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Norsecore edition
OLD: >>122433597
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
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Mornin' /meal/
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Still my favourite BM album lads.

Someone rec'd this a few threads ago and it's decent.
Seems so, all the small vendors are stocking up on osculum infame copies...
why did no one tell me Solstice did the smart thing and ditched the female vocalist
We hate women here in the metal scene. What we love is men with sumptuous toned physiques and delicious washboard abs. This music is for high T manly men, not pussy bitches with disgusting vaginas and boobs
Favorite band?
this, but I'd also like to point out that I'm not a fag
Darkened nocturn slaughtercult, hella masculine dude singing there
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Gm faggots. Listening to this agin.
she was their first good vocalist
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Based Tsjuder enjoyer.

But the supreme Norsecore is picrel.
If you genuinely believe she was better than Paul Kearns then I have no idea how you can think that outside of listening to much to your boner. She fucking ruined the songs they re-released with her on.
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Impaled Nazarene - Delirium tremens
you are wrong *heems you*
and thus, the debate has been resolved
If it wasn't produced by Pytten, I don't give a shytten.
I'd rather eat shytten than listen to pytten
Well go ahead then *poops* or else
Yeah I think I'll just listen to real black metal instead.

Not Black metal.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Poser killing black metal.
*sues you*
Now you owe me money for you being retarded
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Artist: Eminem
Album: Relapse
Song: Medicine Ball

>That's my sector, homosexual dissector
>Come again, rewind selector
>I said nice rectum, I had a vasectomy, Hector
>So you can't get pregnant if I bisexually wreck ya
*nothing happens because I'm black*
you were saying?
>Poser killing black metal.
>is most popular with posers and hipsters
I don't think he replied to a Burzum, Darkthrone, or Emperor album though?
Just because you want to shitpost about the tourist albums doesn't stop DsO being giant hipster fodder.
is it metal or cringe to wear a wife beater as a hulking 120 lbs beast?
its metal. especially if you are a junkie
Hipsters don't even exist anymore, nor would they listen to DsO over Postopticon and the rest of the atmogarbo if they were still in an existent state. Fact is that nearly every poser and tourist is busy blasting the hilarious disgrace called the "second wave" which is a collection of overglorified disney tunes with dbeats larping as metal such as Garglecock.
>Hipsters don't even exist anymore
Woefully out of touch lmao, this entire post reeks of cope to try and glorify your beloved DsO. Even if they're good, they still attract hipsters/posers/tourists like flies to shit.
You are now reminded of the "Americans worship" copy pasta
if you are employable you are a poser 2bh
>Woefully out of touch
Ironic coming from an out of touch boomer who thinks its still 2006, buck broken by a long dead social fad that stopped being a thing over a decade ago. The hipster chad reigns in the mind of the metalreject more than a transvestite in the mind of a polcuck.
>that stopped being a thing over a decade ago
Tell me you never leave your room without telling me you never leave your room.
>tfw too poor to be a degenerate drug addict
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DSO hype started late 00s and that still hipster time, drew a hipster audience and led to countless hipster fronted copycats. Well, sorry for you, I guess...
I would say the same to yourself. Probably still believe scene and goth are still things, hell at your rate you'll be screeching about British mods even a hundred years from now if you were going to die from a cadiovascular disease from a poor diet caused by low iq.
very, very based
You wanna fit any more baseless ad hominems in there chief? Every major city here has plenty of hipsters, and the one I'm in has them in droves. Keep being delusional though, DsO are hipsterbait no matter how much you cry and post shitty namecalling.
Sure Iass, keep screeching about those non-existent goths and the rest of the dead subcultures that were only a thing back when you weren't a slap head.
I'm starting to warm up to you m8
DsO hype originated from real black metal fans, SMCR is literally two inches away from being norsecore.
What a fat and ugly retard, why can't people just follow a healthy diet?
Why did you turn your trip off and reply to yourself, lass?
Is this Butcher from The Boys?
he's Finnish, he can't help it. He has the great Khans blood flowing through his veins
That's not correct. They got a little traction from their Mütiilation and Clandestine Blaze splits but the big break came with fa's ite in 07 (panopticon debuted in 08 btw) at first it was a very diverse crowd but until 2010 the amount of hipsters falling in love with the artstyle (which is the main hipster metric, they don't care about music) grew exponentially. With paracletus I'd say their fanbase was majority hipsters and the great dso copycatting of the 2010s began to ride on the success. I can't say for sure how it went after 2015 since I kinda deliberately kept away from the avant garde shit events the gave you a good overview over the dso fanbase because I couldn't stand what the audience has become.
The only "great" thing following through his veins is a great quantity of deep fried fry grease, bigmacs, and litres of diet coke.
Have you guys heard of Banjo Billy the banjo playing Jew from the promised land? https://youtu.be/WNNN_KRb0ho?si=kwhrYeHGGFkoOuzv
varg vikernes is dead. get over your shitty woodland elf larp music
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leave him alone
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This is my favourite so far: https://youtu.be/WrtBsgLbU4E?si=V73iUvuDdguDw7oB
rip legend
I can tell you from being on /mu/ in 2007 that DsO and wolves in the throne room was all those hipsters talked about
Absolutely false, SMCR was already their big break and had immediate success online which you can still go back and search the reviews for, the hype already expounding as Kenose released and the shitty splits with Mutilation and CB played no part in that. The only reason "hipsters" even know DsO exists is because of the underground praising DsO to no end.

Look at the list of all hipster bands no matter what subgenre, its all atmoshit from sludge to black metal. Burzum is their favorite black metal band by a mile. I'm sorry but DsO doesn't fit in, in reality the second wave fans just got filtered by the dissonance around the time Fas came out, while the third wave fans continued praising it and shifted almost all of modern black metal to be more dissonant in general.

The hipster narrative is not one based on reality, but instead is based on the inferiority complex of the baldcuck disneycore fans finding out that their teletubby melodys with d beats and white noise wasn't actually very extreme.

Not metal but I really like ravel
>the figments in my imagination are real so long as I keep telling myself they are
>its not just that I'm upset I was filtered
WITTR are actually great though. Or they used to be rather.

What i speak are facts. There was even one tripfag who only listened to the most hipster black metal and was proud of the fact. His name was Gears something or other
Kek mate, you can look at online reviews supporting your narrative all you want but I can exactly tell you what went on in those years from experience. It's okay to like hipster bait, happens to the best and like I said, it's never the actual music, hipsters are a fashion movement who raid the merch table and leave before the guy even played they just bought 10 tees from. But no coping and sneeding will change the fact.
What you speak are delusions and unproven anecdotes about some singular tripfag on a mongolian imageboard.
>all the verified online evidence is wrong, only my incoherent personal experience is real
Literally "in my mind, it was real".
The real crux of his argument is that 'hipsters' like atmoshit, which is why bands like Sleep are so popular, and Dso is not atmoshit at all. It's undeniable so I understand why you ignore it. But what both of you are ignoring is that Dso definitely capitalised on being the premiere BM band to be described as avant garde, before Liturgy.
This was not their doing though, is it really their fault if they happed to become popular?
Bro you realize you are the hipster here right?
Well if you can't love dso with rationalising away the fact of being hipsterbait you probably don't really like them as much as you pretend you do... Lmao
Incoherent post.
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Testo spike blasting
Should I rephrase it to:
Lmao look at this faggot coping "nooooo dso can't be hipstershit, I can enjoy them only when they are kvlt and trve cwyyies sob sob*
So you might understand it.
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Death's Spell
>to be described as avant garde
That would have been Blut Aus Nord actually, DsO pre-Fas could hardly be called "avant garde" unless even a tickling of dissonance frightens you.

Reminder that this came out in 2003, a full year before even SMCR, two before Kenose and 5 before Fas (roughly where DsO finally gained the filter that this period of BAN has).


A minimalist atmoshit band based around textures, multiple ticks for hipster palate unlike DsO.

Total loss of composure.
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Varg should collab with Brian Eno.
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Beloved here. La Valse is musical perfection.

how? via ouija board from beyond the grave?
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Kaldrad was a musical genius
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This is it, this is fucking SPEED!!!
Is this the gayop of the day, larping that varg died?
Varg should collab with Ye.
how? via ouija board from beyond the grave?
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good morning /metal/
he's dead dumbass
I was looking for a different band with this name, but this is good too.
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More Like La False because he Hard a jewish ghostwriter
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same vibes
The collective iq of y'all is like 130
Richard Lederer
ye died?
Sex metal
Yes. Metal for this feel?
Yejibros is this EP worth picking up on cassette?
nk88 - dn

No autistic cassette anon
Channeling the Power of Anons into a New Meme

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abighor are based
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Hipsters never stopped existing.
what's the name of the 90s BM band with a blond girl
Any good?
Why does /v/ fellate power metal so bad bros?

Also these types of threads are proof that "discussion about a certain subject in a board where it's off-topic is better than when it's on topic" is absolute shit, you have the same fags proclaiming all metal is le bad I'm trolling you so hard and 80IQ retards that dismiss everything that they don't know
You should own it on all formats.
No idea, but powermetal can be fun in all its cheesyness. Only that there hasn't been decent pm for years. Member talking to an anon that posted a yt playlist of current pm. It was all shit. But it's a hard balance to strike anyways you need a good vocalist and good git players while striking the thin line between enjoyable fantasy shit and absolute cringe. Lately many bands have been aiming for post post ironic cringe right away.
yeah way more fun to botpost shitty cack metal album covers and greentext varg lol
because power is fun and aware that its cheesy
>Why does /v/ fellate power metal so bad bros?
probably because /v/ are gay brown children with a terminally low IQ.
sounds like the black metal fanbase
there isn't much of a reason to listen to metal when classical exists
If they were that they’d endlessly suck off dissoshit.
lil bro, classical composers were all freemason proto-trannys running around in dresses and powdered wigs. shits gay af.


janny doesn't like gore
I want an early pressing of Hell Awaits on CD but those go for retarded prices
With all the money he earns he can't even stand a little bit of Goregrind?
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Now THIS is Black Metal.
Euronymous secretly wanted to make music like this
I can't even tell anymore if this is supposed to be ironic or not...
thorr's ham-
oh, bm
who the fuck cares
pre-'91 mayhem
Judas Iscariot
total amateur hour. one of the reasons I tend to steer clear of usbm.
Wish we got more than one release from them, that was good shit and I'm not big on doom too often.
>Tranny with a million different DSBM projects
It's kind of odd this occurred more than once
>who the fuck cares
Anon doesn't like bm
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Heil Lauri Penttilä aka Satanic Tyrant Werwolf aka Werwolf aka Graf Werwolf aka Werwf aka Vaërlv aka Graf Werwolf Von Armageddon aka aka Von ArmageddonArmageddon aka Vince "Werewolf" Venom aka Satanic Warmaster Mutilator Werewolf of Black Vengeance and Sexual Hammer aka Sexual Hammer aka Nazgul aka Nazgul von Armageddon aka Mr. Nazgul aka Nazgûl aka SW
There is no such thing, a band with a girl in it is not black metal
Someone already linked the thread
Why are random faggots currently so insecure about metal?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is deadly serious.
What is? Hiphop bubble bursting?
Some of the lyrics are fucking top tier. It doesn't publish them but you can make out bits. It could be ironic but I really don't think it is at all given they are actually a tranny.



Yes I did actually listen to both albums.
Yes they are both pretty fucking awful.
>aka Werwolf

you mean the TRUE Werwolf
It's probably just another zero self awareness spite product.
>The album was recorded after The Patient suffered a near death experience in February 2023. The writing process brought Morphine out of its hiatus.
Based let all dso haters seethe.
that's not something to be proud of
my clown make up makes me feel like a real woman
Wow, bloodywood sound like this now?
would extreme metal exist without punk?
theres no punk influence on BM. BM is surf rock. so yes.
motorhead was punk influenced and they influenced basically all extreme metal bands going forward in the '80s, so probably not, and the early thrash bands themselves were directly influenced by hardcore like discharge.
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weird looking cats
Found the upcoming project btw
Rate, anons
yes the prospect of going harder and faster is inevitable metal has had more influence on punk rather than the other way around.
I stopped listening to Sylosis after Monolith. Josh is too concerned on being plodding, proggy and "heavy" than actually writing good songs.
absolutely not, we'd only have doom metal and garbage like EUPM
punk would not exist without Metal
punk would not exist without clothing
Does punk even exist anymore? All its listeners that are left seem to come to /meal/ to seethe for some reason
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it's funny how the best teutonic thrash album didn't even come from germany
Reading these replies and laughing my ass off. It's so fucking obvious none of you even leave the house and have no fucking clue what metal or punk or rock is about. You fucking shit in losers. Keep staying inside btw, you are the exact kind we don't fucking want among us.
Someone posted a while back about punks getting together to rent a room somewhere. He said punks have more agency than metal. I agree. Punks live in dirty reality and metal lives in the clouds. A metalhead is more likely to be a schizo loner than a punk.
>to seethe for some reason
probably because their shitty genre is deader than a dodo
Metal is dead but punk is even deader.
>metal is not about music
No shit you faggot imbecile metalhead. It never was, it never will be. The 0.00001% that is, is just a lesser classical music anyway.
The Sex Pistols need to come back.
nevermind the bollocks, here's anon's demo
your metalhead "culture" is stupid and the music is all that matters
fuck off you homosexual furry
punks been dead for at least 30 years
j-dawg is that you?
Is furry more punk or metal? I'm thinking furry fits with giga-cringe symphonic gamer metal, right next to anime deviantartery.
punk is so dead that it doesn't even have its own general
Are punks even smart enough to use computers? Can they solve a captcha? How many of them would it take I wonder.
i know someone exactly like this and i will never understand why
I don't see it. Most metal guys end up as rural family ppl and with punk it's like 30% infinite welfare, 30% burguois academics after they finished college and another 30% rural family types. Metal ppl usually keep their music around because they keep their friend groups together while punks either drop into radiostation normiedom or end up tagging along with the metal ppl still around. Who of that lives more in a dirty reality I can't really say.
furry is definitely some yuropoor power metal shit, like powerwolf. furrys in general are a yuropoor phenomenon
Part of the trve aryan spirit.
Lose weight you obese poser piece of shit. Anyone who brings up classical in any way while talking about rock and metal is a certified cretin.
werewolfs are aryan
it's as if you are trying to be the most awkward person imaginable
Correct, unless we're talking about actual Classically trained composers in metal such as Heks. One of the few metal ""musicians"" that actually makes music.
>his gauge of relevancy is based on whether there are some shut in autists spamming the same thread over and over again (called a general [it's euphemism for shut in autist obsessive retardation] on some irrelevant incel website
I don't even have to try. You genetic dead ends embarrass yourselves gladly.
is this another epic Hector meme?
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what is the worst metal album you've ever heard?
hi joey
>genetic dead ends
I've been thinking. An incel could dupe a sperm bank in to accepting his sperm, and them he would multiply a thousandfold. And he could stay inside all day.
H*ctor is a piece of shit lol
Every metal album is equally dogshit pop music except maybe ~5 of them of which 2 were composed by Heks
stop rambling like an idiot and do something
love clicking into this thread just to find seething punktards coping with the fact that they have no where to turn to.
Punks should dress up in fursuits. It would be totally fringe and individual and whatever else punks like.
Minor Threat, Dead Kennedys, T.S.O.L
your not a punk lil bro you are just gay and homeless. all the real punks sold out or ODed before 1990
Flesh and the Power It Holds
room temperature IQ music
dead genre
Every time someone starts spergin about only classical being real music I remember those times I felt like fetching tickets for a philharmonic and putting on a suit just chilling and enjoying the music while looking around and looking in all those faces in annoyance of their social obligation to be there or the occasional eso wine aunt type trying to pretend getting towards enlightenment. Can only recommend, it's good music but especially if you attend the champaign greetings you realise its most zealous defenders are fake as fuck.
Correct, we prefer String Quartets here.
if you go to a classical concert you gotta wear a cannibal corpse t shirt and a battle vest
poser metal
That would be a poser behavior, since no one that has understood the Grosse Fuge would go back listening to Cannibal Corpse in any shape or form.
raw power, negative approach, angry samoans
do you wear your gown and petticoat to classical concerts?
Thought about doing that but I kinda like staring at the people there for my own amusement and you don't get the same experience when everyone is staring at you trying their best to be offended... Although nowadays I think ppl wouldn't care that much anymore, dresscode got pretty lax
>An incel could dupe a sperm bank
in your dreams you'd get filtered the fuck out straight away kek
>in my mind it was real
the first two Hell albums are still the heaviest things to be released
Evelyn "Champagne" King - Love come down
I don't see the point of going to concerts, but I would wear an Emperor or Abigor shirt at best. Even that would be cringe, in a way.
>umm yeah if I'd be a billionare and not a fucking poorfag loser I'd do X but I just don't see the point of being rich and successful lol haha
too much effort
Irrelevant analogy.
>I just don't see the point of being rich and successful
what is the point. your just going to be a rotting sack of bones anyway
ITT: bitch ass motherfuckers talking like they are hot shit or know anything about anything
nigga you be transparent af
nothing matters. fuck this gay earth.
*throws $1 bill at you*
now get your fucking shinebox, loser
*stabs you in the neck and takes your wallet*
*buys some fenty*
I'm transcribing Bach Inventions and studying counterpoint, one day I'll move onto Fugues.
sub 80 iq as expected
no one gives a shit
another thread full of retards talking about everything except music
Irresponsibly retarded post.
based average punk fan
i exclusively listen to doom
Based nihilist.
metal is for chads. punk is for beta males
so? punk isn't about music
>I'm being a worthless, talentless loser
could you at least say something new?
What went wrong?
i got no talent, why deny it?
Went on to do the possibly most boring dm ever to put his voice in the forefront but the voice quickly went to shit.
looks like I rustled some feathers kek, the entire metalcel general is seething at the truth as expected
the truth hurts no matter what
you not ending up in a tissue
Did you post those dark throne lyrics again?
Eaten your vegetables, today?
Rotting Christ
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ok if you retards are going to be baiting about punk for the rest of the thread might as well post your favorite recent punk/hxc releases.
nah. go post in in a hardcore thread in that case, punktroon.
is grindcore punk or metal?
Punk is for poor people.
fuck off
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Post tracks that will be awesome forever, even if Reddit likes them
hard mode: no Tornado of Souls
it's garbage
so its punk
delete this post
how dare you post punk in a metal general
i like how eyehategod is more punk than any punk band ever was, is more blues than any blues ape ever was, and yet is simply metal.
Finnish Black Metal in the vein of Satanic Warmaster is tied for the best style of metal with Seigneur Vomand-core French BM
Punk is for cultural spastics.
Things aren't true just because you type them out and post it
>hehehe looks like i rustled some feathers
it is true. stick to protesting for trans-kid rights or whatever it is you "punk" faggots are doing now.
you are the punk faggot here
get heemed lil bro
Punk has been sunk!
>Born: Kristian Vikernes

>Other names:
>Count Grishnackh
>Greifi Grishnackh
>The Count
>Gandalf The White
>Louis Cachet
>Varg Qisling Larssøn Vikernes


Coincidence? Probably. Perhaps not. Metal for this feel?
Only gore is real.
>Metal for this feel?
Wagner - Wotan's Farewell
moar KD-core
>band's name is ponut
The declaration has been made. Punk, is sunk. And met-tal shall reign supreme: forever. Forever!
Wtf has punk done for extreme metal? You keep forgetting black Sabbath is where most of it began you tourist pleb
not metal
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>inb4 Beneath the Remains re-recorded release in 2025
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black sabbath were definitely known for their skank beat and blast beat drumming
The best punk bands have some overlaps with metal, like the Misfits.
Good idea. I will go watch The Nutcracker this year in my Burzum shirt.
Is there any punk that is cathartic for a lone man crying in a shower?
Fuckin idiot, metal came from hard rock not Punk you effeminated tranny faggot. Go listen to green day like the faggot you are
no because punks have never been near a shower
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And best metal bands have no overlaps with punk in any shape or form. See: Obtained Enslavement.
>inb4 normalfag claims blast beats are punk invention
Neither have I; it was a metaphor.
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screamo fits that category, but it might be too gay for a metalhead
punk didnt even invent anything musically, punks just surf rock played by homeless retarded kids who cant play their instruments well
Sounds like DSBM for tryhards.
Big booty riffs
Bitch got a penis
hard, pulsating girlcock riffs
If your top 3 DSBM isn't (in no order)
>Nyktalgia - Nyktalgia
>Make A Change... Kill Yourself - Fri
>Silencer - Death Pierce Me

What is your fukking excuse?
Is there any punk that would fit in to a runescape pk video? It must fit next to In Flames and Breaking Benjamin.
get the fuck out of my general
wdym, rs pk vids in 07 already had metalcore stuff like atreyu in them
This is my general, bitch. Fuck outta here
dsbm sucks
I'm looking for punk recs. I think of metalcore being "suburban bro", not punk.
then no, 07 pk vids never featured punk aside from metalcore and pop-punk.
I am THE runescape afficianado. I know the secrets of the past.
I have been looking for RECS for bands which COULD BE (fit next to) pk-core. You see, my MMORPG is beginning development next year, and I must curate what is acceptable pk video music.
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hello based department?
aren't these Revenge lyrics
some bozo the other day was saying they don't post any of their words.
why do i even bother

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