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Why are metal shows full of fat balding guys with beards and 0 women?
Why can't you let people enjoy things? Nerds like to have fun too.
>Why can't you let people enjoy things
Name 3 songs poser
Can you get the fuck away from bands you don't listen to?
Nooo you have to be young and horny to go out. Every outing must be like the clubs in the movies!
If you want to go out to see women, go to a strip club or something, metal gigs are for fans of the music, not everything needs to be a mating ritual
>Noooo you can't where that iron maiden shirt!!!
Because of that picture
>Noooooo I can’t spell wear
Anyways, it’s just a made up scenario that barely ever happens and if it did happen what’s the big deal? Just say some songs and talk about the band you presumably love
Neither of those are metal. Thrash shirts
I saw that image on reddit earlier what is the imagine trying to say? I don’t understand what the man has to do with metal, is it the glasses?
>what is the imagine
ok great but can she name 3 songs?
Why would you want to be around w*men ever
>man bad woman good
This but unironically
Do you have to like metal to defend metalheads? Let people enjoy their hobbies.
Every timed8ja
I let people enjoy their hobbies if they can name 3 songs. Otherwise I don't, simple as
Just make up random titles and then make fun of them for not knowing their earlier underground shit. But I did that douchy thing when I was a teenager. A lanky hipster walked by me with a ODB shirt and I did the west side sign and said "Wu-tang forever, yo" (I'm white) and he just looked at me confused. I had to point at his shirt and say "That's Ol' Dirty Bastard from Wu-tang clan!" and he looked down on his shirt and said "Who? This nigger? I got this shirt as a gag gift." This happened almost 20 years ago and I still get very embarrassed when I think about it.
My arse, thrash is metal.
>thrash is metal
You need to be 18 to post here
Because foids have shit taste?
You're the underageb& here
>No u answer
It’s not a debate. Thrash Metal- end of story
Metal is inherently low t.
>why are metal shows full of metal fans?
It's a mystery!
See >>122782720
>t. Can't name 3 songs
>Raining Blood
>Angel of Doom
>Black Magic

>The Trooper
>Ace's Blades
>Fear of the Night
>Raining Blood
Wow deep cut there kiddo
This guy is more successful than you and he wears Slayer shirts
I see hot chicks at every show I go to. Granted, not many. But they show up.
T. Trad/Thrash/Doom/Stoner enjoyer
I prevent people from enjoying their hobbies
>Blink 182
You're just as gay as op
i thought that was the tool diaper meme guy for a sec
This. They are sparse, but they exist at shows. I saw Cavalera and Death to All recently and there was some great looking pussy in my local venue. place.
Do you ask the same thing about car shows?
oh no, fat balding guys with beards going to see fat balding guys with beards playing on stage. how unexpected.
because we have to gatekeep the genre against people who do not belong there in the slightest e.g. you and your kind
gatekeeping is fine but why do metalhead gatekeepers tend to be fat and/or bald and ugly
Car shows aren't fat and balding. Alot of beavers though
I didn't say the show itself was fat and balding, the people attending it are
No you don’t
I guarantee that whatever you listen to is over 100 times gayer than Blink 182, faggot
because you made that up
>over 100 times gayer than Blink 182
That could only be thrash
Doesn't matter what it is, it is without question that you listen to the gayest shit on the planet, faggot
>the gayest shit on the planet
I don't listen to thrash
>why do metalhead gatekeepers tend to be fat and/or bald and ugly
Metal is inherently low T
You go and research the gayest music on the planet and then you listen to that exclusively, because you're a faggot
ok whats high t music then
tons of mostly middle-aged women at every show I went to this year. highly recommended if that's your thing.
Music that doesn't attract low testosterone men like those at metal shows
like what
>the gayest music on the planet
Thrash? You seem more knowledgeable
Impossible for me to know more about gay shit than you do
Ska and church hymns
I'm normally anti-gatekeeping and treating "posers" wearing band shirts as stolen valour, but that guy sounds like a tool.
But then again I had a Bon Jovi shirt that was a couple sizes too small to enhance my gut for the lulz. I hate Bon Jovi and I can't even think of a single song he's done off the top of my head. Used to make boomers so fucking mad.
>No u answer
Predictable low t response
Kek based

You're such a fag that you saw a drummer and your first thought was gay shit

On a daily basis how many men fuck you in the arse? 20? 100?
>t. Low t fatty listening to thrash
So you're only capable of thinking about gay shit and the condition of having low testosterone

Wonder what it's like being such a faggot
Anon being fat and bald isn't the end of the world. You don't need to be so upset about it
I have an AC/DC t-shirt despite not being one their fans. I enjoy some of their songs and I could name more than three of them, but not that many.
The specialized store where I bought it was one hour away from home, I couldn't find a t-shirt I liked from my favorite bands and I didn't want to return home with my hands empty.
So I don't think wearing one of these t-shirts without being a huge fan is a crime. But portraying the guy as a gremlin comes across as very resentful.
This isn't even true anymore. I played with Mortician the other day and there were a good amount of women, mostly zoomers too.
I would be happy being fat and bald

Unlike you who will always be a faggot
>I have an AC/DC t-shirt despite not being one their fans
Are you a 15 year old girl
>I would be happy being fat and bald
I hope you'll be happy with yourself one day low IQ
stfu you're both women
You're both faggots and women? Fair enough, if you say so
You're both obviously women. The absolute state
kamelot, type-o-negative, and any female-fronted symphonic metal band shows tend to have more attractive women
Fear of the Dark, you retard
>She can't
Life imitates art
You're obviously a woman? Why are you telling us this?
>But portraying the guy as a gremlin comes across as very resentful.
Surely that's the kind of thing a girl would write.
Good luck on the next special olympics.
The worst crowds are hardcore/punk/emo shows. Full of fat faggot trannies and obese ham beasts that dont shower. It looks like an lgbtq gathering. Metal shows have good crowds so please stop projecting your insecurities. I can't stand you faggots, you always look like you are about to burst out crying
Punk shows are full of girls and skinny/fit guys. Higher testosterone which attracts women
Nerds should be bullied again like in the 90s, the internet has given them too much undeserved ego
Women hands typed this
Metal babies and illiteracy, name a more iconic duo
The reason you think about gay stuff all the time is because you are a homosexual. You're the most homosexual human that has ever lived on this planet.
I never brought up anything gay, you felt the need to bring it up because you're so low on testosterone
Thrash is punk/metal hybrid, like metalcore and all the other -core genres.
>Metal babies
Metalheads could literally beat up any other genre fans
I find it very funny that you try to project your homosexuality onto other people
I think it's the other way around, the internet is worse for nerds because there's so much demoralization and hate only chads who touch grass can deal with that
Nerds are even more insecure now you have to deal with bad thoughts 24/7
Back then you only had to deal with a few bullies in highschool
Trannies wish they were you
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>Metalheads could literally beat up any other genre fans
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Correct. Metal losers have gotten to uppity from the lack of bullying them in society like back in the day. Now instead of being the class incel with no friends they're the class incel talking to other losers on the Internet
My dad could beat yours up
very good. very very good. now suck my dick
Lmao ok string bean keep dreaming
>Why can't you let people enjoy things
There is no gatekeeping. No one cares what ugly balding men think lmao

No one cool goes to metal concerts only poor and dumb asspies
This whole thread reeks of low T faggot zoomers who were bullied by metalheads so they need to project and release all their frustrations on metalchads.
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>This whole thread reeks of low T faggot zoomers who were bullied by metalheads so they need to project and release all their frustrations on metalchads.
Spoken like a true projectionist
>No one cool goes to metal concerts only poor and dumb asspies
Bros is it true?
>barely happens
If only that were actually true
but you'll never be a woman tho..
>bullied by metalheads
Metalbabies are the weird bullied kids in class
keep coping. Zoomer trannies. You are the weakest and most pathetic generation. A 80's nerd could easily bully and humiliate the average faggot zoomer.
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girls are repulsed by metal because it's full of repulsive imagery (pretending to be satan worshippers, or evil scary retards), and the sound of it is loud, obnoxious, and fucking abrasive. that's by design.

the reason being is that metal is a genre for and by virgin losers who weren't lucky enough to be auto-popular in school, and they didn't have guidance (parents or older siblings) to help them figure out what kind of work or effort they would have to put in to become attractive enough to make friends and have girls become interested in them.

so after their first year or two of junior high they just basically give up on the prospect of that ever happening, and 'rebel' against normal society (aka happy well-adjusted people who will ever get laid), by becoming freaks. they will wear all the fucked up t-shirts with skulls or demons or fire or whatever on them, all of the merch that they paid for, helping advertise their favorite scream/psycho-core bands where the singer growls like he's evoking satan, and basically advertising to the rest of the sane world to stay far, far the fuck away from them, because they are super 'hardcore' (aka virgin losers).

anyone with any brains can look at metal for what it is- it's the collective anthem of the virgin loser. that's the reason it's so angry. don't believe me?

ask yourself these 3 questions-

1) what's the single one thing that results in the vast majority of fights between young males?
a) pussy. pussy is the answer. hormones. it's the only force powerful enough to drive a young guy into anger that he's willing to possibly get hurt for the chance of successfully hurting some other guy, thereby making nearby pussies wet.

2) what is the one thing that results in the most angst, anger at life in general, for young guys?
answer) again, pussy, or rather, a lack of it.

3) why is metal always so angsty? what are these fucking faggot wannabee tough guys so angry about?
a) i think i've made my case clear.
I hate posers too but I dunno it's none of my business. If you want to start up a conversation with a girl maybe ask her what her favorite song by them is instead of "name three songs". Who knows maybe she actually likes them, it's unlikely but it could happen
HOLY projection.
this theory doesnt quite explain how metal managed to be jock/chad music in the 80s. its kind of funny how most of the time youre right but during that 80s-early 90s period metal was somehow a jock genre
That was hair metal, which was looked down on for being "poppy" and avoided all the satanic skull bullshit
You can sum it up to just
>Girls flock towards high value men.
>Metalheads are low value and low testosterone
Sounds like you're the underage one. There's a reason Beavis and Butthead are shown to be metal heads while also being social outcasts and incels. That's how it was. You don't know this because you weren't born yet
hair metal was all about partying and having fun, not being abrasive and driving girls away. girls actually danced to that shit. they had songs like 'girls girls girls' where they talked about fucking. girls like that. girls like to talk about and think about their pussies being penetrated.

girls DON'T like to think about corpses, maggots on corpses, satan, being in hell, aleister crowley (who wanted to fuck his own mom and was actually a retarded faggot), demons, screaming, yelling, or pretend-tough overweight losers. girls don't like those things.

hair metal was party music and it was made to help facilitate dudes getting their dicks into wet pussies. i'm being blunt because why talk around what things really are? the kind of metal i was talking about, and it's self evident, you know what i'm talking about so don't pretend, but that kind of metal is designed to drive girls away.

if you never realized this, you have some serious problems.
it's white boy blues which means it's about being sad about ladies and so there's nothing for them to relate to about it
yeah but that doesn't actually sum up the total picture. you're just describing one aspect of it.

my rant was to try to shine light on the fact that metal manifests the way it does because it's the embodiment of virgin loser rage.

and the thing about that kind of thing is, it becomes not just a self-fulfilling prophesy, but it snowballs and makes the dudes who fall into that shit, less and less desirable. if they hadn't fell into that anti-social bullshit in the first place, they might have got lucky and got some girl interested in them at some point.

but instead they take their anger out on the world by singing along with virgin anger anthems, plastering their chests with logos for pretend satanic metal groups, and are basically consciously or subconsciously throwing down the gauntlet to everyone around them, shouting 'i don't give a fuck about your normal society man!'. and everyone else are just going to be like 'ok, then', and move on and have sex and happy lives.

metal gave these kids an outlet but at the same time it's just a black hole that they invest their time into, instead of working to improve themselves and fix what made them unhappy in the first place. it's like a drug. it doesn't make their problems go away, it makes them worse.

and of course, retards, i'm generalizing. some metal fags have girlfriends, even hot ones. before someone inevitably points this out, let me congratulate that person for discovering what an 'exception' is. but in my experience most metalheads who went all-in on the 'metal is life' mantra, are and were fucking losers.

too bad we don't all have high enough IQs to see obvious social patterns.
thats just your faggot projection you are not well adjusted yourself hence why you need to spam this shit on 4chinz of all.
wow you're a genius can you please post more long rambling reddit spaced paragraphs no one is going to read thanks
but you did read it, and realized that you were just gay this whole time.
yes and no, the core stuff will have a couple of hot girls thrown in, everything else is a autism/schizo territory, tread with caution.
>I desparetely need validation from other people and especially women and I'm too much of a scared bitch to ever do anything that hasn't bern approved by my object of worship
You are such a pathetic simping loser faggot lmao. You live your whole live on your knees trying to please other people like the bitch you are. No one respects pushovers with no balls like you. I don't even like metal but the fact that it makes you faggot seethe this much makes it based in my book.
Because women like other types of music
yo man you can like whatever you like and get pussy. females are attracted to confidence just fyi, they don't really care what you listen to. you seem really preoccupied with girls for some reason. we're talking about music here.
These "virgin losers" must have really mindbroken you retarded faggot for you to be so obsessed with them.
all opposing arguments? cringe
>my whole life revolves around women
>women dictate my hobbies and tell me what I'm allowed to enjoy
>i'm a spineless sniveling worm and an empty shell devoid of any personality or interests, i only live to serve women like a slave
Pathetic neutered sad fuck.
Maybe try changing up your posting style the next time you reply to yourself after getting BTFO, retard.
why are you so obsessed with women man
No lies detected.
>continues replying to the same post with different posting styles thinking no on will notice
lol embarrassing
Why are country shows full of sexy sexy milfs?
These posts aren't even one minute apart, newfag.
>newfag doesn't know about dual posting using your phone and pc
keep going, this is fun virgin.
metalheads are the most validation seeking people on the planet. they won't listen to anything that their peers don't approve of as being "true metal" in fear of being called a poser. at least people who seek validation from women might end up getting pussy as a result.
You retard are completely mindbroken. No one would bother to even go through the slight effort of posting from two different devices for a loser like you.
The average country fan looks fit has slept with multiple women and was settled down by 21. Extremely high testosterone music
I like the idea of being a metalhead but too a chad, like Nic Cage on wild at heart, but i'm more into punk btw
Women don't like metal, you'd know that if you'd ever had a girlfriend
>daily normgroid seething about metal thread
you love to see it
Metal fans are basically dweebs who think they're tough or listening to songs about edgy shit. They're like geekier versions of horror movie fans.

At the beginning of hard rock and metal - it was the cool thing. 1969-1973 or so. Zeppelin, Sabbath, Purple
true, most metal fans are ugly as fuck, but women only listen to what jewish owned media channels tell them to listen to, they have no opinions of their own, and if they ever happen to claim to listen to metal, it's because their boyfriend played metallica in the car with them at one point.
as apposed to which high t genre?

much of that is pretty much true. Zeppelin, baby baby darlin - Zeppelin.

I don't think you've written a full book. Men aren't going to be listening to most shit which is quite faggotty today, not straight white males, they're listening to metal before they're not listening to top 40 pop.

Hard rock has generally never been for women. Top 40 pop is something that women do like and men don't.

But looking at men, there are types of hard rock that are more liked by middle class, upper middle class and rich men. Grunge worked for them. Incubus worked for them. Today's active rock / mainstream rock. Not so much. Today's active rock radio listener is poorer and more rural, or declining mill town. But that leaves metal. Metal is found in cities more than active rock, and metal isn't associated with poor. Metal can be seen as indie hard rock, like Punk. And the indie version of anything is likely to appeal to richer and more urban.

Scary skeleton tshirts are less likely to appeal to normal teen girls in high school. This was a good point you made.

Once you get out of high school, it ceases to matter.
then how come i liked metal more the higher my t got?
Cotton Eyed Joe
Slam Jam by Quad City Djs
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays by Nsync
>normies don't like metal
shocking revelation
based gaychad
Rap isn't music. I'm sorry, OP but it just isn't.
none of it is real however. when someone calls you ugly to your face, that stings because they know what you look like. no one on the internet knows what you look like or whats going on with you so anything they say can just be disregarded.
also nerd culture has become way more prominent and its even accepted nowadays to be an autistic sperg because you can immediately find groups to circlejerk with and sperg out about your favorite autistic hobby, so now you have a group you can belong to and socialize with. in real life that actually takes some effort
music without distorted guitar is inherently gay
>happy music=good
>sad music=good
>angry music=BAD
anyone who thinks this is a giant faggot
I'm transitioning in order to ruin my local tabletop gaming community
black sabbath defeats your argument totally
u clearly have no idea what metal is and are probably talking about the shitty onions stuff from 2000s.
>black sabbath defeats your argument totally
yes! coolest band ever whether you like metal or not.
>are probably talking about the shitty onions stuff from 2000s.
they always are
Why are indie shows full of fat balding basedboys with beards and 0 women interested in them
yeah true its just boneheads like that would love metal bc of black sabbath if they actually listened to master of reality
reminder that if you hate metal, you probably don't listen to music with distorted guitar and music without distorted guitar sounds incredibly gay.
metalheads once again proving that they are the low iq cavemen of the music world
Cry about it, low t faggot.
The text is probably a variation of the line that is spoken at the moment in whatever show that image comes from. People who make/post vapid images like that don't really think about whether or not other people would recognize the line/movie that they lifted it from.
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>shows are full of attractive people and beautiful women
How'd they do it bros?
>low t faggot
He doesn't seem like a metal head
Kys libtard
This whole meme is about how women are insecure that they don't know music and don't want anyone to point that out.
What metal shows are you going to and where? I've had the exact opposite experience.
If women listen to the same music as you, then you know that you have shit taste.
This is one of those threads where the OP is smugly posting bait but if you press them on the topic they will genuinely share the bait opinion and defend it like a true retard
>Women inherently avoid me
Low testosterone
>Women have the exact same taste as me
Low testosterone
This thread exposed a lot of pathetic simps.
This. Everyone knows that real men only listen to Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, The Weeknd, Drake and K-Pop. Imagine listening to anything with even an ounce of testosterone. What would the heckin womerinos think?
By making better music that the ones in the OP pic
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>pathetic simps
Metalgeads are so far removed from having sex or being attractive to women they think these things make you a simp kek
Yeah I don't know too many of my peers that constantly has to use words like "cope" and "tranny" to relay crucial information, think you're the little bitch boy zoomer actually lol
Saying cope" and "tranny" is BASED and MANLY
And spoken for and by gen z retards
Thats millennial speak RETARD
you cannot dispute this >>122793321
Shoegaze is for women
still less gay sounding than something without distorted guitar
You are a pathetic little bitch who only listens to music that women approve of, because it's incredibly hard for your ugly ass to get laid.
>noooooooooooooo i can't listen to that, women don't like it and it's already near impossible for me to have sex
pussy whipped simp cuck.
he's right, though. this is cultural appropriation, and should not be tolerated.
>I can't listen to guitar without distortion otherwise I'm not a man
Such a fucking loser
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Again, Metalgeads are so far removed from having sex or being attractive to women they think these things make you a simp LMAO
>is such a little faggot that he can't be himself and has to use desperate measures to get female attention
I hope one day a woman tells you she is attracted to men who drink bleach and jump from the 6th floor and we will never hear from you simp faggot ever again.
if you can't score due to the music you listen to, then that says more about you than about others, retard.
You guys get so uppity when someone offends your heckin metal and points out how you don't interact with women
No they can score it's just no one really wants to bed miss piggy with 5lbs of random metals dispersed erratically in and around their face
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Not real, I picked up chicks at metal shows, just be cool dude.
who is that ?
You wouldn't get it zoomer
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>I saw that image on reddit earlier
You just proved his point though?
metal fags are big retards
why I see them whining on posts about baby metal.
no one cares abour your pure metal. normies will never listen to bands like death
why even bother caring about babymetal
See... You can get a ton of replies if you don't post pics from chinese cartoons
Bon Jovis singles are good and normally I would call you a fag but you made boomers seethe so I respect it.
How is he in the wrong tho? I legit cannot understand why you would wear a shirt of anything you dont like.
Metal is for losers. The sexy young girls are at Rap concerts now. Some country music shows have hot girls. But yeah metal attracts the worse kinds of people all dysgenic trash.
Nu metal was the only metal subgenre that appealed to women. Also hair metal but most people don't even consider that to be "real metal".
>Nu metal
not metal
tons of girls have started apeing metal fashion and buying band shirts on etsy. there are also clothing brands putting out shit with black metal looking logos, etc.. girls seem to be getting more involved with metal in general. i saw lorna shore and the crowd was like 75% girls.
>lorna shore
not metal
The only people who don't consider nu metal to be metal are bitter that it was more popular than all other metal.
Which I am happy for them to get into the genre, but even if I saw the most badass shirt ever and it was sporting a band I didnt know or didnt like, I would not wear it. Being a poser is possibly more faggy than trooning out or being gay.
no, it's just that it isn't metal, my dear tourist
because the lyrics are sexist and delusional
because its the only genre of music with based gatekeepers, guess why modern punk and rock are a piece of shit while metal still stays true to its roots, and no deathcore is not metal
Metalcore and deathcore are also metal subgenres that were popular with females, mostly scene girls.
nobody at all:
nobody in the known universe:
nobody in the history of ever:
Fat balding guy here, it's because I leave my wife at home to look after the kids.
This, I used to like metalcore and deathcore lots, they were like my favorite subgenres of metal music.
>Metalcore and deathcore
not metal
That just makes you a faggot poser. Not metal you cock sucker
yup, i think. that's part of the appeal.
you seen the price of tickets these days?
you should know better than insulting people.
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>metal is literally in the name
Please take your degree from reddit university and fuck off.
not my fault you confuse hardcore faggotry with metal, tourist
Back to plebbit you tranny faggot. Core shit is lgbtq music for faggot cock suckers like you
>youre a t-tourist!
>heh, showed him
Still cant say why its not metal even though it sounds the exact same as your other hardcore genres. Just because you said so, eh?
>can't tell the difference between hardcore and metal
absolute state of tourists
I sincerely hope you arent trying to imply metal is not lgbtq shit. Because, well, do I even need to bring Judas Priest?
>still cant explain why core is supposedly different from metal
Absolute state of metal group think normies
Who tf cares what you call it? Metal and all it's retarded children subgenres are for babies and losers.
>>still cant explain why core is supposedly different from metal
jumpdafuck up punk riffs and frat bro wigger shouting are not metal, and don't belong in metal, you spoonfed tourist faggot
not all metalcore is metal only a small % , the band needs to be more metal than core with only a few core elements

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QzWVsexjPk this is metal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_kjf2J7Als this is not
>had to resort to mass replying
it's ok, Giuseppe. you lost an online debate, no big deal. hell, i'll even give you a (you) so you dont leave empty handed.
Yeah, tooootally different, bro.
>Yeah, tooootally different, bro.
All you can do is imply I look like some Weezer fan? lol, when will you metalfags ever learn? Just stop. I get embarrassed on your behalf kek.
nice spacing
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>All you can do is imply I look like some Weezer fan? lol, when will you metalfags ever learn? Just stop. I get embarrassed on your behalf kek.
That metal heads are fat and ugly?
Still doesnt explain why they arent the same, just that youre another metal group thinking circle jerker lol
Nu-metal isn't metal
im not the anon you were arguing with. i listen to like 4 metal bands on a loop, i dont care about genres
Fair enough.
you're still a worthless tourist though
You wound me so, anon. ;(
there are more chicks at metal shows than guys>>122781924
>He thinks real metal downtunes
Lmao, standard tuning is supreme you poser. Go listen to your faggot core shit
>Ban evasion
Lmao fuck you faggot jannies. You will never be women
last metal show i went to was like 1/4th women. A dude, who was there with his gf, handed me a flyer to a local show that may or may not be good
More circular
bullshit, lol. Now even certain tunings are off limits, huh? Just out of curiosity, what YouTuber do you get your opinions from?
I don't follow any e celeb like you faggot cuck. I listen to music and make my own opinion. Fuck drop tuning, fuck your e celebrity and fuck faggots like you. Fuckin cattle nigger
Metal shows are all fat guys with neckbeards
it's the same simp bumping his own thread btw
Metalheads are so far removed from having sex or being attractive to women they think these things make you a simp kek
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>calls other people cattle
>parrots the same group approved opinions regarding core as all the other metalfags
Yes goy, I am so sure you form your own opinions that just so happen to be the same as everybody else in your scene. What a good little she - ahem - free thinking individual you are. Picrel even tho they are goth not metal.
Late 90s thru mid 2000s rock completely mogs all metal. From Sum 41 and Bowling For Soup to Staind and Three Days Grace.
>rock completely mogs all metal.
Simple as
cry more about it
if you only care about what music impresses women then you don't care about music
nobody is jealous of nu metal
low t opinion
The music naturally repels women because it's low testosterone. Has nothing to do with seeking out women
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Imagine having an entire genre almost thirty years later getting mogged so hard by Fred Durst of all people that fans of the genre try to cope by saying Limp Bizkit isnt even part of metal. Luh fuckin Mao. Keep on rollin, baby.
yeah except what you posted isn't rock
bad bait
funi bait
>the most masculine sounding genre is low t
okay retard. i suppose action movies are low t as well. you can not name a more high t genre
it repels women precisely because it is high t. women don't generally like male interests.
sounds like you hate masculinity
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Maciej Nowicki and Eve, perfect relationship
Are you one of them going to metal shows?
>Why are metal shows full of fat balding guys with beards and 0 women?
hey man a lot of us metalheads just like the music because of guitar. It's a very guitar-dominated genre. We're not lame incels who women find subhuman. Women just find us childish and boring.
A non-metalhead friend wanted to go to a metal concert with me and Sabaton was playing soon, since that's a normie-friendly band I took him there
Afterwards we went for some drinks at a local metalhead pub, he was just wearing normal non-metal clothes and one of these guys asked him what he likes, he just said uhh power metal I guess and got hit with the name three bands.
My friend handled it very well by just laughing and calling him a hideous greasy faggot , and that was the end of it
Help me wärbrøther I'm stuck
Women are attracted to high testosterone men. That's why there aren't any at metal shows. Metal heads are undesirables
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>Reject art/music/sex about men and their dicks
>AC/DC logo on the same vest
Oh yeah women are so attracted to high t. That's why they are into sports, cars and action movies. Oh wait...
>same seething reply everytime he gets called out
Way to prove him right, retard.
>I can't listen to certain music in fears of not getting pussy
Grim. Dire even.
my local metal band that has been "trying to make it" since 2012 are all balding and fat with high cholestrol, anecdotal evidence proven by the fact their skin turns beat red when they haven't even performed half their setlist for their audience of 12
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not rly. i'm a skinny bi crossdresser with long hair and have a gf who's rly into feminine guys. you just think the way you do because you only ever talk to incels on 4chin lol
>writes songs about women that actually exist

Metalfags eternally btfo
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>yeah women go to the other shows just not ours
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We live the same life without the bi part.
men and women like different things
the separate men and women sections in literally every clothing store
metal coming in
Everyone knows nothing is more high test than being an insecure faggot who is afraid of having his own unique taste and needs constant validation
Nothing is more high t than not being able to name three songs from your favorite album. Reading tracklists is for women and fags.
>it repels women precisely because it is high t. women don't generally like male interests.

Men and women sections are a psyop designed to further divide the species. Reject corporate brainwashing. Put on the sundress.

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