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Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
Thread for faggots too dumb to make real threads
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every steely dan album before aja is better than aja
also retarded pseud criticism because it's not jazz at all, it's pop with strong (and very well-executed) jazz influences
t. jazz listener who also enjoys steely dan
Not music.
violator isn't even their best album
>you have to be smart to listen to jazz
Don't you get it? They wrote songs and then hired the best session musicians to come in and make it sound good. They'd cycle through mutiple bands of the finest session players in LA until the song sounded good. And people think they were talented for this. Being parasites was their talent.
Yes with their best album being The Royal Scam
The most jewish band hands down.
You got filtered huh
The pretensification of jazz is the dumbest shit in the world. This is not a genre marked by conservatory professors inventing new theortical rhythms you need to study to understand, this is a genre created by illiterates who dedicated thier lives to music and play shit the feels good outside of the rigid structured "rules."

Jazz was literally slang that meant "sex," same root as "jizz." This is not inaccessible ivory tower music it is sex music that lives and breathes on vibes.

Today you hear jazz fucking constantly, it is in summer tentpole movies it is in every TV show it is in games it is in anime it is in elevators its in wrestling its in NASCAR, because its fucking GOOD and we as a people like the vibey sex music

"Too dumb to listen to real jazz" fuck off, man, jazz artists from 90 years ago are household names, EVERYONE can fucking listen to jazz.

I've never listened to this album so no comment on that
For me it's Night By Night, the coolest Dan song
It's pop rock/early aor moreso than really pop or like jazz. That being said (and I honestly hate jazz) the jazz elements fit into the songs a lot better than with some other "jazz" rock bands from this era. Like Magma and Santana just having random feeling jazz interludes which don't totally fit with the rest of the song versus something like "Reelin in The Years" which has much more of a natural flow to it. I like both Santana and Magma too honestly more than Steely Dan but this is an obvious issue with many similar bands which Steely Dan does to a degree avoid.
It feels like a rock band cohesively with light jazz elements versus feeling like a couple rock guitar solos sandwhiched strategically between a bunch of jazz fusion shit by an academic musician. Steely Dan feels like the jazz bits are actually a natural part of the song moreso than a lot of other bands who played with jazz elements.
Like "too stupid for jazz" or not you have to give steely dan credit that the jazz doesn't feel forced and feels like a cohesive part of the music whereas Santana feels like it's an excuse to do insturmental solos (same with Chicago) and Magma it feels almost like an unrelated second thing they happen to be doing in the background sometimes. I love both Santana and Magma but am not a huge fan of Jazz but I'm still able to enjoy them. There's bands that suffer from these issues way way more even. Steely Dan seems to know the time and place at least somewhat.
No one ever takes you seriously.
i see a lot of hate for this album ever since fantano started hating it
I think you might be talking about yourself in real life but sure retard,I definitely believe you have irl friends,a job,and have had sex. you're definitely TOTALLY normal lmao.
Most of the people on here are incapable of genuinely emoting or even understanding their own emotions and thus incapable of fully processing music,so they just repeat opinions they read online. That's what it is. Most people pretending to be jazz aficionados and 4Chan are insecure aging nerds who have probably heard more anime ost music than actual jazz. Same reason why the classical discussion is so abysmal and centered around like the type of shit you hear on sleepy time collections for kids and also why they go apeshit when you mention anything soundtrack related (soundtracks trigger the insecurity big time).
This post was not taken seriously
kill yourself nico tranny

Yes. And Becker wasnt even jewish. But Donald Fagan is such a jew he makes up for it.
you don't have to be smart, you just have to be not a retard. decent attention span, internal monologuing cognitive skills, etc
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>obscure time signatures
almost all jazz is 4/4 you retarded tourist
>incoherent noise
cope lmao
Unironically most based reply ITT
Not one of their albums before or after aja is as crisp or perfect. Peg is my personal favorite for those low baritone vocals
>come back to me
Fun Fact: Both Donald Fagan and Walter Becker said that Birdland by Weather Report was a huge influence on Aja.
you really cant say you know music until you've heard Steely Dan Aja, shame cause youre post would sound decent if it came from an educated perspective
cool argument, kid. top 5 shostakovich pieces? favorite live monk albums?
blame white people
im not a big jazz guy nor do I know any music pre 1959, Miles Davis is my jazz guy, regardless I know about 5 Steely Dan albums back to front and I could post knowledgeably in a steely dan thread on their jazzier or more rock oriented sound plenty
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Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
you really cant say you know music until you've heard Monk or Shostakovich (or Stravinsky or Mal Waldron or Art Pepper or Dexter Gordon or Mahler or Schumann or Saint-Saens or Donald Byrd), shame cause your post would sound decent if it came from an educated perspective
Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
I wholeheartedly reject the idea that you need to mark off a specific checklist of famous albums to "know music," of any genre, but its especially silly when talking about jazz.

Jazz is almost characterized by improvisation, and an album is one single performance. Personally, I think listening to recordings is a completely viable way to appreciate jazz and have quite a few jazz CDs myself, but if I *were* going to be elitiest and gatekeepy about it I would say that *true* jazz is live performances played at jazz clubs or street performances where the improvisation and interaction with other musicians thrives. A recording is one performance on one night, usually precisely calculated, cleaned and edited in the studio to produce a very controlled sound. Again, completely viable, but a far cry from the roots of the genre.
Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
retard, their songwriting is immaculate
>since fantano started hating it
why do you even know this
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Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
that one gets a bit old, don't you think?
I don't see any difference to an orchestra that tries to nail a composition. It's more about the songwriting and the taste to know when it's right. If that was so easy I'd be happy to hear more music like that, yet there is none.
But hey, many get filtered by the Dan, I'm happy I didn't.
>Becker wasnt even jewish
he was though, wasn't he?
>you really cant say you know music until you've heard these artists picked by me because some talentless music professors and I said so
very based.
such an underrated piece.
and it's followed up by another one, Any Major Dude, which is kinda the only non sarcastic SD song
is Jazz about improvisation, though? Duke Ellington played shows that were completely arranged, even the solos, and it was still Jazz. I think Jazz is more about a certain sound, about a certain rhythm. Improvisation is a big part of playing Jazz, but I don't think it characterizes it.
Never took music lessons in my life but I get it, baseless assumptions sound cool when you're only 20 and have a 96 IQ
I don't think so. Not exactly a Jewish last name and his mother was English I think.
i don't get it
Hey faggot why u hate Jazz
>I don't see any difference to an orchestra that tries to nail a composition
That tells us everything we need to know about your knowledge of music.
trust fund boomer band
>is Jazz about improvisation, though?
Yes. A lot of big band music is not considered to be jazz nor stylistically important in the development of jazz in and of itself, more so certain individual players or styles of harmony from that world, like the playing of Lester Young or the harmonic style of Billy Strayhorn.
The first 3 songs on this are great. Peg is one of the most annoying songs I know and the rest is just forgettable
nah, he was Jewish, look it up
I think you have a weird understanding of Jazz. Jazz has a very broad spectrum, it's not only Bebop and close genres. Big Band is definitely Jazz.
Wrong, but k
I think the misunderstanding is due to many jazz musicians also playing in or leading big bands and also influencing modern jazz, but a lot of it is no different to mid-century pop and can't really be reasonably considered proper jazz.
I like steely dan :) I think it sounds good. My favorite album is countdown to ecstasy.
aja is a masterpiece through and through
not one bad song
faultless buttery-smooth, jump-scare-free, a24 produced, bone-chillingly, spine-shakingly slick production
irony aside, it's phenomenal
my mind is consistently blown at the precocity and taste demonstrated by Becker and Fagen whenever I listen to their stuff
>but a lot of it is no different to mid-century pop and can't really be reasonably considered proper jazz.
What else would it be? Jazz is not a label of quality, it describes a certain sound aesthetic. "Proper Jazz" is elitist thinking of Jazz musicians and I can relate to that, but there is Jazz beyond "proper Jazz".
Yeah that's why I said "almost"
Mid-century pop/traditional, it is all about the structure of the music and has nothing to do with quality as of course Billy Strayhorn, Neal Hefti, Nelson Riddle, Sy Oliver etc. were all god tier musicians.
You got it backwards. Mid-century pop as heavily influenced by swing, which is why it sounds so much like it, but these are not the same genres AT ALL. I would argue they only sound similar today because we have so much other music to contrast with.
Swing and big band jazz generally does have lots of improvisation, but it's just a much smoother and more rhythmically consistent style of improvisation, because it was intended for dancing.
And same goes with singers. Swing singers are not the same as pop singers. At all.
And this is an very funny because there was a lot of controversy in the 30s and 40s where swing singers were judged as selling out of they went too much toward pop (see chick webb early vs late recordings). Or the opposite, that pop big bands were too raunchy and syncopated to be mainstream.
And many of the best performers we remember today had the ability to dip their toes in both genres without diminishing either, and at the time they had a lot of opposition (ella fitzgerald, benny Goodman, etc)
Really good, I remember smoking a lot of weed and listening to it.
lol, it's not jazz you fucking stupid niggatroon.
more like jazz for people who aren't so retarded that they totally abandon the artform of song itself in favor of meaningless wank
t. hasn't listened to Jazz

I used to be like you
Uhhhhh Waltz no 2 and uuuuuhhhhhjjjj
i have. like every genre, the vast majority is shit, but jazzheads are status-signaling NPCs that cannot differentiate anything for themselves and so they blindly accept all the wank that comes toward them
>He can't tell that I can tell he's crying himself to sleep tonight by virtue of needing to respond in the most deadpan retard tone possible about how much he doesn't care

I think you took it pretty seriously.
This,most Jazz is completely aimless. It's The Frank Zappa of RnB subgenres lol. Soul Music and Blues are both way way way fucking better. That being said some "Jazz" Rock is ok but this is only "Jazz" on a superficial level.
t. Hasn't listened to jazz
How can someone talk like this without having listened to the greats? You sound like a child
oh no, nicotranny, who hates me, is agreeing with me... (can*)
It's like I'm living in a Paperhouse like I was The Muffin Man. Please don't be long! It seems like I might be singing a Swan Song very soon Mr.Stark!
I've listened to Chet Baker and Otis Redding and Sun Ra at some point in Highschool. Most jazz is pointless masturbation. How you guys hate on Jimi but like Coleman or whatever is beyond me.
this post was ignored for not being serious
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>mentions zappa entirely out of nowhere
>chet baker, sun ra, the list goes on!
pretentious retard tourist
Who's? Hating on Jimi? Faggot.
You listened to 3 pretty minor artists when you were a kid. You don't know shit.
Listen to Lester Young, Coleman Hawkins, Oscar Peterson, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Thelonious Monk, Charlie Parker, etc. This is the most basic entry level shit for a faggot like you.
And then come back and tell me to my face that jazz is shit. But you won't because you'll find out how little you knew about what you were talking about
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Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
this isn’t jazz in any sense
I've listened to Thelonius Monk too. Not a fan of jazz lol.

>"This is the most basic entry level shit for a faggot like you"

Gonna stop you right there:90% of Jazz ever recorded is just shit for fucking waiting rooms. Listen to some Dai Fujikara and Leo Ornstien and Xenakis and Frennyhough and Claude Vivier if you want to bitch so fucking badly. Jazz was just the only mildly interesting genre boomers were allowed to like until Psychedelia happened in The USA which was far more engaging in literally every way. I bet you don't even know about Soul Music,yeah i can imagine you listening to fucking Billie Holiday lol. Now fuck off.
And then come back and tell me to my face that jazz is shit. But you won't because you'll find out how little you knew about what you were talking about
Blues is better. Soul Music is better. I get you love waiting room tunes but come on now.
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Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
I'm not interested in arguing, just interested in educating you. I like soul and blues music a well, I'm not a retard.
Hey, if you think Billie holiday is bad or boring, then sorry you're just retard.
stay filtered, bitch
all music is old
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Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
This is just covers of jazz standards are you stupid
I've only seen stupid people praise this album tho
I dunno its fine. Japanese Bill Evans.
>the list goes on
Music for people too literate to make jazz
if you can't sing or play an instrument, your opinions regarding music are actually just worthless
>muh berklee
no one cares, nepobaby
if you took a music class or played in an ensemble at any time before college that's basically enough
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Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
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cool now you can both be faggots together
>jazz fusion
also Hellfire is just Manavishnu Orchestra in fentanyl with Geordie trying to be Peter Gabriel. very good.
Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
IMO Marsalis is right, it's not jazz if it doesn't have improvisation and therefore much big band is not jazz.
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Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
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i like steely dan because it doesn't make that annoying screechy sound that a lot of artsy jazz records have
>Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
Funny because Gaucho is their best album
Countdown might be their best for sure. Either that or The Royal Scam where they were more varied musically
the final boss of faux-jazz
boring and der club of snore
see >>122807518
>screechy sound
Jazz for people too dumb to listen to real jazz
don't pretend not to know the jazz screech
whats the jazz screech?

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