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Is that Goreshit guy an actual pedophile? Earnest question
You tell me
>my love feels all wrong
Yes, he definitely is
>Guys is the person who uses the word 'loli' a pedophile omg!??
Idk it's just some solid breakcore with references to old 4chan weaboo/lolicon culture in the titles to be a bit shocking.
Pretty weird to come here and be a pearl-clutching faggot about it.
>Pretty weird to come here and be a pearl-clutching faggot about it.
the post election tourists are all oblivious faggots who know next to nothing about old 4chan culture. that's why loli upsets them so much
>Uoooh! I am pedophile!
We get it mane
It could've been an aesthetic ok, reasonable assumption!
Just asking a question you sensitive little faggot
>The normalfags they don't get our..you could say esoteric humor.
Your question is retarded. Why would an actual pedophile reveal it to the world so bluntly through his obviously over the top music. Fucking newfag reddit cancer
>goes on 4chan to belittle 4chan users and their humor
Woah man please stop bullying me! I'll stop watching anime if that makes me cool, ok!?
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we need /l/ back
cunny kills the plebbitor
Lol stupid. Back in the days people did not shy about being pedo. Quit larping.
Ironically you do seem to care about fitting into 4chan if you think like this. I don't have to pretend this boring crap is funny or interesting to be on this website, plenty of people in other boards have self awareness. Faggot
>Why would an actual pedophile reveal it to the world so bluntly through his obviously over the top music.
Interesting logic here
>Why would an actual pedophile reveal it to the world so bluntly through his obviously over the top music
Ask Mikko Aspa
>Why would an actual pedophile reveal it to the world so bluntly through his obviously over the top music.
Have you ever heard a nsbm band
early 4chan was unabashedly open about loli shit. there was even a jailbait board.
Yeah, I do think it's mildly funny, and I don't let cartoon drawings bother me. Go clutch pearls on reddit
Where did I say that loli shit = pedophilia, because I don't think it does
>Yeah, I do think it's mildly funny, and I don't let cartoon drawings bother me. Go clutch pearls on reddit
Your response is boring enough I don't care to continue this discussion
>if you come to 4chan, you WILL conform to its culture
Shut up you poser faggot.
The sexualization of youth in women is exacerbated in internet communities like this - especially considering the fact that this website was founded as an anime forum - and whether or not the goreshit guy is a pedophile you would be better served thinking about something healthier for your mind. He is at the very least engaging with a culture which is permissive of that sort of thing though
>Have you ever heard a nsbm band
Most of them are shy like lolicore artists. Peste Noire guys even backed up when they start to have public recognitions just a the dude from goreshit
reminder 2D is not 3D so liking 2D loli is fine (as everyone here knew that from the start)
only tourists (and gooners maybe) cant seperate fiction from irl
kill yourself tourist. you're probably a wojakshitter as well
He looks like a normal guy
You're no different from a wojakshitter THOUGH, that's the thing. Or a frogposter. You're all arbitrarily conforming to some sense of "culture" or "community", when you're all just poser faggots with no individuality missing the point. Just like people who don't understand punk or black metal. Conforming to non-conformity is still conformity.
the loli defense force has arrived.
Loli in early 20s is a fag for changing their name to appease twittertards
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not really, especially since he sold out and reduced the edginess around 2016 or so, and he has a hag wife
>Why would an actual pedophile reveal it to the world so bluntly through his obviously over the top music.
one of the main innovators in the lolicore genre, cdr, was called out for attempting to groom some teenager (too old) so it's definitely not unreasonable now
plus i've spoken with another old lolicore artist who identifies as a pedo and distances themselves from it now because they feel uncomfortable
reminder that not all lolicons are pedos, but most pedos are definitely lolicons. and that's fine!
As much as I despise the nazi shit that has become the central part of current 4chan culture, it's probably still an improvement over le epic oldfag 4chan culture, which was pure fucking cancer. The people here proudly claiming that back in the day pedoshit here was completely normal are proof of that. Also the attitude in pic related, anything goes if it is done for le lulz, no matter how psychopathic it is.
It's not a coincidence if nazis overran this place of course. This was the only shithole where they could be accepted
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Forgot the picture. This was a post on /mu/ by the way, so not even /b/ or anything like that
>back in the day pedoshit here was completely normal
it's still normal now thoughbeit
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Loliposting repels redditors
>my love feels all wrong
>anime shit everywhere
nah there'd be signs if he was
he apparently attempted suicide
trooncoded artist
It's funny how the tranny-coded breakcore scene has so many groomers and pedophile apologists in it while the supposedly scary and extremistic incelcore genre is actually just a few normies and even some genuine non-trans women.
>reminder that not all lolicons are pedos, but most pedos are definitely lolicons.
well I don't get it but ok
not a real thing
i'll explain
usually attraction to lolis is because of an attraction to cute things/cuteness aggression
on the other hand, it can be used as a substitute for pleasures by very self-conscious pedos who could have searched for abuse material instead (though it seems that's not enough for some of them (see: /tv/ and /v/ on a good day))

It's controversial and controversy gets you stream plays and bandcamp purchases unless you happen to be an industry plant. Goreshit is not an industry plant so, the only way to get through is upsetting normies. Unfortunately
>those cut scars
mmmm is he okay?
he's less harmful to children than the average rockstar/popstar/rapper
Just asking for clarification, no need to defend his honor or whatever
>and I don't let cartoon drawings bother me
that's why you waste time defending their honor on an estonian blacksmithing forum? You care way too much dude. Moetards think their lame e-girl on tumblr tier memes and boring ass neckbeard fetishes are "OWNING THE NORMALFAGS" lmao. Funny race of confident yet primitive people. Like jeets.
no, he has a lot of mental health issues including depression and schizophrenia
he's very candid about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frgpc5t_tCg
hes not a pedo
>ITT: damage control
I'm pretty sure he is a pedo but most likely just jerks off to lolis so who the fuck cares

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