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>aint nobody in my hood eva be playin eminem in da clubs
>meanwhile he's objectively still the most popular rapper in the world after 25 years
How are insecure blacks coping with this?
They are in da club, why would they care?
>cracker steals black music and profits off of it more than the black people they stole from ever dreamed they could
a tale as old as time...
Eminem is the Quentin Tatantino of rappers. He could have said nigger on every album in thr 90s and nobody would have cared because he was a broke piece of shit from Detroit who's mother and baby momma all fucked blacks just like Tarantula.
That shit never made any sense to me. If someone puts out art that people like and buy, it's not like they're taking away from some hypothetical black artist who wasn't going to reach their levels no matter what anyway. It's not the fault of guys like Em and Elvis simply because they do the music better while reaching more people who are willing to buy their shit. The funniest part is artists like these have done nothing but helped the genres by making them mainstream and as popular as they ever were in their respected eras. By doing this, the genres flourished, more people become interested and because of that, more people benefit from doing it. If someone like Elvis for example didn't break barriers and put rock n roll on the map, ALL of those black artists never would have had a chance. Their music wouldn't have been played, they never would have amounted to a greater level of success while the genre itself would have stayed niche and underground. That's why every major black artist of his era respected him for what he did because they all benefited from him. It's the same with Em. If he didn't expand the culture by getting white people interested in rap, the genre wouldn't be as popular as it is today. The influence and impact is undeniable.
>Hey i like this music, i want to perform it myself too
Normal response:
>oh, sure. that'd be cool
Modern response

Copyright was a mistake
Hip hop was a CIA psyop anyway to promote violence etc
Victim complex
5. Common
4. Rakim
3. Biggie
2. Nas
1. Eminem
no one under 19 listens to Eminem, his music aged like shit, the goofy over the top bars and lyrical miracle spiritual type rapping just isn’t appealing to the youth anymore
Young Eminem is the best rapper of all time, and nobody will take that away from him.
Imagine someone not liking a popular artist, what’s their issue!?
Modern rap and music in general is shit. 2000s were the last great decade of music.
>and music in general
Not true. This has just been released and it's great.
Elvis didn't put Rock n Roll on the map Bill Haley did, he just made being a white signing Rock n Roll cool from shit like Pat Boone. Samething with Eminem and HipHop was popular whites fucking years before Eminem, LMFAO.
>no one under 19 listens to Eminem
tell that to all the zoomers who get big views on YT of them losing their shit over Eminem music
>Elvis didn't put Rock n Roll on the map Bill Haley did
Last I checked, Bill Haley never had a rock n roll album that sold a million copies.... In fact no rock n roll album did that. Elvis' first album did that. Nothing in the genre at the time was considered super mainstream. There were a number of individual songs out there that people may have been familiar with, but Elvis was the one who made the genre itself mainstream.
>Samething with Eminem and HipHop was popular whites fucking years before Eminem, LMFAO.
Wiggers in the 90's weren't cool nor was it the trend. It was a decade still dominated by rock music. It wasn't until Eminem in the early 00's when white people as a collective had someone who represented them in the context of hip-hop. It wasn't cool to be white and enjoy white rappers back in the day. No one proudly admitted to enjoying Vanilla Ice, Marky Mark, and all those other hacks. Eminem made it cool to be a white rapper for once and the evidence of that is the culture shift during his peak.
This nigga really thinks 85 MILLION monthly listeners is just millennials and no one else. I'm so old I don't even use Spotify because that seems like zoomer shit to me. Why would I bother when I can listen to any song I want on youtube instead.
Overrated band. Great instrumentalists but as songwriters their songs are leaden.

To play good blues guitar is easy, to play great blues guitar you've gotta be Irish or black.
Who do think gives these zoomers big views
Because YouTube has ads
Bill Haley was more of a pioneer since he had one hit rock song but he wasn't making the kind of numbers that correlate with what we define as mainstream. The culture was just starting to warm up to the idea of this kind of music but it wasn't really considered mainstream until Elvis started release hit after hit after hit.
>Who do think gives these zoomers big views
probably other zoomers who follow these kinds of channels since they are the ones who watch reaction videos.
houdini finna a banger ngl
lol fail
They be coping AND seething.
how is Drake even popular? His shit is corny
>the artist to most recently release something has the current highest amount of listeners
groundbreaking stuff
People release shit everyday. The difference is they release garbage that get no listeners
most importantly "monthly listeners" is such a bullshit stat that Spotify don't even use it for their Top Artists charts
who in the fuck is sabrina carpenter lmao
I see you haven't visited /mu/ in the last few weeks
>Monthly listeners are the number of unique people who have listened to an artist's music on Spotify within a 28-day period. This includes people who listen to music from both active and programmed sources. Even if a listener plays the same song multiple times within the 28 days, they are only counted once. Monthly listener stats are updated daily and can be viewed by location, such as worldwide or specific countries.
So basically Em has 85 million unique listeners listening to shit within the past month. It's even more impressive when you look at it this way.
no it just means Houdini was included on popular playlists (modern equivalent of radio), these "monthly listeners" could be people who skipped the song after 30 seconds because they hate him
The insecurity coming from that cope is delicious
does that mean I won the argument?
*btw picrel is what Spotify use for their Artists charts (daily streams), the date is from 2 days ago though, Eminem is obviously dropping as Houdini gradually pulled from playlists
Well to be fair the song came out a month ago and is the only song he's released as of recent so like any artist who doesn't put out shit that frequently, the numbers will inevitably drop after a month. Once we get that new album or even just another new track, the numbers will increase again and then the process will repeat itself.
Drake wears the crown

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