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>hit 30
>classical is the only music I wanna listen to anymore
lol welcome to old age oldfaggot. Better than being a boomer forever listening to blink 182 and linkin park I guess.
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>hit 30
>classical is the music I listen to the most, then jazz, then everything else because I still find value in other music and music I listened to in the past
dog shit
At 35 i rarely listen to music when i'm taking my dog for a walk and so on, because whenever i do that i feel overstimulated and anxious. I dont watch any movies or series because it feels like waste of time to me.
yeah, hearing loss is a bitch ain’t it, op
You must be well off and intelligent as well OP since classical appeals to that kind of demographic and repels dumb poorfags like these guys >>122795630 >>122795973
I did it at 20.
so insecure lmao
I'm 35% classical 30% metal 20% jazz 15% rock/folk/everything else these days. Older than you though!
and 100% faggot
Orchestral classical music speaks to the soul in ways lyricshit could NEVER
Opera is the ONLY acceptable lyricshit
You seem so, yeah.
>not folk
immature dumbass
If you can't feel the spirits of your ancestors, is it really worth listening to?
in a few months you’ll be sucking cock
this isn't your faggoty blog, retard
>not beat-oriented music
Into the gay trash it goes
>there isnt any beat oriented classic music
weak bait
based nog
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>hit 30
>techno is the only music i wanna listen to anymore, when I'm partying.
>le classical music = le no beat
musically illiterate retard alert
Keep listening to your gay harmonies made by dead bourgeois eurofags that goes up and down, slow and fast forever.
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So /mu/ what are some of your favorite gay harmonies made by dead bourgeois eurofags that goes up and down, slow and fast forever? Here are a few of mine
I'd gladly slide my sword into her back sheath, gracefully sliding up and down my crotch as Franz Liszt plays on my Bang & Olufsen speakers. Sipping Hennessy, slowly as she sips her 1899 vintage red wine. The fancy life really does offer higher quality sex, who wants to fuck in a filthy cockroach ridden shoebox
It's soothes my mind to hear an intelligent sexy woman speak
Yeah on a serious note I had to stop listening to lyric music at least in English because I hate being told how to feel or like “this is what this song is about”. When you listen to a Bellini opera or some of Handel’s great Italian operas you can perfectly deduce the kind of situation it’s illustrating just through the music.
Literally couldn't finish my BA thesis without listening to Sate on repeat for a month straight, and AMEB piano uploads
I think you might have autism
>tfw I’m 27 and live in a cockroach ridden shoebox
100% comedienne
cut your dick off
88.5 FM-core:

Pavane pour une infante defunte, piano
Arabesque debussy
Waltz c sharp minor chopin
Raindrop prelude chopin
Dr Gradus ad Parnassum
bach d minor violin partita no 2, chaconne
tchaikovsky violin symphony d
rachmaninoff preludes
bach invention a major glenn gould

wait you guys want to feel something, like be made to cry without consent?

It's just five minutes of garfield and debussy, it should be fine right?

I also want to make a note of how difficult it is to search for classical music on spotify. The titles above might not yield correct answers, or even decent performances by the masters. The algorithm weights more modern performers and recordings. You can barely see the full title in the search results.
At least you want to listen to music
jazz is for faggots and retards
stay filtered bitch
Classical is lacking in bass (excluding pipe organ music). Bass makes higher frequencies harder to hear thanks to auditory masking so classical appeals to people with age-related hearing loss.
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>hit 30
>only want to listen to 80s dead
The older I get the less I care about looking sophisticated and the less classical I listen to.
>not genuinely gravitating towards classical naturally once brain reaches full maturity
Low IQ
Is that a dude?
I hope so. He should put on some nice sissy makeup, get locked in a chastity cage and bend over his bussy hole
I still listen to a lot of goth music. I think it’s a for life thing at this point. Besides that, I’m checking out black music and zoomer music. Classical still doesn’t hold any appeal for me. I am 29 years old.
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>hit 30, all i want to listen to is metal
I tried, i pretended I grew out of it, I cut my hair, I started listening to the music other people listened to but it never did it for me like metal does. Im currently growing my hair back out and I am going to local metal shows again and buying band shirts as well as dusting off my old metal records. Feels good to be home lads
You always should be yourself. I’ve been myself to a fault, but I don’t regret it. You wasted time in one of the worst ways. Goddamn you.
Jazz is an extremely diverse genre, don't be obtuse.
You dig your own grave.
The fact that you ever cared about "looking sophisticated" with your music taste and didn't naturally gravitate towards classical because it's simply great music is pretty retarded, anon.

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