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albums that haunt the nightmares of plebs and make them wake in fright
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I like almost every song on this album. Faves are:

Dachau Blues (esp. bass clarinet)
Hair Pie (both versions)
My Human Gets Me Blues
China Pig
When Big Joan Sets Up
Pachuco Cadaver
Hobo Chang Ba
did they remove it from spotify?
I know how to play an instrument and know very basic theory. would I like it
Nicotranny's letterwriting campaign pays off
Nobody is scared by this,it mostly just evokes pity lol.
Please OP, stop. It’s not funny anymore
Your failure to socialize in real life is still pretty funny though,the root cause of you "enjoying" Trout Mask Replica in Public Spaces.
??? Nowhere in my post did I say I liked this album.
namefagging on 4chan is crinj nigger
posts that haunt Beefheart fans who like most of his other records.
Sure but given your "personality" it's pretty fair to assume you PRETEND (almost nobody genuinely wants to hear this shit) to "like" this album,presumably on subways and to your mom and maybe therapist. They also know your doing it for attention but are being polite btw.
I’m literally telling OP to stop making these threads. You’re reading into shit that isn’t there.
You're too ancient to be here.
I'm only 27
Crazy that at age 27 you have $0 in savings and work for $15 per hour
Crazy how you think Hendrix didn’t write a good song. (He did)
Crazy how you samefag with and without your name, Nicofaggot
Crazy how you’re obsessed
This wasn't me. You're just having a spastic breakdown on par with your hero lol. Most people aren't fat retards the way you are and wouldn't enjoy the funny screaming quirky random jonkler album.
You've never had a job at all >>122791118
d are in your mid 30s whereas I've actually worked for almost my entire adult life. You cannot understand needing to be there for your partner as a 30 Year Old Virgin or women freaking out tbqh as a 30 year old virgin. That is your own failure in a way.
>I've actually worked for almost my entire adult life
In other words, the value of your entire adult life is equal to zero. Because that's what you have to show for it
>"erhm actually"

You've never worked at all. You refusing to debate that and attempting to redirect the conversation just confirms it.
>hehe you're le triggered/filtered
anyone who needs to use this as a defence for an album is defending a pile of shit.
All Along the Watchtower wasn't his song
/mu/ is officially a shitpost board now, so who cares?
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Purple Haze is tho
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>*dies without ever writing a good song*
When was it that you realised that Hendrix was a conman?
What’s your definition of a good song?
Hear My Train a Comin', Little Wing, Bold as Love, Fire, Spanish Castle Magic, Villanova Junction, Voodoo Chile (not Child), Machine Gun, Power To Love, Ezy Rider, Astro Man. But you've never heard of those of course.
Good song = song I like
Bad song = song I dislike
ive gotten short bans a lot lately so officially they want to contain the shitposting to a certain degree
>Hear My Train
Not his song
>Little Wing
Done better by Derek and the Dominos
>Bold as Love
But of acid nonsense bullshit over a generic Curtis Mayfield groove.
Unironically done better by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
>Spanish Castle Magic
Nearly a 1/1 copy of Purple Haze
>Villanova Junction
Aimless blues wank that has been done to death by every band on earth at this point. Peter Green Fleetwood Mac had this shit locked in way better
>Voodoo Chile
More aimless blues wank, this time stretched to 15 fucking minutes
>Machine Gun
Carried entirely by Cox and Miles
>Power to Love
See above
>Ezy Ryder
Poor man’s Funkadelic. Eddie Hazel had been doing this shit for years
>Astro Man
Bunch of out of tune bullshit with barely any melody during the verses
>Calling anything by Hendrix a poor mans Funkadelic

Way to show you have no idea what you're actually talking about lol. Are Sly and The Family Stone or Small Faces also a poor mans funkadelic to you? Hendrix was one of the main reasons Funkadelic even eixsted.

.>"Eddie Hazel had been doing this shit for years"

Funkadelic literally started around the time Hendrix died lol.
for subject matter not sound
Damn I didn’t know Hendrix died in 1968. That’s two extra years he could’ve had not writing any good music
>/mu/ is filtered by hendrix now
this is incredibly embarrassing. literally no one in rock music has surpassed him in intensity and pure soul
There were no Funkadelic Albums being released in 1968 lol.The First Album was in 1970. You have literally no concept of what you are talking about. Funkadelic only exists because of Jimi Hendrix.
Agreed,they're not actually into music and entirely basing this based on posturing on Discord based on how they think hypothetical "Stacies" who they've never talked to and would never sleep with them anyway would react. It's all just pedantic bullshit that has almost nothing to do with music itself. Hendrix was clearly super influential for his era if you have an actual grasp on music history or technique which most people on here don't. Beefheart,Zappa,The Beatles,and other sorts of le epic quirky chungu bands were more a product of their time.
Hendrix died in 1970 and the first Funkadelic Album was also in 1970. You are a fucking downie.
You said funkadelic "started" after hendrix died, not that they released their first album after hendrix died. Bands typically don't release their first album they day they're formed as a group
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Semantics. They still started after Hendrix had already existed for several years.
So from the moment of Hendrix's birth, George Clinton should've realized that he could never form Funkadelic because Jimi Hendrix already existed?
This just shows you lack reading comprehension or critical thinking skills more than anything but no,not at all what I said. Just that Funkadelic were clearly directly Jimi Hendrix inspired because they were.
If Funkadelic had existed without Jimi Hendrix they would have sounded wildly different. Same with CAN. Same with Ted Nudgent. Maybe even same with The Beatles on certain songs which actually DO use more feedback. He changed how the instrument could be used.
can took more from velvet underground
Funkadelic formed in ‘68 but had existed in some form since ‘64. Their debut was recorded throughout ‘68 and ‘69, album came out early 1970. Free Your Mind was recorded basically immediately after and came out mid 1970. They had basically started recording Maggot Brain by the time Hendrix died
They were less of a rock band and more doing conventional soul music prior to Jimi though. The change of name also represented an artistic shift. More or less accurate but they still only started doing music like this after Hendrix did. Same with Edgar Broughton Band. Same with Ted Nudgent. etc.
I would agree overall but they did name him as an influence and I CAN definetyely see it. Much more guitar heavy than The VU ever were. Many of their most beloved songs are prettymuch Rock Ballads to the point where British TV put them on Television alongside Lynyrd Skynyrd or at least on the same show the same week. There is a gap there artistically between the two and I think Hendrix helps explain this somewhat.
sister ray set the foundation for the long format songs of can though
it could be argued that they took the instrument usage from hendrix and the arrangements from vu
That's one of my least favorite VU Songs desu but I could see that being true for some of the longer tracks. A track like Paperhouse or Sing Swan Song probably has more in common with Cream if anything.

>"it could be argued that they took the instrument usage from hendrix and the arrangements from vu"

Probably although all being said I think they were pretty influential in their own rights.
The Album itself is a histarical tantrum lol. You're throwing a histarical tantrum by pretending to like this crap and playing it in public spaces as a desperate bid for attention.
>women freaking out tbqh
As a son of a single mother with borderline personality disorder, I actually do know a bit and many people have gone to me to talk about their emotional issues
fair enough,you can understand why I think Ella Guru is about bitches though lol.


This has to be the most desperate attempt to seem normal or casual ever attempted. I'm actually just myself. The rest of you are fake.
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I remember listening to this album in high school with the rational
"So this is experimental huh? normal fags can't handle it right? so I must be better than them if I can handle it! hrnnngg this music is tough!." then I fucking acted like I liked it and I imagine a lot of the people who parade this dogshit around to do the same
This is exactly how most Trout Mask Replica "Fans" end up sounding. It is a cope for poor social preformance 100%. The do not actually enjoy listening to it but it makes them feel better.
It's not that experimental and it's a great album, kill yourselves ASAP.
It tries desperately to be superficially quirky while ending up just being try hard and annoying with no sense of flow or mood setting.
It tries the fucking hardest to be le quirky and irreverant and just ends up being a way way lesser vesion of Jimi,Cream,or Ten Years.
You had a hysterical tantrum when you saw all the black guys texting your gf when you two split up kek
It was one guy. We were split up and I was talking to other people. The only person having histarical tantrums right now is you. I get that having some type of down syndrome and this type of attention seeking behavior (pretending to like funny screaming albums) aswell as Male Virginity well into adulthood are probably directly related.
No seriously, when was the last time you talked to a woman at all? It's probably been fucking years for you hasn't it? We were talking to other people for a while but I was talking to other people too. It's nothing to it. There was one guy and he was black. I know fuck else about him. I'm more afraid of the lesbian. He has a kid so I'm assuming he didn't actually wanna deal with the bipolar desu. I was talking to other women too but we came back together I feel like.
>inb4 retard continues pretending to understand how sex works
>Inb4 more tarding out because we know Beefheart had zero vocal control and zero sense of compoistion and that you guys like him because he represents how pathetic you are as people

You've literally never seen a vagina in your entire life lol. Shut the fuck up.
you set xer off again OP how can one album make xer seethe so hard
I can imagine you crying and slaming your keyboard while typing this. Go outside and interact with real people sometime. You will realize nobody is going to congradulate you for pretending to like the funny retarded screaming album because you related to the skibbidi trout joker.
why is he so fucking stupid, bros
No one knows what you're talking about. They can just see how easy it is to push your buttons and they just say whatever makes you mad. How much of a newfag do you have to be to take the exact same bait every day?
You're talking like a retard again lol. They're not your bros. Your "bros" don't exist. If you act like a emotionally deteriorating spazz with an IQ in The 70s I'm going to correctly assume you probably are. It's the skibbidi toilet album but for 60s retards as opposed to modern ones. I garuntee nobody ever thought that Trout Mask Replica was cool. I think you do know what I'm talking about desu. You talk like you have downs or something. Clearly something intellectually not there. I know you genuinely like it because it's le funny gamer music for epic memelords like yourself (visibly retards you see outside grocery stores 1000 pounds overweight with the klaona t shirt) but you have to understand beyond your le epic trolling your motivations are sad and obvious. If you meant that you don't know anything about music I'd agree with you. You sure as fuck know why you write like a downie and how I know you're a 30 something virgin though. You know exactly what the fuck I'm saying about your life. Enjoy collecting skibidi Zappa and Punished Toilet Zappa or whatever the fuck it is you abject absolute fucking retards are doing,but nobody with a remote semblance of taste is going to pretend like Sappa was a good artists so you feel less pathetic or down on yourself.
Everybody views your obsession with sprongle and hasbin hotel as sad too btw,thanks for playing. (and yeah,it's fair to assume. you're already just as bad lol.)
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I mean me desu since Trout Mask Replica isn't even goyslop. It's like proto spergslop or hasbin hotel 60s edition or something. Far more depressing and cursed that media like this even existed back In the 60s desu.Zappa is goyslop,he's basically just Adam Sandler for boomers. Beefheart is like shit for people who like Homestuck had they been alive in the 60s.
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>I mean me desu since Trout Mask Replica isn't even goyslop. It's like proto spergslop or hasbin hotel 60s edition or something. Far more depressing and cursed that media like this even existed back In the 60s desu.Zappa is goyslop,he's basically just Adam Sandler for boomers. Beefheart is like shit for people who like Homestuck had they been alive in the 60s.
Exhibit A: This thread
If you just post TMR, he appears and fills the thread to bump limit. He's our best schizo in years.
because the zappa estate is evil
except everyone who likes Zappa or Beefheart still at this point only cares due to meme lists and is unironically smelly and retarded lol. You're already completely out of touch with everything for sympathizing with this guy so much and pretending this shit is remotely relevant.

Go outside and talk to women. You will stop wanting to listen to the heckin epic quirky trout man cry to himself.
If this album DOESN'T throw you into a fit of rage it's because you're simulataniosly low iq and trying way to hard to seem smart. It's the most banal and directionless shit imaginable. Not a fan. 0/10
Literally it's because you're retarded and kinda tasteless but desperately desperately trying to get laid or seem cool as an adult man no longer in highschool in a way you should not need to be doing. It's a band/artist you're supposed to outgrow completely muchlike Death Grips or 1000 Gecs are.
>simulataniosly low iq
im drunk,forgive me for not being a tile counting retard who gives a shit about grammar on 4Chan the way you are. Maybe that's why i have the inherent fucking intuition to know that both CAN and Jimi Hendrix are better. Start including anime pictures again so I can make fun of you better. We both know you're absolutely tasteless.
That's not even a grammar problem. Go to bed
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>I'm not stupid, I'm stupid and intoxicated
That clears it up

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