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Thulean Spirit edition.

Det Som Engang Varg: >>122608634

FAQ: https://burzum.org/eng/news.shtml
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
back to schizo and autist OPs I guess
we had a good run
Finally an OP that isn't a fag. Based thread.
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If Anime is only Japanese, then by definition Black metal is only Norwegian.
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Hector woke up. It's over. Post good music to repel the incels.

...and by this logic true metal is only European.
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If someone is calling Paracletus the best DsO, it's not kekky, given the album's superiority makes him feel incredibly vulnerable and he chimps out while crying and throwing buzzwords around about how bad it supposedly is.
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this sellout album
... and by this logic music is only Earthian.
For me Hector is just an umbrella term for all the undesirable dregs here (all like 3 of them lmao), like gook.
Metallica fanbase is literally the worst, most pathetic group of fagboys ive ever fucking seen. Holy fucking shit the amount of coping ass licking coming from those fags is absolutely bonkers. Never have I seen a community so chock full of blind, brainded, coping faggots ever, anywhere. Most of them are just kids too but the adults have the same retarded mentality. Fucking hell sometimes I wish dave never joined them so id be spared from metallifags braindead bullshit.
kill yourselves

There's one poster here who you can tell is obsessed with it 24/7. His conscious self can't admit to liking it, and he tries to avoid sleep because Paracletus is waiting there
Every DSO album sucks.
for me it's Haunted Shores
>havent been paying attention to Gatecreeper since Deserted came out
>now they sound like 00s In Flames
the fuck happened
Agreed, French metal sucks.
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Blasts and riffs
they got older and tired of being poor I'd imagine
the first two aren't anything exceptional, but they at least had some riffs
Is using YouTube recommendations to find new bands a bad idea?
Yejibros whats the next big metal cb to look forward to?
Nah, more like early Parkway drive. Like, literally.
I have found plenty of cool shit from youtube recommendations. Some even very obscure, but since I mostly listen to shit on youtube I guess the algo knows my tastes so your mile may vary I suppose.
No but you have to find the small channels who upload a ton of literal who stuff. Discovered a ton of great stuff that way.
The album is nothing short of epic, storylike songs. I'm learning the solo at the end of Beauty Slept In Sodom, there's something exquisitelly gothic and romantic about it.
And who was the first to use/invent guitar distortion?
Kerry King
Snorre Ruch
My mom
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truly a man after my own heart
Marty Robbins invented metal
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Horna is pop punk.

Just listen to this song
And tell me with a straight face that this is black metal. It's fucking pop punk lmao
Anyone seen Goatwhore or any of these other bands live? I got tickets to this. Just wondering what to expect
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uhhhhhh, The Black Tooth Grin-bros, I don't feel so good

The youtube algorithm is the reason some bands are even known by anyone. Timeghoul, Molested, Infester, Gorement. 15 years ago they were truly obscure, now people mention them in lists
the average Sum 41 song is heavier than the average Finnblack song
Even fucking Blink has songs harder than Horna:
This is the first time I actually clicked on one of these because I couldn't care less about black metal and...I thought this pop punk sound was just a meme but it literally sounds like that. Explain yourselves bmcels. It's awful btw.
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You're never too old to grow into metal
>3 out of the 5 band's names are literally just a bunch of numbers and / signs
Metal has fallen.
Not surprisingly they all fucking suck ass and are a budget versions of way better ones. I fucking hate hipsters.

ok now let's do the same with all the NSBM bands. but that's your sacred cow isn't it
Goatwhore is a better live band than on record desu. They always put on a solid show and Louis is a pretty charismatic frontman. If you already like them on record, youll have a good time. My only gripe with Goatwhore is that its seems like every album is composed of 60% filler songs, but this doesnt apply to the live show.

And I dont the hype behind Vitriol, seems like a dishonest version of Hate Eternal that just tries way too hard to be br00tal

Now, yes. Then, no
>tfw he was like twice the height of me
You're 38 inches tall?
nonsensical post
>shits cum in Missouri
>band is called Goatwhore
>be playing death/black
>be talking about br00tal stuff
>frontman is called Louis
Recs to listen in the dead of night?
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>frontman is called Louis
23 stab wounds—two to the head, five to the neck, and 16 to the back.

in 2007 it was still possible to find metal that was good and no one had heard of.

And sorry your damaged brain/nervous system precludes you from enjoying music like a normal person, instead you autistically latch onto a handful of artists.
>I couldn't care less about black metal
Then what are you doing here?
all those bands you listed suck my sweaty balls brah brah
Jee, dunno, discussing actual metal?

well you're quite along in that opinion
I also know exactly how you're going to respond to this
>discussing actual metal?
You just admitted you don't like that, jeez.
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Oh shut the fuck up you child.
>no good metal bands from Antarctica
what a shit scene
Oh look the uptight boomer is having a fit kek
Is jerking off to /ss/ doujins and blasting caveman riffs peak existence?
>mfw wearing my bathory baseball cap with the red-eyed goat at work
>have a sort of a pensive glare during training
>the instructor tries to bait me into admitting I'm violent by jokingly saying and sort of expecting this to enable an entry-level bond that he would harm others if it wasn't for this job so he can confirm to HR that I might intend to harm others at the workplace
>mfw keking my sides off at the parking lot
>the general populace thinks metalheads are no better than melanin enriched individuals
why do they persecute us so?
we are a genre of peace
Thanks. I didn't know who they were until recently when I saw they were playing a show nearby. I just got back into metal recently, so the only death and black metal I'm really familiar with is from 80s to late 90s. But the songs of theirs I checked out sounded pretty cool, so I'm looking forward to it.
You could just report him for prejudice if it wasn't a shitty LARP.
What subgenre is this

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Not metal.
Swedes call it kängpunk. Basically raw crust played so spastically it becomes proto-grind
This post is for the metal gods if they are real, and if they are listening, and if they would be so kind as to grant my prayer request. Please, please, please let the following bands tour the US again sometime soon, and let them visit the gulf coast area, preferably somewhere between Destin, FL and Gulfport, MS:
Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, Manowar, Savatage, Cirith Ungol, Saint Vitus, Candlemass, Pentagram, Morbid Angel, Helloween, Blind Guardian, Satan's Host, Portrait, and Vomitory. Thanks. Amen.

Yeah it reminded me of Repulsion, just not as grindy
Listened to a bunch of chunks, half of them were just the nothing between songs and one was two dudes dancing together to some gay ass guitar playing (wtf?) but the rest sounded like thrashcore/crossover/thrash metal. Basically Cryptic slaughter.
Not even the metal gods can provide this much Viagra and AARP insurance to get these boomers on the road again
>not a single black metal band
Your wish has been denied, mutt.
what black metal bands are even good live
Swedes are fucking retards, they call everything that. How does this sound anything like Disfear? Which they also call that.
Kvaenbros... i don't feel so good...
Yeah it's a shitty, useless tag
>Swedish d-beat?
>Swedish hardcore?
>Swedish grind?
"Thrash metal"
"Crust punk"
"Proto grind"
"Speed core"
"Grind core"

When were these terms invented
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This album literally coined the term Crossover
This album rules
"Thrash" stands out, it's a way you act, not a style of music. You thrash. Basically fuck shit up.
Also, who the fuck cares for these proto genres? Forced as fuck. Was invented by fags who wanted to call The stooges punk. Yeah, no.
And please define what speed core means.
Sleep Token is probably the only metal band you can actually fuck to
Yeah but that band sucks ass. If you want great PURE crossover check out Excel's first two and Crumbsuckers' first album. The perfect balance between hardcore punk and thrash metal.
(And if you want something more recent, by something ancient, listen to Discharge's End of days. IMO their best album, but I can't say something like this without risking a public lynching)
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Challenge accepted

Is any of that stuff as good as grind core, or is grind core like the finish line.
t. nu-male
all based
Not metal. And only virgins think about what music would be "good" to fuck to

I don't know but if you say stuff like speed core it will confuse the janny who doesn't like punk

she's actually cute i hate to say it
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Favourite band shirt you own?
For me, it’s this pilgrim shirt I am wearing. It’s special to me because they sent it to me for free as a surprise, I didn’t even pay shipping or anything. Mad respect

jk its okay
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I think you mean when I insult Popcletus for being the shallow album it is you cry like a bitch basically on my command.

Hasjarl on Popcletus being a watered down version of themselves for normalfags (direct quotation)
>Interviewer: Why Paracletus is, seemingly, more focused and straightforward perhaps?
>Hasjarl: This is because we consciously decided to give the songs structures that were somewhat closer to traditional rock structures.

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Does anyone else here get angry when they go to a metal show of a band they really like and they see poseurs in attendance wearing band shirts like Tool, Disturbed, Slipknot and similar nonmetal poseur garbage? I literally saw a faggot in a Stryper shirt at the last show i went to.
Can't even find it because it was a limited run tour exclusive. Some dude complimented it once.
>because they sent it to me for free as a surprise
And I ordered a Horse back battle hammer backpatch from Conan. Waited 3 weeks, didn't arrive. Wrote to the band. The singet guy replied that they are sorry and sent another one. I still don't have that backpatch about 8 years later.
Stryper is based. You sound like a cry baby bitch
>poseurs in attendance
Thats everyone who goes to concerts, they are anti-music by their nature.
Conan sucks anyways bro. Not sure what the first part of your post means
>going to gigs
Found the vnkvlt poser.
Can't find a picture of it on the net. I have the t-shirt but I'm not at home.
Conan are...alright. But I really liked the artwork of that EP. In fact I love all their artwork. And logo. Aesthetics really go a long way.
You remind me that I still have to listen to the new Cirith ungol album...and talking about old fucks, the new Heavy load too. New heavy load album man, what the fuck?
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Why are you linking me a picture of my own post Iass?

Don't play dumb you're the one who being talked about
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Need a qt metalhead gf
>new heavy load
Damn I’m out of the loop, didn’t know about this. The new cirith ungol is great
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They fight, they kill, they rape
Under the banner of the holy church
Found the christard
Nah I’m not a Christian, I just think stryper is fun, but I prefer WASP.
The person being replied to in that thread is norsecore poster after his schizophrenic meltdown where he finally said he was leaving /metal/ (only to return in less than 12 hours). That picture is mine and I post it frequently with the same filename, don't believe me? See for yourself.


Your concession is accepted, Iass.
remember what they took from you


Is that Shitallica? They're the biggest poser band on the planet. Of course everyone there is a poser
Jesus Christ, what a downgrade, I’d fuck both tho

You're the only one who posts that crap and you know it, you're probably the same person
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Ah yes I totally suck off baroque and romantic composers and certainly don't post modern classical, yep nothing like Beethoven's 9th with my fellow soccer moms!
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Is op also norsecuck or not? that's still puzzled me
I’ll pass
>Is op also norsecuck or not? that's still puzzled me
Almost certainly yes, there is a slight chance of it just being another Varg poster, but I'm pretty sure the "faq: burzum.org" OPs are Norsecore poster.
Honestly I got filtered by Cirith ungol really hard multiple times but listening to Forever black instantly got me hooked and now I absolutely love them. Especially their first album, King of the dead and Forever black. What do you think of their new one? Their new EP was mid so I don't have much expectations.
Also, check out Devil seed. The only metal band I like from this country. (Warning: female vocals)
Yes, they took their name from a Candlemass song.
I'm going to my first metal show in a few months (sepultura/obituary) and I need a cool looking band shirt to wear so I won't look like a poser. Can someone point me to one that looks really sick?
Nevermind you already said it's great.
eat some eggs and lift some weights, mr. skellington
Rule of thumb: to a metal gig always wear a punk t-shirt and vice versa. Or some pop or funk or whatever shit. Never wear any band's t-shirt who will perform because you reduce the number of occasions when people would compliment it and you could get into a conversation.
aaaand here come the gymcels
Don't wear anything too popular like Slayer or Maiden. Posers always have those shirts. You a band like Destruction would be safe choice to wear.
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Bros...was Varg really slaying pussy?
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band shirts are for faggots. Bury a random shirt in a bag with a dead animal a few days before the show, then wear it. wipe some gore on the shirt too
Get an Anti-Cimex shirt if you want cred from the d-beat bros
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yeah, euronymous died
>lifting weights instead of fallen trees and boulders in the northern woods
I bet you don't even listen to real metal you bird watching gym faggot
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This one. Gets me lots of attention when I wear it out
what a shame, euronymous would have been a grade A lolcow in this day and age. He seems like the type who would have had a christian phase had he gone on long enough, then tried to play it off when the novelty wore off
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Half Past Human was rerecordings of old pre-Frost and Fire songs. Dark Parade is more like Forever Black, which is the best metal comeback album of all time imo
>the best metal comeback album of all time imo
For me? It's At war with reality. Let's commence calling me a fag.
Go outside.
Stay inside.
Stand in a doorway

Do any of those actually come close to King of the Dead?

What are you blabbering about now, you really need help kid
Good album when it's hot as fuark
I'll blast Head Over Heels later
I need a QRD on everything that happened with death metal from about 2002 (when I stopped listening) until today. Like what are the most relevant bands and albums since then? Back in the day I had a pretty sizeable collection full of shit like Morbid Angel, Deicide, Obituary, Monstrosity, Immolation, Incantation, Dismember, Entombed, etc. etc.

nsbm chuds btfo
I love how they use faux chinese letters for seven churches when the "asian" churches were in fucking Turkey lol

Revelation 1:4

John, To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne,
late 2000s early 2010s coreshit happened

late 2010s brought in caverncore / blackened death with bands ripping off Antediluvian

and then dissoshit happened with bands like Ulcerate trying to rip off Gorguts

Im sure other anons can fill in the other gaps but Im too high rn
>ywn have as much fun as a german
It isn't fair bros
Cannibal Corpse perfected DM on their first four albums, culminating with The Bleeding, the greatest DM LP of all time.

Maybe those bands aren't ripping off, they're paying homage
>I am old and confused, someone help me
NGMI baldcuck
I use ripping off in jest, depending on the band. There was a point where we reached peak cavernshit/black-death histeria and I got sick of it: but I guess that happens with every trend.
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first for brutal dm
I thought caveshit originated in Incanclones like Dead Congregation
I remember that first DC album being big. And also Outre for atmo/dissodeath.
Fucking christ, that sounds terrible. Guess I didn't miss much
I guess Antediluvian is more responsable for the blackened death side of it perhaps. Portal played a big role in caveshit for sure
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>I got an idea, let's rip off as many bands as possible
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>ripping off Antediluvian
You mean Portal who came out a full decade before them. This is why you don't listen to weed junkies, incompetent at anything and everything.

Beloved here as a /metal/ classic.

Not by me
You aren't on the official /metal/ council, your opinion is irrelevant.

Well your ass should be perma banned for all the weird offtopic crap you post
then go ahead and write your own anthology for our boomer friend coming back to death metal

*hits blunt*
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I only post pure metal though?

disney channel ass riff LMFAOOOOOOO
tim henson is a man

>link you post

not clicking it
I think not Iass. There is no point is saying anything to him since he is old and will dismiss it regardless of quality; he is only here to cry about the past and shit his pants in frustration because people made different music, yet if you were to show him music that sounds the same as the past he would bemoan a lack of originality.

The ideal situation is to not reply to him at all, so he remembers that he is forgotten and ignored just like the shit bands of the past he overglorifies.
>link you post
Clicked and blasting!
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Who are you talking about, we only know, love, and respect Timberly here; she has the best rawrjobs I've never gotten.
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How is this even the same band that wrote Jumpdafuckup ? This actually sounds like some kick ass metal


Instead you reply to yourself. I'm probably the only one here who talks to you

quit posting that goblina
> I'm probably the only one here who talks to you
Said the voices in your head.
I'm currently listening to every Deicide album back to back today and I'm currently on this one
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Shes the queen of /metal/ though?

anorexic asian twinks are not /meal/.
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>those shoulders
>Polyphia is a primarily instrumental progressive rock band based in Plano, Texas, formed in 2010.
Take it to the prog rock thread
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Might want to check your source, Polyphia is pure concentrated metal.

Fuck off. I'm a 39 yr old millennial, for one. And secondly, I've already caught up on the traditional heavy metal, power metal, and doom metal that I missed over the last 2 decades, and I found plenty of new bands I like that don't really fit neatly into any of those genres that I listened to in my teens. Death metal was the next genre on my list to catch up on. And just because I think Ulcerate sounds like shit doesn't mean I'm close minded or against innovation. I just hate that sound. There were bands in the 90s I hated and thought sounded like shit too. Like Meshuggah, for example.
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>I'm a 39 yr old millennia
The queen of /metal/ is Bongman’s mother.

Ok so you're one of those nutcases that's going to start impersonating me
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>I'm a 39 yr old millennial
>I think Ulcerate sounds like shit
>like shit too. Like Meshuggah
the poster youre replying to is insane in the head, dont mind him too much. also he hates ulcerate too
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shut up bongman

that's not me, it's him
Our one and only king. I await his return to the throne
I have to hit legs before the day ends and I dont want to

metal for this feel?
i saw your penus before
So it seems i've severely underestimated the autism and mental illness here
No, you didn’t.
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yes i did
it was all red and angy lookin
be thankful that the nico tranny doesn’t post here regularly.
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New Kommodus/Celestial Sword split preview had me go check them out, holy shit this album kicks ass.

Definitely Bolt Thrower. But a certain retard here will have a fit when i mention that
jk looks like you got some cool stuff
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>Definitely Bolt Thrower.
based dungeon synth CD collector. there's not many of us out here. tired of all these ds labels specializing in tapes. only optical media is fucking real. death to the falses

I hate tapes, the autistic anon who always asks about cassettes should get into dungeon synth, it would be up his alley
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>its acdc but the lyrics are DnD campaign shit
I like tapes T_T

But agreed, I've been collecting it (DS) on vinyl and CD as well lol.
Too soon. Fuck you
wtf is this thread bro
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what video games do you guys play now
when you're not listening to meta
why admonish someone for disliking ulcerate when you consistently rate their albums under 3 STARS?
Autism: online

AKA Eve.

Good stuff.
Definitely better than Synarchy
Elden Ring

also just replayed Earthbound
i told you all it was a black metal game but you didn't listen to me at the time
Baldurs gate
I wasn't here when you said that. I was probably playing Elden Ring.
Hellblade 2 rn
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
critique/completely shit on my meloblack song https://on.soundcloud.com/UarmPZP4De7rW3hy7
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Legitimately liked it on first listen tbf. How hard are the drums to program?
How many albums do y'all have in your digital collection? Just recently started collecting, I have 122 complete albums, maybe a little more if you don't count bonus tracks in the tracklist (I have some that omit the bonus tracks for some reason)
eatin frozen yogurt
listenin to deep purple
heres my grindcore bs i been workin on
It can get tedious but it is straightforward. I'm just hand punching MIDI notes into piano roll in Reaper with a track pad then copy/pasting once I have my building blocks.
AND I've got way more in my Drive.
I always thought deep purple was just le smoke on le water band, but holy fuck I did not know how unhinged they were
Is this metal enough for you
rate my riff
its ok, vocals are cool

628 that i've ripped, many more that i haven't gotten to yet
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They're unfairly classified as a lame boomer rock band like Cream when they're much closer in sound to Sabbath and Zeppelin
I even love their 90's and 00's stuff which is a bit proggy
For the longest time, they held the Guinness World Records for being "the loudest live band" until Manowar took that spot
It's also hilarious and badass at the same time how Deep Purple is "metal enough" to headline Wacken
my upper glutes hurt from the squats I did a few hours ago

metal for this feel?
so this is the state of current scenecore
I wish regular squatting activated my glutes. Not even deadlifts do it. The only thing that does is very stretched split squats
gymcels radiate such bald energy
Post hair
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you use shampoo and conditioner like a woman lol
why don't you go braid your long, luminous, shiny hair with your sissy friends you fucking faggot
Is that a continuation of "I posted about not enjoying Deviant and it turned out no one who liked Defacement had listened to it so they were going to" from earlier?
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Truly the heaviest band
some of the best metal has yet to be released

you will continue to find something great the longer you look

whether it's playing or listening or merely collecting, do not let your passions fold over and die. just love it like a brother because it is

you don't get a lot of time on this earth.
another thing though is that you have to like incantation even if you think you don't want to
i saw them being mentioned so i wanted to check out the band, i'm not aware of the story
Fair enough.
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Apologize for listening to metalcore
For what, your shit taste?
>streaming music
>bluetoof headphones
Go do your homework, summercancer.
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I'm sorry you had to listen to that boring tripe.
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2k+ black metal albums/EPs/demos etc(300-ish bands). Usually I download entire discographies, then I delete stuff that's genuinely awful.
Additonally, about half of that in seperate folder is other metal. And same amount of classical music.
post your favorite osdm gems
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I dunno m8 I just always post this one.
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is this a contemporary picture of varg? why is he so skinny? did his crops fail
>crops fail
This nigga buys his shit at the supermarket. His farm is as awful as his music
>grows up in a muslim country
>chimps out about muslims living in europe
is this some form of self harm?
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>you will never have a farm and a devoted French weifu with a gaggle of children
>you will never immigrate to another country and live off their welfare and your paypig uggo wifes family money
yeah i'd rather stick in my ancestral homeland and make ends meet on my own terms like a real man
omg i just listened to dso for the first time
wow such great dissonance
can't believe literally no one else in the history of metal ever deigned to attempt dissonance in metal
thank fuck dso showed us the light
only us true intellectuals can comprehend
His wife is mentally handicapped and his children disavow him, there's nothing to be jealous of here
proof his children disavow him? I don't like varg but I think he'd be a loving father.
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His crops are alright(so is his music), sometimes he and Marie show us their farm and animals. Last time I saw they were skinning their pig.
Sounds like a good healthy life they have. So Varg looks as natural as any healhy man should.
You will never be a real man, moshe. And your ancestral homeland is not Europe, will never be.

You're replying to the JIDF
Vargfags are the Davefags of black metal.
They are ripping off jazz music, which itself ripped off late romantic/modernist/impressionist music
dso is just shitty jazz music with death metal growls.

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