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shilling campaign left a negative return on investment.
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This really was 9/11 for misogynist indie and metal bros
>implying Stacies listen to Charli
>feigned incredulity
Replace that pic with one of a gay gangbang then you have a point.
It's the same old phenomenon that happened with fiona apple's last album if you rememeber. You can't force people to give a shit.
Are other reviewers even giving her a high score apart from melon?
It feels like there's just some types of music that get really good reviews and most people don't like it all that much and it's a question of ''getting it'' or whatever. It only happens a few times that the album gets really good reviews and both the audience likes it too. If you're getting good reviews and not a huge audience as a pop musician, then it's pretty bad news.
>Are other reviewers even giving her a high score apart from melon?
Yes, it has received raving review. Basically a coordinated shilling campaign was launched a few weeks ago where all major publications got paid to give this crap no less than 8/10.
Well they got me to listen to it out of curiosity at least. Turned it off at track 2. I'm too old for this shit, although I think I may be younger than charli actually

Jews want everyone to think that the only music is Top 40 Pop and almost everyone hates it.

Fags, 12 year old girls and fat middle aged women like it. 12 year old girls don't know anything else, it's not like they're born with knowledge of bands. 4 years after liking something, they're embarrassed they liked it.

Fags like that awful trash. But not all Fags. Seems like Fags do like music, some awful but others do like metal. Fags do spend money on music because they don't have kids, they have more money to spend.

Pathetic roasties who have gotten old and fat like Top 40 Pop, and 12 year old girls who know nothing else, and Fags. If you like this shit and you're a white man, you're a Fag. And it's the Jews who are selling it.

The charts are lying and cheating. Buy Spotify Plays.

No, Fiona Apple is not Top 40 Pop. It was good, not that popular, and did win a Grammy.

what happened to music reviews on Metacritic?

There is no album review section there, it's as if it was all deleted.

I think that today's music is such trash that metacritic stays away from it?
>think about listening to music
>gay mafia is all over it saying their dumb shit like yaaaaas we stan our queen or whatever gay people say now
>forget it
Charli has 20 million listeners on spotify rt now. Cope and seethe harder chud
I see new threads about it every day
There's absolutely zero chance all of those reviews were paid for. You're delusional. Just say you don't care for the music and move on anon
Yeah the chuds are seething over this
I enjoy the album, but Pop 2 is better. It's really good album though and I'm happy to see Charli have some bigger success. She's more than earned it.
This. Still prefer Pop 2 and HIFN overall, but Brat is still really fucking good and Charli deserves all the acclaim it's getting
I really don't get the hype behind Pop 2, her subsequent albums were far better
I'm not sure any single track of hers has topped Track 10 for me, but to each their own I suppose
Best track on brat? Sympathy is my personal favorite
Mean girls. The dasha anthem
i always found Number 1 Angel to be more enjoyable than Pop 2. I hate the features on Pop 2
N1A was super disappointing to me after Vroom Vroom, just couldn't get into it
bumpin’ that
Forgotten but you're still posting about it
You're obsessin', just confess it, put your hands up OP
>bumpin’ that
bumpin’ that
Lol ur so retarded
>expendable pop music even the "experimental" kind is expendable
Woah ya don't say
all this discourse is retarded. waste your time liking or disliking the album. who gives a flying fuck? Just because you don't like something that was mainstream, doesn't make you any more fuckable. And liking this album doesn't empower you more, or ensure that you get the extra $.25 on the dollar like a man does. This is the circus, the empire is burning, and you retards are worried about this shit. Let people enjoy things and shut up. Wait until november so you can taste the lead in the back of your throat, or likewise get droned.
von duch is probably the best new pop song ive heard in 2 years and i dont even listen to charlie til this year
Spring breakers
You're a gay.
kill urslf
That's now how it works, tranny. That's not how it's ever going to work. Now strap in and seethe.
I liked it but I have to admit I rarely listen to it anymore.
This album was so bad. I could understand a biased 8 or something but a fucking 10?
What’s so bad about it?
It's like some annoying pop album. Like it's just annoying to listen to
how is this board STILL seething at this album nearly a month later lol
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Chuds on here need to get a fucking life
>hey you gave our album low score, so we are not gonna give you review samples any more and we will cut you out of advertisment deals
>ayyyyy Universal-sama
We have been listening to it nonstop since release, just not much more to discuss with it
the truth if the world was good

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