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The Chasm edition
OLD: >>122704768
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
finally a good fucking edition
first for seth putnam
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Varg was correct. And that's why the early norwegian scene is trash and irrelevant
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Why are you shilling your own channel here, ugly twink faggot?
Go back to your thread schizo
band name is autism
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Daily reminder that kaevum's logo is a dick going into a pussy
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Why do you fags never talk about this band?
That's pretty based. BMchads win once again.
>track titles are Roman numerals
No thanks.
I didn't say it was good.
>track titles are Roman numerals
It's just 1 track where they have designated parts. I just have it as "Side A, B, C"
Anyways I'm listening to Death Penalty by Witchfinder General. I would post the cover but it's got tits on it.
mkultra nazi shit propagated by O9A propagandist DEATH FETISH
lol rent free
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Are we supposed to know who that is
yeah because it's the new "has to be posted at least once every thread" meme someone is trying to force
it's just a tranny "metal" youtuber who got made fun of here a while ago as they are the full blown "i wont listen to ANY problematic metal" type
Did some listenings(as a black metal fan) so you don't have to
Ultra-boring primitive atmoshittery, nothing remarkable, vocals are supposed to be there(lol) 1/10
Decent band(for the genre only), not their best record it seems though, primitiveslop but as expected from blackthrash 3/10
Primitiveslop kindergarten-level songwriting black metal with powerchordsloppa bits and drowning grandma vocals. Not recommended 3/10
>t. rates everything that isn't a Taake album 4/10 at most
Funny considering every Taake album after Hordalands Doedskvad is a 4/10 or less
Someone's mad I rated his slop for what it actually is

I don't care really, but Legion of Doom is not black thrash. are you sure you didn't get confused
>Grindcore/Death Metal (early); Black Metal (later)
Along the lines of blackthrash. Slop.
gothic sort of night. I don't like draconian that much, but it's what im blasting right now

to the anon who asked me if i like trouble, yeah I like them, really good riffs but I tend to only listen to their first 3 albums
Couldn't care less but you come across like ashitposting norsetourist who knows jackshit. I'd assume you probably just looked at the genre on MA and made assumptions, or skimmed one song at most.
thank you for your service anon
>who knows jackshit.
kek here comes the copium&seethe
You can't make assumptions on songwriting based on genre especially when it comes to black metal you stupid tourist.

Just saving time for anyone who actually enjoys black metal ITT not poser sloppa. You can continue eating shit right about now

okay i'm choosing not to engage you further. you're a lost cause
Why are our shitposters always so limited in vocabulary
go to your black metal containment thread. No body wants to hear your childish ramblings about your favorite scandi celeb
Reddit spacing
Post an example good Black Metal then.
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the face of modern sludge metal
>favorite scandi celeb
Are scandi celebs with us right now, anon?

I'll put a space here if I want to nerd
Is there a metal band that is universally loved by /metal/? Feels like every band that gets posted here is considered "söy" or "nazi trash" or "dissoshit" or whatever

We love Paracletus here
Oops, i thought you said universally hated
We have too many contrarians nowadays, but there were a few back in the day like the usual "classics" of None So Vile and I seem to remember GBK/Argho typically being praised but now some people say they're shit just because "US can't into BM" rhetoric.
It was never universal, but more 1% of posters shat on them while 99% liked them or just didn't care.
Lurk moar, tourist.

riffslop for chuds
I've been coming to the general for nearly for 13 years, I just wanted to see what you considered to be "not slop" given you're an expert in what is/isn't "slop".
>GBK/Argho typically being praised
>99% liked them
LQ bait
Morbid Angel
>not slop
Emperor, Abigor, Sühnopfer
reverend bizarre immediately comes to mind
Knew it.
can you explain what riffslop means?
Put your trip back on, they're fucking shit and I'm not the only person to say that ITT.
Besides Darkthrone, nope. Even for Darkthrone there are contrarians such as hecktor, newfags in fact.
>classic bands are.....le bad!
They're overrated "slop" as you'd put it.
Try leddit, that's more your speed.
sorry bro, taake isn't going to kiss you no matter how much you jerk him off.
>listens to max 3/10 slop
>"noo i'm not a tourist!"
you're as new here as the poopoo i just flushed 10 minutes ago
I'm a different anon, calm down metalbro
Slop is what has been outted as such here >>122709241
An exemplary is far from "slop" and in fact is what influenced the sloppa you just posted.
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Check out this if you like Arghoslent. Same guitarist. Still riffslop but a hell of a lot better
heya, first time poster here.

I'm getting really into metal this year, I saw some ambiguous trans posts in this thread and I can't really tell if it's supportive or hateful, i am a trans person and I'm wondering if I'm safr to join in the conversation? I know i'm obviously not welcome on pol (nor do I want to be) but i assume the music board is safe?
No. Fuck off >>>/lgbt/ >>>/mu/core/
we support marginalised people here.

other anons may give you shit, but it's all in good fun *hugs* - another trans person who is 5 years on hrt
>As for Mgła itself:
>- two releases considered for 2024, starting with a retrospective one.
>- no live activity until futher notice.
les go
Hey retard this is what black thrash is

So anyone posting non-slop blastings? (or sloppa i can make fun of)?
not sure what this acronym means sorry 'yes we need beautiful articulate women'? if that is what it means, I thank you!
I assume that anon is being disingenuous but I kinda get what he means. A lot of metal bands tend to just string together riffs that don't fit that well together, creating a song that feels kind of disjointed with seemingly random changes in tempo, time signature, feel, or whatever.
I only ever listened to Galloping Through the Battle Ruins and thought the songwriting was pretty good but I get why someone could feel like that. I've seen people say the same thing about Annihilator and I agree with it desu

new metal genre just dropped!!!
black metal = gay/trans
death metal = high test men
doom metal = androgynous low test men
ah I see. Thank you for the explanation fren
good, now i know what albums to avoid
dissoshit sucks
how can someone like traditional doom metal? It's not even dissonant or avant garde AT ALL. Boring blues and heavy metal based riffage hat has NO indie/avantgarde/alternative/non-metal influence.
Arghoslent and GBK are not just incoherent in songwriting, their riffs absolutely fucking suck. It's slop after slop, but the two slops aren't even related. The sole purpose of their slops is to be "le heavy". Garbage.
That's what happens when you have no knowledge of basic theory, such as harmony, melody, rhtyhm, you rely on sloprhythms that has been done by iron gayden 30 years prior.
>Black Metal
Either mentally ill incels and trannies (also incels), extremely online in culture, or weird psychos who probably shouldn't be allowed around children
>Death Metal
Effeminate straight men, the newer the death metal the truer this is
>Thrash Metal
More normal than the other two but extremely low IQ
>Symphonic Metal
Made and enjoyed by people who don't really like metal only the aesthetics
>Progressive Metal
Same, made by people who aren't cut out for jazz but also feel like they're above the grunts making normal metal
Has the hottest chicks in metal, also unironically has the most chad musicians and fans, mainyl stemming from its proximity to punk music
Really bad attempt, anon. It would be more subtle if you called their riffs babby's first melody played on metal guitars or something. They're very melody focused
black metal = most people in this thread
death metal = dudes who don't really go on the internet much
traditional doom metal = the only true, untainted underground metal genre left
>melody focused
Show me a melody-focused spicslop
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yo wut
>babby's first melody
that's dissection
>grandpas last melody
that'll be maiden
up the irons \m/
Listen to the middle section of Defile the Angelic or something I don't know
Track 5: Why You Can't Stay Motivated (Skit)
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Industrial black metal.
Not that modern hipster shit.
>incoherent slop opening
>more slop
>only real attempt at melody in the song is the incoherent laughable solo at the end

Thoughts on progressive metal?

Well, it's not for everyone
awful music that only non-metal listeners enjoy. Same goes for dissonant, avant garde, post, gaze, atmospheric sludge and deathcore/metalcore.

stop asking stupid questions and listen to real metal that isn't ashamed to be real metal.
I'll take the one on the right I guess
All slop
Based morbin time enjoyer
We love lgbtq anons here, posting bussy is encouraged
I think that song is pretty cool, so no I don't think it's a stupid question

I've listened to other kinds of metal but it all gets a bit samey after a while
>I've listened to other kinds of metal but it all gets a bit samey after a while
i don't understand this, metal isn't a novelty
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>no u
Nope, you're still the slop consoomer, sorry!
Shitten is hated here.
>band name is not in english
not listening!
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>All slop
who asked you faggot
Euro hours are so much more comfy
>pentagram logo
not listening!
eslfag pls go
very wide variety of bands and most of them aren't that original
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it is fun
>band name replaces c with k, or u with v
absolutely not listening!
I listened to some stuff and liked it for a while but then I got a bit tired of it
fuck off dude you're just shitting on people's posts
you're probably a sad virgin as well
im a happy sexhaver.
>band has guitars
not listening!!!!
your secret cum socks don't count
Based string quartet enjoyer
The vast majority of black punk I have listened to fucking sucks
>moving the goalposts
concession accepted.
>upside down cross logo
not listening!
I liked Owls Woods Graves' first EP until clean vocals started on a 2nd track
Metal for black people?
black metal, of course.
Invert the image upside down and it is fine
you were probably not that into it to begin with, if that is the case. I've liked the same genre and bands since I was a kid
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Vast majority of metal I've listened to fucking sucks
Still has traces of rap in it but its metal.
>I've liked the same genre and bands since I was a kid
Interesting. I definitely find myself listening to different stuff at different times. I do listen to some stuff I listened to as a kid but then I come across new stuff too.
Black black metal
Respect, if metal isn't complete dog shit then it's not worth listening to.
listening to metal is gay
>finished all my beers
>starting to sober up and get bad thoughts again
metal for this feel?
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
Oh yeah fuck me fuck me
oh yeah fuck yeah like that
Eyehategod - Dopesick
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We already went over this and you dodged it with a pedantic nothing, I will requote myself so you can feel free to tackle it properly this time
>So playing static noise while art of fugue is played means there is no harmony anymore? This is objectively false, the harmony still exist with or without the static noise. You have no argument.
So you don't know what fugue is, ok.
>playing static noise while art of fugue is played
It'll still be fugue, with added noise(which is very retarded)
>please make a fugue with industrial and noise elements
Not possible.
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>It'll still be fugue
I accept your concession, after 20 pendantic crying posts you finally had to admit it. 2easy.
Lol retard is seething. I never denied it.
because it is mid
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Reminder to hate and despise reddit metal.
People talk about albums that get better with each listen, but what are some albums that get worse with each listen?
Bolt Thrower's albums are so fucking boring
Get a Job Fagtor
This, except Popcletus.
that one got a bit better but not much with me
The more I listen the more cringe is revealed to me, I can never get over how pop "Our Life is Your Death" sounds or the retch inducing rock n roll solos.

why is industrial metal not considered metal?
What kind of industrial metal are we talking here? The fake """"industrial"""" dance pop version, or the real metal version?
What band is this and why does the guy with a beard look like he wants to kill himself?
>The fake """"industrial"""" dance pop version, or the real metal version?
Why is he so obsessed with this made-up nonsense kek
>just wanted to play music
>stuck in a band with a landwhale, a tranny and a likely psycho feminist
>probably have the gayest lyrics imaginable
>probably writes all the music but has to stand in the back of the band photo because he's a "hwite male"
Averse Sefira reminds me of a less interesting Abigor, its always loud and the form of the songs is severely lacking, your interest lasts for about a single song and then you must force yourself to keep paying attention as mindlessly blasting continues nonstop. Dynamics is something they could learn, climaxes, tact, really anything that isn't doing the same thing for 60 minutes straight. Normally I dislike ambient filler, but when they do finally use it I'm actually thankful because it gives a short reset to your ears.

Nice album art though. Also Viral Kinesis has some good riffs, although the entire song when taken as a whole is as monotonous as the rest of the album.

It's not a real quote lol
nah i checked and he says that in a video.
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Reminder if you listen to this kind of music you have nonexistent testosterone levels and should probably just go ahead and transition to female
Would you be my metal boyfriend if I transitioned? :3
Nope but we love that you think that lmfao
ive casually listened to some of those just because they were posted here. can I remain a male?
Hector "The Vile Spaniard" about the Early /metal/ Scene gathering(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "hectorians", they were idiotic and socket puppeting, they forced themselves into pretentious opinions to impose an enviable appearance, they cultivated a single-mind or as many assumed - there never was a cultivation in the first place
Death - the sound of perseverance
it's more melodic yes, i don't mind it since it's nicely put together
Tears From a Grieving Heart is the band and they're actually really good. Don't let the fact that they have a trans person discouraging you from checking them out
>it's more melodic yes
Lass, playing any singular note is "melodic", Popcletus is as melodic as this garbage album is. The pop anthems/choruses and awful boomer bends solos are just watering themselves down for a non existent radio station willing to play this tripe.
I will remember to hate all these reddit bands, thank you based hector
nwobhm done right
i don't get it? i can find the link and timestamp if you want, it's in the archives
Which one is supposedly trans? I'm pretty sure 2nd from left is a real female and the 3rd is male, but I'm unsure about the other two
Nah no need
Meant for >>122710449
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This creature
Umm, answer my question metalboys >>122710311
They did it because it's conceptually about an authoritarian dictator, who's demand for order and compliance is represented through consonance and traditional musical modality.
Of course that went over your head, as everything else does.
>playing any singular note is "melodic"
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what do they listen to?
>through consonance and traditional musical modality.
...And yet pop chorus and boomer bends blue solos was how they wished to show that off; conceptional ideas don't make terrible music into something great. I could say they wished to show off that authoritarian regimes force music into being generic and awful trite, so DsO's recent releases are intentionally made to be watered versions of themselves. Yet how would that prevent the fact that they are releasing second rate music? Lyrical justification for bad music is not an acceptable argument. Lyrics are not even music to begin with, they are an irrelevant side attraction.

Would you prefer if I said three+ singular notes that are repeated, pedantic mongrel?
>watered versions of themselves
We're not talking about Synarchy here.
Seems like your autocorrect changed "Popcletus" to "Synarchy", good thing I caught that or else someone else might have thought you to have been an idiot.
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So you're telling me this one with this facial structure is the real female?
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>album has a non music intro
not listening
>song has a quiet acoustic opening
instant skip
>song starts with a sample
skip, unless its impetigo
>ambient interlude

God help you if you were to listen to Synarchy
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Why didn't you guys tell me this was so good
>Would you prefer if I said three+ singular notes that are repeated, pedantic mongrel?
Melodies should have tonal center, motion, interval between notes, tension, release etc.
You're retarded.
Based neanderthal.
>unless its impetigo
*especially if its impetigo
Ok but why didn't you post the good Gehenna?
Melodies need none of these you dumb fuck. Play any 3 notes on your guitar, literally (literally) any three notes, then repeat those three notes multiple times. Congratulations, you have now made a melody.
Totally irrelevant you sad mongrel.
Despite the band name being an homage to mournful congregation, the band is absolute dogshit, and its not because the band members look like annoying university students. Just listen to mournful congregation and learn to discern sincere music from insincere music. The music has no real spirit
I'm a second and a half in and it already sounds homosexual. You should consider suicide.
>Melodies need none of these you dumb fuck
These are defining qualities of a melody, retard.
>Play any 3 notes on your guitar,
That doesn't constitute a melody, unless it follows the basic rules of horizontal harmony.

now, this is sincere and full of true spirit.
Oops, meant to reply to >>122710708
acoustic intros are kino as fuck
>That doesn't constitute a melody
It literally does, you can have atonal melodies, you can have "dissonant" or tahter "disharmonic melodies. Any repeated pattern of three different notes are a melody.
idk why they named themselves after mourful congregation, when their music is just slowed down sludge. The vocalist is trying to sound liek the thou vocalist too. Thou sucks, this sucks. Hipsters cant make sincere metal.
>tahter "disharmonic
rather* "disharmonic"
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Sincerely gay; self pity sentimental dogshit.
>anime poster
>likes the insincere hipster band
>doesn't like the sincere real band
checks out
why are you telling me this.
Because we prefer real metal instead of here mawkish estrogen fueled loser bait.

>you can have atonal melodies
"Atonal melody" is kind of an oxymoron. Rules of melody were defined in medieval era, as well as reinaissance and baroque eras.
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why does all death metal sound like shit after listening to this
>"Atonal melody" is kind of an oxymoron
Mongrel IQ strikes again.
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ok, thanks for letting me know. Have fun circle jerking off the same 10 bm bands and shutting down any conversation about another genre with your unnecessary, bitchy/snarky/feminine commentary.
Concession accepted.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Yes, yours was accepted, Atonal melodies exist regardless of your mongrelized mind pretending they don't.
'ate synths
'ate acoustic
'ate clean interludes
'ate complex song structures
'ate americans
I'm not racist, I just don't like them
Simple as
>ave fun circle jerking off the same 10 bm bands and shutting down any conversation about another genre with your unnecessary, bitchy/snarky/feminine commentary.
You mean like you do with the 2 doom bands you spam and shutting down any conversation about another genres with your unnecessary, bitchy/snarky/feminine commentary about your made up ideas of sincerity? Zero self-awareness.
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nice one bro, could have saved the seethe and just said 'no u'. even coping part of my post cause you couldn't think of something to say lmao. Low IQ
best death metal mixing job i've heard. sounds like an avalanche but can still make out each part. shame he broke this up to focus on dorknagar.
>Atonal melodies
An oxymoron, sadly no they do not exist.
Melody has a formal definition, which was written down centuries ago.
Post an example of an atonal melody.
That's just the average modern American metal band. Quintessentially American.
It doesn't exist.
It's like "dissonant harmony"
?? An oxymoron.
Melody was from the very beginning tonal and followed few basic principles, without which a sucession of notes cannot be refered to as "melody".
Ever heard of atonal melodeath? Me neither.
>no idea what distortion means
>no idea what noise means
>no idea what fugue means
>no idea what counterpoint means
>no idea what melody means
Couldn't be me kek
How does he do it bros? How does he BTFO hecktor every time?
Blasting Taake in his honor
Actual retards.


And for metal, here is an atonal canon, which by definition is a melody over the same melody
Hector taught me what all of those words mean though.
Excellent control throughout, I admire her choice of tones used this gassing off. We hear far to often just random releases but these were muscle controlled for endurance and enjoyment of listeners, thank you.
He doesn't know what the words mean.
Not melody
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And an Atonal Fugue, which is literally atonal counterpoint, which again means melody


Your concessions are again, accepted, as they always are when in discussion of anything atonal or dissonant because none of you understand anything the second music isn't disney tunes.

Mongrel IQ strikes again.
Thank you teach
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New tour announced. Anybody catching this one?
the quote is real and everyone knows it.
jidf is just deny-coping again.
Those dates are too far from Romania
Nope but in your head it's real, right?
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Ah shit, here we go again
Damn, the closest show is a 5 hr drive for me. I don't think I'll be seeing this one
>it doesn't affect him any way shape or form
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.
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where’d they go

predicts a good amount of dissoshit without some of the baggage
why haven't you killed yourselves yet, /metal/cucks? are you waiting on someone to waltz in here and post something worth your while? you know it'll just be the same music when you get back here, right? with the same retard monkey posters accompanying it. at this point, having normie friends might seem more viable a way to discover metal than this place kek
I could give you so many recs you would keep your fat mouth shut for days
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- We start our albums foundation off with the Brain Drill special: Noodly as fuck riffs into sweeping/solos. That's all of our song structures. Who needs anything else!
- Okay, maybe that's not how every song structure goes, we should get some Epitaph-esque neoclassical sections that sound so brute-forced into the music with no real structure or purpose; other than it gives the guitarists more room to show off their substance-less skill.
- Speaking of guitars, you know what would make this worse? Fretless bass tuned up way too loudly into the mix! Let's hire someone who will consistently try to outplay our guitarists every single chance we give him an opportunity to play.
- You know who's the best at that? Dominic Lapointe of Beyond Creation fame. Yeah let's hire him! Make sure his fretless bass sounds even more like a bout of explosive diarrhea than every other tech death band with fretless bass!
- Let's borrow the Origin trope of not knowing when a good time to slow the music down is, and just do it completely out of nowhere! Gotta surprise the listener after all!
-Actually uh... I'm running out of ideas here with songs 8 tracks in. Let's make a 19 minute song to pad out the length a little. We'll build it up for 6 entire minutes only to do nothing the listener has not heard the entire album. What a payoff!!!
-Oh fuck; that makes the album 71 and a half minutes long? Oh well, I'm sure this style of music is worth listening to for 71 and a half goddamn minutes.
Not reading all that shit nigga
think of /metal/ as a starving banquet hall full of african mutt children and there is nothing on the tables. you are the evil but also, generous white man that can help starving afro /meal/ mutt babies with a silver spoonfeeding of recommendation
This isn't your normal death metal song structure
>vanilla road lol
Very disappointing that they split right after this album, feels like they were just getting started.
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I feel the same about this band:

They were sick of not being taken serious because they were Prozak's pet band.
Vektor but it's a cocaine fueled voivod
lol, I'm not sure how widely known that was at the time, but I definitely saw forum cretins write them off because of the anus connection. In like 2008 there was this completely arbitrary line in the sand where you liked DsO or AS, but not both. That's how petty things were in the forum days.
But hey, they're all 'allowed' to like AS now because DMU has turned on them. I think their former frontman decked one of Prozak's buttbuddies, the story goes.
>is their most loved
>has rules against discussing them
metal fans are so autistic they got to limit how much they talk about their favorites because it'll come off as such extreme hyper fixation.
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>Fretless bass tuned up way too loudly into the mix! Let's hire someone who will consistently try to outplay our guitarists every single chance we give him an opportunity to play.
>Dominic Lapointe of Beyond Creation fame.
We adore and love that here.
You're a coward.
it was things like this kek
Video doesn't appear, but that was the "hoodie" interview right? I tried to block that from my memory.
fretless bass sounds circumcised
Hector, which is your favorite song on Metallica's Black Album?
typed the captcha at the end there just remove it
ok here it is
Yep about as painful as I remember. You get the impression that Pozzak prepped some talking points for them, but they only halfheartedly believe it.
well they call themselves "hessians", a word only Prozak ever used
Why do people think they're being serious? The way they try to keep a straight face is almost exactly like Glen Benton interviews
I always found the term “Hessian” very autistic and gay. You’re a metalhead, not a goddamn Teutonic knight.
It's based to be a bald metalhead
Tony Levin slams man
Breddy gud
Whenever I'm with my tranny-haired metalfriends, I always get the most chicks because of my look.
yeah, the most fat chicks that have the breath of a thousand cigarettes puffed and a thousand prior dicks sucked. you are bald and those tranny friends of yours are still youthful and have their hair. the only hair left is the white hairs on your cock KEK
Jealous trannyhair, you will never look like a real man.
based baldhead owning those long hair queers
post- shit, but good
He gets his shit pushed in by based boomers every day.
you will never look like the real head of a shaved penis, bald bull dyke KEK
Based baldchads

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