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>Beginner Lessons

>Chords and inversions


>Maintenance & more

>Buzzing frets?

>Music theory:

>Ear training:

>Large repository of tabs, books, and more

>Steve "The Italian Stallion" Vai's Ten Hour Workout
>Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2
>Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
>Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene
>Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
>Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
>Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

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I just want a Vandenberg so bad bros
what is more importante for you, the shape or the color of that guitar?
>thinks the beauty of this beauty is just shape or color
Anon, I …..
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well it sounds bland like any 80s superstart ever
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When did you head a Vandenberg?
i listened to the solo of Here I go Again on my own, like a homo I was born to walk alone
It he was playing a Fernandez on that track…..
before the superstrat cringe he was playing a Les Paul in Vandenberg and actually had a decent tone
but i ain't dissing his supersrat either. it was one of the tastiest designs in that category. much cooler than Steve Vai's carry-handle JEM
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are G&Ls real Fenders?
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I'm in search for a left-handed Strat I could modifiy to a righty. Might me MIM for all I care
Who’s the loser playing the 335?
try google dipshit this isn't a search engine
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Chris Cornell from Soundgarden
As much as I like Joe Pass, the Al thread wins by 15 seconds.
Na. I’ll stay here until the end.
Al is gayAF. Not as gay as froosh, but gayAF none the less.
Al's thread lacks sticky, an importante feature of any guitar thread
Chris Cornell from the 007 Casino Royale soundtrack
Ah yeah. He even sound terrible when he doesn’t sing.
Sad what happened to him. I still hope he was doing the erotic asphyxiation thing and not actually trying to kys himself.
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RIP Craig's thread
Chris Cornell is far from a loser. Fuck off.
John is not gay. Fuck off. He gets more women than you can dream of.
Chris doesn't sound terrible at all. He had an amazing voice and he wrote some good riffs.
>duncan designed
>floyd rose special
hard pass
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Joey! Joey Pazzarino!
If you’re dead, you’re pretty much a loser
And John will be dead on thanksgiving , thanks to you.
Incorrect. Life isn't a gift, it's not something that can be won. It's a cruel joke.
Chris is not a loser. Layne is not a loser. Frusciante isn't and will never be a loser. They are all legends with incredible talent who are far more impactful than you will ever be.
RIP this gorgeous man
this is a real jope ass thread
imagine if she did that to your cock
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is it worth it to get into opening tunings and slide?
1st 4 never shittin/gg/ cum
I’m more famous than those losers.
I wanted to see if /gg/ approved before i busted out my wallet, I'm thinking about getting a ebony 70s Les Paul deluxe. It's probably the only vintage gibson i will be able to afford
Yes, get it. Don't let the other losers ITT tell you otherwise.
That's one nice looking guitar.
kinda cool yea
you might wanna swap out the tuners for some grovers tho bc the stock tuners on a lot of the 70s lp's don't stand the test of time
you guys want to play a game?
i have my guitar plugged into my amp.
>i have on one guitar and one amp, they do not change
>you cannot ask questions about the gear itself
>you may request playing samples
>you must guess the guitar and amp
i'd buy it but i'd have a luthier slap some real PAF-like humbuckers innit. Those mini humbuckers were a failure.
kek fuck off troon
She’s embarrassed to be pretending to play a squire lmao
This bitch has no talent
Literally who
let me take a wild fuckin' guess
>some garbage cheap modeler or interface
>amazon pedals or daw emulated pedals
no no and no. you need to be more specific. do you want a playing sample?
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Just here to say fuck schizos and the train they walked in on.
No take your dumb ego game and go fuck yourself
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that's right, keep on walkin' bitch
Go grab a rope, a chair, and go make your parents proud for the first time in forever. Fuck off with this dumb shit.
give us a sample
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fuck you, i like it
Am I right in thinking if I learn a scale, say E minor, that I can then just fuck around with those notes on top of a song in the key of E minor?
here's your $9,000 guitar, sir
is this you?
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This is not Craig. he wouldnt post that pic
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J mascis neck swap soon!!!
Im still waiting on the proper size neck bolts as well as the pickup covers and knobs
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you are right.
i am not craig.
fender does not make the guitar I want for any kind of money.
I want a sunburst body, jumbo size frets and a wider neck at the nut, with the vintage-correct trem placement.
What music should i pyut on while i pass out from food
music is for sex and relaxation.
passing out from food calls for a podcast.
>pass out from food
diabetic american enters the chat
Thanks. I never seem to be able to find instructional videos that actually explain the point of the things they teach.
also, 9.5 fret radius with a mustang bridge without any unnecessary electrical bullshit tacked on like on the ampro ii or ultra jazzmaster
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sounds like tubes to me. nice tone. nice touch and vibrato. good feel. very emotive.
also soul and definitely craig
thanks anon.
i assure you though that i am not craig.
tubes are cooling down now.
maybe i'll come back another day, maybe i'll mic my cab up instead of using a laptop mic, maybe you can guess my rig.
What do I think of this guitar /gg/
It is satin finish, what do I think of that?
i don't like it.
i don't like the sg style. i don't like epihone. i don't even like gibson all that much after owning several. tune-o-fagget bridge is junk imo. p90s are better cumhuckers but single coils is my preference.
With minor scales you have to be a little careful, because if you just look up “e minor scale” it is probably going to give you the natural minor scale, and most songs in minor keys steal a note from the major scale to make the dominant chord major. (That’s what the harmonic and melodic scales are in tldr version) so using the 7th step of the scale you find on the internet might be a little sketch. It can also fit in and sound cool though. That’s music

But for major scales it’s exactly what you said.
No. G&Ls are the inexplicable creations of a dementia-ridden old man who was surrounded by Yes-Men sycophants who would not stand up to him. Real "emperor-has-no-clothes moment in guitar history.
Fender Japan is the real Fender.
Thanks for your input. I’m more wondering what people who like Gibson style guitars think.

I’m looking for a working guitar because I already have a MIA tele, so using a Gibson would be a little dumb. I also still feel weird about epiphones but I’ve noticed that younger people kind of don’t seem to care these days.
What do I think of fender Indonesia /gg/ because I think I like this guitar
What string sizes do you use? 9-42 is what I'm used to but I notice a significant reduction in the sound quality the lighter gauge I go. Meanwhile I'm developing carpal tunnel and after putting 11,16, 20 on the high strings I've got blood blisters forming under my fingernails. Is there a certain material I could use in like 8-38 that would sound less thin and tinney?
Would look cool with a dollar bill sticker.
Actually it really would. Are you like that guy who directed Kids or something
well i'll add some more info for you. the sg has four big problems.
>weak neck joint
>neck is wobbly and unstable (you go out of tune easily)
>because of the weak neck joint they can have poor sustain and often suffer from dead notes beyond the 12th fret
>often poorly balanced and will suffer from neck dive
from a design perspective the sg is pretty bad and unless you find a really good one it may suffer from a lot of these annoying problems. if you want a gibson style guitar then i would go with a les paul over an sg any day.
kids these days are faggot zoomers. don't listen to them. you could probably just stick with your MIA tele and be fine. but whatever.
r/Guitar sucks balls
I use the pink slinkies don’t flame pls

I really wish this brand made electric guitar strings but I wonder if it’s possible. Basically they do this thing where instead of having to use strings of different thickness they can just alter the density via material composition so all the strings are the same thickness but hold their tunings.
I guess doing it with electric guitars would be an entirely different science with a bunch of metallurgy wizardry involved.
Anyway these strings are cool. I worked for a luthier who is quite reputable around my area for awhile and he had a fondness for ukuleles. He had these on all of his, he would put them on ones that came in the shop with d’addario strings
guess the rig is hard

epiphone has better ideas than gibson

based harmony korine gummo enjoyer
>carpal tunnel
you sure? what is going on? what do you feel and what is happening?
8's are gonna sound weak no matter what you do.
i use 10s on my tele right now. but i have used 8s before and they sound so much weaker it's insane. it will depend on your rig. some rigs are more reactive to string gauge, on others it doesn't matter as much.
if you are having a problem with bending then you can just use regular strings for the wound strings and go lighter on the plain strings. old 60s/70s trick.
not sure about string material. i think it really comes down to how much metal is in the string. less metal, less signal, less tone. not sure they make 8s with nickle wrap.
plain strings are all the same. they are just plain steel. the only strings that come in different materials are the wound strings.
electric guitar stings have to be steel. can't use acoustic brass strings or whatever those gay things are made of. fucking grandpa shit.

I appreciate all the info. I’m kind of just moving into electric guitar seriously after mostly being an acoustic instrument player with electric instruments around. I had rented a SG tribute and really really enjoyed it, but I did notice a bit of the tuning thing. I found that I really want a double cutaway guitar. The neck dive thing is ironically not an issue with those maple necked tributes but it probably would be with this epi. Can you redpill me on what you think of the DC Les Paul? Or alternatively just what is the best “Les paul, but double cut” in your opinion

As regards the tele I’m moving to Tokyo and I don’t want to bring it with me right away, gonna leave it with me dad. I’m weighing buying something cheap but giggable before I go or just picking something up at like the Tokyo fender store when I get there.
the dc les paul is practically identical to the sg in regards to the issues i outlined. they both have the weak neck joint, wobbly neck, dead notes, and neck dive. dcs look much better than sgs though so there's that.
oh btw.. you can literally take the tele with you in your carry on. just unbolt the neck. when you get to china you can screw the neck back on and you'll be good to go. some working musicians are known to do this for fly in gigs cause checking a guitar into baggage is basically retarded.
>wobbly set neck
get a load of this guy
Huh. I did like know it’s bolt on but I’m just a cautionfag. Is unbolting it retard proof? Because I’m a retard.

The telecaster is kind of just the best option, I could just spend on an amp then once there.
Bros do any of you know where to get guitar blueprints? I mean ones with actual dimensions and not complete dogshit. Bonus points if there's a top and side view that actually line up
The one I have right now, the neck is 17" on the top view, 23" on the side view, and it's supposed to be 24.7" irl.
it's pretty simple.. i guess the most important thing is to totally slacken the strings first. just be careful not to mess up the thread when you screw it back on. i've taken my tele neck off before. no big deal for me but i am pretty handy.
just look up some vids/forums on how to do it i guess.
If the biggest thing is just watching out for ruining the thread then I think I can handle it. Im just surprised you don’t take the strings off entirely?
doesn't hurt to remove the strings completely. it's certainly better because the strings can get all tangled. the point is you don't want to try to remove the neck while the strings are tensioned because all hell will break loose and you'll fuck up the thread for sure.
this dork has pretty decent and concise info. worth a watch if you are considering it.
the only other thing i would mention is that the neck pocket might be tight, or it might be loose. the neck might be little bit stuck from tension or even just residual paint that acts like glue.
also, sometimes there is a shim (a piece of paper) inside the neck pocket. if that is the case then make sure to put the shim back in the right spot.
my girlfriend teaches kindergarden and we're both trying to write a folk song about a dinosaur named mike

I would give it the 54 custom treatment. black plastics and staple P90s
my girlfriend is a big tiddy goth. she comes over on the weekends to cook for me, give me long slow sloppy blow jobs and tit fucks, and then i pound her tight wet pussy for a good 2 to 4 hours when we get in bed.
she claims to play bass but i write all my own songs i and would never lower myself to playing music with a woman (unless she was a singer).
Thanks for all the info anon!

Just as another general question and since it seems to be something you care about, do you think the Les Paul Axess (with the Floyd rose) is noticeably gimped in sustain by the extra routing?
I’m not really considering getting one anytime, I just saw the new ones in the catalogue and was curious.
>not a chad wraparound
into the trash
dude I laughed so hard. Honestly, one of the best memes I've ever seen on this site. I wish I could give you an upvote! Haha
Downvoted for sexism >:(
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for me it's
hmm.. is there a new version of that? it probably doesn't help sustain and tone to weaken the neck joint. that being said, from what i recall those still have a decent chuck of wood on the upper horn which is connected to the neck. that's a big part of the problem on double cuts.. when that top horn gets cut away from the neck you lose a ton of contact between the neck and the body.
so i would guess those les pauls (while super gay) are not as bad as and sg or a dc in that regard.
but man.. what is the fascination with upper fret access? you'll be fine without that nonsense. plenty of great players do fine without that nonsense. shit, classical guitar players even get up there without any cutout at all.
It’s really good, but I do wonder if it’s actually what kids would find interesting.
It sounds more like adventure time theme type vibes. Like twee adults. I don’t mean that in a bad way but look at the songs that kids actually like, Baby Shark par example. They do a lot more for rythmic interest. It feels like you’re writing for adults is what I’m saying I guess. I do think it’s very good though, but I think adults would be turned off by the lyrics and kids just wouldn’t know what they’re listening to.
maybe we'll take another pass at making the lyrics simpler this is a good point. I don't really know how to write songs for kids. Pretty sure she teaches pre-kindergarden thru 2nd grade
You can get upper fret access on single cut away or even just a round body acoustic but you can’t play in position with your thumb giving a proper pivot and the ability to play proper bars up past the join to the body. I do a lot with playing in position and also transcribe from piano so it would be useful. I just like the idea of opening that up if I’m going to buy a second electric anyway.
I would try to add some rythmic stops in the chording etc as well to grab attention. Your broken chording is really really pretty but it’s like too sophisticated for the chillun’s. It’s like smooth jazz in a biker bar.
well, the trade off is not worth it for me. but obviously there are ton of guys that use sgs and have for years. so obviously it works for some people. i'm not racist, just don't like em.
Fair. Here’s one of the newer (I don’t think it’s 2024 but it’s still stocked in Japan apparently) Axess. The finish is pretty early 2000s desperate clinging to relevancy slash but I kind of like it
even the best floyd rose can be a bummer. all those wang bars are a pain the ass. also, floyd rose is just too over the top. at least a bigsby or regular strat tremolo is more subdued. floyd rose just always sounds tacky.
trash whale dying sound, why don't you crank that reverb some more chief.

more of the same

craig has much more sovl and isn't afraid to play into the mic like you are

why is it so quiet
I’ve actually never owned one but I guess I feel like if I’m going to go one I would go all the way. I can make a reasonable mimicry of bigsbys and fender trems with just my fingers with the exception of like, chords using open strings. But Floyds let you do a lot of things you just can’t do with your fingers. Kind of the same reason I’m curious about double cuts I guess.
Never owned a guitar with a trem* I mean
do you think I could just strum it and sing slower
no reverb effect. that's actual reverb from the big echoey room. quiet because laptop mic. no mic tonight.
Would probably do desu. Maybe try both and see what your girlfriend thinks. It’s probably brownie points at least
oh trust me it is a massive attempt at brownie points but it's also a cute way for us both to get involved with each other's worlds
Did he ever get that patent? Or is it still pending?
Love a creamy p90
let me give you some advice man. cut out all the cutie shit you are doing cause that girl is going to lose all respect for you if she hasn't already.
you gotta stop acting like a boy and be a man. could you picture a real man doing all this gay cutie shit with a girl? of course not.
and also, not sure if you can even manage this but at the end of the day you gotta take the pussy from her. you gotta really use her for your own pleasure. it's time for you to grow up and be man. never ever eat a pussy or ask her what she likes or what she wants for god sake.
something tells me you are beyond help and that you are on your way to being a mega cuck but at least i tried. at least i tried.
leo is kill
>garbage LP
>most boring color combo ever
Who’s at the wheel at Gibson?
you're hilarious
Idk for sure definitely some tendon thing. Also had to get a cortisone shot in my hand for trigger finger from playing too much lol. Guess I'll just have to deal with it.
That would be great. The tactile thing is also big for me playing super detuned guitars with thick strings feels the best.
It’s Canadian money it’s like 10 dollars us.
>worst colour
Thanks for the tip.
Take off. Like 10$ is a lot in Canada, eh.
Those fretboards look dry af. Hate that about new Gibsons
does anybody have one of those 5-watt 8" speaker amps? could be a fender champ or one of those supro supers or whatever
They do be looking real poopy but they honestly usually feel fine. I mean there have always been Gibson lemons and dirty fretboards. I like an ebony board for some reason I feel like in this case ebony on ebony finish would look tacky
I really want the latter. Basically a two-trick pony. I want a small amp that sounds good turned almost all the way down and sounds good turned all the way up for under a thousand bucks.......
I have the Vox AC4. It has a 10 inch speaker so I don’t know I’m just adding noise to your question, but I like it for a practice amp or micing it in a closet to get super dirty sounds. I did get the first release before they added onboard reverb which will make me feel eternally cucked though
sounds shit man. don't even have any advice for you. the human body is a drag.
is it possible at all that you could turn the knobs all the way up and record that on your phone and vocaroo it for me

if you can't it's ok
I can, but it’s gonna have to wait til tomorrow. I’ll fiddle around with it tomorrow afternoon and post in the thread.
alright maybe I'll check back they look pretty cool actually and I just need a better amp to study and jam with while I'm going to college that isn't professional level / price
If you have weakness in grip strength you have to take a break for at least a month, tendons need longer to heal than muscles, you can lightly play but nothing strenuous at all, follow up with an ice bath for the entire arm as cold as you can tolerate for at least 2 minutes then massage the arm while running warm water over it to return blood. If you feel knots in your tendons you definitely need to take a break
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let me guess. you need more?
Yeah the distortion on those things is straight ass water
For my fender Rhodes? No.
For a guitar, yes.
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too many knobs
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I guess the plain-Jane AC15C1 is a really good amp.
eh. i have one. it's just okay. they will all be in landfills one day because they are really not spectacular. there is better shit out there if you got the money.
i never used to distortion channel on mine. if i wanted dirt i used pedals. the cleans are great and it has real spring reverb.
had the updated version of this. if fender sold one without the dirty channel it would be my ideal amp
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>his amp changes channels
>like a tv
Um no. You need the celestion blue speaker. Ideally the hand wired version. That's where you get the real Vox tone.
All I know is I like hot licks, and I like hot chicks. Get in the way of either of those and I'll sock you one.
You'll sock a hot chick for me? Cool. Can I choose which one?
Is it only words you want to put in my mouth, big guy?
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Psionic audio and 5 watt world collab

half these links dont work what gives OP
anyway newfag here. i wanna learn more about guitar brands, makes, models, whatever. anyone know any good resources for that kind of thing?
Yeah try disdyq. I've heard it can help.
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>thread bot spammed up to 150 posts in 6 hours
>then suddenly ZERO posts in the last 3 hours


its 4 am man people sleep are you dumb, not everyone is a third shifter like me what u want
I summon the Australians.
>people sleep
The entire world is asleep? He's right, it's bizarre.
I mean im not you aren't you are leaving out some data bro.
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I mostly use my katana go and before that a Line 6 pod studio GX with headphones, but i have pic related
lets hear a sweet riff
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>I mean im not you aren't you are leaving out some data bro.
My apologies, I tend to forget you "people" exist. By all means, carry on.
Man I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
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People like you are the reason the turing test is just a terrible method.
You're retarded. The "chatbot" is a real person posting chatgpt prompts to fuck with schizos like you, think about the logic of your insinuation and realize there is no monetary gain.
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>People like you are the reason the turing test is just a terrible method.
>You're retarded. The "chatbot" is a real person posting chatgpt prompts to fuck with schizos like you, think about the logic of your insinuation and realize there is no monetary gain.
they need to make one with a 12" speaker. the 8" sounds too thin. Japanese fusion guitarists used 100 watt 2x12 versions of these in the 80s
are they doing an onlyamps?
take the nueral DSP pill and go full modeling
Yamaha need to bring back the OG revstars.
John Frusciante uses .6 orange dunlop tortex picks. You definitely don’t need a thick heavy pick to be a great player or a good tone.
theres something boring and unnatural about revstars, sg2000s were better
why you only hear about P90s in internet forums all day, but nobody actually plays them?
That's just a modified copy of a LP Junior
can you do something like this >>122481119
with real t rex sounds
Whats the point. Last time I played on an ibanez people said it was gibson les paul standart
special. lp jrs are allure guitars
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the SG200 were my favorite but they will never reissue those.
your ibanez is a what
My ibanez is apparently a gibson les paul according to /gg/ users
All guitars sound the same. It's just strings, pickups, amp, how it feels. Dumble and Paul can talk about the crystalline matrix of tone wood lignin.
Ams a ve/gg/emite kind of /gg/uy
what are marmite and vegemite like? molasses or dark fruit?

Ask ur mum
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holy shit, i didn't know about these.
salt. its made from yeast extract. someone took the leftovers from brewing bear and made it a spread
and what are these exactly
slightly modified strat copies
Ryan Jarman and his brothers signature models.
They sound good but people see them as a niche thing and don’t want to spend 3 grand to get a guitar with p90s.
Now that epiphone has more interesting models with them maybe we’ll start to see more people actually playing them
For me it’s the Nashville Strat, in Aztec gold of course

>double cut
>telecaster switching and pickup config
It’s perfect
I'm not sure how into modding guitars this general is, but any of you guys have experience with internal wiring? Trying to find good documentation on capacitor values and potentiometer resistance is difficult. All the actual pages with oscilloscopes and long write ups are in Japanese. All the English language stuff I could find is tone-wood adjacent mumbo jumbo "feel" crap.
somehow, I think its very possible to include an original TS9 as part of the internal guitar circuitry and control it from a tone knob, but it doesn't seem anyone has done this. Personally, I hate seeing pedals and just want the guitar, wire, and amp, simple and clean.
I almost got a Katana go, but people sell Waza-airs on reverb for sub 200 constantly so ended up getting a pair of those instead. Gotta say, 90% of my playing is also Waza-air and Katana Artist. I joke around about selling it, but I'll keep my 69 reverb deluxe till I die, too much emotion there.
I can’t recall seeing guitars with onboard boosts, ODs etc but it seems to be a fairly common high end thing in the bass world. I don’t know if it’s what you’re looking for or if it will be applicable to a guitar but you might want to look into the Darkray as a production example. https://www.music-man.com/instruments/families/basses/darkray

Besides that I might be able to help you with some of the Japanese stuff. I work as a freelance translator. Sometimes I’m pretty useless if I don’t have much knowledge of the material being discussed in English in the first place, which might be the case here, but I could give it a try.
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Adding onboard effects was more of a 70s 80s thing. There are some current $1 chips that work pretty well for boosting or clipping circuits.
for me, it's the Patent Pending effect
I prefer patent applied for, but to each their own pleb.
Is “whirlwind” just like a Leslie cabinet sim?
idk. It's a Kay effector and you can buy one for $380.
Bros I wish I were Joe Pass. He always seemed to be having so much fun with the guitar, he'd just pick it up and come up with something on the spot, that's what I aspire to.
He's an excellent example of virtuosity that doesn't lose sight of melody or memorable moments.
just plug in a tank tone cartridge into your electra mpc
I was into DIY pedals a couple of years ago, built a TS, big muff, a delay, a dynacomp, some octave fuzz, maybe a few others I can't remember
pic related is my TS (was my first build, started etching afterwards), I don't think fitting this would be as easy as you think unless you make more space, the most compact you can possibly do is point to point soldering and that would still be difficult to fit in for a circuit as relatively simple as a TS, there's a reason people just use pedals, it's still the best way
what people do for this is use high gain pickups, perhaps most famously Ian MacKaye of Fugazi check out the 1m mark in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WHAnkJFOMs

if you're interested in pedals I can link some websites from where I got the circuits, the circuits diagrams cannot be patented so they are freely available, it's just the circuit design and the names and looks of the pedals that can't be copied and even here there's plenty of leeway.
use vero. You're making life way more difficult.
>Looking at some local bands who are playing...locally
>Mainly cover bands
>Randomly see Barenaked Ladies in there

I thought these guys were big bros? How did they fall off so much that they're playing meme places for £30?
Finally a Jag-Stang that makes sense
he calls it a Mus-uar
It's been... two decades
maybe three
you would think they'd still benefit from the bazinga bump
>Crying frog with pocket watch zooming past.jpg
It's so over.

That was what I thought. They'd fallen off a bit, but with the theme tune it had maybe given them a little bump back to prominence. These tickets are only £2.50-£5 more than the cover bands. I think there might have been original bands charging even more than they are.
Sad to see it end up like this.
They were loud about their pandemic stance and it was a mismatch with the majority of their audience
Ah I didn't know that. Makes a lot more sense now.
>It’s perfect
Not for me at least. I want a contoured alder strat body, individual saddles, Tele bridge and Strat neck p.u., needs to both be Alnico V fuck ceramic. No middle p.u. Thin D-shape maple neck with maple fretboard and walnut skunk stripe and medium-jumbo frets. The Goldmember paint job can stay.
Also I’m pretty sure the current iteration is only one of the dudes. The one who sang originally not the rapper IIRC. But seriously regardless of what your stance is imagine releasing this at the beginning of the pandemic when your entire audience is college educated huwhites


Just kind of salt in the wound for them that the tube actually slaps, I imagine
>Lyrics: 10/10
>Music: barf
I like most of your improvements, but I love the tele neck lipstick tube. The combo of lipstick tube and the bridge pickup is like the duality of man and why the original tele is the best guitar
It’s a pretty 10/10 move to absolutely torpedo your own career for what you believe in, I’ll give him that.

Nice. I have the red one with lacquered fret board. I actually prefer the laquered fret board better
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Tele neck pickups are not lipsticks my man. Think of it more as a small strat pickup with a chrome cover.

Lipsticks use one long bar magnet instead of individual pole pieces, they usually measure around 3k. Totally different beast.
>their pandemic stance
I know they’re not the same as those ones you see on like arch tops etc, but always read in the old magazines that the lipstick tube did a lot for the tone and I’ve always liked it on my tele. Maybe it’s boomer voodoo but it’s my boomer voodoo

They are exactly the kind of band that would do a dried up flyover college tour.
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dangerously based
It has come to my attention that my partscaster has a nut that is cut too high. Do I:
a) Try to cut it lower with crude tools I have
b) Commit a set of nut files
c) Just get a drop in graphtech nut
d) Bring it to guitar center
My clearance between first fret and strings is between 0.018-0.020 when capo'd just after second fret, it's absurd and I should have noticed it before stringing, but then strings were needed for the rest of the setup.
It's dangerous to go alone, take this
I keep getting noise in my signal and im not sure where cause it's still in the green on my focusrite

e) remove material from the bottom of the nut?
Maybe it's because in addition to his virtuosic solo performance style he was also amazing at playing in a single-voice style. Check out his version of Relaxin' at Camarillo
take nut out, run bottom on sand paper, fit and glue
Thanks, going for the bottom
>my partscaster
Let me see!
Just housed four mega burritos from a food truck. Feeling fuled up and ready to play. Gotta eat bi/gg/ to play bi/gg/.
How many calories do you eat during an active music creation day?
Well, it depends. Usually when I wake up I'll eat 6 eggs and a loaf of bread. After that I'll have 4 sweet potatoes and 3 cups of brown rice with a large protein shake. Than I'll have a large lunch usually from a food truck. And for dinner usually three triple whoopers. Not big into counting calories so I'm not sure. I go by how the body feels.
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reminder that the current "american" fenders are not "MADE IN USA" and are trash

MADE IN USA is a legal term protected by the government to ensure products are actually built by americans in america. Fender is scamming their customers by having guitars built in Mexico then finishing them off in California
big if tru
Buy American!
>kidney beans
Gross, I thought I was buying an American guitar not a beaner one
California is Mexico
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Anything wrong with the Fender Tone Master amps?
they sound fine but are overpriced. considering they are solid state
Worth trying to find a deal on a used one?
if you are okay with vintage try to find a Lab Series L5 or L7. they are solid state as well and sound close to a twin reverb. BB king and Ty Tabor used them. they were made by MOOG for gibson
Yeah they're shit for what you get. This is fenders first modeler. One amp model and two cab irs and you cant add anything else. Get a blues junior if you want a speaker or get a real modeler
Me gusta. Isn't your string spacing at the bridge a little too wide though?
>in america
>by americans
It is 2 7/32
How the fuck do I double strum without fucking up the rhythm or missing strings on the upward strum? This is especially a problem when the chord changes between the first and second strum.
There’s been a sg2000 for sale here locally I’ve been wanted to pick up, but still balking.
who's the most accomplished musician to use a gibshit? ted nugent? loool
I'm not sure I understand the question
Why would it be different on the upward pick?
If you have to play the full chord then play the full chord lol
Prolly slash, lmao
what about Jimmy Page?
oh i forgot adam jones too, the 0-3-5 guy
jimmy loves his yardbirds tele more than anything. watch him light up when he gets to talk about it
When you're using the high strings, or presumably any strings, on anything past around the 12th fret, should you use your pinky or just use your ring finger? I'm talking about something like if your index and middle are on 13 and 14 should use your ring for 15 and 16 (if it calls for it) rather than using your pinky on the 16th? It just seems like it's really cramped in there to be using all four fingers, but at the same time if you have four fingers shouldn't you be using them?
I'm not talking about for things like chords of course. I mean more like if you're going back and forth for a riff or a lick or whatever.
I have no guitar teacher obviously and my "technique" is made up entirely on the fly because I'm retarded hence why I'm asking /gg/.
I see. I guess I'm used to seeing 2 1/16 so yours imeediately stands out to me as being wider. Cool guitar!
lol holy shit. These are overpriced Mustangs.
solid state trash
it is one of their most successful scams to date,many retards fall for this because it is named after their most popular amps
I'm sure something about my technique is off, I've never had lessons and never really learned a lot of technique formally, just mimicked what I've seen others do.
When double strumming on a single string and changing frets on that string (e.g. the intro to Master of Puppets) I consistently miss the string on the upward strum, and when strumming a full chord (e.g. the verses in Judas Priest's Tyrant) I feel like the pick is getting caught and it throws off my rhythm.

Maybe I'm not holding the pick right or something, idk.
>strumming patterns
thanks, hope it still works after i'm done with the nut
There isn't really any rule, although ideally you can use your pinky for the simple reason that more fingers gives you more options
But if you're more comfortable using your ring finger there's nothing inherently wrong with it.
That might be true or he might just be remembering the old days. Caus ehe playe dthe Les Paul live for most of Led Zeppelin
>Master of Puppets
>upward strum
I mean I can play it all single strummed too, I just assumed that was wrong.
Im trying to pull off over three frets with myy pinky, middle and index and I can't really do it. Do I just keep trying? My teacher says it's important. I an hammer on that way but i cant get the pull off
Thanks bro. That's sort of what I was thinking. It's just when I've watched a lot of other people do certain things they seem to rarely ever use their pinky when they could and thought there might be some technical reason for that.
It's hard to give advice without hearing your playing but it sounds like you're either damping the strings (with either hand) or you might be trying to play too fast
The intro to MoP is just downstrokes though.
Zakk Wyled
I'm wondering if I need to hold the pick lower down against the strings, and probably grip it harder. I don't think I have a good way of recording it right now though.
all downstrokes

all upstrokes
>Lab Series L5 or L7
I have no issue with vintage or spending more money on something new and better. I'm looking for a something with good reverb to pair with a bass IV. I've only ever had acoustic guitars.

Modelers don't sound appealing. Want problems could I run into with vintage vs new tube amps?
>Want problems could I run into with tube amps
Sometimes you've simply had too much pussy and want a break. Get lost ladies!
Oy vey
just go to your local music store
I thought the Blues Junior was just a meme, but I played one at the studio today and was blown away, bros.
>his guitar doesn't have a dual blade
laughinggirls.gif leonardo.png
I tried to tell em and they wouldn't listen, bro.
>4 coils
Are they all in series? How does this work different from just 2?
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>Needing more than one coil

Y'all nerds NEED Jesus.
You can’t be upset with them. We try and tell you a lot of things, yet you don’t listen.
>treble: gone
>mids: compressed to the point of hitting critical mass
>lows: mashed potatoes
one who speaks to mountains, calls for avalanches
Whatever topples the mountains to prevent further damage
>>mids: compressed to the point of hitting critical mass
just scoop the mids bro
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>this thread
Tell me things like what, guy?
what's the best bass amp on the used market?
You are the single most dysgenic person to ever breathe air. Swear to god. You’re going to act like you won because I called you a fucking retard, but we all know you put way too much energy into this to just be a troll. This is your entire life. It would kill you to just leave something unanswered here.
I win
fender rumble 500
Boy that floofer is hecking MAD doe!
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>this post
Oh lawd dey be angry cats all over dis piece y'all!
Ampeg BA115
also known as the BALLS amp lol
not loud enough to play with a loud rock band
>BALLS amp
well anon asked for the best amp with no context and he got his answer
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Would you the pink power rails?
rock sucks anyway
>I thought the Blues Junior was just a meme, but I played one at the studio today and was blown away
this. I remember when I turned 13 my dad came home on Christmas Eve and gave me a BJ and it changed my life
John Sykes
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I was a shy kid and got bullied when I was young. I was poor, raised by a single mom who waited tables at a roadside diner.
My mom loved music and got me a beat up sears guitar for Christmas, but I didn't have an amp. I still played the hell out of it every day.
When I was 13, on the last night of Chanukah my mom surprised me and gave me a BJ
I was blown away.
I still have it, and when my son is old enough I'm going to give him a BJ
a truly (((inspirational))) story
I kinda feel like it would be more fun to sell a BJ than to buy one.
I need a new amp eventually, memes aside what's a good amp to get? I have a 35 watt orange crush and I almost feel like getting another orange amp cause it seems to take pedals well and I know what it sounds like.
For me it's the Fender Blues Jr.
Do you need more power? If not then you could maybe just try a different speaker in it and some pedals.
what do you like about it?

I dont think i need more power, but the clean channel makes horrible noises when i turn the knob and ive tried using deoxit on it already. Was actully considering getting the same amp and running it stereo sometimes cause i liek the amp alot
the katana go slices through your citrus
Like milkshakes and deep fried Cadbury crème eggs aren’t good for you for breakfast, or for warming up tubes. They aren’t real eggs.
I play a dual terror through a katana waza 2x12 cab
Would be pretty cool to have dual Leslie cabinets. I would have a Blues Xr. going into one, and a Roland jazz chorus going into the other. The signal chain going to the Roland would be clean and have heavy univibe and spring reverb. The BJ signal chain would be the ds-1 providing the distortion with heavy chorus from multiple pedals going into the BJ with its gain all the way up and zero reverb. Each signal going into its own Leslie. Would be extremely fat out.
Maybe just needs the pot replaced idk.

If you like orange amps maybe try pic related with a cab.
cumshitter shitting out the cum after being raped twice in missouri lol
>plugging shitboxes into a leslie
typical loser fantasies
Oh yeah? Tough guy?
wheres the new thread?
Im afraid to start one again because last time i got a warning

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