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Why are vidya OSTs so looked down upon here?
i unno man, theres a lot of random screeching on here from t
Because /mu/ isn't full of music lovers.
also some vdiya osts are just kinda gay and the majority of them i would not find myself listening to outside of the context of the original game. the only ones i can think of are the silent hill ost and the postal redux ost, those could stand on their own methinks
>action figure background music
Games are for children. Music serios.
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they're not horrible but if that's your music taste then that's borderline sad and you're a (autistic) loser. doesn't help that most video game osts work better in the context of the game, people who defend these osts sound dumb and are really lazy to find anything outside their vidya slop. you really think people who defend vidya as "real music" just because it has orchestral bands and real people making it would listen to orchestral music and dramatic movie scores in their spare time? it doesn't sound right or even real, shit's just novelty music if it sounded nice.
it's more that we look down on the kinds of people who listen to video game music.
grow up or >>>/v/
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Depends, some of it is deserved because of the music itself (I had some faggot on YouTube tell me that he genuinely thought that the sonic ost was better than dark side of the moon, I got pissed and im not even a Pink Floyd or even rock fan) however a lot of it is because of how autistic the listeners tend to be (for some reason video game osts and also anime osts attract the spergiest of spergs) not really because of the music itself, I mean there are osts that are pretty good and I’d consider “real music” e.g. jet set radio or persona or touhou (jet set radio especially my gawd is it good)
They are better than Broadway music.
Vidya osts tend to be really shallow interpretations of already existing genres and the main listeners generally being autistic losers doesn't help either
lmao that kid was based
If “based” means being an autistic manchild who shits himself to mlp then uhhh idk
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>the main listeners generally being autistic losers doesn't help either
Why do Movie OST dudes seem to not really exist
less of an autistic manchild than someone who listens to rock in 2024
lol I don’t listen to rock im a rap fan and even tho I love triggering rock heads even I know that’s bs, they’re not manchildren they’re just boomers, anyone who listens to sonic ost above 15 (which is already ridiculous you should’ve stopped at 11 or 12) is a fag

Only exception is if you’re listening for nostalgia or background music maybe, but in your free time is crazy embarrassing
if you don't think proto man's fortress is a banger you are a faggot

Same reason they hate The Velvet Underground and CAN and also don't actually like Classical or Eurofolk or Classical or Prog or Blues yet spam about Jazz all the time. It's just another element of le heckin epic pop culture reddit gold to them. Videogame Soundtracks are unfashionable to like and these guys are desperate for pussy. Essentially it's them posturing like Teenagers because they didn't lose their virginity at a normal age and also aren't really participating in le society in a meaningful way. They all say they hate Videogame OSTs out of insecurity. Same way they hate most of the actual core psych shit because they associate that with people who don't work either (even though most hippies are either dead or retirement age and shouldn't be being asked to work to begin with).
>t. too slow
Idk some of the best music I've ever heard comes from JRPGS or Horror Games desu plus Chiptunes is genuinely engaging stuff least the classic era of it. Plus some of that stuff influenced Black Metal and I play Black Metal so it lets me expand on shit a bit. Both Varg and Mysticum loved JRPGS etc.

>"doesn't help that most video game osts work better in the context of the game, people who defend these osts sound dumb and are really lazy to find anything outside their vidya slop. "

Some of them maybe but some of it seems to be crossover from people who listen to a lot of Classical or more Traditional Music also.Some of the interest is probably academic. That being said it is still pretty dorky to say you like. That being said not sure I care anymore. No longer a teenager. Some of you need to grow up.
You've never worked in a warehouse or anything then. 100% the people who listen to Anime and Gaming OSTs in public are weirder.
You're right but also I've heard some music from videogames that was genuinely engaging and enjoyable. The Only music I've heard from anime that I enjoyed was shit that was just 90s Alt Rock Bands who were basically only getting featured in said anime for the band revenue. Like if you pretend to hate The Penpals or Boa you're probably lying but those are also the only truly stand out like good good examples of anime ost music prettymuch. I agree with your analysis of the fanbase and I'm pretty spergy myself obviously but Anime OST Music is almost universally way lower quality than what they use for Videogames with those soundtracks tending to have more of an expressive quality and room to breathe I think. Anime OSTs are more obvious and less "spergy" in an attention to detail way and more in a "funny screaming" or "Rick and Morty" one. The Hyperactive energy is novel but ultimately it's also one dimensional and kind of obnoxious for more than one song. Videogame OSTs desu also have more room for like novel compositional ideas and shit than most other modern day music with a similar budget does. You will never hear a Taylor Swift Song in 32/2 nor will Taylor Swift be recording Mideval Fanfaire anytime soon or the weird creeky whispery type ambient shit used in horror games. It's got more dimensions to it than most commercial music available in this day and age. That being said it is incredibly dorky to the extent of sometimes being kinda flat or one direction in terms of being for a specific event and thus always feeling to a degree pre-determined and canned.
There's some weird shit in them. Strongly disagree. Early 2000s Survival Horror Soundtracks are cool.
i like a lot of video game/tv/movie osts but they arent really a genre. since its just an amalgamation of other genre thrown under a blanket term, it is weird that some people only listen to the osts and not the original genre. the kind of people who only listen to osts dont really care about music at all, but they stereotypically have a superiority complex over people who listen to other genre especially hiphop.
Because people consider albums that are not from videogames to be the only ones with artistic merit.
There's also the ones who just put complexity above everything, so just because there's some vgm that is short and simple and its main aim was just to be on a loop while playing a stage is suppose to be bad for some reason.
worse than kpop
Pretentiousness does not thrive in scores, so pretentious gits hate them. Pretentious gits will say a score has no meaning when heard outside of the game/movie/show, but actually, the music sounds nice, so I enjoy it. Pretentious gits will say a score has no meaning because it has no lyrics, but actually, the music sounds nice, so I enjoy it. OP, the people professing this regimented autism didn't even come up with this garbage themselves, but simply heard another pseudointellectual talk about how there are some arbitrary rules about what is objectively real music. In their miserable quest for novelty, these suckers don't even like the music they listen to and only like acknowledging that they've listened to it.
Most game also tend to have more ambiental “background” tracks so that might also be a reason they’re takes less seriously
Dude it’s not that deep, most people who listen to that shit in public are insufferable autistic fags, they’re easy to pick on
Same reason that movie scores are generally disregarded. They're intended to be heard in a different context. The random bongo slapping in Blood of Dracula's Castle just doesn't work outside of the window scenes.
>it’s not that deep
OP is asking why people on /mu/ (ie people who actually think it's that deep) disdain it so much. Let's not pretend the people here aren't insufferable autistic fags rofl
kill yourself nico tranny

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