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why do people think he's an intellect? he literally has the same thing every progressive liberal say.
>white people = racist
>police = racist
>justice system = racist
>government = racist
there's nothing profound about his message
idk like black people just whine about how racist white people are and the libtards pat them on the back, its insanely pathetic weird behavior.
Marge most of his songs are about injustice and the hood he barely mentions white people
I feel like some of you are so stupid you would believe any time he attacked the police for example he is attacking white people, you guys do know that they’re are black cops too right? And plenty of white people suffer under police abuse too, cops in places like Appalachia with less government attention are corrupt asf
there are less black deaths from wrongful police action than deaths by lightning strikes every year.

if he actually cared about black people he would speak out against gangster rap culture.
As someone unfamiliar with Kendrick Lamar which songs of his criticize white people? Asking genuinely, I barely know any of this guys music except that one Humble song and his Drake diss.
It’s not just deaths its also how they conduct themselves and treat low income communities and minorities

also he doesn’t make gangsta rap and im also pretty sure he has criticized it sometimes, but youre also a dumbass if you think all the blame for the issues minorities suffer is le rap culcha, things were actually worse before rap was a thing (60s 70s 80s were peak crime rates in America) and crime rates have only been going down these few decades, exactly as rap has been going up so there really isnt a big correlation
I'd kill myself if I were black
White people kill themselves like 10x more than black people lololol
just letting you know im hiding this thread
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black mothers abort their beautiful black babies 10x more than White people do lololol
Not even mommy wants black baby biowaste :)

plus your poor and stupid
>crime rates have only been going down these few decades, exactly as rap has been going up so there really isnt a big correlation
that's only because gangster rap has given criminals the tools to hide their crimes, it has created super criminals that murder other black men and never get caught.
Meds wtf is a “super criminal”
>plus your poor and stupid
lol who cares about fetuses suicide is way more pathetic and cowardly
The industry put a lot of money into TBAP, don't you like it?
>if he actually cared about black people he would speak out against gangster rap culture.

I hate when a rapper talk about guns, then somebody die, they turn into nuns
Then hop online like “Pray for my city,” he fakin’ for likes and digital hugs

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No discernable brain activity
do you not know what the word super means? you cant piece that one together on your own?

good argument mate
It sounds like you didn't even listen to it if you think it glorifies hood culture
It's true though... or are you just racist?
>And plenty of white people suffer under police abuse too
Yeah broski one time I was driving 99 on the highway and I got pulled over. I swear the pig was berating me and was very abusive. Bro pulled me over and almost gave me a ticket but I was let go. Fucking abusive pigs. But you know life is a highway and I'm gonna ride it all night long. Yee haw pardner
white people overdose on drugs way more than black people, must mean whitoids are all uneducated junkie scum that suck dick for heroin and get aids from sharing needles with each other
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>they not like us they not like us this is for the culture
you are delusional, this makes a funny conspiracy theory however
>if he actually cared about black people he would speak out against gangster rap culture.
yeah kendrick didn't make tetsuo and youth so that's points off for him
it's because of the reputation he has and how poetic his writing is, he speaks about the issues of humanity and everyone on rym just agrees and act as if listening to his music fixes someones racism. if anything, tpab is a overhyped album and good kid madd city and section 80 are better albums because they tell better narratives than tpab ever will.
it's just drake bitch damage control
you're deeply confused and retarded
>white people = racist
>police = racist
>justice system = corrupt
>government = corrupt
the only reason crime has decreased is because we've legalized so much immoral behavior, from drugs to abortion to stealing.
I'm in Appalachia in Va and can confirm. Cops literally just terrorize people and businesses out here. If any cops have a personal issue with you you're going to jail for something whether you did anything or not. My mom lost her license and had to pay thousands of dollars and sit in jail because there was a little bit of shake in the bottom of her purse. Had to take these ridiculous classes too. We didn't even find out she was charged with having some fucking narcotics until we got there. She was terrified. They just brought a couple of pills in and pretended they got them from her bag. She's just a tiny sweet old hippy that likes to garden and bake. She's never fucked with shit other than pot. Doesn't even fuckin drink man. She LET the cop go through her bag because she was so terrified. He just straight up showed up at the house when she was coming home one afternoon from grocery shopping and accosted her coming out of the car. He wasn't even alone when he did this shit. He also threatened to shoot our dog if it came any closer and he's known to do that. Several of them are. It's lucky he was fenced in. We're all on small farms out here and no one can fucking have their fucking cats or dogs roaming our properties because of this fucking piece of shit. The neighbor told my mom that he called their dog over to his property with a treat and shot it with her kid outside to watch it and even waved at the kid and smiled first. Mad because it barked sometimes. He likes to speed up when there are animals in the road. Great fuckin guy.
He lives a couple houses down and my mom had been encouraging his wife to leave his ass because he was beating the shit out of her for insane shit. This was just his warning to her. Sheriff is still married to his wife and never got in any trouble for planting shit even though it was fucking CLEARRRR that everyone at the station knew he planted the shit. This was almost a decade ago. I could still kill the motherfucker.
I don't care that he hates white people his music is just insanely boring. Atleast I can turn up to drake with the homies.
I didn’t think it was possible for someone to media literacy skills worse than someone in a vegetative state, but congratulations, you proved me wrong.
Kendrick didn't even rap his disses right in Drake's face like his hero DJ Quik would've done
If the evidence supports it then it must be true
He's an industry plant. Many blacks don't even care for his music. Most black dudes I've seen consider him mid or outright bad
Media literacy isn't real
Yes it is
Can you pick out what's being sold to you based on the language and photographs being used, framing of a situation, irrelevant information added or relevant information that's been omitted etc? Most people can't desu, or they can only manage to do it when something goes against their opinions. Go find some old articles when the George Floyd stuff was happening and look at how wildly different the situation sounds from the different sides. Both sides full of shit in their own way. You actually have to go out of your way to find a neutral and informative take about what actually happened. Everything is obfuscated with social politics to such a degree that people can't look at a situation reasonably. Most people also can't recognize how they're being targeted by algorithms to enrage them and get them to click on shit that actually contains zero confirmed information. Everyone has a very different idea of what is going on in the country and the world based on what they're fed. That's why everyone is so scared of each other and believes their enemy is slowly taking over no matter what side they're on.
This is a good example of someone being media illiterate. Blacks are actually almost twice as likely to die from overdose per capita. Bet you read some race bait article about how more whites die from overdoses, which is also true, because there are a lot more white people, but you just took the information fed to you at face value and didn't stop to think for yourself at all.
If there are 100 whites and 25 die from drug overdose, that's 25%
If there are 50 blacks and 25 die from overdose, that's 50%. That's closer to how it works. You don't understand statistics so it's easy for the media to lie to you about what's really happening.
>digital insane asylum that disproportionately houses white social outcasts
>nuance and logic
lol lmao top kek even
>per capita argument
white devil detected
>why do people think he's an intellect?
because when all you consume is retarded dogshit mainstream rap with 70 IQ lyrics, listening to a guy spouting 85 IQ poetry for the first time does feel like genius by comparison
>what is per capita
I mean this sincerely and honestly: go get raped and tortured in a death camp
The problem with police brutality post-9/11 was never racism. Is it still an issue? 100%, but not when it comes to the police.
The issue is that this country is now a police state, used by the upper class to keep the lower class down and even outright kill them. It’s just that in places like SoCal minorities are disproportionately lower class, which isn’t the case in places like Appalachia or the Great Lakes (not counting Chicago metro), where this shit still happens. Racism exists at an institutional level still, but is nowhere close to where it was. But shitty police continue to persist.
Those things are all true though
>if he actually cared about black people he would speak out against gangster rap culture.
Bro, thats what every other song of his is about.
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>Media literacy isn’t real because… it just isn’t, okay?
>So why did I weep when Trayvon Martin was in the street
>When gang banging make me kill a nigga blacker than me?

How much clearer can he get lmao?
It is literally spelled out for them lmfao
As if 4chud couldn’t get anymore autistic
Yeah, my friends brother got 5 years for weed out there, cops are bullies
Agreed, class is the biggest divider in America
Didn't read
The thing that doesn't make sense is that he is from California, where Mexicans are a plurality of the population (ie, the largest single group, larger than whites). And yet, he barely mentions them at all. In the California context, Latinxes are more numerous and more important than whites. Whites simply don't matter very much in a place like the LA region. If you are from greater LA, 'race relations' are going to MOSTLY revolve around Latinxers. Not whites.

But I don't get any sense of that fact from his music.
Didn’t he do a whole verse in Spanish on a ScHoolboy song
Are you a follower of Tariq?
And we need a verse for the Swiftieees
>Media literacy is real because.... some trannies in academia said so...
He doesn’t talk about race relations often so it doesnt matter, its just room temperature iq idiots in this thread who think him criticizing the police and society is an attack on white people lol
Yeah blacks never do drugs.
doesnt matter, he destroyed a 50 year old Jewish Canadian pedophile
>This plot is bigger than me, it's generational hatred
>It's genocism, it's grimy, little justification
>I'm African-American, I'm African
>I'm Black as the heart of a fuckin' Aryan
>I'm Black as the name of Tyrone and Darius, excuse my French
>But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets
>I know you hate me, don't you?
>You hate my people, I can tell 'cause it's threats when I see you
I can tell 'cause your ways deceitful

yeah dude definitely nothing to do with whites right? dumbass.
this is typical "im a victim and its all whites faults" african american bullshit, and its your fault for enabling and encouraging it.
still less insidious than a jew
Imagine for a second you get accolades and intellectual recognition everytime you blame white people for your
>incredibly hard and victimized life
and its encouraged by your teachers, your professors, and your friends. You write books and get clout based on this world view. your music about racism is given awards.That is modern america whne it comes to black people bitching and moaning about racism and white people. I'm so over it. not white btw
they probably internally agree that kendricks moaning and screaming on his diss tracks are him mirroring the screams, cries and moans of slaves beating tortured by colonizers as to call drake a colonizer
Its midwit music
Stop downplaying our issues with America, the effects of Jim Crow, redlining, prison labor laws still affect us to this day, since you aren’t white and im assuming your not Mexican either im guessing your some migrant, fuck you you have no idea what my ancestors went through, just because you or your family came here to make a cheap buck or whatever doesn’t mean you understand this countries (messed up) history

We have reason to hate the government and be frustrated with white people, not saying this just as a black guy but also a half Native American.
name a current law that is targeting black people, and I will give my full support in revoking it. we have evened the playing field and you cant use that same racism to blame modern whites for something they have nothing to do with. all ethnicities have gone through some shit, you giving special rights, attention, resources, and privileges to a race based on YOUR interpretation of history is wrong.
he is not your savoir
Because liberals in general are endowed with the bigotry of low expectations and will turn racist if he dares walk off the plantation or go off script.
That’s not the reason though. It’s because over the course of history “whitoids” have become much lower trust due to ideological progress. As it stands liberalism and atheism in general just leads to higher instances of suicide and antinatalist viewpoints in spite of increasing intelligence.
I will never forget that video of a police officer arresting a black man during the St Floyd riots, and then he takes out his wallet and the police stops and acts all beta cuck, bevause the black dude had most likely an FBI badge
>he is an intellect
the thing is people who "analyze the lyrics" and decide "who won" have a mean IQ of 80. So it doesn't matter how much of "an intellect" drake or kendrick are...
What's with THAT voice though?
Intellect or not, he made Drake his bitch lol
Reddit is the site you're looking for. :)
>Stop downplaying our issues with America
No. Get a job.
His fans are just really really stupid.
>still coping
Reddit is the site you're looking for. :)

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