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/mu/ - Music

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Say "happy birthday, /mu/ sticky!"

And to celebrate, maybe listen to some of the albums referenced on it today.
happy birthday
nobody listens to these albums anymore
Crazy how mods have totally abandoned this board since then, I swear there is zero moderation on here.
they should make a new sticky with canibus - c true hollywood stories on it
That's the 7th of November, OP...
The day kpop gets its own containment board will be the day the old /mu/ rises once again.
Happy 10th, sticky!
there is, they ban me for on topic threads
there is, a gore pic was posted as the thread attachment some time last year and was deleted like an hour later
Not in the rest of the world.
>listen to some of the albums referenced on it today
Is it just ITAOTS, MPP, and No Love Deep Web? Or am I missing another reference?
Was there a sticky before this? I'm pretty sure there was but I don't remember what it was.
Honestly I don't think so and this sticky image was just ripped off from an old school /mu/meme
K pop generals and Taylor Swift threads. That sticky is absolutely outdated.
I never understood the meaning behind this image. Is it supposed to be curt cobain with a shotgun and a precussion instrument instead of his face?
fuck kpopfags; they are ANTI-music. yet their infernal presence is still tolerated on this board. WOE.
it's the shitty ITAOTS album cover thing
I started browsing around then and remember them adding it. Where did the time go?
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i get banned almost every week, the jannies and mods are still here
ainno body listening to those fuckass albums anymore unc
>mfw I only realised MPP and NLDP on it right now
happy birthday, /mu/ sticky!
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happy birthday, /mu/ sticky!
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post /mu/ historic moments
i never said i didn't deserve to be b&, i only said that jannies and mods are still active on /mu/, you god damn retard
Check the archives and you'll see they're all engaged in Kpoop spam
just take it down
it's a sticky for a different board
make a new sticky that redirects people to /pol/ and delete all the other threads
do that on every board
Makes me genuinely curious what 4chan would be like if for like a month or so they grouped all boards (aside from purely pornographic ones) into one.
The former existed before that sticky came to be.
as the election gets closer it'll feel like this
It would be hilarious to watch /mlp/ autists win arguments against /lit/ autists. I frequent both boards, I swear to god the /mlp/ anons are more intelligent. Obviously /mu/ is dumber than both, if that doesnt go without saying.
/sp/ supremacy
Where Jefreposting still flourishes
they did this for an april fools joke one year where they paired up two different boards and it was arguably the most fun i've ever had on this site. i can't think of too many examples but /mu/ was paired with /tv/ to make /mtv/ and /pol/ was paired with /mlp/ to make /mlpol/
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/hoc/ runs /sp/
Only America does it that way dingleberry
How the fuck is anyone who doesn’t know that album supposed to know what that means. Just write it out edgelord. Nobody is impressed that you know about neutral milk hotel.
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i got banned for this
you can get banned for anything on /mu/
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>oh no! kpop chads ruined our pretentious little faggy /mu/core!
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>>oh no! kpop chads ruined our pretentious little faggy /mu/core!
OF COURSE, /mu/'s iconic image celebrates pedo music......
There was and it was almost the same. The No Love Deep Web background was added after Death Grips "broke up" in July 2024, thus making the current sticky.
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why are you posting selfies on /mu/?
literally not one thing about your inferior taste is chad or chad adjacent
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this is me
Well don't blame me that you got filtered by pretty girls and catchy songs
pretty girls have nothing to do with artistic value and that brand of pop is no more or less soulless than the likes of Dua Lipa or Carly Rae.
so who made you the arbiter of what people can like?
"inferior taste"
get over yourself
>so who made you the arbiter of what people can like?
i did
>get over yourself
you need to go back
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yeah you're a badass posting in your alt rock boomercore guitar threads on 4chan

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>Kpooper tries to "bant"
It was already obvious but damn mods are truly kpoopfags
back when /mu/ was actually good
it's not even relevant to the board's topic. literally. they don't fucking talk about the music.
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i got banned in /wpop/ for asking someone to discuss music instead of coomposting
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>yeah you're a badass posting in your alt rock boomercore guitar threads on 4chan

There was a sticky before this, it was just updated
Happy birthday, /mu/ stinky!
happy birthday /mu/ sticky!

Currently playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vX_Ue24MqM&t=137s
To be honest, if kpop gen goes threads will be up for days without dying.
kpop gen kind of keeps the thread economy going
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>Rap is now rendered irrelevant
if only we knew...
i joined a few years ago and i swear it was already 10 years old
Indie would never have needed to be saved if you fags just accepted Centipede Hz as the legitimately great album that it is when it first came out
big mistake desu senpai
Have a good one, musticky
>used to browse /mu/ a lot in 2014-2016
>didn't visit /mu/ for like 8 years
>came back last month
>no sharethreads
>no animal collective or death grips threads
>half the people in this thread don't even know the albums referenced in the /mu/ sticky
my /mu/ may not have been perfect but it was home. and now, it's dead
everyone knows MPP, no love deep web and ITAOTS you dumb faggot
grow up
I remember that day :)
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You neither look like this, nor do you say it.
/mu/ was better back then.
isn't rap doing pretty bad right now? they had to come up with a fake fight between rappers to prop it up
I hope you get cancer
holy shit those digits. I kneel.
The original image is an old /k/ meme, maybe someone will post it since I don't have it saved
>no animal collective or death grips threads
That's a good thing actually.
nothing quite represents the creative bankruptcy of this board quite like the sticky that steals from /k/, happy birthday you poser ass bitches
They should take that down
Threads last for 5 posts because the culture is dead, its about the same albums over and over and over
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i had no idea about this
That era of /mu/ is virtually dead now. 2016 Trump election and the flood of reddit tourists was the beginning of the end but it lingered a bit until the past year or two when it completely died
You can see the original blue jacket behind the shotgun in some parts on the sticky image
It's a trace of Zap Rowsdower
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thank you 4chan historian
Take the hint and stop being a chud or leave this place forever
god im old

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