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Dr. Chud Edition

Prev: >>122644675
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The new 200 Stab Wounds. I don't know if the cover is too gory for the janny. It's alright. Nothing special.
better than their last one. Somebody must have told em to write some riffs when they signed with Metal Blade.
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I liked the album but this thumbnail wants me to not like it.
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Thread died shortly after I posted, so still this. Man, Surrounded By Danger is such a sick tune.
How could anyone deny this is metal
Pure claustrophobia
redpill me on the metal archives
Resident coreshit enjoyer here, and to be quiet honest their full length was a bit disappointing. Not bad or anything but I feel like the slow-drip feed of singles killed it's hype for me. They ended up being the highlights of the whole thing, nothing else really stood out to me.

The new singles are good though. Just hope it doesn't end up happening again.
Rush and Ghost are on there, so disregard. I only use it to be a completionist for certain artists.
You should listen to the fear of fear EP it's really good and the songs actually tie together under a theme unlike their debut album
i use it to find similar artists
My favorite metal band is Bring Me The Horizon
Discogs is a better site.
I use it for finding out other related/side projects of a given band member.
what about RYM?
Post tits
Idk I rarely use it
we love mayo and mustard on our fries here
Great site. Posers are just seething their favorite mallcore garbage isn't on there
Gonna love you baby, HEREEE I COMEEE AGAINNN
>core shit
Gtfo, poseur
You want to see my man boobs?!
Dipping your fries in ranch dressing opens your third eye.
It's fun to keep track of stuff I listen to and I'm autistic about giving everything a score. I don't know why.
Yam fries dipped in yam fry sauce is the most metal and brutal thing on the entire goddamned planet
Rush is cool, Ghost is for faggots though
Not the point. Neither are metal.
Ghost is cool, Rush is for faggots
best darkthrone album
I'm pretty sure both are more metal than whatever poser garbage you listen to
That's not Under a Funeral Moon
What about Deep Purple. They're metal according to the archive.
Recommendations for metal with extremely high-pitched vocals?
No. It's what he said >>122650622
Rush are extremely masculine, they repel all women.
Remember that Led Zeppelin isn't metal but Rush is.
What faggots
objectively, yes.
If you listen to nu-metal or anything -core then get your gay ass out of this thread. Fucking posers
sleep well metalfags
The Sound of Perseverance has some of my favourite Death songs on it but it's like my third or fourth fav Death album
The poseurs are really coming out of woodwork tonight
How come black magick ss isn't on there?
Bill Corgan knows more about metal than anyone itt
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What do we think of Kerry King's new band "Kerry King"
You know, I haven't really thought much about it
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This reminds so much of classic Manilla Road
That’s the worst band logo I’ve ever seen
The vocals sound like angsty mallcore vocals. Yuck
Any bm rec for a kpop fan?
this is the best metal riff of all time
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stop judging me
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i feel like im being laughed at
Only the white trash retards listened to it. all the actual metalheads know he was always the most useless member of Slayer
Slaughter to Prevail is just an updated Slipknot for zoomers
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>>duh nun nun duh nun nun chug chug


>> duh nun nun duh nun nun djent djent NIGGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Forgot all about that band. Weren't they like progessive metalcore circus music stuff?
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Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
modern metal is a really bad form of music MOSTLY. I'd like to see a metal "band" write a piece of music that can stand up without retarded distorted sounds and speedy drums.
show me a modern metal song that is good enough to listen to a piano version of
new waifu unlocked
Where does the beginning part with the girl singer come from? It's not in the track from the Nostalgia album. I want this version in high quality.

It’s entry level garbage. I also enjoyed it at one point but now it’s unlistenable
Name at least 5 better DM albums, go ahead.
Great album
not really modern I guess but as good time as any to post it
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Does that mean kpop fans have better taste in bm than metalheads?
Self-btfo metalheads!
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>UK PC company advertisement
>"Save a huge £400 on the Epiphone Dave Mustaine Flying V Custom with hard case. Each guitar is set up by hand by our industry professionals to make sure you get the most out of your instrument."
what why
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is baby metal nsbm?
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
Well the japs were declared honorary aryans so...
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>Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
is that an "edgenighted" shirt
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i paid $6 for this. sounds good
>american't black metal
>primitive darkthrone worship slop #29428
Ah, what a combination!!

You have no foreskin.
I don't like many things about the US, but I like their black metal. The shittiest countries have the best bm
>Ah, what a combination!!

>You have no foreskin.
rent free
>The shittiest countries have the best bm
Scandinavia is far from shitty and their black metal is the alpha and omega. Stop coping.
Something about living in countries that are the closest to paradise on earth as can be just makes you complacent when it comes to artistry. That's why norsecore is a thing.
>Scandinavia is far from shitty
Good one
Opinion discarded.
Norway is one of the richest countries on the planet, unedcuated foreskinlet.
No. Scandinavia is by far the most advanced region of the world. Far ahead of the US and the rest of Europe. Ironically, if BMchuds got their way it would go back to ooga booga medieval chop off yer head nonsense.
Money can't buy happiness
anyone who likes this garbage should off themselves. they ruin and stain black metal with copycat shit, the anti-thesis of black metal. literal definition of posers.
Advanced as in closer to collapse than other countries. Fuck Shartigayvia.
>calls out lack of foreskin as obsessed with jews
>post is also obsessed with money
>closer to collapse than other countries
Foreskinlet copes be like
Ahhh, this is the /meal/ I know and love
I would chop both my legs off without anesthetic to be given Norwegian citizenship
does this guy have more than one insult
Sorry, but true Europeans like Varg moved to good European countries like France.
Scummyqueervia is the AIDS capital of Europe.
>rich only means money and international banking
Foreskinlet moment
>Europeans like Varg
Moved because France has advantage when it comes to primitive life that Varg chose.
Yeah, generous welfare.
It's not fair Ahmed and Abdul get to live in earthly paradise collecting neetbux while I a white man am stuck in poomerica
Generous welfare is far better in socialist countries so no.
Norway should start accepting burger refugees
Norsecuck is not even Norwegian kek
Imagine simping so much for a country not even your own
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Why would anyone want to live in Snoregay.
There is literally nothing there.
>durr look muh fjords that where the vikings lived dood
>and what else is there?
>uh uh *kills himself because Moregay has one of the highest suicide rates*
>The copypasta about destruction of the holy man and "we cultivated this" stopped being funny
>Americans have plenty of good black metal bands
>Jute Gyte is mostly unlistenable slop and the its resident dicksucker is a weirdo
>Death metal peaked with the Gothenburg Holy Trinity

simple as
>America gets criticized for endless boring 2nd wave slop
>Enraged amerimutts immeditelly show themselves
Can't make this shit up.
Robert Lowe era Candlemass > Solitude Aeternus
U forgot to change the filename trannykpopper
Deep in their hearts they wish they were born in Norway
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>Deep in their hearts they wish they were born in Norway
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No it doesn't.
They are up to 42 in the current year while every other country stayed the same.
What's the point? Just go ahead and listen to Darkthrone if you fucking want Darkthrone. No one gives a shit about your rip-off project. Ripping off is not "art".
It's not my project. Artist is a tranny i'm not a tranny
How about last year?
Have you considered that some countries don't publish statistics every month, or even year?
If you have a higher suicide rate than the UK then you are beyond fucked
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Darkthrone is mogged by just about everything that came after them. Every band inspired by them surpassed them.
Fenriz aka Fagjizz should rope.
Not even South Korea is at 42.
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Not even in top 20
I would rather listen to tranny USBM than fenriz yappin about aryans or some shii
>t. lives in ghetto and has melanin in large quantites
Fenreddit be like
Fenreddit also be like
>Here is your mail, Mrs. Abdulkarim-Kazim-Jamal Mohammed! Lovely day we are having!
jute gyte does blow chunks. sounds like someone vacuuming carpet.
why is this faggot so obsessed with one hairy male
Reminder that Fenriz doesn't deliver mails, he works(or -ed) in the office

why do foreskinlets always have to lie when attacking Fenriz or Varg lol. there are actually a lot of things to actually criticize them for, too bad you lack any knowledge about it.
Rent free couldn't be more applicable.
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The amount of disrespect leveled against metal legends around here is honestly fucking sad.
I know most of you are just being ironic, but some of you are absolutely insane.
I audibly gagged when I saw that AIslop picture of Lemmy eating Ozzy's poop. My mum came in my room when she heard and banned me from the computer for 3 weeks when she saw the picture.
I'm not underage btw, I just have very protective parents and live with them because of my disability.
If you have a disability you shouldn't be using 4chan, you know how 4chan feels about your kind? Just visit /pol/ to get an idea...
Literally no one cares About what you post tranniepopper, no need to write self fanfiction LOL
The only attention u get is from me calling u a tranny

Blasting Suffocation btw
metal guitar playing is pretty cool. it's the third best style and the third most respectable style of guitar playing, after country and jazz
>he doesn't actually work as a <insert cringe poser job for fags> he works as a <insert cringe poser job for fags>
Fenreddit fanboys are beyond desperate.
lol country isn't even a genre. it's just soft rock with a dude singing about tractors and conservatism
No that's NSBM
What you got against postal workers? Somebody's got to deliver your translesbian furry loli hentai
She should all die and be replaced by based robots
Best blasting of the thread
Lol the day a robot can figure out how to pick up object and put object in box. robots are retarded
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>I freaking love black metal, but only the Norwegian kind!
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this is going to be my next purchase after Black Canticles.
Better than any Scandinavian band.
KPGposter here. Why are idols posted here every so often lmao
really good summer album
Great fucking album.
Did you try the new one?
1. the kpop psyop actually worked
2. one guy spamming it because dude asian girls lmao
All metal-women are either ugly, 60+ or both.
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They are undoubtedly metal.
Less than 1% of Aryans are NS
Weak bait.
The is just a lie poor people tell themselves.
I'm a billionaire
Case in point.
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Cannibal Corpse - Butchered at Birth
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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whats the deal with DSBM?
the only difference from regular atmospheric black is the homosexual wailing.
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Don't mind me, just posting the best death metal band from the 90's: Bolt Thrower
Bore Snorer is background music for gay bear orgies
It doesn't have to just be atmospheric.
so its just the theme like NSBM?
you're thinking of ash borer
>saying bullshit without calling the bet
It depends, typically you can tell when something is trying to sound like DSBM. I'd say the theme helps but it definitely has its own trends while NSBM could sound like anything but be classed as NSBM as long as they slap a swastika on the cover.
Austere is not the best example as they get shoved into the scene but really they're closer to just post-black that happens to be sad. You were kinda right into that DSBM most of the time can pass as a subgenre of atmoshit, but then bands like Silencer kinda throw that out the window.
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Maybe you posers would have turned out different if you had Bolt thrower as your introduction to metal instead of memeslop
I would have never bothered to listen to more metal if the first metal I had ever heard was Bore Snorer. Most boring, generic garbage ever. And the fat woman that plays the bass is disgusting, old and obese. The only reason Bore Snorer has any fans is because their fans are reminded of their own fat mother when they see old fatbag on stage and they secretly want to bang her and their mum.
>released in 1989
Only good song on that album is World Eater
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Fffffffuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkkkk yessssss
Yeah, thankfully I listened to all the good and better stuff first, so Bolt Thrower came across as the absolutely bang average potatoes DM it is.

>I would have never bothered to listen to more metal

And that’s a good thing
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Bolt Thrower didn't exist when I started listening to metal
Interested but need to see a photo of the actual item.
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Old man here!
Your cope is expected
Better than Scream Bloody Gore
Better than Leprosy
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Whatever you say big guy.

Sorry gramps then it’s not directed at you. most people here are part of the wave of redditors had Drought as their intro to black metal
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Anyone a fan of Carpathian Forest here?
What is generally considered the best album?
Defending the Throne of Evil was fucking awesome, are the older releases similar to it?
No, they are even more boring than Bolt Thrower.
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what are some albums about abusing women? I like gorgasm and waco jesus but I need more violence and misogyny
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if you are gonna larp as JDAWG you gotta post more interesting content brah brah
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Just listen to Lividity and Prostitute Disfigurement

Here’s a hard one, name bands that instill a sense of dread unironically and without using gimmicks
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They did some badass covers

Deathspell Omega because they suck so hard it makes me go ick ick yuck bah
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where can I find lyrics to violence against feminist cunts? Half the fun of this kind of music is laughing at the lyrics. Weird that the band isn't on metallum
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>where can I find lyrics to violence against feminist cunts? Half the fun of this kind of music is laughing at the lyrics. Weird that the band isn't on metallum
are you a teenager? What grown man would feel dread from listening to music. I've been watching horror movies, listening to brutal shit and looking at gore since i was a kid.
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Carnivore rules
what is this post trying to say

Don’t they have some kind of rule against troll bands?
if so, thats retarded. How can you even classify a troll band.
>I've been watching horror movies, listening to brutal shit and looking at gore since i was a kid.
who is this man and why do you keep green texting my posts. Bizarre behaviour
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>who is this man and why do you keep green texting my posts. Bizarre behaviour
why would you even try to show trad doom as an ugly pathetic loser when he's posted pictures of himself where he's as ugly and pathetic as it gets
me on the left
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He gets all the chicks. Perks of being a metal musician.
she passes surprisingly well O_O
having all these photos saved makes you look weirder than the person you are trying to mock. It's doubly weird because i remember you posting a photo of this man with a girl years ago. Is the person in the pics you? very strange posts

I don’t know.

There’s obviously many troll bands on MA.. But sometimes bands get treated unfairly if they’re the most well-known or the originators of something kind of like eBay bans absurd and Burzum
infester sucks
Brodequin's new album sends Phrenelith home on a streeeeeeeeeeeetcher.
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This one fits thematically. Also check out Fleshgrind.

If it’s true Synarchy will never be taken seriously again

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>having all these photos saved makes you look weirder than the person you are trying to mock. It's doubly weird because i remember you posting a photo of this man with a girl years ago. Is the person in the pics you? very strange posts
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Found this, but some fags started shit posting and there was no clear answer
the fuck do those bands have to do with one another
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Looks like the gayest shit ever
Norsecore poster is a product of Hectors untreated mental illness
Hector is a shared delusion.
I genuinely would not be suprised

No Hector is real but his alternate personas make referring to him as a single entity meaningless
I'm going to my first Death Metal concert (Deicide/Krisiun) this fall with a friend and I don't want to look like a total poser. But I only have a few metal shirts. Out of the following which ones do you think would be safest for me to wear?: Metallica, Pantera, Tool, In Flames, Soulfly, Rob Zombie, Spiritbox and Avenged Sevenfold
you may be right
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Rob Zombie
You will get beaten up for each of them. Better go naked
>doesn't want to look like a poser with shirts that he wouldn't ask about if he wasn't a poser already
dress plainly, retard
Cancel going. You don't belong there. You're a poseur.
>Artery Eruption
liking it, thanks
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Clooney the scourge was metal af. Too bad furshit ruined it
Ok I get it, they're not the coolest metal shirts. I'm just starting to get into better metal but I'm not really able to order anything online right now. There is however a Hot Topic in my town. Do you think they sale any band shirts that would be acceptable to go to a death metal concert? Or should I just wear like a plain black t shirt
>Hot Topic
Come on now, too obvious
why do people fall for bait
Eh, last time I was in one they had Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, and Amon Amarth shirts. Not the worst thing you could wear to a metal show
Wear a tangerine dream shirt, it’s like a trump card
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Why do people hate this album so much? It's really not bad. And it's a return to form after Insineratehymn which did kinda suck
i'm disappointed that my favourite band and pioneers in the genre aren't on there, but similar bands are.
Nobody is gonna care what shirt you wear. They're not there to see you.

wear the Metallica or the Pantera
Not yet, I'm going through the discography
Sorry for late reply
Read this >>122655668

Basically, mods = fags
I hate post-modernism aesthetic with tranny flag colors and I hate the Antichrist
>tranny flag colors
Stop being obssessed with things you claim to hate
Masterpiece album without a second of filler.
>chugga chuggas with burp vocals and pig squealing
explain yourself slam wiggers
A wild Poseur appeared!
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>A wild Poseur appeared!
They have Cradle of Filth shirts. Can't really go wrong with wearing a black metal shirt to a death metal show and vice versa.
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>and destruction upon the redditor
>who hails a cuck
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I would wear the Pantera shirt.
Phil Anselmo is based.
You losers better start posting something interesting or I’m out of here
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>I would wear the Pantera shirt.
>Phil Anselmo is based.
See >>122656029
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I don’t need recs I need you to post something controversial so I can call you a bald poser
Well atleast hes not wearing the cross of the eternal cristcuck.
Yuck. I can't stand the cringey angry tough-guy-posturing vocals. Their influence on other metal bands really shitted up the 90s. Get a burzum shirt instead if you hate the browns.
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Plain black tshirt is unironically a lot better.
Also you can just get in, go to the merch guy and buy a tshirt right there and then and wear it, genius.
Over time the mainstream stuff dropped out, in part because I had the support of the radio station in going for a "close to purer art" playlist, and this enabled me to stop caring about radio-friendliness or pleasing the crowd. I refused to play Pantera and Cannibal Corpse, and for every five people that alienated, I found someone who had a larger connection to the show. Sure, my audience could have been twice as big if I'd played to the crowd impulse, but I did instead what I thought was right and thus the quality of the show went up as did its importance, because instead of reaching people of transient lives and intellect, I was reaching the smarter people who could articulate the importance of bands.
>I was reaching the smarter people who could articulate the importance of band
>people who listen to the radio

Correct he was trying to convert normies on campus
Someone mentioned they have Cradle of Filth shirts. I think I'm gonna go with that or Cannibal Corpse if they have it
I'm on the Mexican radio
I'm on the Mexican radio
I'm on the Mexican radio
I'm on the Mexican radio
>CoF shirt to a DM gig
You are retarded.
Fyi some would look at you sideways even at a BM gig, since CoF isn't BM but pop trash
Just fucking wear a non-band shirt you absolute dingus.
I only wear vintage Godzilla T-shirts to gigs
What about the Cannibal Corpse shirt then. I just don't want to be the only one there that looks out of place
You won't be, and even if you are no one will give a shit if you're just in something plain or nondescript.
You're using woman logic of giving more of a shit about the social ramifications than just fucking enjoying yourself.
It'll still be instantly recognizable as a hot topic shirt by all the nonposers there because it won't be a tour shirt and we keep up with what CC shirts hot topic sells so we can spot posers at metal shows because we know that's like the one death metal band that posers know about and sometimes wear their shirts. You're fucked. Wearing plain clothes will make you instantly identifiable as a poser too. The only thing you might can do is get an inverted cross/pentagram tattooed on your back and go shirtless.
Trying to dress up in metalhead cosplay because you want to fit in is exactly what being a poseur is, by the way.
This is good

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