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IDLES lead crowd of 50,000+ people to shout "Fuck The King!" at Glastonbury

Video: https://x.com/supertanskiii/status/1806809737469563086
stunning and brave
IDLES suck but commonwealth nationalism is extremely reddit so whatever.
That sounds like begging for a counterculture
Also they would have never done this when there was a queen, that would have been too male-toxic
next They LIe about amps
It gets better, Banksy joined the party
fuck the king and fuck leftoid cucks who want even more immigrants to ruin their countries
I love this band. They are the British counterculture.
i didn ' t do that .
This means war.
im not listening to massive attack ever again.

someone do a *soros payrolled shitty slow beats start* pasta with MA
I fucking hate this globohomo sponsored band so much.
dude i have a gruff voice and claim a working class background but sing about how cool migrants are and awesome tranny cock is lmao
wow what is this 1977?
The Royal family are all globohomo pedos who support mass depopulation, mandatory vaccines and the rothschild banking family. They're funding the Earthshot prize davros etc and should all be executed
>teehee we're just friendly little boys!
don't ever trust guys like this
/mu/ loves porter robinson though
Hate using this word but Idles are about as s0 y as they come
Truth. 99.9% of all hipster indie musicians are pedos posing as sexless nice guys
Who is your non-onions band?
this is why we prefer G-IDLE
They are doing "That" face.
still enjoy that BRYLCREEM CREATINE song though
>t. friendless losers
I have friends that are normal guys, not weird softboiuwu's
useful idiots
muslim pedo apologists
>Morrissey: "Fuck the Monarchy!"
>Wow he's so based!!

>Idles: "Fuck the King!"
>Cringe onions band, get off the stage!
Why are people like this
'ate tha king, luv negroes simple as'
Because he seems like a nice person who might have a bit messed up past but always supported Britain 100%. People see him as representing their country. King hate is just gay millennial horseshit based on some diversity quota ideals that somehow a Indian deserves to be king because its fair or some retarded notion.
>Morrissey: "Fuck the Monarchy!"
>Wow he's so based!!
who are you quoting?
Any Morrissey thread you have people sucking his dick
Because Morrissey is catching genuine heat across the board for his views, not just his anti-monarchism, whereas with Idles it all feels very "safe edgy". There are not going to be any consequences for them for saying that and the type of brit that would at least feel offended at this statement probably doesn't even know who Idles are.
I too think Europe needs more refugees.
actually charles is a based trad mystic
I don't watch people suck dick but you do you, king.
PEAK midbrow

I, for one, welcome King Charles as our new Elden Lord.
Which one is going to have pictures of kids on his hard drive?
These guy really don't like Elvis :-/
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You probably supported Brexit
The fuck did Chuck do?
Mozzarella had a personal vendetta fuelled by the imprisonment of Bobby Sands and several other Irish freedom fighters in the 80s by the British government. They refused to honour to their human rights while in jail, so when Sands and colleagues went on hunger strike, both the government and the Queen were called on to intervene by the media/legal sector and the Queen was silent. Once Sands and several other prisoners died of starvation after 40 days, the government then decided to acquiesce to their prison reform demands as a kind of sick joke.

Morrissey saw the old German hag as complicit (monarchs have power to intervene in certain political matters). Also condemned her for not returning the 6 stolen counties to Ireland.
He wasn't just hating on the royals for fun (although he absolutely disliked Princess Diana, and hates William and Harry for their history of animal poaching as well)

Idles are just virtue signalling with no real argument beyond 'muh commonwealth' and 'muh rich man in big fancy castle'.
Viral marketing shill thread.
You could use this for selling in a stand
shit youre right
wow that's so edgy
hey man that's rude asf
The Stooges
Wait everyone know who Banksy is now?
>Why is our country going down the drain?
This is sort of poetry
I'm well offended. How can they Go after me Queen like that??
It's been rumoured for years it's Del Naja from Massive Attack. Considering the midbrow graphic content I wouldn't be surprised.
I mean MA made good music but often artists venture outside their competence and think they're equally great at anything else: graphics, politics, etc. And they're not

Artists should really shut the fuck up on politics. If they have any talent, they need to realise that's really the only area in which they are competent
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>monarchy has only been a ceremonial institution for decades
>basically a crowned republic
>fuck the king!

People who haven’t read more than at least ten works of geopolitical theory or history shouldn’t be legally allowed to have opinions on politics
implying a failure to understand burden of proof gets the girls wet? weird premise
Not the point I was making. Not sure how you came to that conclusion.
Oh wait you’re talking about the meme. I wouldn’t read too far into it.
Morrissey promoted anti-monarchy and anti-meat sentiments at a time when it was very taboo to do so and he can't be narrowed to any one political ideology or party. Idles aren't saying anything you won't see on the front page of The Guardian or Huffington Post, and will presumably vote for Labour, even under a guy like Kid Starver.
no Stooges for you
fuck off
why not
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The worst part of this band is not just the shitlibbery, it's that they also fucking sucks.
Antinomianism has been the default position of the west long before Morrissey even was thought of. Just pouring gasoline on the fire at this point.
idles is good fuck off
Woah, this is a brave statement they may suffer financially and socially for making.
It's ok the type of people who can afford to go to Glastonbury don't have to live around them.
>don't ask questions, just consume

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