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Metal is boring chud music so you can just avoid this problem entirely
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if people are so worried about the music they like being made by nazis then maybe they should ask why the both like the same music
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I didn't need a warning to know that
Luckily metal hasn't been totally infiltrated yet. Even on rym NSBM albums still get high ratings and if the reviewer cares to to mention their views he usually writes something like "nazis bad now that we got that out of the way the music is amazing"
That was obvious from the art style alone
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religious puritanism in 2024 be like:
These are the same kind of people that call themselves "anti censorship" fucking two face faggots
this but for cringe atheists. I'm not even saying all atheists are bad, but if I look at your personal life section and it's filled with atheist shit I just know you're an obsessed wack job.
trannies need to die
elaborate? what do you mean by "personal life section"
He works for Mossad so he receives briefings on whoever he asks for and they include a “personal life” section
this but unironically
chud death camp when
This, Nazis are based
nazis are an extremely rare niche even in black metal

you're more likely to find nazis in punk
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Being anti-censorship is a great reason to despise Nazis.
>>>/r/ope is that way, leftshit.
and to censorship them? makes sense to me
chuddie wuddie death camp when
>>>/r/ope, leftshit
>when you’re not a terminally online faggot
only correct image itt
chudmeister death camp when
when you transsexuals stop killing yourselves
will that be before or after chuds stop murder-suiciding themselves
LE DUALITY OF....... LE MAN??????????
The tightest noose for leftshit necks
based and I wish they were banned
chüd death camp when
>in 2024
Eleutheromania has been the dominant religious disposition in America for centuries. Decades for the rest of the West.
le nazis were the le bad guys
all your favorite music was made by left-leaning people
I exclusively listen to NSBM bands so you are wrong
Then they should consult a neurologist about their abnormal gait.
imagine being so mentally fragile that the bands you listen to need to have the same political beliefs as you.
Is that why you only listen to music that conforms to your thoughts on freedom?
Not that anon.
you made that word up
imagine letting someone's past overtake your opinion on them
do you really think that mainstream artist belive any of that crap? maybe some of them are brainwashed but most of them are just doing what ((they)) tell them to
I don't know what told you that when you looked it up, but good one.
I don't look up obviously made-up words
Yet, you'll tell me "all words are made up" if (You) actually do make up a word. Meanwhile, the word I used is older than both of your grandpas.
I hope this wagon is done circling, now.
nice headcanon
>unironically using twitter terms
you have to go back
>I saw that word on another website once! reeeeeeeeeee
I've been here far longer than you have, newfag
I know you're just playing some kind of game to avoid thinking about what I actually. The game your playing is called "Dumb," and I detest it.
>dude you don't get it, you need to be tolerant of the people who would love to take your rights away and probably kill you too
No. Go fuck yourself you nazi piece of shit.
>you need to [respect the freedoms] of the people who would love to take your rights away
The eleutheromaniac's paradox.
Has metal started to be synonymous with chud NSBM shit everywhere or is it just chuds who consider metal to begin and end at black metal?
huh, didn't know MORRISSEY was a leftard
>makes up words
>calls others dumb
>>makes up words
The longer you keep this up, the more convinced I am you're not playing.
>>calls others dumb
Well, what do ya know...
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See >>122527528.
ok?? congratulations??
Not a paradox.
that's precisely what the people you deffend are doing, why should I be tolerant of your opinions?
I didn't mean "twitter" as the site, but as the kind of subhuman (You) that uses it.
>Eleutheromania (n.) 1. A great desire for or obsession with freedom.
so it's a compliment, apparently, but he seems real spergy so I'm guessing it's not meant that way
I would like to have a middle ground again. Not actually violent nazis but not trans or insane commies. Just normal people of the before times. Can we ever have that again?
idc if you made that word up or not, you're definitely a faggot for continuing to use it as though it's meaning is either common knowledge or self-evident
>he seems real spergy
What on Earth convinced you I was an eleutheromaniac myself?
>continuing to use it as though it's meaning is either common knowledge or self-evident
The magical thing about using a web browser is that it's trivially easy to look up a word you don't know the meaning of.
>why should I be tolerant of your opinions?
What makes you think I expect a person who identifies as a nazi to be tolerant?
most of us are neither of those things. it's just that because we're not obsessed with anything we don't talk about not being obsessed.
Karl Popper called this "the Paradox of Not Being a Complete Fucking Faggot"
people use the word "headcanon" all over 4chan and have done so for years, newfag.
You mean like a liberal or a libertarian?
I'm not a nazi, just not a tranny neither.
the magical thing about not being a pretentious faggot is that you don't use obscure words trying to make yourself look smart while expecting people to look stuff up just to understand your point.
And...? Is 4chan some kind of magic site? People also have been jerking off to chinese cartoons on /trash/ for years and I don't think it's a fashionable activity.
>you don't use obscure words trying to make yourself look smart
Correct, that's not how I'm using it at all.
Wagon's still circling...
hey that's real cool. be sure to let me know when anyone in the world starts giving a fuck what you personally consider "fashionable".
Watching retards not only double down on their retardation, but take pride in it will never get old
nigga the only reason to intentionally use obscure words nobody's ever heard instead of a more readily understandable substitution is to appear smart to onlookers.
No, dealing with eleutheromaniacs gets tiring extremely quickly.
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>What on Earth convinced you I was an eleutheromaniac myself?
>no, you!
do you do this every time?
I hope you develop a sense of morality once you finish middle-school
That's why I'm just here to watch.
>You are wrong for using words I don't know
a lel from me
>the only reason to intentionally use obscure words nobody's ever heard instead of a more readily understandable substitution is
Because no other word adequately conveys what I intend to mean, yes.
>>no, you!
Yes, that is exactly what I said and you are definitely literate.
just another trans nazi
nigga just say "freedom maniac" or something people understand at a glance
either you know that nobody's ever heard that word before and you're using it anyway, which makes you a pretentious faggot trying to look smart, or you genuinely don't realize how obscure it is, which makes you a pretentious faggot who has autism.
either way you're a pretentious faggot.
>invoking morality over the word "headcanon"
you're retarded.
>You mean like a liberal or a libertarian?
it'd have to be libertarian because I already said not a commie
i'm only political now because im forced to be so i dont know what i was in the past other than a conspiracy theorist about the nwo we currently face, which didn't USED to be a rightwing thing.
>you know that nobody's ever heard that word before and you're using it anyway
There's someone in the world who's never heard the word "doorknob" before. What's your point?
>or you genuinely don't realize how obscure it is
I know it's obscure. I just think it'd be helpful if it was less so.
>it'd have to be libertarian
Enjoy the collapse.
Did I stutter?
>Yes, that is exactly what I said and you are definitely literate.
you seem to have difficulty grasping that I was making fun of you and your fourth-grade "I know what you are but what am I" routine
not exactly beating the sperg allegations here...
Wow really funny comic
>you seem to have difficulty grasping that I was making fun of you
I have eyes.
>your fourth-grade "I know what you are but what am I" routine
Yes, that is exactly what I said and you are definitely literate.
autism confirmed.
>Yes, that is exactly what I said
spergs can't understand descriptive phrasing, apparently
>and you are definitely literate.
See >>122527718 and the post he replied to.
>descriptive phrasing
You seem to have difficulty grasping that I was making fun of you.
I'm glad you let it devolve to this, by the way.
I already read them. You're retarded.
Whatever degen
The right can't meme
you'll have to forgive me for overestimating the average sperg's ability to
comprehend sarcasm, give it couple years and you'll be at the first-grade level in no time
>I'm glad you let it devolve to this, by the way.
(you embarass yourself) -> (I laugh)
can't really simplify this equation further, I'm afraid
Based. Fuck Nazis!

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger

Edit 2: 327 upvotes for this? Haha wow that's the most I've ever gotten, thanks guys and gals and everything in between!

Edit 3: WTF 600 upvotes wow thank you all so much this is the best birthday ever

Edit 4: Thanks for all the birthday wishes fellow r/wooooshers. I tippeth mine hat to thee on this pleasant morrow.

Edit 5: Ok, so this went viral overnight for some reason O_o 2000 motherflipping upboats I really have no words thank you all so much it means a lot!

Edit 6: ok I'm noticing some toxic discussion happening in this reply chain and I feel the need to address it. Sexism and racism are not cool guys, so please cool it and continue the good vibes please and thank you!

Edit 7: ok so I don't know why but I've received a lot of downvotes on this post recently, maybe i got raided by 4chan.com/b?? (commonly referred to as the "asshole of the internet" for those who aren't aware). I don't really ask for much but I was hoping we could show those losers a thing or two, so please give this post an upvote if you haven't already, it would mean the world to me and show these bullies you cannot mess with a good person.

Edit 8: turns out my girlfriend cheated on me, so that happened :/

Edit 9: so people have been wanting me to clarify the previous edit. I don't have the energy to go into a lot of detail so the general gist of it is this: Yes we were in an open relationship, no that doesn't mean you can't cheat on someone when you're in an open relationship. If you are having sex regularly with someone and never mention it until they get you pregnant, that is definitely a betrayal of trust even if you've both agreed that she can have as many partners as she feels she needs to be comfortable.

Edit 10: FYI, taking responsibility for the child does not make me any less of a man than you, actually it makes me more, so kindly fuck off please and thank you!
Still playing sportball politics, I see?
>overestimating the average sperg's [sic.] ability to comprehend sarcasm
>he said, responding to a post that utilizes sarcasm in its text
I hope breivik comes to visit each one of the leftshits on this thread
for someone who hates reddit you sure seem to spend a lot of time on there
kek, don't put fault on me for assuming you don't understand, you're the retard who couldn't get
>your fourth-grade "I know what you are but what am I" routine
as a descriptor for
>What on Earth convinced you I was an eleutheromaniac myself?
even worse than your regular autismo, you're a midwit autismo who hasn't realized it yet
>who couldn't get
I got it. It's just wrong.
>no, I won't elaborate
>it's just wrong because it is!
at least you tried, i guess?
just put fuck every other word
"What on Earth convinced you I was an eleutheromaniac myself?" is definitionally not synonymous with "I know you are, but what am I." You just want me to be as childish as you are.
>"he seems pretty spergy"
>What on Earth convinced you I was an eleutheromaniac myself?
kek, and this was the retard saying
>I have eyes
but apparently not the requisite IQ to realize that this thread is something you can go back and read

>You just want me to be as childish as you are.
midwits often project their own insecurities
>midwits often project their own insecurities
I can tell.
Hey guys I lost track of things here. Which one of you is the nazi again?
nta but they're right and you're wrong lol
>Which one of you is the nazi again?
He hasn't engaged with a single point of substance.
you haven't provided a single point of substance for anyone to engage with. you've just been hamfisting your word-of-the-day into as many posts as possible
>you haven't provided a single point of substance
>apparently not the requisite IQ to realize that this thread is something you can go back and read
Good to know your arguments all hinged on a fucking word this entire, wasted time.
>I can tell
clearly not, you keep doing it

>He hasn't engaged with a single point of substance.
embarassing yourself, as entertaining as it is for me, is not "substantial"
i'm not >>122529055
>you keep doing it
I know you do.
>embarassing yourself, as entertaining as it is for me, is not "substantial"
>apparently not the requisite IQ to realize that this thread is something you can go back and read
>I'm not the person you just replied to
Okay. Goodbye.
>no you!
this didn't work the first time
You can go back and read through this reply chain at any time, but you refuse, so here we are.
Holy fuck I can't wait until open season on Nazis starts again.
I did, and you're still retarded. what now?
Then you have no excuse for missing the substance of my point. Get over your fear of that trigger word for a minute and think for once in your prolonged adolescence.
Being a nazi is bad but I hate this sjw attitude people have about them
"missing the substance on your point " is a given, because it was pointless drivel written by a retard
>get over your fear of that trigger word
your words, not mine
you forgot to post your image
good evening i think all trannies should be killed.
>>get over your fear of that trigger word
>your words, not mine
Yes, they are. Where did I insinuate otherwise? Or is this a side-effect of being unable to engage with an uncomfortable idea?
Man, I wish I was as cool as the Nazis. They're going to live rent free in people's heads forever.
>doesn't understand his own language
Skill issue
well, if you weren't a sperg, you might have inferred that I don't particularly care about your meme word at all. as I said earlier:
>(you embarass yourself) -> (I laugh)
>I don't particularly care about your meme word at all
I'll take that as a "yes."
good evening i think chud death camp when
kinda based
>I'll take that as a "yes."
kek, if that keeps you from sneeding and dilating, do whatever you need
what in the absolute fuck are you babbling about, you utter retard???
I accept your concession.
>apparently not the requisite IQ to realize that this thread is something you can go back and read
metal is for fags
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>I accept your concession
you'll "accept" anything, you're incredibly fucking easy to tie in knots
what a malleable autist
meant for
>you're incredibly fucking easy to tie in knots
Said the guy with a trauma response to a word he's never heard or seen before.
you made that fucking word up and you know it
>trauma response
you'll accept anything, you're incredibly fucking easy to tie in knots
what a malleable autist
Trivially easy to look it up.
>no you
I already accepted your concession.
>a made-up word used exclusively by pretentious faggots
hey you're right, that was easy
Fine, don't look it up. Keep your safe space intact.
>I already accepted your concession.
like I said, anything
what are you talking about, anon? I obviously did look it up.
Yes, that's why the "definition" said it was a "made-up word." Funny, I thought "all words were made up," or is that only when it's convenient for you?
nazi behavior
you are the only person in this thread who ever said "all words are made up" lol
>um, no, you have to engage with my retarded meme word because it's, like, impactful or something!
>no, you're not allowed to make fun of how autistic I am!
just to clarify, this above text is what you sound like, not what you actually said. you have trouble with simple things like that
Only because I know (You)'ve done it in the past.
>my retarded meme word
The more you do this, the more clear it is that it's involuntary. You realized the word described you, and instead of attacking the idea of it, you focus on the word itself like a semiotic philosophical zombie.
I've never in my life done anything even sort of like that lol
you're literally just making shit up and pretending to yourself it's fact at this point
>I've never in my life done anything even sort of like that
I believe that you want me to believe that.
I believe you're retarded. I know I don't care what you believe lol
You look like someone who listens to punk "music."
Free rope for Leftshits everywhere
you sure do like to misunderstand things in your favor! I'm sorry I have to be the one to inform you that you're being made fun of because you're an annoying. impotent autist, not because of the word "eleutheromania". the word itself, I can understand the vision and worldview behind, but I sincerely doubt its originators would have tolerated a blustering faggot like you.
>not because of the word "eleutheromania"
Of course, every post going on about "that retarded meme word" should've made it so clear.
>you're being made fun of because
Yeah yeah yeah, I don't care.
you don't know what I look like.
jfc dude quit making up words
>how do you read?
dunno, seems you care enough to show up for your humiliation ritual
you're the one who desperately wants me to care about it, I'm just telling you your instance on discussing it, combined with your clipped, academic manner of writing that would no doubt be a worthless stutter IRL, all make it abundantly clear you're autistic
and if you can't understand that, I don't know how much further I can dumb it down for you
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>Free rope for Leftshits everywhere
Specifically, I don't care that you armchair-diagnose me with and eleutheromaniac mental illness. As far as I'm concerned, it's just another layer of abstraction to protect some part of your ego.
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your exact words:
>You look like someone who listens to punk "music."
there's no other way to read those words lol. you deluded yourself into thinking you know what I look like.
you are wrong.
you are retarded.
>there's no other way to read those words
Than by looking, yes. Hence, "You look like..."
>it's just another layer of abstraction to protect some part of your ego.
is pretending I'm diagnosing instead of insulting you not? let me guess, it's "different"
Holy shit, you actually are autistic. like, severely.
are you nonverbal in real life? holy fuck I bet you are. Jesus fucking christ.
>diagnosing instead of insulting
It matters?
Guess not...
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>fringe far-right ideology
answer the question. are you nonverbal in real life?
are you capable of living independently?
Read a book you fucking retard
In order: no, and yes. Are you done?
I literally don't believe you. You've exposed yourself as severely autistic. people like you can't even hold down jobs.
how are your parents? how are they dealing with the stress of playing caretaker to their adult son?
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Didn't read a word of your leftshit drivel. Thanks for the new filtered image

>I literally don't believe you
Then why, exactly, did you bother asking?
>It matters?
too vague, pseud, remember to elaborate (like they attempted to teach you in junior high)
>too vague
Skill issue.
I hope this is as annoying for you as it is for me.
because I figured you would lie, and I was right.
how are your parents, anon? are they coping with the stress?
I'm sorry, I've decided you're in Kindergarten and refuse to interact with minors.
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you'll never guess what the inability to explain your ideas is a symptom of
where's "I CAN'T BREED"
>copies a right-wing meme to criticize a right-wing meme that copies a left-wing meme

Kek. Deliciously ironic, loser
Best thread on the catalogue today, perchance.
>yeah, I can explain it, I just don't want to
Trannies LITERALLY can't breed. What the fuck is your point?
The responses I've received thus far haven't given me confidence that the response would be appropriate.
>I'm playing make-believe again to soothe my discomfort
>>I'm playing make-believe again to soothe my discomfort
Sound familiar?
>oh yeah well what about this thing neither of us did?
yeah, what about it?
>this thing neither of us did
I certainly didn't.
What was this thread supposed to be about?
I mean you are definitely playing make believe to soothe your discomfort like the autist you are lol
music I think??
>you are definitely playing make believe
Yes, no one in the thread has ever told me the word is made up. You piss on my leg, I'll stab your dick before you even start about how it "looks like rain coming in."
buck status: broken
enjoy whatever care home your parents throw you in
lmfao I'm talking about >>122530938 you retard
And enjoy your graduation from Kindergarten.
Yeah, that's me. And?
>he gets bullied by people he presumes are children
bleak fucking existence, how have you not ack'd by this point?
>gets bullied
You're as effective as squirt gun against a mountain lion.
yeah that's why you keep compulsively replying, because you're not bothered at all
anyways, I'm going to go to bed now, the past few hours have been highly therapeutic
good night!
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>el secreto está en el horno
damn guess chuds and trannies are sides of the same coin LMAO
And you?
>people get upset with band because their members are bad people/did something bad
>listen to them
>they're fucking shit.
i'm starting to think that people just have shit taste.
Nazis bring out the best in us all.

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