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Something about 2013.
It is so bad, it doesn't even register as it being real.
It is right up there with the yeah yeah yeahs cover. I mean what the fuck were they thinking? Who saw this shit and thought to themselves, "yup, that's a classic, this accurately represents the themes of this album and as a standalone piece, is a great piece of art to look at"
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Tokyo Warhearts from CoB is in a league of its own. I mean take a look at Godzilla paws ah ah.
Worst you've seen, and that is your opinion, i don't mind the album. Is it kind of ridiculous? Sure, it is over the top, but i actually don't mind it.
It is a solid 6 for me.
Dick in Son did
the digital artist they hired showed this as an extremely rough draft that he planned on using solely as a template for posing but then they were all like "OI BRUV WE LOVE IT! LOOK A' EDDIE, INNIT?"
All the more proof that Maiden is tasteless schlock and that Priest is the real nwobhm goat
Iron Maiden sucks ass. It's incredible that they have gotten by on their bass player doing the triplet gimmick on every song for decades
i like this one
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i still like this album idk

they were so ahead of the game even then, for better or worse
this looks like that first ween album cover
You can't beat this, you just can't.
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The 20th anniversary rerelease just doesn't have the charm...
I'd never seen that before, but it might be the worst album cover I've ever seen.
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I remember looking into bad album covers thread on a rap forum and i saw this, i was stoned asf and i fell on the floor laughing i woke up my poor grandparents and they initially though i was having a seizure lmao
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Oh jesus, that is indeed absolutely fucking terrible.
It is bad but in a good way, it is entertainingly terrible.
It almost reminds me of this album cover with how good it is at being terrible, i wouldn't tire of looking at these, because they're that good at being not good
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It's funny cause the album is actually good
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lol that one’s hilarious i had to save it

also every gucci mane album ever, they’re so goofy but also very symbolic of its time, very swag era hiphop
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Oh my fucking god, that is atrocious.
At least this one is on the nose and makes sense, he's getting so much dough and spending it eating good.
These are terrible, but i can't seem to look away
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And he has like a million mixtapes so there’s a never ending supply of his covers
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His editing is so bad it’s kind of charming
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Since you mention bad editing and mixtapes, i couldn't help but think of this one.
First come first served by kool keiths alter ego dr doomm.
Truly awe inspiring stuff.
How does one make this and truly believe it looks good? What sort of drugs are they on?
That image makes me super uncomfortable, i think it’s the washed out colors, rat burger and huge cockroach
This goes hard
priest wasn't even nwobhm
Nah this ones fire. I have a shirt with that chuck face on it, best shirt I own love that album
it's goofy but it's cute, it would be a good cover if the music was different, maybe fix the perspective and the robe guy could be improved a bit
Meant to Set in his desert.
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I like these.
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this one would also go in a thread with the best album covers of all time btw
this one wins
awful album cover and i want to bite her nails for her
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This one grosses me out, idk what im looking at
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that font succeeds in being worser than the photo
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Good album, tho.
Album was good, but after a decade+, Silent Shout still gets played often.

Gotta listen to Karin's most recent solo album

Looks like a bag of hot cheetos with a bunch of shit thrown in it
insanely based
This cover is great

It's a parody of the typical cover designs by Pen And Pixel that were pervasive through the mid-late 90s.
I can see that, still makes for a horrendously terrible album cover, goes up in points for self aware parody
Would have been kind of funny if it was "The Black M&M"
The Death Grips album with one musician's penis in a bathroom.
Honestly it's too dull.
holy based I need this on a tshirtarino muhredditbros
it's the statement that counts, anonie
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Gucci's chains going through his buzz lightyear helmet makes that one for me
That is terrible.
every tim buckley album
Can someone feed this to img2img and prompt it to make it look like a classic Iron Maiden cover by Derek Riggs
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I couldn't tell it's gender
What the fuck
OP said worst not hottest
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Early gucci mane mixtape cover art is kino lmao
thanks Autopsy
They're all just pictures of a handsome man who mogs you
Is it a drag queen?
wtf this is a great cover
Unalive yourself, memespeaking retard.
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that album goes insanely hard btw
even with jacky jasper's corny ass on it
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>90's direct to video action movie
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WTF happened?
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its so bad that becomes good again. the yellow skin + early digital aesthetic works for me
not that bad, rather have this than some random image from bestgore for a extreme metal album cover desu
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this reminds me of that 3d incest porn that was popular in the mid 2000's
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aint no way
*watches Se7en once*
ultra based but

they literally invented metal in '74 as we know it today
>inb4 sabbath copers
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This one is actually funny though
80s metal, people in pain genre
this is kino actually
I have one but i don't know is it legal or nah
let me guess, this one?
Virgin Killer?
just remembered the band named "flowing tears & withered flowers"
That’s actually quite a poignant album cover. I like it.
Great experimental German album, and I get he was trying to go for a sexy vibe here, but IT'S SO FUCKING UNSETTLING

Holy fucking kek, the poorly photoshopped Audi with euro plates too
These are actually good covers
Great album art are you kidding me
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The funniest bit with the Reality cover is that he was David fucking Bowie, he could've gotten Miyazaki or Oshii or literally any actual Jap to draw an anime version of him for a nominal fee, if not pro bono. He went with the guy who designed this masterpiece of a cover because he liked working with him
this is it. the worst of all time
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I just think Bongs are genetically coded to output shitty cover art.
Dang, there's potential but that just looks too fucked
Maybe Bing would do a better job but I don't think it does img2img
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some goregrind covers are technically worse but it's rare when it's so amateurish
huh? bladee?
Great cover
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They probably thought this shit was really clever
I heckled the fuck out of this band in 2006
They had some weird ones..
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this one isn't the worst, but it's definitely King Crimson's worst cover art, all of their other albums have 10/10 covers
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they literally used his unfinished album cover he wanted his name removed from the credits. he also made this and they actually let him finish it
OP said worst, not best
Wait, holy shit is this also the guy that does the covers for Cathedral? Is that really all CG, or does he just use it for posing then draws over it?
I find it amusing that he has referenced the reaper from "Something Wild." And also that there is a midget wearing a fucking bikini on that wolf. It's probably not a midget though. The fuq. Nice Eyes Wide Shut reference of mask to the reaper's right. This artist is a true fag.
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