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Japanese Death Grips
Japanese bird cooking spaghetti.
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Oh, a crazy cat lady thread, nice.
midori would've never lost to a glowstick though
Spotify recommended me this album awhile back. Quickly became one of my favorites of all time. What is the English translation of their name? I couldn't ever find it, granted I didnt look that hard
It's just "green".
I miss the time when Mariko was streaming more regularly. And it wasn't all anger and depression.
A classic:
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midori is actually good while death grips has one good album and is still dogshit LOL
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Don't get why the uploader removed Sayonara Perfect World. It's one of the best performances on that show.
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Mariko would easily heem MC Ride
This shit slaps. Judy and Mary rule too. Only white people, american blacks and nips can make music.
Most of JAM is rather formulaic j-pop, especially before Takuya started writing the songs. POP LIFE and WARP are awesome though, and had some songs that hugely influenced Mariko. Rainbow Devils Land, for example.
nip music is mostly terrible
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Kill yourself.
I wonder if they have padding on the ceiling not for acoustics but to prevent this.
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Holy shit this is horrible, It's just some jap woman screaming over off-key instruments, Absolute dogshit taste even by alt asian standards
Based Morgan Wallen stan
weebs are fascinating creatures who will eat up even the worst dogshit as long as it happens to be from japan.
>jakshitter makes the worst take possible
As always
This is a cool album though and you're some worthless newfag and not even a tranny trying to raid the place LMAO
This is so bad WTF
Meant for
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I agree, the editing is rather bad.
I've been here for almost a decade. Japanese music sucks, this included. 3 of the best albums ever are visual kei albums. That's about it.
>"almost" a decade
I've been using 4chan for 19 years. You will always be an election tourist
You suck
Fellas, fellas, please! You're both disgusting degenerates. No need to fight about it.
Deathu Glips
Thanks Peter Griffin
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Big Willie!
Honestly def one of the best albums ever
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>3 of the best albums ever are visual kei albums
Name names
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Some absurdity.
Yet it's not even in top 5 of her albums.
Dogshit album and band. Weebs horrible taste
Weebs don't listen to 'dori
So bored of this shit
Osaru is the only "edgy" song on this album.
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For some reason xitter schizos decided that it's sexual harassment, because old man is staring at her nonexistent ass.
Even Japan isn't safe from neo-puritans.
Why can't we have female artists like this in the west?
death grips is fake mental illness while this is the real thing
rate mariko pussy out of 10
Because normal female songwriters don't want want to destroy their bodies doing stupid shit at live shows.
And crazy ones tend to immediately get into politics, drugs and transitioning.
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is there video footage of this set? this looks crazy lol
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Last time someone uploaded a full DJ set was in 2019.
I still think she should film and put some full live songs on her channel but she's very anal about sanctity of the live show experience. Oh, and also anxiety.
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weebs ruin everything .
That shit is one big firehazard
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Probably. But pyros and smoking aren't allowed.
Except artists(including Mariko) still smoke all the time on stage.
And it's more of a biohazard, in the summer with heaters turned on it smells awful.
ur mums giant smelly bush is a fire hazard
This makes no sense
patrician ojisan
are death grips your only reference to everything? lmfao cringe
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japanese death grips? i dont think so
but midori/mariko is actually very based band
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Extra sweaty.

Today was supposed to be the day new DJ510 demo EP released. Sad.
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Mom with her edgy daughter and her plastic bimbo daughter.
Bimbo makes very good pop punk, actually. Her band is called 東京初期衝動
I got suckered into listening to this, last time i trust gooners holy shit this is awful
Cry about it.
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It's not even that loud.
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Confused westoid is probably there because of Bocchi.
I first heard about them when they collaborated with Melon Kinenbi. Thankfully them (and death grips) went absolutely nowhere, bleh
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Ah, i remember, very mediocre song. Only notable for the cover where they all cosplay as Mariko.
>went absolutely nowhere
Midori went way farther than they were supposed to. Shinsekai was 17th on Oricon.
Most people, including fans, are too dumb to understand how great her arrangements are.
They were always a white hipster band
>>122789598 Proof?
Watch her Javs that she did with white men in the mid 2000's
Schizos woke up again
Midori is good as fuck but this isn't their best album, just the most well known because tiddies
I gave it a chance because of all the shilling, and it's nothing but shitty sporkcore. Never trusting weebs ever again
>i don't understand what sporkcore means
Yeah, out of 3 full albums it's the least good.
But it has the cover and is more accessible.
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>chronically online weeboid makes the same thread about the same shitty album for the one thousandth time
I wonder if scaruffi hadn't reviewed this album would it even be as popular as it is now? Better yet, if this had been released by a western band, would it be as popular? Somehow I doubt it. And don't even bother arguing with me because I know the majority of you weebs are brazilian macaco nigras.
How is it even similar to Death Grips
As one anon pointed out a couple of months ago, they would be one of the most critically acclaimed bands of their time if they were western. Only problem is that a band like that is impossible there. Not with the state of punk/hardcore scene in early 2000s.
Both have screaming frontmen and their most well known albums have a black-and-white pencil drawing with titties, i guess.
I would love this album just as much if it was an American or European band that made it.
t. whiter than a beach
the melon kinebi collab is their worst release, and it's not even close.
this song is what midori haters think midori sounds like.
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>their worst release
It's not "theirs", they play on it, but weren't involved in writing or composition.
Also, second demo is worse. By a lot.
>Also, second demo is worse. By a lot.
nah. sweet summer suicide story is not even good by melon kinenbi standards, and they're operating fields below even early midori.
>shit music
>shit music, japan
Yeah, i also dislike tricot.
Japanese Daft Punk
Cry about it.
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Go back
Go back to the nursing home faggot its bingo night
>neo puritans
You meant feminists and the woke crowd, right?
You shouldn't talk that way about your elders, brainless zoomer. Learn some respect or I will slap your face.
Fucking dogshit band. Weebs have brainrot.
Yeah I'll be grandpa, lets see if you can stand up without making noises
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Hello, is this schizo department?
Judy and Mary if they didn't know how to sing or play instruments. Funny how this super duper artsy fartsy band's greatest influence was a pop rock band that topped charts, sold millions of records, and made the OP for a popular shounen anime.
>don't know how to play insturments
kek people will say anything on the internet
Their main influence was King Brothers.
That's exactly how Midori would've sounded if they tried to continue without Mariko.
zoomer yoko ono
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