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Brian TRANSeau edition

No shill allowed
Post WiPs via vocaroo

Give feedback and get feedback
mods need to do something about the retards and schizos derailing /prod/ threads.
what do you mean?
just look at the last thread, was full of petty arguing.
well, since you're imposing your quads on me I have no choice but to believe you.
I haven't been in a /prod/ thread for some time now, sometimes they are good, sometimes it's two people arguing about some nitpicking music theory bullshit. It's a bit hit or miss, I guess.

i dont usually do vocals but i got a new mic so what the heck
im really unsure about this one, i really have no idea where to put this one
im just wondering is the overall idea good, cause its a bit different track for me, and do the vocals work
anons need to learn to not feed the trolls
it's literally that easy
Some liquid dnb project i should probably do more with
>just want to make good music and share it in hopes of likes and attention
>would be cool to produce good artists
>actually motivated

>start to think it's probably better to make as many beats as possible (maybe also using loops) instead and try to sell licenses to make income
>not motivated anymore

hm. sometimes i feel like making money is the worst motivation ever. i only ever feel motivated to make money when i'm almost starving. but give me a meal and a roof over my head and the motivation is already fading.
You put the cart before the horse.

Making money shouldn't even be top like, 20 in reasons for making music. It's an objectively terrible way to make income.
if money would motivate you and you are willing to spit out 10 beats a day using loops you'd actually make good income. but somehow money never motivates me. maybe because i don't even know what to do with the money. my needs are basically: food, shelter, freedom
so if food and shelter are met my only need is doing what i want.
maybe i'd be more motivated if i could define what i actually want, because money isn't really an object.
>you'd actually make good income.
if that were true people would do it and we wouldn't have a million posts about this problem lol

idk it sounds like you don't even want to make music honestly
I know that feel bra, thats why i worked and saved up some money so that i could make music all summer. That way i can do the music u want and not worry about making music for money
it is, because you definitively crossed the line of doing things for yourself. You are making things for other people now. I know vaguely you're always making things for other people, but you get what I mean.

I used to intern at a recording studio like 10 years ago when I was in school. All the producers and engineers there had no personal projects. They were drained totally by doing other people's work.
>studio session at the end of the month with my ragtag band
>i don't have the parts ready and my kick speed isn't up to snuff
>we all live multiple states away from each other and can't practice in person
i'm gonna rope
if you guys didn't organize it so that you'd have at least a day or two to actually play together before recording you all collectively fucked up
we have like half a week or so where we're all in the same town and there's a kit that isn't in the studio so we should be good on that at least
i'm mostly pressed because i'm personally out of practice lmao
so you're a dumb fucking loser got it
>Brian TRANSeau edition
what did OP mean by this exactly
I was in the studio watching our drummer lay down tracks, I swear the producer had to move every single measure so the downbeat was on the grid. So if you suck, don't worry, the producer can use you as a glorified drum-machine programmer if they know how to.
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derailed in the first post. nice job retard
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how do i make good sounding 909 techno drums on digitakt? everything i make sounds like shit. i can use already processed samples that've gone through a lot of bus mixing, but when you import those sounds it's the same shit, it's not cohesive. also, it doesn't have choking groups which is an important part of techno sound. should i sell digitakt and get 909 or analog rytm?
the last one is cool
this thread is quieter already, early reports suggest the libtard schitzo sadly passed away earlier today in PA
Hey now... I'll have you know the last part of track 3 is very AphexTwin-at-home
>t. conservacuck schizo
>nobody's responding to me so i'll start samefagging again!!!!

jesus christ get a life you fucking faggot
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um... so.... ANYWAYYYY......
here the daily(s)


lmfao real
nah i'm generally good in the studio in terms of timing, i just haven't had anywhere to practice for like half a year until last month so i gotta get my shit back together asap
Are those some of the urigurdi (rip) drums in the second track?
That third one is neat too; I'm always a sucker for rave-style half-steps.
ugritone, yeah lol

sketching for finally including some of the rock influences.... eventually.......,,,
yes its definitely the gear
>rock influences.... eventually.......,,,
So many good genres, so little time.
I'm starting to get drawn towards late 90s early 00s shmup/arcade music again, which is making Ableton and its midi tools pretty tempting.
Still have my skramz dreams, and others.

Just swap the random electronic bits that those bands started doing in the late 2000s for schmup stuff lol
Could be based; a niche within a niche -- then when someone into both things listens to it, they'll feel like it was made just for them.
I do recall a screamo band that had a couple electronic interludes that were really good, but I can't remember which band that was. Blind Girls? Shit, I don't think it was them.
you're schitzo yourself with this samefagging cope so thats at least 3 confirmed in the thread
will the joy of making music ever come back? I couldn't care less about "making it" in this trainwreck of a society, I just miss when I would get so much pleasure out of making retarded songs I could upload to Soundcloud and listen later and smile.
Making music is always fun wym
blips and bloppies :>
I love this; cute melancholic music that kind of sounds like it's breaking down on a rainy day... but it's still cute and somewhat hopeful.
you write like a faggot
Remind me to rip this off tomorrow

made me giggle flamboyantly for like 5 minutes str8
aw, thanks anon :D
I wasn't trying to go for any vibe in particular with the melodies I mostly just draw a buncha random notes and shift them around until I like how it sounds lol. and something about pitch modulated sine waves just has this (sad?) feeling I can't resist so I use them in like every song.
gimme a moment to go through the thread and I will leave some feedback for u guys too
I'm just not feeling it and feel super uninspired. Music is still my #1 passion though.
goddamnit i just hit escape and lost half my reply. welp time to rewrite it all
>first track
I like how the breaks are cut on this sounds clean. the drums are a little sharp and I think the pads fill up a lot of the mix and might contribute to some muddiness. that 'floaty' feeling in dnb comes from space in the mix I think you had that a couple times but when all the tracks are going at once I think it's just a bit crowded
>second track
highs are a bit sharp I think you could cut or bring the rest up
>third track
this is the best mix imo. everything is reigned in / balanced so you can comfortably turn it up loud. dope track. cool that you are trying a bunch of different styles too!
jeez is everyone going to post 3 today lol
>first track
solid track, sounds like something you'd here at a club. mix sounded a little mid-heavy on my setup, but I think that's more just a headphone thing and it would sound good/louder on speakers without being painful
>second track
this is cool, i like the more experimental nature of the track and the plunderphonics and other sound design you used. I was looking for it to collapse into some sort of groove and it did. needs to drop again right where you ended it. you should definitely keep working on this one
>third track
this sounds straight out of one of those million view youtube heavenly emo breakcore mixes that don't actually have any breakcore. sounds super legit but not really doing anything super unique
this is nice, reminds me of long arm or something. I love jazz samples in electronic. I could take or leave the rnb vox but that's just taste, up to what kind of track you wanna make. I'm biased cause I want it to sound like long arm lol
hit the character count so I'll get this one in a sec
I don't think your voice is bad, but I'm not a huge fan of how these particular vox and the way you processed them fit into the track. The heavy reverb and bitcrush (or maybe that's just the mic peaking?) feel like it should go in one of those real heavy/dense emo rap or 'russian shoegaze'/post-punk you know those sort of songs, with the much more crowded mix the vocals blend in better and it makes that 'ugly/sad' style actually fit. Your instrumental on the other hand is very clean and minimal. Really it sounds like a perfect intro into an epic synthwave/80's style dance track like The The or something. I think your vox would fit better on a minimal style track if they were more intelligible / you were actually rapping/singing words, because on a minimal track a lot more weight+focus is on the vox as opposed to a dense track where they become more part of the atmosphere.
>how do i make good sounding 909 techno drums on digitakt?
load a 909 sample?
Don’t bother. Just buy the behringer rd9
not a lot to critique. nice, groovy, jazzy, fast.
i literally wrote in my post why that doesn't work as well as using real drum machine, or even software like drumazon. digitakt is nice, but it's not great for some things
that's a good idea, wish they would stop making drum machines so huge tho
What BPM do you use on your metronome when you're practicing? I'm warming up with scales right now but I'm going to practice All of Me, later today. I seem to choke up when practicing songs with a metronome but scales are fine for me.
You go slow then speed up, a bit at a time until you can play full speed.

I kind of want to get a physical metronome I can plug into my interface. Saw a nice one in a video the other day with a big dial.
>this is nice, reminds me of long arm or something. I love jazz samples in electronic. I could take or leave the rnb vox but that's just taste, up to what kind of track you wanna make. I'm biased cause I want it to sound like long arm lol
Cheers anon
Thanks anon

Welp might make into a full song then!
>solid track, sounds like something you'd here at a club. mix sounded a little mid-heavy on my setup, but I think that's more just a headphone thing and it would sound good/louder on speakers without being painful
I'll take note of this.
>>second track
>this is cool, i like the more experimental nature of the track and the plunderphonics and other sound design you used. I was looking for it to collapse into some sort of groove and it did. needs to drop again right where you ended it. you should definitely keep working on this one
Thank you but the track is done. It will fit better in the broader scheme of things as an interlude into another track.
>third track
>this sounds straight out of one of those million view youtube heavenly emo breakcore mixes that don't actually have any breakcore. sounds super legit but not really doing anything super unique
This is a huge compliment in my opinion. The way I read it is that my jungle tune sounds properly old school, like the kind of jungle where the era is so generic that every artist sounds the same... which is the exact flavor I wanted. pure jungle, as authentic as possible.
Track 3 goes bonkers. Mix needs work, give me the stems 8)
Reaper bros, is there anyway to get a view of instrument and effect parameters along the bottom of the screen similar to Ableton's device view?
Also, is there anything that works like Ableton's rack groups and macros?
you can change the sample per step though right? Would be basically the same as a choke group if you change between HH and OH or whatever.
Dunno what you mean by "making" a 909 drum on a sampler, you want to use single cycle waveforms or what? Otherwise just load the sample that has the sound you want. Why get a sampler when you want to synthesize drums?
That said putting a resonant high pass filter around your kick freq might help.
I have the 2i2 interface, it keeps randomly cutting the audio and the fixes are either un/replug or resetting preferences in the focusrite program. I don't mess with any settings but I keep getting this bug. Anyone know a permanent fix?
Update drivers update OS
dude, this i really good. Especially 1 and 3.
I loaded your tracks into ableton and I analyzed what you did a bit.
It's really nice.
Can you tell a bit about your approach and your gear?
>dude, this i really good. Especially 1 and 3.
>I loaded your tracks into ableton and I analyzed what you did a bit.
>It's really nice.
Thank you.
>Can you tell a bit about your approach and your gear?
Ableton, 90's sample CDs, and an Amiga sampler. I like to make my tracks pretty minimal to get close to the authentic 90's tracker feel, but I drown it in modern production techniques like sidechains, reverbs, delays, gates, and so fort. I mostly draw in everything and manually swing notes and adjust velocity. Minimal mixing to give it that old school amateur feel, but enough modern touch so that it still sounds fresh. Compression and limiting to taste. I like to preserve my dynamics as much as possible.
>and an Amiga sampler
I wouldn't put it past you to be using Amigo.
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that's the one.
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Someone please talk me out of buying this on sale. I already have kick 2 which is a kick synth but I demo'd this and had so much fun with it. I'm beyond redpilled about the "new gear doesn't make you better" but I just really fucking want it. It has a fully shapeable 909 and 808 thing and it's fucking sick. But I hate myself for acting like a reddit ZOMG GAS fucking retard.
sounds like music is a hobby to you and you dont give a fuck about being an EDM star. Go ahead why not. Treat yourself to a new toy.
>had so much fun with it. I'm beyond redpilled about the "new gear doesn't make you better"

some questions to ask yourself
>does it do something i can't do with what i have already?
>does it help me do something i can already do but FASTER or offer more utility?
>will you use it? does it inspire or make you WANT to make music?

i am anti GAS but that last point counts for something
>>does it do something i can't do with what i have already?
yes but in less steps and parallel process. Good onboard FX and dynamics control
>does it help me do something i can already do but FASTER or offer more utility?
when it comes to the more "classic" sounds yes
>>will you use it? does it inspire or make you WANT to make music?
Yeah, im an idiot though because I already have too many VSTs but having the variety keeps it fun.
I'm tired of using my work out headphones as producing headphones. They're always sweaty and I needed to buy new earmuffs because they started to smell really bad. I'm not looking to break the bank but my current pair are skullcrusher evos. I think they were 200 so I'd say around that is my max. Any suggestions?
I'll give you the Stack Exchange answer and say that headphones are bad mmkay, they lead to tinnitus. Get yourself some studio monitors.
Update: Just found a way to get it half price. Still feel like such a fucking gear goy. No more VSTs ever again.
Dude if you're actually gonna use it who cares. Don't listen to the faggots here who say all you need is eperator and free samples
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daily ripoff

any one have tips on finding a studio space? I briefly had one with a couple of friends which we found through Craigslist but I've since left them. It was technically supposed to be a practice space that they ended up turning into a full-fledged studio spot. Is there somewhere else I can search?
How do I make real sounding guitar riffs with just MIDI? Trying to start a black metal project.
no. its much easier to just learn guitar.
>How do I make real sounding guitar riffs with just MIDI?
You don't without spending a ton of money on native instruments bullshit. or you can pirate I guess.
ain't nobody got time for that

nigga i'm the piracy king. i already have:
>ample metal hellrazer
>ample metal eclipse
>ez drummer with toontrack black metal midi pack
>fully pirated ominisphere
what else do i need?
it's not even hard you nog. even those stupid fucking hyperpop shits figured you can just layer power chords and get a convincing guitar part w very little practice.
i will buy a guitar after i create a song that is worth playing bro
It’s completely up to your location and personality
Why is DnB/jungle so hard to make? Am I just retarded?
What is your approach? ..especially for drums [?].
You gotta let samples and breaks do the heavy lifting.
>all you need is eperator and free samples
yeah but this unironically though
Operator is part of Suite though. That's already a high bar on its own.
It’s my first time using breaks. I’m using a few Louis Cole ones. They already sound pretty choppy. I think my biggest issue is getting the correct sound for my bass/pads. I’ll post what little progress I’ve made later. Maybe I’m overthinking it
i have a question about reaper and i hope i can word this in a way that makes sense.. basically i'm dumb and never used project folders and saved everything in the same folder for years. so now i have this folder with a mix of unused and used takes. obviously i want to get rid of the unused files but i want to keep the used files. is there a way to remove just the files that aren't used in any project? i know you can do it for a single project but i'm talking about doing it for multiple projects.
I already have monitors but I need headphones for isolated producing. Also I'm traveling next week and I'm going to need them for that time as well.
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can someone recommend a cheap analog mixer with 16 inputs and separate outputs? i plan to use it for techno, so i can overdrive each channel a bit before recording. should i get something newer or just 1604
just pirate it

which drum take, anons?

brush rods:


[everything else will be replaced]
i vote for 2nd
pretty interesting, i like it

i covered gorillaz, really tried my best here but i dont think my voice fits the track
Bought new headphones today. Production is going up 1000% for sure
Most the time when I use a vst I just hit random on the ableton settings until it sounds cool. I should learn what the knobs do.
A few threads ago I posted a demo I made it was repetative and and basic in production but i really enjoyed the sound of it so I decided that I want to make a whole album like this. Anyways here's the second track I made. what do you guys think about this?
Plugging directly into the interface is so fucking loud. Also these are too small for my head so I'm returning them
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How do I remake JPEGMAFIA, Death Grips and clipping. beats? I have no idea where to start
bring back demarcus mr shitposter
Is there a program or a vst that I can feed piano sheet music into and that creates a human like and good sounding rendition of it?
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been working on this this afternoon, first time trying to make something that sounds like breakcore. feedback appreciated.

I was pleasantly surprised; it has that 90s touch that is more breakbeat than breakcore. Kind of reminds me of teh Prodigy.
Not crazy enough to qualify as breakcore in my view (but that's a good thing).
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someone buy this and upload it here

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upload it
start with a rock/punk foundation
do not use the beat maker mindset or you will end up with something that feels soulless and generic
play some guitar or real drums to help expand your mind
then go back to the computer

Can anyone who's acquainted with music theory identify what makes this song so groovy? I think it's multiple instruments in syncopation and irregular time signatures like 5/8. Crazy rhythms on each track, including the vocals actually, I'm very impressed.
snare go


It's a dubstep thing actually
try transposing the rhythm. theres a lot happening with the other instruments coming in and out in bursts layering on top of each other.
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>irregular time signatures like 5/8
That webm is entirely in 4/4.
Still a beginner, but I like it so far (as of now with 0 hr of sleep). Haven't mixed it at all yet.
Fuck me anon, since I started, I do this and lose sleep over it kek. Hope I never lose it and become good.
I like it anon, impressive, very nice. What did you rip it off from? Somehow reminds me of metal music.
2 Sounds better out of the two imo.
>What did you rip it off from?

was one of the tunes i transcribed yesterday so used it as inspo, naturally
only idiots tell you to not compare yourself to others. that's all your supposed to be doing if you are not A/B with the real pros at this current moment in time and converging with them, its over for you. feel the fucking burn.

First attempt at rough rough draft of a DnB song. Idk what I’m doing. Please be be harsh
if you say it's a DnB song it's trash, as a fun song on its own it's actually charming.
I think it's too cute and playful to be DnB, sounds more like VGM.
It's a mess, anon, and need s a lot of work, but I like the energy and some of the sounds are pretty cool as well, even if I feel the placements and usage are a bit off. Keep practicing.
I bought it. I will not be uploading it. Good day.
>he didn’t buy it
Do you know this because your account didn't go up from 0 to 49.99 dollary doos?
I see anon.
Posting a better version:

Still haven't mixed with Ableton stock plugins, have yet to do that. If someone wants to take a listen.
this is pretty cool anon, sounds like something that would play on Streets of Rage. Really enjoyable
I really don't like how high pitched that main synth line is at the 55s mark. I don't know if that particular sound doesn't work at that pitch, or if it's something else, but to my ears it doesn't gel very well with the beat. Could be clashing with the backing synth/strings, maybe? It doesn't carry any energy for the full beat kicking in either.
> It has a fully shapeable 909 and 808 thing and it's fucking sick.
just get rc-808 for free
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Thanks for feedback anon, I've noticed that too, thought I could mix that away (but I'm not sure, maybe I'm talking shit). Idk, I'm at 0 hours sleep atm xd, I'll look into it though, still learning.
I have made a piano composition and I want to convert it to audio with a human feel and acceptable sound for demo purposes. Musescore sounds too trashy, playing it myself would take too long.
Are there any apps that can do that?
Did u think of converting it to midi, then you can adjust piano tone, velocity and volume of notes so it might sound good
yes, I could use pianoteq for playback, but I have lots of dynamics in it and musescore actually can read the dynamic commands, also musescore adds a bit of human touch to it, but not enough, and I thought there might be a better tool. If I play it with pianoteq or any other piano vst it will sound too mechanical.
i remember converting some midi piano song to audio in ableton for some buddy who is pretty serious pianist and he was pretty happy with the result
play it yourself anon. it's worth it, you will never get the same feeling of soul by adjusting it in midi. just keep practicing
I will eventually, it's not that I can't do it, but I need something that allows me to create a excerpt of sheet music for demo purposes because it's too time consuming to record it every time.
If there isn't a tool to do it in a proper way I'll have to do it myself, though.
It's just that I frequently see sheet music on youtube or elsewhere with audio that is clearly made by a machine, but sounds actually pretty neat, but I couldn't figure out what they are using.
I would imagine some sort of ai tool is the best way to accomplish this.
do you know one? google wasn't good to me
how many new piano pieces are you writing per hour that it's relativey too much effort to play through them even once?
Nope I don't ever use sheets. Try googling 'Sheet Music AI Player' there were several results that came up for me
only does velocity and pedal though, not timing
I never got what was so special about him and I was 2000 records into trance and progressive house around the millennium. Never liked any of his tracks.
thanks I'll try that

do you have experience with that kind of stuff? Getting a reasonable demo where all the notes and dynamics are correct and it sounds also musically is something that you can't achieve by "playing it through once", it takes at least a couple of hours. And since I only need it for demo purposes that's time I can't waste.
he made a lot of weird and boring stuff, but a few of his tracks are really bangers.
Also his stutter effects are really well crafted and are mind blowing sometimes.
Also he seems to be a nice fella. I watched this interview of Jarre the other day, and my good what an unlikeable and bitter asshole he seems to be:

I really like this one by Transeau:
>I watched this interview of Jarre the other day, and my good what an unlikeable and bitter asshole he seems to be:
has he even made decent music? All I heard of him is terrible cheese and not even in a fun way.
though I don't think he comes across as a dick at all there, just a bit french
>do you have experience with that kind of stuff?
no lol
Thanks guys, much appreciated. I’ll keep working on it
Any tips for sample-free vaporwave?
uhhh use good synths and write a nice melody?
Whatever you do, for the love of GOD, don’t sample anything
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Hello, /g/ crossboarder here. I'm trying to pick between two motherboards. One has an analog line in (blue jack) and the other has an S/PDIF. I know that in principle these things are related to music, but not beyond e.g. a keyboard would go into a blue jack and a digital effects unit would go in the latter... but is either "better" just in principle?
why in fuck would you think /mu/ is the better place to ask that over /g/
Make music then shave off 30% of the bpm and add more reverb.
if you want to produce music that won't suffice anyway since you'll need an interface
Because this is a general about people with hands-on experience? I asked in /g/ too, but no reply yet.
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can i trust what he says? im trying to learn modes
Alright, thank you.
nigga just play same scale but with different root note, that's it
For real; this is how I do it.
Just know your (major) keys like the back of your hand and adjust which notes you 'focus' on to get the desired flavor/mode.
>muh sharp 4
Nuh, fuck that noise, bruh.
Any you'd recommend besides DX7?
you HAVE to treat your own music like a sample, give it the vaporwave treatment like you would any other song (otherwise youre just making regular 80s background music)

what these anons said, nothing says you can't just apply all the vaporwave techniques to your own music. What's funny is it's not that difficult. You compress the shit out of it, add tape saturation and such, add reverb. Resample the song to be like 25-50% longer.

I would also recommend using some nice filters and messing around with that. Like Soundtoys FilterFreak sounds really good to me.

Here's some examples from clips of my own music that I put together really quickly:


I know these aren't really the style of what you would turn into vaporwave, but you get the idea I think.
These are sweet! Do you have a bandcamp or anything? I'd love to hear a whole album of this
no shilling in /prod/!!!11!1
I don't, and just to put it in perspective here's what the original clip sounded like before "vaporwave"ing it:


So you can see how radically different it sounded from me just dumping a bunch of effects on it and slowing the clip down.
are these you?
How much would you charge for a minute of bass/guitar?
Oh hey yes, those are all me, I posted those quite a while ago though, surprised someone still has them. I think I posted them in the exact same context too of vaporwaving your own shit lol

I wouldn't charge anything if you give me something to play over, but I would have to dig it and you might have to wait a little bit for the creative juices to flow, I've been out of it for a long time
wdyt this tech-house song ready?

Oh I understand. I'm working on an album thats basically finished other than the bass/guitar parts and I'm not the best player, I'd want something that sounds a lot more professional. Everything is already MIDI'd in I just need someone to record over it. All in total it wouldn't come out to more than 1 or 2 minutes of audio. I could post the backing tracks here or email them to you if you prefer, and I don't mind compensating you for your time.
mf out here with a database of every voca we ever done posted on prod >_>
post the backing track here and i can improvise over it when i get some more free time
nah i only save ones i find really interesting, dont worry youre safe
ouch lol
I really appreciate it. I'm on a bus right now so I'll post it when I get back home.
Post your music anon and then maybe he will add it to his collection
can you remove the pulsing noise? why does it sound so lo-fi? Is the song underneath a sample of something?
have you tried the various session guitar plugins for kontakt? they are amazing
All recorded with real synthesizers onto a tape deck
Yeah I'd just prefer an actual session guitarist
I think the production and mixing sounds frankly kind of awful but I love what I'm hearing musically.


For reference I'm using the Archtype: Tim Henson plugin, and I do my whole tone through my DAW, so if you did send me the MIDI I could spit back something that sounds close. If you wanted a quicker preview.
here's a mass effect pastiche
and a rnb ambient thing
and a latin pop track
holy based
that is what we like to hear, anon.
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Kind of sus
I have a collection as well, and I don't recall hearing any of those tracks before. Maybe they were posted on a day when I was on vacation away from my computer, but the odds are pretty slim because I rarely go on vacation.
noo u can't save my vocs like that :0

Those are my tracks, and the funny thing about it is one of them (https://vocaroo.com/14SdmzwB8F2p) is from a time where I was trying to do a produced progression every single day, which I think I as a challenge to myself well over a year ago, maybe even longer. Oct 2022 I think. And some of the other clips are from quite a while after that. I take long breaks from posting/checking out /prod/ threads so it's pretty wild to see those are still there. I thought vocaroo cleans up clips older than like a month anyway?

If they like them though, that makes me feel a lot better. I am shit at a lot of things musically, and the biggest for sure is actually finishing things and having any discipline with it.
>I thought vocaroo cleans up clips older than like a month anyway?
I think it's at least a few months to a year and only if nobody views them during that time
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step away from the bitcrusher
First time recording guitar and orchestrating instrumentals around it. I’ve made dungeon synth/synth wave/ambient etc type genres but I’m trying to make neofolk/psych folk music
What's the easiest jazz standard to learn?
Autumn Leaves and Take the A-Train
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I like making instruments out of old video game SFX in Ableton Simpler
Here's a raw string sound from Zelda Ocarina of Time, then the instrument
'round midnight
its unfinished but I'm having a lot of fun making future garage for the first time. I want to add vocals, bass and some brass
i have to make people think of WAAAOOOOW vidya :3 omg remember the 90s1!!!!

sorry anon
Thanks ill learn these first. I started doing scales whenever I had some free time the last few days. Really brought back my drive to learn. Anyone else have moments when practice is dreadful, you take some time of then you feel it coming back to you? I was able to go around the full circle of 5ths major/minor in under 10 minutes at 120bpm. Felt really good
This. Guitar riffs are microtonal. I guess if you use the pitch bend very liberally but it still won't sound quite the same unless you know the feel of bending a string and the pitch change curve that goes with string tension.
sounds good, anon
idk ignore the vocals except for the melodies... recorded at like 2 am. Kinda wish I went in a more jazzy direction but its too late, I feel the current version is cemented in my mind. Hard to walk the line and keep it being a pop song
Neat; I'm kind of getting Cursive + Jaga Jazzist vibes from this.
>pop song
Uh... this is so far from pop that I can't even imagine it.
Thanks :) what would you call it then? experimental rock? Idk, it has the verse chorus structure, lots of repetition... Given that the majority of my music is slightly more mellow than this and a bit slower tempo, for now, I just say all my stuff is experimental pop music and call it a day. I was thinking a bit of David Sylvian's album Gone To Earth when I made this, which is labelled art pop and art rock on rym for instance...
Anon is creating profiles on us for future blackmail once one of us makes it
>once one of us makes it
I usually just make music for personal fun, but one of my friends wanted a short song for an animation and I have very little understanding of the fundamentals of mixing. Would love any feedback on what I can improve on, especially since I have a reason to make something not as shitty as usual.

hey guys, i wanna learn how to produce lofi beats and rap instrumentals. i have a very poor trained ear and i don't know where to start. most of youtube video tutoriales, they create a boom bap instrumental, but they don't explain any of their decisions, nor what you should recognize with your ear and why something doesn't good. it's so confusing. i already did the hardest part: installed ableton live 11. what should I do?
Stupid noob question,
can I use a keytar, namely SHS 500, as midi controller in ableton?
Listen to more music and critically think, ask yourself why you like certain things
if it has midi or usb out, yes
does it have a midi port? (round with a bunch of tiny holes?)
Oh, lol, thank you.
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After about a month of work, I'm finally done with the rough draft of this Bach transcription.
I made my second attempt at IDM today. It's pretty basic and I will try to add some more automation and such, but unfortunately because of Ableton live light I'm limited to only 8 tracks and I only use MIDI instruments, so it's kinda basic, but please tell me what you think about it.
i really like the vocals actually
what do you mean with Bach transcription? You transcribed a Bach piece off the record? That sounds pretty pointless desu.
Did you play piano on that recording? Impressive, if so.
Bach wrote the piece for organ, I transcribed it for piano.
Sorry, transcribed/arranged. Arranged might be more common terminology.

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