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The Teaches of Peaches [Kitty-Yo, 2001]
Not cock-rock, bukkake-rock. And though you may be lucky enough not to know what that means, Peaches had better. Doesn't matter whether she's a performance artist, a concept rocker, a bored schoolteacher, or an expat with a gimmick. "Come on, hot rod/Give me your wad" etc. is prosex postfeminism for the age of Internet porn, in which thousands of women a day prove how cool they are by smiling through their semen facials. It's wish fulfillment for boys who make passes at girls who wear glasses. And given a beat by Chilly Gonzales's low-techno bump and grind, it's perfect for a fashion industry finally past the embarrassment of junkie chic. B-
why does a 90 year old man know what a bukkake is
Shouldn't it be The Teachings of Peaches?
how did i know before even looking it up that she was a Jew?
I'm positive that only gay men ever listened to this album.
>In an interview in URB magazine, she recounted how growing up she experienced antisemitism; on her walks home from school, students from a nearby Catholic school would throw stones at her and call her a "dirty Jew."
Why do I get the sixth sense that this story never actually happened and was completely made up?
Because it's happened six million times.
I have no words here...
you posted 5
Canadians would be far too polite for that anyway especially when she was growing up. As late as the 90s there was a really negative reaction to attack ads mocking Jean Chrieten for a facial twitch caused by a stroke, something he couldn't help.
his generation created the Sexual Revolution and he lived through the era when porno theaters lined every city block. of course he'd know what a bukkake is, why wouldn't he?
peaches is great, kinda surprised christgau likes her
B minus means it's only fair and this review originally appeared in his 2001 Turkey Shoot column where he put all the year's shittiest albums in.
>Not cock-rock, bukkake-rock.
Is this sentence saying that
A) It's not cock-rock or bukkake-rock
B) It's not cock-rock and it's bukkake-rock
I miss the great video; someone posted it here a few months ago
has anyone heard the entire album? never desired to
I don't really get what this dude's actually trying to say most of the time. Way too concerned with the perceived image and politics of music.
I know her because that one song was playing in the strip club in Lost in Translation
Because it never actually happened and was completely made up.

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