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Holy sovl
Holy onions
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perfect album but late registration is better
Probably but I prefer the debut
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Last Call is one of the best closers of all time. It was the birth of Kanye as we know him today.
Based true
not music.
>not music
>not a good producer
>not even a good notmusicer (rapper)
>album still has soul
was I just groomed into liking this album?
Cause it's good
Even if it's not music
Not even his best. Graduation is better.
graduation is his worst from the first 3
Only retard eminem fans care about "rapping skills". being able to rhyme quickly doesn't make a song better or worse
Genuinely one of the most soulful hip hop albums ever made, possibly Kanye's magnum opus.
There's a handful of throwaways. Namely Get Em High and Breathe In Breathe Out. Not bad songs but not on the same level as the rest of the album. Graduation, MBDTF, Yeezus and 808s are all more consistent
graduation is for 8 year olds
If it came out in the 00s then it's good. MBDTF is close enough to make the cut.
Get Em High was a 10 if not for Common's wack ass verse
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The College Dropout and Late Registration are better than Graduation but Flashing Lights is the best song of all three albums

MBDTF, Yeezus, and TLoP are all better than those three also but not by much
What is up this meme?
It's by far his worst album up to TLOP
Yeezus sucks ass, but otherwise I can agree with this.
Shit tier opinions honestly
Instant classic. Listened again a few weeks ago, so many great songs. My favorite parts are the Bernie Mac bits.
If you think Life of Pablo was his worst album, it's safe to say your music taste, and aesthetic sense, are nonexistent.
I like Ye more than TLOP.
But TLOP was the beginning of the end for him.
The College Dropout and Yeezus are his only good albums
Cause when you need it the most it's a bitch the find cause your dumbass stoner friend shoved it into some unknown nether region of the sofa unknown to mortal man and all that inhabit that sofa. Rappers that's can spit bars and rhymes like dimes are a bitch to find yo. The local guys have the chops but I don't care to deal with the fake ass junkies and hipster faggots hanging around the bars they play and I usually have to whoop their ass cause their mouth is too big and not in the right ways. They ain't spitting bars just talkin out they ass like their shits made of gold
one of the few skits i enjoy in hip hop, even by late registration they sucked
graduation just doesn't capture the same magic as tcd or lr do, songs like we major and gone are better than the whole tracklist off of grad for me

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