel, Richter, Ashkenazy, Pollini, and Schiff. I've also been recommended Solomon and Grinberg here but haven't yet gotten around to them even though I did add them.

Enjoy your journey of discovery! If I could only have one, it'd be either Gilels or Backhaus, who each play it quite differently.
a): the hammerklavier is possibly the coolest beethoven sonata emotionally, in spite of the untold oceans of ink that have been spilt regarding it.
b): if that slow movement is not the most tragic, grief stricken piece in the entirety of beethoven’s oeuvre and, indeed, the whole classical era, your brain and your soul are not in enough connection to appreciate the late works.
brahms’ 1st isn’t beethoven’s 10th. brahms’ 1st is a loose imitation of the 9th, whereas had beethoven lived to write a 10th symphony, he would have created a synthesis between orchestral music and the formal and dramatic styles of the late string quartets, the likes of which we cannot even imagine. the likes of the heiliger dankgesang or the muss es sein represent a portal to a new world, one whose keyholder woefully passed before we saw more than a fraction of a glimpse of it.
your brain is fried.
Funnily enough, as soon as I started reading your "b)" the movement began playing lol. And hey, in my defense, back when I was predominantly listening to piano music all day I was much, much more of a classical music novice than I even am now, so we'll see how I interpret and feel it now!
>he would have created a synthesis between orchestral music and the formal and dramatic styles of the late string quartets
Fuck I'd die to hear his 10th if that's the case
>your brain is fried.
No, it's fine.
>he uses sonatas to emotionally jerk himself off
I just jerked off to Pathetique whilst crying
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Favorite or suggested Bach St John's Passion? I'm thinking Richter, Jochum, or Munchinger on the traditional side (Karajan didn't make one?) and then Herreweghe, Suzuki, Rene Jacobs, and Cleobury on the other HIP side. I kinda wanna give some of the HIPs a go since I've predominantly been listening to recordings from the former, which I generally love. I'm leaning toward Suzuki, Cleobury, or Herreweghe. Any thoughts and other suggestions welcome!
>he doesn't use arias to emotionally jerk himself off
Which Aria should I use to emotionally jerk myself off? Help out a horny anon
more interesting than the 10th were beethoven’s plans for an oratorio on the ancient modes. few people realize just how radical beethoven’s approach to modal harmony is because it only occurs for a scant few minutes in his hours of music (the heiliger dankgesang and portions of the credo), but to beethoven, this single development was noteworthy enough to warrant an entire stylistic development around it, of no lesser importance than the missa solemnis or op. 131. it is not an exaggeration to say that beethoven’s unrealized plans at the end of his life are beyond the imagination of any person alive, and that the late quartets, missa solemnis and op. 126 bagatelles only give us a glimpse at what could have been.
You had me hard at "Beethoven" and "oratorio." I would sacrifice millions of people worldwide at the press of a button if it meant that work would have been completed and blessed upon the rest of us.
Interesting. I never understood why modal harmony was abandoned after renaissance. Yet it appears in Missa Solemnis out of nowhere.
That's pathetique
literally sounds like he's about to have a handsfree orgasm writing purple prose about a shitty ersatz chopin lmao
but no one is talking about rachmaninoff
Rachmaninoff is my emotional orgasm. Next to Chopin, of course.
>Yet it appears in Missa Solemnis out of nowhere.
because how better to illustrate the mystery of the incarnation and resurrection?
omg muh counterpoint muh bog i did the face when i heard the bass line returning muh counterpoint!!!!
So, just doing a quick comparison between the recordings with the second movement, the "Jesus ging mit seinen Jungern" (Recitative and Chorus), which is the part that should immediately grabs any listeners attention and trap them in the clutches of the music's allure until it's over, the Richter and Jochum were excellent, the Suzuki really bad, the Herreweghe whatever, and the Cleobury and Jacobs solid.
If you can't improvise in Classical music, your opinions concerning quality of music are quite irrelevant and mostly invalid.

I can't improvise currently, but it's what every self-resepcting person should be practicing.
>epic orchestral battles
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now playing (Berlioz's "L'enfance du Christ" [Munch/BSO])



Absolutely loving this "Munch Conducts Berlioz' set released by Sony! Highly recommended to all.
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here's the cover of the set. Check it out! The Requiem and Symphonie Fantasique have both been astounding, and La Damnation of Faust very good.
It's funny to think that during the Baroque and Classical era, improvisation was required for all musicians, now most conservatories don't even teach it. Virtuosity is more common than ever on the other hand. A sad state of culture.
it’s only a reflection of the repertoire that musicians have to learn in order to stay relevant and have some modicum of popular appeal. if you dislike the current state of affairs, blame virtuososlop.
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going for a walk, so now playing since it's sunny (violin sonata no. 5, 'Spring')



Sounds excellent to me thus far, highly recommended to all anons! Might have to go through the entire cycle on this set soon, been a while since I've listened to these works.
do HIPsters actually

more like this
A historically informed performance recreates the piece as the composer would've envisioned it.
laughably naive
Looks like you are not terminally online here.
polaris perogie
nonsense as always
The composer would've prefered today's standard no doubts, although it can be interesting to hear how they would've heard it at the time nonetheless.
>its antiquated sound results in a kind of novelty experience that creates distance between the listener and the music, which effectively alienates or at least stifles emotional resonance
this doesn't happen to anyone who actually listens to classical
Gönnenwein for trad
Rudolf Lutz for HIP
trust me on this
I'm not saying a recording as to be audiophile quality, but if you genuinely don't believe the sound quality can be so poor as to become a distraction from enjoying the music properly you're kidding yourself.

hmm ok, thank you.
do hisstards actually
Harpsichords don't have poorer sound quality than pianos.
who the hell is talking about hiss we are talking about harpsichord vs piano here. There are plenty of crystal clear harpsichord recordings and the anon mean the harpsichord sounds "antiquated", not that the recordings are old and hissy
O whoops, sorry I thought your reply was to a different post I made earlier on a different subject, my bad.

Yes, to people who are not used to the harpsichord, its sound in a recording can indeed be distracting enough to take one out of seamless, direct enjoyment of the work.
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alright anon, added all of these solely based on your recommendation, i hope my trust isn't misplaced!
its okay if you don't like them Ill just kill myself
Brahms and Clara Schumann/Robert Schumann story is so sad and heartwarming at the same time
It's not even your own music. Geeze man
She is so mid. The game was rigged from the start.
>so sad and heartwarming
It's more pathetic. Imagine hanging around a heartless cunt like Clara Schumann for 40 years because you're in love with her and then grow so bitter over the whole (failed) affair that you then start lashing out and insulting her towards the end of your life.
>then start lashing out and insulting her towards the end of your life.
This never happened.
You can't blame Clara she was much older and had 7 children.
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For me, its Penderecki. Always a good laugh that he and Messiaen are so Christian and yet the only perceptions of their music by the wider public would be a satanist or at least atheist of some sort.


>rarely posts new music
Of all the nonsense accusations, this was was by far the most false. Every single new year I collected new releases and posted them so much that people just assume any random person posting them was also the same. In fact I even have a list for this year. Just pure asshurt stemming from me shitting on your disneycore nonsense. I mean really, why even bother listening to metal if you are going to listen to "i'm a little teapot" melodies, the only niche the genre has is anger and aggression.

The formulation of riff-based music is basically just an idiotic form of minimalism at best, and would be better to be removed from metal altogether. Although composers such as Adam Kalmbach know to think vertically and at least add additional polyphony through canons, production, and polyrhythm with shifting tempo that intersect with each other. Regardless the main goal of metal is agression, anger, katharsis, etc. Consonant metal is a failure by design and holds no use that soccer mom classical doesn't fulfill 20 fold.
stay here on /classical/ anon
Not sure what this has to do with /metal/, maybe try /classical/ instead?
So this is what has become of /classical/
the king of /classical/
time to go back to /metal/ hector
what even attracts /metal/ refugees to /classical/

metal is braindead even by the nonexistent standards of guitar music
Sorry for posting about it again but I'm really loving this Munch Conducts Berlioz set. Everything I've listened to off of it has been excellent, currently playing Romeo et Juliette, op. 17 and it's amazing. Anything else from Berlioz not on this set or other recordings I should check out? Aside from Shaw's rendition of the Requiem.
Don't think he ever recorded the Symphonie funèbre et triomphale which is fantastic. Try Dondeyne or Davis for recordings.
how would you know?
All of Berlioz's music sucks. He literally inaugurated firetruck music
Sweet thanks.
bizarre assertion
they're attracted by the "metal is the new classical" meme
This is a pretty funny thing to say given that Tallis liked Berlioz.
Yeah, it was always a pathetic case of special pleading on his part to omit him and include composers like Rossini and Brahms.
hector isn’t just any /metal/ refugee, he’s an insufferable pseud
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Ultrenja's Resurrection half has some wicked percussion at the start.

Absolutely false, in terms of "guitar music", to which I assume you mean electric guitar since classical guitar exists (technically electric guitars exist in classical too), it is by far the most advanced with its own texture and goals. Really metal's role is a hybrid between noisey textures and melodic or chordal music.


Find me another electric guitar track that comes close to that level of composition. The only guitar music that achieves a higher state is... classical guitar.


Classical has stagnated into a dusty mesuem of itself that only exists because governments force feed it grants, so it isn't bothering to take the opportunity to fufill this niche since nothing new comes from it anymore. At least that I know of anyways, its rather hard to find truly contemporary composer since as mentioned, classical has turned into a bed ridden diseased mesuem suspended into zombie state for its similarly comatose audience of soccer moms and half men.
not /classical/, fuck off back to /metal/ hector.
King of /mu/
pure /classical/, stay here on /classical/ anon
Now Playing - The Great Polish Chopin Tradition: Raul Koczalski vol. 4

Fundamental Bass is stupid
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Now THIS is a string quartet

fuck off back to /metal/, hector.
stay here on /classical/, anon.
Stop samefagging
bach feels a little diminished in my eyes after listening to a lot of telemann, maybe i'm being unfair
Worse, you're being stupid
Literally not even me Iass.
i'm just saying js could've pulled the stick out a tad you know
You could pull the crayon out
ignorance is bliss
No matter how many times I hear The Miraculous Mandarin it always makes my skin crawl. Most delightfully creepy and sleazy piece of music ever composed.

simply embarrassing, hector. fuck off back to /metal/.
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I couldn't help but notice Wolf was not on that list.
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>The most tremendous genius raised Mozart above all masters, in all centuries and in all the arts. A light, bright, fine day this will remain throughout my whole life. As from afar, the magic notes of Mozart's music still gently haunts me. He is the highest, the culminating point that beauty has attained in the sphere of music as for one moment in the history of music all opposites were reconciled; all tensions resolved; that luminous moment was Mozart.

>Mozart creates music from a mysterious center, and so knows the limits to the right and the left, above and below. He maintains moderation. It always sounds unburdened, effortless, and light. This is why it unburdens, releases, and liberates us. He never abandons himself to any one sense; even at his most ecstatic moments his mind is vigorous, alert, and on the wing. He dives unerringly on to his finest ideas like a bird of prey, and once an idea is seized he soars off again with an undiminished power. It does not give the listener time to catch his breath, for no sooner is one inclined to reflect upon a beautiful inspiration than another appears, even more splendid, which drives away the first, and this continues on and on, so that in the end one is unable to retain any of these beauties in the memory. It is particularly difficult to perform.
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His admirable clarity exacts absolute cleanness: the slightest mistake in it stands out like black on white. It is music in which all the notes must be heard. Free of all exaggeration, of all sharp breaks and contradictions. The sun shines but does not blind, does not burn or consume. Heaven arches over the earth, but it does not weigh it down, it does not crush or devour it. Easy to read, but very difficult to interpret. The least speck of dust spoils them. They are clear, transparent, and joyful as a spring, and not only those muddy pools which seem deep only because the bottom cannot be seen. His simplicity is merely purity. It is a crystalline thing in which all the emotions play a role, but as if already celestially transposed. Moderation consists in feeling emotions as the angels do.

>Mozart makes you believe in God because it cannot be by chance that such a phenomenon arrives into this world and leaves such an unbounded number of unparalleled masterpieces. It represents neither the prolonged sigh of faith that characterizes so much of the music written before his time, nor the stormy idealism which cloaks most music after him. Rather he is that mercurial balance of the skeptic and the humane. Like him, and in him, we can always discover new worlds.

- Maho Hiyajo
Your samefagging really shows insecurity. Stop flooding threads annoying retard.
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Do any of you have a any descriptions of the difference in feel between harmonic minor and neutral minor.
It's not hard to hear. But for what I'm feeling, the only thing I really come up with is harmonic sounds classical, natural feels more modern, and maybe less tense.

I'm trying to make a mental bank of this sort of thing between different intervals and stuff. It's not the easiest thing to find material on either, so if either makes you think/feel anything particular between them, I wanna read it. "Abstract" or "weirdly specific" is not bad in any way here.
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Schizophrenic induced delusions.
What's that supposed to prove exactly?
That admittedly it does probably look like most replies to me are myself, in reality they are not. People like to fan flames on 4chan, and a controversial figure is their favorite target.
>in reality they are not.
Yes they are. Every time you post something you start obsessively replying to yourself next second with words that no one even uses in this general. You are just a massive shit(poster)
>In my mind, it was real
Another schizophrenic revelation.
stay here on /classical/, anon
>denying the obvious
>denying reality
NGMI Iass.
>and he does it again
You're so humorous!
If you think that's funny you should be in mental asylum
>not linking replies out of frustration
NGMI Iass.
True, your schizophrenia is not a laughing matter and how your handlers let you access to the internet is a great failing of the health care system in your country.
Delusional schizo
>no u
NGMI Iass.
time to never leave /classical/, anon
You just did that here >>122455755
And you're the one constantly replying to your own posts
>You just did that here
Nope, the original accusation of schizophrenia is here >>122455242, and again said here >>122455704. It can't be a "no u" if I was the holder of the original accusation while you merely replied to me with the same accusation. Then again, in your schizophrenic mind you probably believe that not only is every reply to my posts actually myself, but also that you wrote my original posts and thus hold the original accusation.

What can clearly be gleaned from this information is that you are undoubtedly an idiot, and also schizophrenic.
fuck off back to /metal/, hector.
stay on /classical/, anon.
Not even the same anon you were talking to earlier, So I am the "HOLDER OF THE ORIGINAL ACCUSATION" and you are the schizo. Now what does that change? Absolutely nothing. Go play your memewars elsewhere.
>Not even the same anon you were talking to earlier
Then as an anonymous poster you must accept responsibility for taking the place of the other anonymous poster (especially without notice), such that you ARE or have rather become the other poster. In fact even if you were both to post at once, the position would not chance as in context of the conversation as a whole, it is still I who is the holder of the original accusation meaning what I said cannot be a "no u". It matters not if you are anon #2 or still the same anon, your role within it is the same as you partake in the exchange in the larger context.
holy shit no one gives a fuck, go back to /metal/ already whiny faggot
Now I will have nightmares
>you must accept responsibility for taking the place of the other anonymous
What is a half man?
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Addicted to Große Fuge right now.
i think it's about time we addressed the american question
unholy piss everyone gives a heck, stay here on /classical/ stoic hetero.
get real, hector would be no less insufferable regardless if he’s from the US, germany, nigeria or vietnam.
sister poster confirmed Amerifat.
I don’t mind the drama as long as you keep posting music, thanks.
I'd rather it didn't take up so many posts.

>A symphony is no joke.
laughably delusional
>implying anything hector posts counts as music
Rubinstein is too robotic, especially for Rach. What was Hurtwitz thinking about when he said this was THE ideal?
He also dislikes LA philharmonic orchestra with Yuja when it's clearly the best

Ashkenazy, Cliburn although good, are outdated recordings. Everyone else plays too fast.
this might somehow be more embarrassing than anything hector has ever posted
Why do you hate Rach?
Holy slopgem
What's your deal?
why do you post emotionally dishonest slaveslop performed by thai prostitutes
I enjoy it. Explain what's wrong with the music, also why do you put image above performance/music? And have another recording
why do you enjoy eating shit
I don't. You also didn't answer any of my questions.
you definitely do, or you wouldn’t continue to post about it
if Bach is Dante and Mozart is Shakespeare then Rach is some genre fiction like Game of Thrones
hope this clears it up
>Shakespeare isn't slop
Dumbest Post of All Time Award
So you can't name a single reason why it's bad
Explain if you can
you’re ignoring my question, why do you enjoy eating shit?
How do you know it's shit if it isn't even out yet!
because it came out of a thai prostitute’s asshole
I already answered your dumb question. Now it's your turn.
sister is one of those guys who thinks music starts with bach
That was really good, thank you hector
you didn’t, you avoided my question. why do you enjoying eating shit?
comically delusional
and? rach came after bach so what does that change here?
because apparently rach upholds the values of the renaissance masters, according to that retard
it's not about the relationship between bach and rach. it's a type of conservative listener with very predictable sensibilities. talking about anything other than the common practice period and the 3 Bs with the sister is a waste of time
oh look, the conservative sperg is here
I answered your question here >>122457944
You still haven't answered mine.

Here's another question, do you like everything else I post or do you keep your mouth shut? If Rach makes you seethe this much I might even post it humorously every time I visit here which is quite often.
If you reply with a shitpost then I will keep posting Rach even while I don't listen to him
you’re still avoiding my question. why do you enjoy eating shit? and here’s another question for you, why do you think i give a shit about anything you post?
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Daily Rachmaninoff post.

although i should add i'm fairly certain he feigns interest in brahms for reasons unknown to anyone who isn't a schizophrenic
Mmm I love Rach and Russian componists so fucking much. It makes me so horny when I hear the emotional Russian melodies and epic chromatic runs and chordy go bang bang and then goes all soft and sensitive like my abusive boyfriend. I love movie music for elderly people
The three Bs:
>why do you think i give a shit about anything you post?
Because you keep replying ad infinitum. That means, by definition, you give a shit.
so these are the sorts of delusions that gnaw at the mind of a schizophrenic
not really, i just want to know why you enjoy eating shit.
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>i don't give a shit
>spends hours replying to every rach post he sees
Doesn't add up.

Embrace the new meme /classical/.

Your question was already answered. You didn't answer mine.
my question was avoided. answer it properly. why do you enjoy eating shit?
>my question was avoided.
Read again
So the next edition will be Rachmaninoff?
just did, nothing has changed. why don’t you try answering it again, this time without avoiding it?
how exciting, we’ve never had a shit eating edition before!
You need to learn English then.
you need to learn the difference between avoiding a question and actually answering it.
New thread
Avoiding question is not answering it. I answered your question.

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