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Mahozart edition


>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous >>122677675
I saw a performance of Die Walküre a couple years ago in a concert hall. The cast was in crazy sort of surreal costumes and the stage was full of green screens (or perhaps they were some other color like pink or something) and then the production was reproduced on giant television screens with crazy effects as the on stage cast walked around on treadmills and shit. It was at a massive venue, the Hollywood Bowl, so it didn't matter so much that what was going on on stage wasn't so "theatrical".

I thought it was kind of amazing, and brilliant. It's not as if in the day it was written they weren't utilizing the cutting edge in special effects. Why should we default to austerity in the modern day?
It was a truly surreal, transcendent and psychedelic experience, and I was dead sober (well I had some wine)

You have 90 seconds to explain why my experience was cancerous or leave this board permanently.
So let’s settle this anons. Is Stockhausen indeed considered classical?
He's a... composer.
Hip hop mogs
so does his music belong in my classical or electronic/misc folder? This is really important to me as I have Aspergers and the categories have to be right.

Pierre Schaeffer is currently in my electronic category but Stockhausen is in classical. John Cage is also in classical but I think he definitely falls in the modern classical category.
well anon frankly you need to be dividing your folders by period
baroque, classical, romantic, and then well.. I suppose you could say "20th century" or divide between modernists neoclassicists etc... serialists etc

To answer your question I'd put stockhausen into "classical" I guess
Early as fuck, why??
Threadly reminder:

Tchaikovsky 6 > Mahler (any)
>Why should we default to austerity in the modern day?
Because cutting edge theatre effects still falls within the artistic forms of theatre unlike green screens.
What use are those effects in an amphitheater which seats 17,500?
Most viewers are seeing the show on screen, why not use it to full effect? We've most past the "theatre" at this point.
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I was listening to Rachmaninoffs Liturgy of St John Chrysostom in bed last night and I was praying to God and then suddenly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n07Rs_juTDg starts playing
Made me start crying and I'm crying again listening to it
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>praying to God
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Dumb frognigger
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Who are his favorite composers?
this website is 18+
just put him anywhere who cares
cringe and ultra gay to boot
Mahler, Strauss, Wagner
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starting the day with


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gonna go through this set today

start of Symphony No. 1 in D Minor, Op. 13:

The Isle of the Dead, Op. 29:

start of Symphony No. 2 in E Minor, Op. 27:

Scherzo in D Minor:

14 Romances, Op. 34: No. 14, Vocalise (Orchestral Version):

start of Symphony No. 3 in A Minor, Op. 44:

start of Symphonic Dances, Op. 45:

Yuja Wang
I mean what are the arguments against it? Instrumentation? Idiotic.
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official thread theme:

so far so good
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What is the best recording of the Mozart piano sonatas both on the level of fidelity and quality of the performance?
holy shit
Ingrid Haebler is the typical choice if you want something 'echt'. Her second set on Denon is probably the better one but they're both good.
poulenc was fond of shit indeed, hence his preferences for men’s assholes
you are definitely closeted or self-loathing
>you’re a faggot like me!
Added this album, thanks. Always on the lookout for great choral music.
Why don't you like Rachmaninoff, given you like all those other guys?
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I think after I finish this Haitink Mahler cycle, I'mam go through Jansons' and then Solti's and then start going back to some of the more famous ones I listened to when I was first getting into Mahler (eg Abbado, Bernstein, Karajan) now that I'm intimately familiar with all of the symphonies and can properly appreciate and rate those highly acclaimed cycles and individual recordings.

Unless there's any I'm missing. I never did listen to Gergiev's even though a couple of anons here whose opinions I trust and find agreeable suggested his.
Maria Joao Pires on Denon
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I know you guys keep saying only Haitink's Concertgebouw Mahler cycle is worth listening to from him but some of his later recordings seem to have rave reviews and high acclaim, like this one and the CSO 6th I posted before. Surely they must be worth giving a try?
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Hype job if there was ever one.
You can find rave reviews for literally any recording on the internet if you look for them. Means absolutely nothing.
overall I'd say Orli Shaham
really dislike her playing. Only better than Uchida (blegh)
True but I always thoroughly read through the reviews to see their justifications and comparisons and judge accordingly whether they seem to know what they are talking about and if the recording sounds like it would be to my liking. And in aggregate, Amazon reviews and ratings are generally a decent barometer for choosing quality classical recordings, I mean look at pic, the choice seems clear, though granted a lot of the Haitink / RCO cycle's acclaim is concentrated on the page for the box set release of the collected recordings.
Mozart's music for solo piano is easily his least interesting repertoire anyway
>least interesting

No disagreement there but definitely one of his most immediately enjoyable and universally appealing.
What is your favorite piece of Mozart chamber music then?
Maybe the sonatas he composed as a child, but the ones he did as an adult were great.
Don't get me wrong I really like Mozart's solo piano music. But to answer your question, his string quintets, the piano quartets, his late string quartets, and some of the violin sonatas. Pick one and I can give you a specific recording if you're looking for one.

With that said, I don't think structural and melodic complexity or lack thereof necessarily makes any piece of music good or bad on its own -- but there's no denying the, say, piano sonatas are quite simple and straightforward. But again, that's part of their appeal and genius.
gergiev’s mahler cycle is an abomination
stop browsing amazon reviews, how many times are you going to this until you realize that literally every recording in existence has some fat old boomer fuck advocating for it?
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now playing >>122698624 thanks for sharing, went on a mini-spree of adding a handful of other Poulenc choral music recordings lol, as I've only heard a couple but I've always liked them (especially the Shaw one I have)

first track in playlist:

Clarinet quintet
Interested in hearing good recordings of all of them, honestly.
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just off the top of my head

>string quartets
Talich Quartet

>string quintets
Talich has a recording too, or Grumiaux Trio + Gerecz + Lesueur

>piano quartets
Beaux Arts Trio + Giuranna

>violin sonatas
Grumiaux + Haskil or his with Klien
What do you guys think of this dude? I don't hear much about him but I like his work. Found him through the old Dutch Anthem that he composed.


Any more composers from the time that liked writing lengthy first movements?
>>Any more composers from the time that liked writing lengthy first movements?
*lesser known
I know the big ones, okay
Very nice, thanks man.
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If the review is well-written with sound reasoning and elucidating descriptions and useful comparisons, and if negative often with suggestions for other better recordings, then I don't see the issue. I'm not going based off the reviews that are just "Amazing!" lol.

>gergiev’s mahler cycle is an abomination

So you've said, which is probably the only reason I haven't listened to it yet, haha. But having explored some of his other recordings, albeit almost always for Russian music, I figure he's worth a shot. Again, unless you have any recommendations for other complete or near-complete cycles. Which reminds me I need to finish listening to the Tennstedt ones too.
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No problem, happy to help -- hope you enjoy!
being an astute writer or critic does not preclude one from having retarded or shitty opinions.
The Grumiaux set also includes Mozart's stunning string trio
Might listen to this myself right now actually, been a while, and it is indeed stunningly wonderful.

start of Mozart: Divertimento for Violin, Viola, and Cello in E flat, K.563:

Fug this is so good. Maybe I'll make today an all Mozart day. He's always been my least favorite of the 'Big Greats' but perhaps the time has come for all of that to change.
Gergiev's everything is an abomination. I'm glad he was a Putin cocksucker as this essentially ostracized him from the classical community.
K563 might be the best chamber piece that Mozart ever wrote.
As obviously beautiful and well-crafted the music of Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven, and really any good composer pre-Beethoven, are, I don't really feel any emotional resonance to their works. Anyone else feel this way? It's not until the Romantic era that music begins to tap into and pull upon and play with the inner human emotions. Nothing in the repertoire of those three, great as they are, touch me in a way the music of those like Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Wagner, and on and on do.
I'm serious. Beyond 'joy in the presence of beauty,' what else do you feel when listening to, say, Bach's violin sonatas or the symphonies of Mozart and Beethoven and Haydn?
now playing

start of Poulenc - Gloria, FP 177:

start of Stravinsky - Symphony of Psalms (1948 Version):

There's so much melancholy in Mozart's slow movements... I don't know what to tell you.
You don't feel anything from something as tragic and anxious as Mozart's 8th sonata? To be clear, the Romantics absolutely reveled in higher levels of ethos compared to the Classical composers, but the latter just did it in a different way.
i don’t particularly give a shit about the reddit russian ukraine crap but i’ll gladly take advantage of controversy to rid us of a subpar conductor. now, can thielemann or rattle molest/rape somebody already please?
Stellar recording, highly recommended to any anons who like choral music or if not want to get into it. Also, say what you want about Bernstein, but the handful of recordings of choral music I've heard from him (eg Haydn's masses and The Creation, Stravinsky's Mass and Les Noces, Mozart's Great Mass) have all been top-notch and exhilarating.
I think Wagner would have been an excellent composer of ambient music. Have you heard any that you would describe as Wagnerian?
>inb4 Schulze
NTA, but, are we on the same planet?
Not music
I hate that I agree with you.
I want to be able to enjoy Bach and Beethoven. Just never liked their music the way I like Chopin and Tchaikovsky.
Deep down, everyone agrees.
But then there are dogmatic people, perhaps nationalists, or music theorists, they dismiss Tchaikovsky as 'too cheesy' and claim Mozart is very melancholic(lol).
Quality, complexity and contribution of Bach, Mozart and Beethoven is indeed great, but the raw emotional power is with the romantics.
But you don't listen to music to cry all the time, do you?
>Deep down, everyone agrees.
I am no way putting on a pretense or following a cultural fashion when I tell you that Mozart has moved me to tears and neither Tchaikovsky nor Chopin have come close. Your temperament is not universal.
I still feel like I haven't found a perfect recording of Rachmaninoff's concerto 2
There's supposedly many, but all the "great" ones have at least one thing I dislike about it.
Romanticism was era of emotional, dramatic and programmatic music, no other era emphasised dramaticism as much as Romantic era. It's not up for debate whether that was the main goal of the Romantics, however, whether they succeeded or not is another matter entirely.
Perhaps you haven't listened to enough Romantic music.
>Mozart has moved me to tears
Curious, which piece was it?
Guys what are some of your favorite pieces from the Classical era of classical music? Mine is Piano Concerto Op 42 by Arnold Schoenberg
Maybe they shouldn't be showing it in a theatre that needs screens.

>We've most past the "theatre" at this point.
Maybe if you never liked theatre to begin with.
imagine being an amerishit and posting your pedestrian opinions on european art music as if anyone anywhere values your thoughts

kek couldn't be me
>pedestrian opinions
Which one are you refering to?
So sad that Schumann lost his melodies.
Stockhausen Helicopter string quartet
He died before writing a single one
>many such cases
not /classical/, maybe try >>>/mu/ instead?
Wagner is a classical
Do you even know Copland, Gershwin, Joplin, Reich, Leaf, Kurtz, Swack, Elkus, Aldridge, (Earle) Brown, Pisaro?
not /classical/, maybe try >>>/mu/ instead?
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>Hey Cody you a millennial bro? Totally gnarly dude, I’m a gen Z and my buddy Tyler O’Lopez is a boomer!
i like the andsnes from a few years ago
If you're one of the retards who thinks Wagner "broke" music and that Schoenberg "vainly tried to fix" music, then yes, there's nothing wrong with Stockhausen
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>Steve Reich
not music
>ambient music
not classical, maybe try >>>/mu/ instead?
you aren’t really helping your case with this list
It's good that people are starting to attack the 4 honorary bogbillies (Liszt, Berlioz, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky) and realizing their music is bad. Who knows, it might be a vital stepping stone to leaving the bog.
classical music, nice try hector-not today though
Now Playing - Bruckner: Symphony in D Minor, WAB 100 "Nullte" (2023 Version, Ed. D. Chapman)

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at least 3 of those are masters though, return to bog sis
if i start talking about wagner and then relate him to metal or jazz, it’s no longer talking about wagner, it’s talking about metal/jazz (ie. not /classical/). in other words, it’s time to go back to >>>/mu/
time to fuck off back to /metal/, hector.
schizophrenic as always
Skip along now hector, skip along
schizophrenic as always
indescribably foul
wastin/gg/ your lives
imo this mogs beethoven, mozart, chopin all of them
change my mind
hector please
none of those is bog tho
all hacks
Anyway hector you didn't answer the question what's some Wagnerian ambient? Would Wagner have been an ambient composer or perhaps more vapourwave?
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The famous classical composer Wolfgang Amadeus Schoenberg
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
schizophrenic as always
Liszt is underrated and Stravinsky is overrated.
Who's the performer?
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Make Kontakte

Defintely classical by the way i can hear the influence of Schumann in the lack of any discernible melody
liszt sucks cock
No u
You just don't understand music.
you don’t understand good music, nevermind good classical music.
If you think Liszt is just virtuoso fireworks display you're a fucking idiot.
he’s not just a virtuoso fireworks display, he’s a formless soup of incoherent motifs arranged as a virtuoso fireworks display
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now playing

start of Symphonie fantastique, Op. 14, H 48:

start of Roméo et Juliette, Op. 17, H. 79:


Been loving Berlioz lately. His Requiem might just be one of my favorite works of music ever.
I hate that looking for a piece on youtube now gives priority to videos by users instead of videos from a record.
t. lacks artistic sensitivity
t. lacks cognitive ability
you forgot to say he sucks cock or eats shit or gets fucked in the ass or something
A toast, to Wagner!
what in god's name is this
it clearly says right there “wagner in vermont”
but what's with the yugioh cards? never mind, i'm not sure i want to know
Presumably they made a Wagner card collection to advertise the event.
now playing

start of Beethoven - Sonata for Cello and Piano No. 3 in A, Op. 69:


You guys got a favorite set of Beethoven's cello sonatas? Just added a handful of new different recordings just now. My usual go-to's have always been Fournier / Kempff, Du Pre / Barenboim+Kovacevich, and Tortelier / Heidsieck.
you’re missing richter/rostropovich
That's one of the ones I just added!
What's the best Tchaikovsky cycle? I vote for Temirkanov
For me it begins with Beethoven. Before that, I can find music like Vivaldi's season beautiful, in an aesthetic sense, but not emotionally enganging. I can find them pleasant, but they do not move me in the same way.
I love Anna Fedorova's interpretation of it. I had the luck of watching her performing live, and it's the perfect match of passion and technique. There is a great recording of her playing with the Nordwestdeutsche Phillarmonie on youtube.
He was a mad hacker
Not Solti = not good
I'll add that one and check it out, thanks. Gun to my head I'd probably choose Ormandy's but I'm going through Jurowski's right now (listened to the 6th, Manfred, and Serenade last night from his set) and they were extraordinary, so I'll get to the rest either tonight or tomorrow.
>wahhhhh it's only 4-6
4-6 are the only Tchaikovsky symphonies that matter.

could anyone id the song that starts at 3:11:03
They're the only masterpieces (plus the first three movements of Manfred) but the first three symphonies are still quite good, especially the 2nd and 3rd. Pointless discussion anyway. Mravinsky's is good, though I remember the recordings being a little too 'hisssss' to the point of distraction but I could be misremembering.
Tape hiss is fine. It adds soul.
Why is it Das Rheingold and not Siegfried, the one with all the comedy scenes?
I used to not mind it at all until I started listening to a lot more recent recordings (say, post 80s/90s) and now unless it's very minimal, like Munch's incredible Tchaikovsky 6, I find it distracting now.
Rheingold subordinates the role of the orchestra, so most people enjoy it less.
the fastest one, because it gets through the schlock the quickest
Listen to the Bach chaconne. Perhaps try the very romantic Busoni arrangement first, and then listen to the original.

Bach wasn't merely a master of his craft, he definitely put quite a bit of himself in his work, is just that his style tends to not align with the big sonorities of the romantic period, but the core expression is the exact same.

As for Beethoven, I think he is very much "raw" in the romantic sense, since he was always striving for more (like more range on the piano, bigger orchestra, longer movements, shorter movements, louder sections, quieter sections, etc ) and took everything to the extreme, similarly to the romantics.
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Obvious and gay samefag, frogfaggot
Rach or Tchai?
I think Rach's 2nd is better than Tchai's 6th. Concertos too.
Four different "go- to's". That's not how it works, is it?
Nope. Christcel tranny seething kek
>doesnt prove me wrong and just seethes
I stand corrected
>provides no proof of the accusation
>expects me to prove it
Self-btfo christcels never were correct kek
>retard doesnt know basic chan etiquette
If someone accuses you of being a samefag, you have to prove the accusation wrong. Due to how easy it is to prove wrong, refusing to do so will out you as one. You can cope all you want but those are the rules, and you are not welcome here if you cannot follow them.
>basic chan etiquette
Christcel is foaming from delusions kek.
Been here longer than you fag.
>you have to prove the accusation wrong.
Hey, newfag, I get that you're cocky but don't expect someone to fall for your room temperature IQ baits
>those are the rules
Rules are to mock newfags and sounds like you've been mocked enough for today, christcel. Now go back to r/donaldtrump and cry how classicalchads are not religious, sperg.
I hate these debates over religion. If you want to goon over your ideologies then you should take a cab to /pol/. Lets keep it civil and discuss music, can we?



Mache Dice Mein Herze Rein is one of the greatest works of Bach.
>still hasnt proven his samefaggotry wrong
Absolutely mindbroken, how do Christchads keep winning?
>christcel assumes victory as he'e struck down
Like clockwork
idk he btfo'd you pretty hard
>Couldnt disprove the easiest to disprove claim, proving me to be correct
I'm entirely convinced that Americans can't make serious art. I'm reading a bunch of stuff from the 50's and 60's and US composers were so visibly upset at how old fashioned and elitist the European schools and performers were, while Americans were just circlejerking around with shitty gimmicks that no one cares about or would ever want performed. God, I hate their arrogance and entitlement so much. Charles Ives is often considered the greatest artist in American history, that alone should tell you how insignificant and soulless they really are.
No need to reply to me twice, seething christcel
Nope. Newfag tranny seething kek
They're all quite good and have their own approaches! But you got me, if I had to choose one it'd be the Tortelier / Heidsieck, which is also the very first one I fell in love with. Gonna listen to the Richter / Rostropovich later today though.
>no u!
Christcel tantrum lmao
Listened through this and while pretty good, it was a little too 'Classical' and German sounding for my taste as opposed to Romantic and Russian -- same issue I had with the decent Kitaenko Prokofiev cycle. I'll stick with Ashkenazy as my favorite Rachmaninoff cycle unless anyone has any other suggestions, preferably more recent recordings they have to recommend (Petrenko's is very good too).
The Second New England school of composers may be more to your taste. MacDowell is the big one; I'm partial to Amy Beach's piano music.
>pointing out hypocrisy is a tantrum
Newfag tantrum geg
Trips of truth
Debate is an optimistic word for it. It’s unironically not high brow enough for /pol/
Don’t tell me the sister poster is a fedora twirling atheist on top of being a complete arsehole?
very nice mr bruckner
>tranime troons allowed to roam unchecked
>thread immediately devolves into atheism discussion AGAIN
lmao, so much for “sisterposting isn’t needed”
thank you schizo
enough about religion, what's your fave mahler recording? which beethoven symphony sucks the least ass and doesn't get fucked like a tranime troon?
which firetruck driver would be pornsick and coombrained?
wagner obviously
Sisterposting never stopped there from being anime posters and anime OPs.
it did stop the tranime faggots from turning the thread into faggy religion shitflinging though
It literally did nothing to stop anything.
probably false considering we’ve never had inane faggotry on this level until recently when sisterposting was discontinued
There have always been inane posts. Low effort spam of any kind does nothing but generally depress posting and waste thread space.
inane posts, yes. inane offtopic faggotry? highly unlikely. you are new.
The thread didn't have less 'inane offtopic faggotry', it had fewer people posting overall and frequently died well before bump limit throughout 2023 and early this year, likely because self-appointed backseat moderation via spam depresses posting of all kinds. The posting quality was not better.
>less offtopic garbage isn’t better
lol, lmao, rofl even
You are not even the first person I have encountered on 4chan who believes that they can improve a general thread by replying to everyone they disapprove of with low effort spam which itself fills up the thread with garbage. It's hardly an unforgivable sin but it's a silly conceit to cling to. The only way to improve a thread individually has always been positive contribution and to ignore and report rulebreakers.
>thinking the trannitors on /mu/ actually moderate this board
LMAO, definitely a newfag
The janitors almost always delete offtopic posts and spam in this thread when they're reported. I don't know why you invest so much importance in this one trivial habit when you've proven multiple times over the years that you're capable of earnest discussion.
at this point, calling you a newfag is not even an insult, it’s an excuse. nothing else could explain your hopelessly naive optimism.
I'm not optimistic nor pessimistic. I just accept that the cost of an anonymous imageboard is that people will wander in and out freely and say all kinds of silly things; the degree of control I have is limited to the quality of my own posts, and in case of obvious rule violations, the report button, which contrary to your insistence has proven quite functional. I do not differentiate between 'good' and 'bad' spam, and have seen the worst consequences of backseat moderation of this kind in threads other than this one. I cannot improve the thread, only my own posts.
cmon bros i wanna know which composer would cap a bitch ass hoe ass pornsick coombrained thot in a home invasion, which conductor would be a wignat incel and which soloist is a chad
if the report button was half as functional as you claim, we wouldn’t be looking at offtopic tranime religion spam. the fact that it still sits is proof that your claims are obviously false and that the joonitors that run this shithole have no intention of equal or fair rule enforcement.
maybe the sisterposter is part of the problem?
no, just you.
Thank you schizophrenic christcel
I'm part of the sisterposter?
> He steadfastly refused to play Chopin, Schumann, Liszt and Debussy deriding their compositions as empty theatrical gestures, and insisted that Orlando Gibbons was the greatest composer of all time!

Why was his music taste so horrible?
imagine thinking this
sounds based as fuck to me. it was his playing that was horrible, not his taste
Because he was mentally ill.
His """way""" of playing piano is objectively ugly and only some mutant with mental/brain abnormalities will enjoy them.
On the good side, In an interview he said Chopin was the best at playing piano in his way, but it was not "his" prefered style or whatever.
Probably just an attention whore desu.
>Chopin was the best at playing piano in his way,
Indeed he was. No one understood piano better than Chopin, his 4 Ballades are exemplary proof of that. Chopin makes piano sing, quite literally.
because he was a pornsick troonbrained coomer wignat thot
Yeah I actually just listened to that right now
speak in English
nonsense as always
troony virtuososlop
You know Glen also loved Bach, Schoenberg, Mahler(he once got pulled over for air conducting a symphony he was listening to while driving)
ai generated buzzword slop
chopincels really are so embarrassing
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now playing (again): >>122699069

>First Movement
Symphony No. 3 in D Minor: I. Kraftig, Entschieden:


To all of the anons who keep telling me only Haitink's Concertgebouw Mahler recordings are worth listening to, I'm tellin' ya, give this one a listen. I'm gonna give the 3rd from that cycle another listen to directly compare the two but at the very least this one is very worthwhile, as well as the CSO 6th. His BPO cycle, on the other hand, that one I'll probably avoid.
dude, we’ve all heard his post-concertgebouw recordings, they’re not that good.
help! suggest me an epic/inspiring type of composition that you like. it can also be patriotic.
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now playing

start of Cello Sonata no. 1 in F Major, op. 5:


Fair enough. I actually did like it less on this re-listen so maybe you guys are right.
i can guarantee you that you won’t give a shit about his chicago 3rd in a month whereas his old concertgebouw 3rd will still be relevant 10 years from now, as it has always been.
More like I ain't shookner
The Czech Phillarmonic recording of Beethoven's fifth is just amazing, so I guess it's the one
Is the Dark Souls 1 OST classical?
Rach's Piano Concerto No. 2 is unbeatable. Next question
Hard agree on Beethoven. His music is filled with sentiment and all the qualities that make Romantic music great.
Imagine not thinking that, lol
Finlandia by Sibelius


Also, Moldau from Smetana

midwit opinion
Not better than my oven
beethoven when beethmicrowave walks in
lol like I said after this listen just now I probably won't listen to the CSO 3rd again, and yeah I'll listen to the Concertgebouw one again tomorrow, and the 4th later today.
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now playing

start of Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op. 64, TH. 29:

Hamlet, Fantasy-Overture, Op. 67a:


Gonna listen to more of the Jurowski cycle and then listen through Jansons' next but I heard really good things about Dutoit's Tchaikovsky that I just had to give his a try.
by what? beethoven’s fundamental impulse has nothing to do with romanticism, even if the romantics derived their prerogative from him.
Even the glorious 9th?
especially the late works, you dolt. you’ve been drinking too much wagnerian koolaid.
Dude is unfantomably filtered
incomprehensible ESL nonsense
man it’s really hard to focus on yuja wang’s playing when her tight round ass is moving around on the bench. looks like its audio only for me
coomer moment
Is Tar a good movie about classical music?
it’s not about classical music though, it’s about monster hunter
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Yujabros, we admire her skills, right?
She has to be one of the best pianists in history
Ausfag here. I like John Adams' stuff. I also genuinely enjoy John Cage's prepared piano pieces to chill out to but thats because I'm an autist
do RYMtrannies really
I don't hate it, but it's just so plainly spoken and un-Mahler to me, very much lacking in contrasts and sharpness.

I think a good example is in the third movement, where Haitink's Chicago recording reveals its staid quality. One of the most chaotic sequences in all of Mahler's music is reduced to something that's rather pretty and lacking in bite. All of the edges are smoothed out.
Compare it to his earlier Concertgebouw recording, which is both louder and has far greater color and character.
You can really hear the rhymic punctuation and the antiphonal effects in greater clarity here.
Although I think Chailly takes the cake here in terms of overall hysteria.
The Concertgebouw had lost much of its timbral characteristics by the point Chailly had done his cycle, but fuck me if the winds weren't still on fire.
i only know he hummed while playing bach and that he made a slow as fuck brahms 1st piano concerto.
his 50% slowed down performance of scriabin's 5th sonata is... at least interesting.
does he use the same gimmick in all his performances?
Early Gould is pretty different.
His live Moscow recording is an oft cited series of performances that lack a great deal of his later idiosyncrasies.
Great and very informative post, much appreciated.
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based Yuja-bros, what is it about asian women that makes them so beautiful and talented at everything?
Was Sibelius' second symphony influenced by Tchaikovsky's fifth? The finale movements remind me of each other.
an excellent question sister
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he always has some sort of gimmick in all of his interpretations. it’s the only thing that earned him any notoriety.
retarded coomers
slop influenced by slop in a long line of slop through the ages
Sibelius had said that much of his early works were influenced by Bruckner and Tchaikovsky
Ah, thanks.
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>retarded coomers
seethe normie
pornbrain moment
porn addiction is good, actually.
>Yuja will never use your face as a chair while she passionately performs your favorite piano pieces, sweating and occasionally letting out a little fart
why, bros?
i thought classical listeners were supposed to be smart
time to fuck off to >>>/s/, coomer.
Thoughts on J.B. Lully?
>half of Mussorgsky's compositions are unfinished
well this certainly LULLED me to sleep
average slave work ethic
he learned it from the Schubert school of composition
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>got so mindbroken he started sisterposting again
Its the anti anime poster that was anti religion and started the shitposting, though. You seem like you got btfo and are desperately coping by shifting the blame
The janitors dont care about anime posts because this is an anime website. Be grateful they're letting your rulebreaking ass go free for their own amusement
thank you schizo offtopic garbage tranime sister
Newfag schizo lol
hope you slept well, schizo offtopic garbage tranime sister
I did, i hope you're having a good morning, newfag tranny sister
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Normally I like to have a varied range of recordings for composers and specific works I like but I'm starting to think Bruckner's symphonies might be the exception -- Karajan's just blows all others away and opens up the music in a unique way. I can hardly even stand to try other interpretations anymore because listening to them is often a slog to get through.
if only your posts could be equally as pleasant, schizo offtopic garbage tranime sister
karajan’s bruckner is good, but pretending that it’s the apex of brucknerian conducting is silly. it still suffers from the chronic sluggishness that every bruckner conductor seems so compelled to entertain.
So true gentile sister
So true gentile sister
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now playing

start of Requiem, Op. 48:

new around here? lol

Early. Obsessed homosexual.
I don't get too bothered by early OPs within reason, but we aren't even at 300 posts anon.
Right. It's a duplicate thread. Jannies will take it down.

Post here instead.
Bareboim is the superior cycle
Its a new thread made near the bump limit. Jannies get that and will keep it up.
Jannies delete every thread that's made before 307th post.
Nah early threads get deleted pretty regularly.

Based janny defier
>talking to (female) coworker about my weekend
>mention that my friends and I like to hang out, turn the lights off, and listen to Beethoven
>"you mean like the dog?"
How do you guys cope with the fact that you'll never truly get to digest or even hear much of your favourite composers oeuvre? My Bach playlist accounts for 150 hours of music and my Handel almost 400. No doubt most of that music is some of the greatest ever composed, but ill never have the time to truly appreciate it.
Yes, anon, normies are retarded. News at 11.

>ten posts earlier
now I understand sistersister
Lol what a beta faggot (you), do you suck your cocks before the last movement?
Still seething and posting off-topic?
very embarrassing behavior
LOL the tranime faggot is losing it

Just follow normal thread etiquette anon.
He did now
After three attempts yes, four including this thread which was also posted 25 posts early. It's not a big deal really but OP wars are always shitty.
we wouldn’t have OP wars if the OPs weren’t made by mentally ill tranime spammers
New thread.

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