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>bad albums gassed up because they had a lot of influence
>ITT: OP is a faggot
seek therapy
i pity you
It's funny how when you call obviously shit albums like this one bad, or obviously good albums good, /mu/fags actually get offended. It's not just that their opinions are backwards, they're aggressively backwards, that's how far gone they are.
Absolutely filtered
This albun only influenced shit music
awful vocals
All jam bands sucks, especially those 70s jam bands that are like "we are weird and quirky because of le drugs"
I'll give you that it gets a bit atonal towards the end but the first maybe 3/4s is some of the most beautiful and haunting use of ornimental melody that Psychedelia ever saw,meanwhile "objectively good" artists (I'm assuming this means Trout Mask and other /mu/core screechy bullshit) is just random yelling and banging noises for retards to feel sad too and loud squeeky crying about how Ella The Rock no suck pp or whatever. Tago Mago is a masterpiece where as TMR is a joke album from the 60s that's been re-apporpriated by actual retards. Enjoy believing that though ig. There's more melody and a stronger sense of pacing in paperhouse,give me coffee or tea,sing swan song,spoon,and deadlock than there was in the entire Beefheart discogrpahy. You're just a fucking retard who cannotn process truly complex or neuanced art. Same reason all you guys hate Nico,The Moody Blues,The Velvet Underground,Love,and Hendrix. You've legitamitely never heard of the others partially because you don't actually care about music so I won't go into that. Maybe get your cock sucked and see if you still need to pretend to like epic funny screaming jonkler albums in public spaces for attention.
Can is not a jam band zoomed.
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> for retards to feel sad too
>where as
You talk and act like you're retarded. "Erhm actually here's a picture of a teenage girl making fun of the viewer that I jack off too because I'm developmentally stunted" is like,yeah I guess someone who likes funny screaming albums with random banging noises would also be like that,not surprising. More telling on yourself though.
That and it's just a post of you bitching about minor spelling errors I made while drunk like you're not a visible downie in real life who everyone makes fun of. At best your the type of morbidly obeese fuck with weird facial hair hanging out in the gamestop used section. You hate it because you lack taste and maturity. It's some of the most sophisticated music of that entire era and yes,it has melody. It has more melody than Captain Discord and his Screeching Retard Band could ever hope for,but I understand pretending this guy was ever viewed as a legitamite artist to begin with gives you false hope so I'll ig let you keep it. Doesn't mean I have to take your opinion seriously as a part of the conversation.
Literally the most archatypal retarded bug person kid from highschool response possible lol. You're not some supergenius you just failed to develop normal interpersonal skills and probably failed to lose your virginity aswell. That's why you need to pretend to enjoy the funny hyperactive screaming shows and funny screaming albums to begin with. Literally a call for help. Means your at risk for suicide and also institutionalization probably.
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>Continues to act like a spastic retard
>Continues to struggle to form an actual thought

You belong in a mental institution or assisted living of some kind. No wonder you don't "get" Tago Mago lol. Like I said it's not for people like you. You have to at least vaguely be aware of your own emotional states which some of you clearly are not.
>Spastic Retard thinks pointing out more minor spelling mistakes negates the obvious conclusion that he got bullied by girls so badly in highschool that his idea of femininity is now being bullied by a teenage girl.

Yeah I can see why you think about that so much,life must be really hard for you lol. Anyway if you were less of a tard and could actually sit still muchless understand your own emotional states you might find CAN appealing. Plenty of melody and a great sense of temperment there and rhythm too,most of you are far too stupid and single minded/simplistic to take it all in though. Gotta let that shit wash over you.
>Moody Blues
>Velvet Underground

You sure whine a lot
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>[unreadble manic screed]
>Guy who thinks he's an anime charecter thinks we believe he has a job
how do you enjoy all of these except Hendrix? Genuine question. Feels like this would be insane overlap.
You understood it fine and it was perfectly comprhensable though,I'm correctly stating that you are likely mentally challenged and couldn't sit down long enough. Standard shit with stemlord bugmen that think they're anime characters. Gotta have it dumbed down to childrens levels.
I can't "get on" with The Moody Blues. Otherwise I tend to agree with you, but honestly... I dig Tago Mago, I enjoy it for some cerebral reasons and others associated with time/place stuff.
Would I think less of someone for not being into this? Probably.
It's pretty coherent and who knows how long it took to write.
It took like more than 2 minutes but less than 5 I think. Idk I'm pretty stoned lol. I can get why The Moody Blues would feel dated or hoaky to some. I love all the ornamental shit and the fantasy motifs though.
>how do you enjoy all of these except Hendrix? Genuine question
I enjoy Hendrix too, just not nearly as much. What’s so surprising about someone liking all the most popular and influential “experimental rock” groups of the 60s and 70s? Mark E Smith and John Lydon and every other English cunt in the early 80s loved all those bands.
fair enough ig,take care bro.
>speaking in tongues
>random noises and screeching throughout
oh I see this is one of those 10/10s that if I rate even just a decimal below that I get accused of being a pleb and "just not getting it/filtered"
hard pass lmao
You too mang
the "screeching" vocals are definetly NOT throughout the entire album at all. They're only towards the very end of the album and serve as a dramatic climax of sorts I would say. First half is although still "experimental" pretty standard boomer guitar shit in some ways with soloing and bends included.Coffee or Tea isn't described well this way either. Amun and Peeking O have some disonent or darker moments for sure but that's much later on. If you only listened to the first half these tracks wouldn't register as really being related immediately either although it does flow together fairly well in sequence.Egg Bymassi has a couple tracks like this aswell but once again also a lot of floatier more melodic sections. The speaking in tounges is likely just a very very drunk Damo talking to himself but that only lasts for one track. Its intended to be sort of dar/introspective and touch on themes from german psychology and philosophy while also being very stream of consciousness.
You've had a job for one week. Before that, you quit your job during a nervous breakdown and were unemployed for a whole year having the same argument about Frank Zappa until 4am every night. You should probably kill yourself and end your misery.
>Before that

Before that I had jobs aswell. You have not,you are a smelly unkempt retard who has spent his entire adult life probably at anime conventions. You're unironically on your way to dying a virgin aswell and I guarantee beyond a shadow of a doubt that you've done nothing of worth regardless. You're a fucking nonfactor lmao.

>"Before that, you quit your job during a nervous breakdown "

I did not have a nervous breakdown. Once again you tarding out and rushing to implicitly describe yourself,a man to pussy and pathetic to talk to a cashier muchless have a public facing job at all. Another reason you're a 30 Something who still hasn't seen pussy and has likely only EVER had a job in the last five years at all while I meanwhile have a pretty consistant track record. Unlike you I'm not a bitch and willing to work hard,having tard outs and crying yourself to bed isn't my problem. That's you doing it and then projecting onto me muchlike when you had a massive tard out frank zappa style and through your phone across the room. Once again you're alfso the one who needs mental help here. Honestly all shit I could have told by you pretending to like the funny retarded screeching noises and "this really says a lot about our society"ing them. I assume you like NGE a lot too lol. Seem like that type. Anyway sure,I've had this job one week (actually two at this point),you've had a job never. You're not a functioning human being.
I had to be there for my girlfriend. I tried to countinue working through it but she wouldn't really let me do that and ultimately I needed to be there for her even though she was being unreasonable. I assume as a "Man Child" though you wouldn't understand that. Maybe the problem is with your own "t-levels" or whatever. Maybe it's just you being a pussy aswell.
If you want to have a cock measuring contest, get your cock out and measure it. The worst thing about Nicotranny is that he has nothing to back up all his woofing
lol,sure you do.
Still the type of retard to start breathing heavily and crying in the fucking groccery store. Either extremely rich parents or disability money if true even though we both know it's not and this is part of your epic sigma male gazillionare larp the same way pretending to enjoy shit like Uncle Meat is.
Nope, just an uninterrupted work history because I don't suffer from chronic mental illness. I also went to school so I wouldn't have to wash cars
sure dude

>"I don't suffer from chronic mental illness"

I find that very hard to believe,you talk largely in fractured sentences,are agressive randomly,and seem to struggle to form full thoughts.

>" I also went to school so I wouldn't have to wash cars"

As long as you're implicitly admitting your a virgin in your 30s,have no friends,and are likely at risk for suicide. Sure you did lol. Whatever.
Random Banking Screenshot that for all we know could be your moms account or something and probably is. Going this far to begin with but doing so in such a vague and hard to verify way.
>"because I don't suffer from chronic mental illness."
>Proceeds to continue spazzing out like an angry retard
>nicotranny really thinks that it's impossible to save a modest nest egg without wealthy parents or photoshopping the numbers
Have you ever considered that you might just be a stupid loser and other people are better than you? The only reason I do this to you is because you screech about how no one besides you could possibky be employed
You're spazzing out lmao. If anyone replies to you once, you reply to them ten times. I'll be asleep in the next 30 minutes, and you'll make this thread hit bump limit by morning. Enjoy the carwash ;)
>"You're spazzing out lmao. If anyone replies to you once, you reply to them ten times. I'll be sleep in the next 30 minutes"

I was gonna say something sarcastic but since you don't have a life I guess I really can't doubt this. You probably sleep constantly lol.

>"and you'll make this thread hit bump limit by morning. Enjoy the carwash ;)"

Right,because being a 30 Year Old Stemcel with no social network is definetely a goal for normal people. Keep the money bro,enjoy dying alone in your mid 40s because of heart complications. Nobody gives a fuck how much you made on Dogecoin since you're a retard who will just lose it in 5 seconds anyway,90% sure this is your moms account or something to begin with. The Angrier and more agressive agressive non passively speaking you get about it the more I will assume this aswell.
I'll give you a second reply just out of humor:Maybe reflect on your own life a bit. Take care and have a great night.
>"The only reason I do this to you is because you screech about how no one besides you could possibky be employed"

>Doesn't realize it's mostly directed towards him and like three other people
>genuinely thinks his dogecoin "earnings" that he's going to lose three days from now count
this is even more pathetic than nicotranny honestly
spoiler:all of you are "more embarrassing" lol.
>beefhart bad
>can good
they both sounds like wet garbage pushed through a speaker
what do you think is a good album?
you don't even have the vocabulary to critique anything, fuck off back to tw*tter retard
kill yourself
kill yourself
um i like sunday morning and ummmm waiting for my man
You already posted it
so that retarded namefag is still going strong huh
You have barely any concept of what CAN even sounds like,you just convinced yourself it's similar based off one song on one album in order to feel less like you have brain damage. The average CAN Song isn't Amun or Peeking O it's heavily built around conventional melodic structures if anything. The Average CAN song is unironically closer to Paperhouse or Sing Swan Song,which weren't epic and sporky enough for you to sit through.
Tard-Out! lol, Name a single Zappa Song with the level of melody Paperhouse or Bring Me Coffee or Tea has. Doesn't exist.You're seething at it because you don't have the attention span for it,meanwhile I'm "seething" at TMR because it's a tard cry yelling to himself and banging random objects. I get that you need to make this false equivalency in order to feel ok about your existence but there's simply nothing redeeming there.
Imagine defending Captain Beefheart and having the balls to call anybody else a retard,if you weren't a retard you wouldn't relate to him so strongly. Only reason you would like this.

You're once again talking/acting like an angry retard having a breakdown. This is why you cannot appreciate CAN. You have the mental capacity of a child.

>"Cleaning my Alloys"

We both know you don't have a car,"bro". Same way we both know you don't work at all lmao. Enjoy having a massive fit though.
>Random Retarded Screeching begets a defense which is just more random retarded screeching

If you could hold a coherent thought you would realize how sad and childlike pretending to enjoy the funny jonkler trout man sad yelling why women no suck pp album. You're literally too retarded to have ever worked to begin with. Your speech patterns alone are enough to go off.
>why women no suck pp album
[citation needed]
Ella Guru is clearly complaining about wahmen. The Riff is supposed to be chick yelling at you and the part about her knowing all the colors probably means she's both fucked for drugs (at this point in time drugs largely means acid and mushrooms because it's still the late 60s) and also that she's sucked off every known ethnicity on the planet especially if we're just gonna assume Beefheart is kinda racist to begin with and that Dachau Blues was in fact written in a condescending/mocking tone. He's saying she's a slut with no standards and always down to fuck Tbf this is also what several Velvet Underground Songs and also a lot of Jamaican Dancehall and also I feel like several songs by Ted Nudgent are about as well,but that you genuinely didn't pick on on that this was what the song was about is kind of an indictment on your own life.

She went through him like a Pavement Saw. It's over bros.
>Name a single Zappa Song with the level of melody Paperhouse or Bring Me Coffee or Tea has
"Peaches en Regalia", a Zappa-composed tune which has become a modern jazz fusion standard. Looking forward to the analysis of its melody from a retard who works at a car wash with terrible pitch who can't even read music
>Dachau Blues was in fact written in a condescending/mocking tone
How in the world could you listen to that song and think he's mocking Jews? Pull your head out of your ass
>. Looking forward to the analysis of its melody from a retard who works at a car wash with terrible pitch who can't even read music
>genuinely believes Captain Beefheart has good pitch
>Somehow doesn't realize he's the retard yet

Pretty sure cry screaming about Bochi The Guru like that wouldn't be considered good pitch by any genuine composer either lol.
>How in the world could you listen to that song and think he's mocking Jews?

Because I can read tone of voice and you cannot. Literally more proof that you're a fucking retard. The way he annunciates "poor" especially. You don't pick up on it for the same reasons you're incapable of having a conversation. You lack any and all ability to analyze anything.
>Peaches en Regalia

Listening to this right now. It's actually not bad and I will give you this. Kind of annoying compared to its Italian Counterparts though least to my ears. I will say I can see why you'd find this sophisticated or whatever but most of Zappas work is nothing like this and I kinda just find it tedious. Very up its own ass. CAN had more of a sense for direction,sense of songwritting,etc. Same with Jimi. They could also both do longer more intricuite pieces but I think they had less of an issue losing sight of that. You got me on the melody here though. Very pleasant and breezy feel to it sort of. I do still feel other Prog Artists were better.
>Retard who can't tell pitch

Beefhearts Pitch is just as "incorrect" as Nicos but doesn't work with said songs and shows little to know vocal control. Beefheart needed to practice more if he wanted to be singing. Shit fluxuates prettymuch at random .
Metallica suck for sure but most critics already knew that.
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Also agree,Isvind and Hades are way better.
"bro drugs haha" the album
I like the album. I don't even know what it supposedly influenced.
Kind of yeah,Themes from Philosophy or religion in there too though. Nothing wrong with that since almost every other rock album from that time frame was also "bro do drugs hahah:the album" though. The Other Krautrock Bands,The Beatles,Funkadelic,Jimi Hendrix,Lynyrd Skynyrd,and others were also largely just talking about drug use. Even a lot of US Garage from before that was.That would be more of a critique of the entire classic rock or psychedelia genres as a whole than CAN specifically. Even if Jim Morrison was a federal agent he was probably on drugs too.
Mostly other Black Metal.
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>Nicotranny has been seething about Zappa for years without ever hearing the first song on his most famous album
if you like can you might enjoy king kong
His most Famous Album isn't Freak-Out! or Absolutely Free? Also this is still like an overall more consistant album than his other works and still kinda uninspired at that. I will give you it has a sense of Melody that's closer to CAN than Beefheart though. It's not as good as European Prog Bands were.
I'll look at it in a couple but I doubt it's any good.
This is just bad fake jazz for people who can't fuck lol. Random fucking bullshit strung together. What an idiot.
I can see why this would appeal to and how by chudjak bug person logic this would work I guess.
nothing to see here guys just nicosperg sperging as usual
bro i simply suggested a song and you go on a rant about sex skills
this is the internet, nobody is impressed by your hostility
Having a tard out because you know what I said is right and you lack any and all taste.
>"and you go on a rant about sex skills
this is the internet, nobody is impressed by your hostility"

Haha,nice deflection. This is actual "theory of mind" as opposed to whatever you're trying to guilt trip me over. Frank Zappa is a cope and nobody genuinely enjoys this crap. Tons of Italian and French Bands and British and German Bands did way better prog but Fedoras THINK that pretending to like Zappa will make them SEEM like they get laid. It won't. It doesn't make you seem nearly as normal or cool as you think it does. Just weird behavior from those desperate for attention.
>Having a tard out because you know what I said is right and you lack any and all taste.
I haven't even read all of your replies but I saw that there were 42 of them, that's pretty spergalicious.
yea tons of bands also made good music, your point being?
music taste doesnt have anything to do with getting laid btw
It's a reflection of you never having been laid in this case though. It's also not your actual music taste lol. You and other people on this website are the only ones who buy it. Total larping. I should be telling you the as
did you lose your v card late in life or something? dont understand why you would obsess about it otherwise, its a non issue for people who first got laid at a healthy age
You listen to Beefheart,you almost dsefinetely don't have a job and probably have down syndrome or something. Like the way you talk and how invested in this shit you are you must be pretty badly impaired lol.


This is what you actually sound like btw. I know you think you're le heckin cool big coat cigar pepe but nobody in real life will view said behavior like this.
>"Did you lose your v card late in life or something?"

Obvious projection

>"V Card"

Ask me how I can tell you're an incel. I grantee you tards started working "late in life" too if at all. Keep it going. Love to learn more.
Elvis Costello mogs
lost my virginity at 16, started working at 17
Literally the most obvious example of Live Action Roleplaying imaginable. How many sitcoms did you watch to think this would come off as a normal response? Definitely some kind of stunted growth there. Everyone else stopped finding stuff like Frank Zappa or Captain Beefheart funny after highschool.
>dont understand why you would obsess about it otherwise, its a non issue for people who first got laid at a healthy age

Which you are implicitly admitting wasn't you while also trying to tard out while sounding like your suave and in control somehow. Got it. Literally repeating shit you read on incel forums back to me. Yeah you're stunted and embarrassing and kinda off-putting. That's why as a grown man you still think Frank Zappa is remotely good. It's like being proud you listen to Primus or Tool.
lolok,you seem to be talking in an awful lot of animespeak for that to be the case. I guess I'll let it go though. Cannot imagine how ugly she must have been the singular time this happened which is giving you some serious credit.
if you collect your thoughts you dont need to reply dozens of times like a dork
Elvis Costello isn't remotely similar. I know most of you don't know anything about actual music and just like your shitty epic reddit/epic discord albums though.
>"Like a dork"

Yeah you lack all and any self awareness lol. Enjoy being a smelly retard who needs to go to anime conventions to get pussy ig. Nobody is jealous "bro",trust me. Being an Epic MLG Gigachad is not impressive.
very bitter, full of hostility
sorry for whatever turned you into such a person
Keep up the insecure posturing! Really makes everything you say more convincing.
Yeah you were playing the same shit. You just can't refute what I said. Next time don't answer as awkwardly and chose soomething other than the exact statistical average and someone might believe you,although I actually did get my cock sucked around that age. Didn't fuck fuck until 17 though. You tried I'll admit that.
You are in fact a massive dork. You cannot into organic displays of emotion. You like Trout Mask Replica for the same reasons you struggle to express yourself or say anything remotely believable. It's either complete madeup bullshit or a little too perfect every single fucking time.
Also the only people who "like" Trout Mask Replica are inherently insanely bitter themselves. Retards and stemlord techie geek type guys who want some false reassurance they're sophisticated or want to be included in the conversation mostly. It signals that you don't have any taste but are pretending to like things you think will signal you do because your desperate for social approval. Nobody actually wants to listen to that crap.
Imagine if nicofaggot spent time improving himself instead of lashing out at intermet strangers over insignificant differences of opinion on extremely dated music. He probably wouldn't be actively mentally ill, underemployed, and living hand to mouth. He needs to re-examine his priorities in life
Bro, Elvis Costello IS actual music.
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It's a good album
IDK who's influenced by this
>I grantee you tards started working "late in life" too if at all
You started working a week ago after being unemployed due to your nervous breakdown for over a year. Congrats on working 5 days out of the last 365, big boy. Adulting like a boss
you need help also i would rape nico
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Nicotranny, what are your thoughts on this underrated psych-funk masterpiece?
I've been working my entire adult life while you were off collecting tendy bucks. I love my girlfriend and ultimately I'm glad I stayed with her through this time,but I guess that isn't something you would be able to comprehend.

>"Congrats on working 5 days out of the last 365, big boy. Adulting like a boss"

I was out of work for like a couoke months and even then working gigs whereas you've probably never even had a regular job. Minning Dogecoin and selling Anime Memorabilia don't count. Talk less like a fucking retard if you want to be taken seriously. I've worked harder than you ever have. Fuck off back to Discord.
>a week ago after being unemployed due to your nervous breakdown for over a year.

You write like someone that is mentally retarded and also it was my girl but that part clearly makes you feel insecure so we're going to pretend everyone else is a 40 Year Old Bitchless Virgin Manchild like you are. Yeah she prevented me from working. You also would have stayed though. She's a wonderful woman.
She's beautiful and intellegent and I'm glad I stayed with her. If anyone is having year long psychiatric breaks from reality it's probably you, Maybe if you admitted less of a strange odor you wouldn't have as many problems.
But anyway CAN had an actual understanding of how to play a good rhythm or play a good melody and even though some parts might be more atonal or more experimental it all flows together natrurally. Beefheart does not. I get you think it's good because it's hard to play and you read some academic think piece saying women would think you were smart and suck your cock if you pretended to like it but he could have never done what CAN did. There's no Beefheart Songs like Deadlock or Tango Whsiekyman or Future Days either. There's something serene about them. I'm not good with nor care about music theory but they took it in a far more interesting direction than Beefheart did.
>stemlord techie geek type guys
Bet you wish you were one of those instead of working at a carwash lmao
>Yeah she prevented me from working.
How? I don't understand how arguing with your gf would prevent you from having a job, but whatever helps you cope I guess
You've never had a girlfriend. Massively delusional response.
Nobody wishes they were you. You'll end up killing yourself or being one of those creepy old guys that winds up on the news. Nobody wants to be like the smelly retard from tech support. No amount of money will ever make you desirable.
>Smelly Tasteless Retard projects about his clearly totally real and vast work experience in order to circumnvent the conversation away from his weird and pathetic "hobbies"
So anyway like I said Beefheart is completely toneless in his singing and on top of that it's basically just apeing random shit at the viewer. The conversation already ended.
You can spazz about unrelated drivvel all you want,nobody is jealous of you. You will probably post a smug anime girl or some shit in response but your life sounds fucking abysmal. Whoa you're a low level tech dev! No friends and no sex ever! Kill yourself at 40 due to lack of community! So fucking badass...
I've never quit a job because of a girlfriend, and I don't see any reasonable explanation why someone would do that. Obviously, the problem was with you and you're shifting responsibility onto her as a cope. The other job was some absolute suckass shit anyway, equivalent to your current deadend gig I'm sure
Would rather be making $5 an hour than be anything like you ngl. Yeah I bet your really happy being a neet savant with zero friends. The money for EPIC computer parts and EPIC anime waifu figurines surely makes up for that though right? Just because society rewards you for it doesn't make you a man. Doesn't change that you're stunted.
Right,you've also never had one. You probably don't even know what the clitoris is. Stop pretending so fucking hard in that weird little sheldon cooper style of typing and just leave it be.
Freak Out!
Like seriously you're a little bitch. No amount of money is going to prevent you from being a miserable fuck bro. You could tell me they paid you $9999999999999999999 up front to design the next sonic and I would still be more concerned about your sense of loneliness and overall mental health.
Freak Out! (What people who pretend to like Zappa for attention on the internet are doing at Micro Center)
>"Obviously, the problem was with you and you're shifting responsibility onto her as a cope."

Bitch has Bipolar. I can tell you've never actually delt with a woman that's angry before though. Don't worry,we already know it never happens to you.
I like how your biggest fantasies are just other people being as miserable and slow as you are. Really great stuff. Yeah you TOTALLY proved that the funny jonkler trout man cry screaming album isn't a cope for bad mental health or a lack of community to begin with. Damn.
Freak Out! (Replying to yourself and bad faith trolls for 16 hours every day for a year)
>For 16 hours

tallking about yourself because you've never been employed again but sure. I bet you totally actually enjoy the funny random screaming album.
what the fuck is going on here
Spazz Out! where we pretend that Captain Beefheart "Fans" are normal,can totally pay attention for more than five seconds,and have definetely had sex. Standard shit for these retards.CAN is better. They were able to write actual music.
Honestly the part about tone or being out of tune was so fucking laughable but I guess if you're a retard who personally relates to trout man you probably cannot hear that.
Average CAN Song:

Average Beefheart "Song":Spastic retard having a aneurism about why no girl suck pp and why normie mean over random banging and screeching noises

Gee,I wonder who was better..........
Tongue punching Nicotranny’s fart box
You've literally never had sex.
Clearly not him but I really like the sample of it from Beastie Boys' Shake Your Rump
Are you fucking with me or is this a real thing? I like Late 60s Temptations and 5th Dimension and I also like fucking 70s Undsiputed Truth so would probably enjoy desu.
i prefer the live albums to any of their studio stuff
"Nico Sperg" has posted about how much he hates Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart for the majority of each day for more than a year. People gas him up and troll him because he's always intoxicated and has the unfortunate habit of blurting out embarrassing information about himself. He is an actually mentally ill person who cannot avoid taking bait and does not realize that he is baited in the exact same way every day
the live stuff has wilder insturmentals but the studio shit has more direction to it.
>"He is an actually mentally ill person who cannot avoid taking bait and does not realize that he is baited in the exact same way every day"

Which is why you like funny screaming albums and talk like a retard,got it. You're so cool dude............
>"has posted about how much he hates Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart for the majority of each day for more than a year"

>he really needs to exaggerate this much in order to feel even slightly presentable

Can we stop pretending?
Yeah, stop pretending you'll ever get a better job than the carwash
I don't think you have ever had a job ever but sure. CAN is still something you're clearly too dumb to appreciate lol. Same with Jimi.
the lyrics to Oh Yeah also don't need to make any sense,it's intended to be ritualistic.
cool. still not listening to this wet garbage can though
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>Actual photo of Nico Tran seeing Odin on mushrooms
holy shit, how can Nicotranny be this based?
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CAN is a good band, but Jimi Hendrix is absolutely pleb tier shit
not reading this autistic mess of a thread but tago mago is the best album ever made cheers x
I have. With you. Why don’t you call me back?

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