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Tenacious Obesity tour CANCELLED!
It's tha greatest tour cancellation in tha worhurrld
lol what a pussy
Lol what a pussy. He should've doubled down

Fuck that lazy fat cunt Trump. Only lazy, equally fat and social parasitic scum votes for that thing.
Say whatever you want about Biden, but at least he's fit. Fat people are lazy and disgusting. Ansolutely repulsive. How can anyone vote for a disgusting fat cunt?
Jack “Take a Step Back” Black
Ttypical Jewish behavior, money over friends. Disgusting lack of artistic integrity.
>Say whatever you want about Biden, but at least he's fit
Until he says more than a sentence...
and here I was thinking I'd have to boycott them
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What's the best Tenacious D song and why is it [spoiler]One Note Song[/spoiler]
Not even disney could protect him then
nice try, chud, cancel culture doesn't exist
I don’t get it. Some dumb shit was said and/or a joke flopped and some twitter people got mad. So what? I legitimately don’t understand why they would cancel the tour from this.
Try exactly what he did, then you’ll understand
I don’t have an audience, so I can’t. But stand-up comedians do it all the time. Look at Dave Chappelle, for example. There were protests against his jokes. And it didn’t seem to slow him down one bit. Shane Gillis literally had a joke in his first special about how funny it would be to see Trump get shot. Some people were upset. Yet his career marches on.

Tenacious D is caving to pressure from twitter dorks. Those people should not be given such influence in our culture. They should be ignored.
>Shane Gillis literally had a joke in his first special about how funny it would be to see Trump get shot
And then it happened. Guess what changed.
>Guess what changed.
We’ll skip the game and instead you can just tell me.
I already did. It was right before that part.
So, dark humour about recent tragic events is forbidden? Get real.
Yes anon, that's how it works in society. 'Too soon' is a pretty universally understood concept.
>lol it's just a joke bro
>the joke: "he should've actually died. this sentiment is consistent with my previously stated, genuinely-held beliefs."
>hehehe the holocaust didn't happen but... it le should!!!!
My problem with it is that it wasn't really a joke it was the same thing that every 16 year old on twitter was saying the day of the attempt plus he's already politically affiliated with the left, it's not like he'd make the same joke about biden
Claiming your hate-filled violent language is a joke isn't going to work, pal.
You can tell that joke killed the mood
Jake looked legit pissed off
>you say this
>no i don---
Shane probably laughed, that's my best guess
A concept that actually gets joke about all the time, what's you're point
They’re being pussies, you guys. You don’t need to get butthurt on Trump’s behalf.

How can you stomach 4chan at all? I see “too soon” jokes on here every single day. I am very doubtful you actually believe what you just posted. Regardless, that’s not really how it works in the comedy world. “Too soon” jokes are not uncommon at all. And remember, Tenacious D is a comedy act.
Tenacious D is a comedy act. I’m sorry that you didn’t know this
We’ll, he just released a statement confirming those aren’t his “genuinely-held beliefs” so you are just making shit up. Thanks for playing.
>goes on the same website as the geese
>complains about the same people as the geese
It’s so funny to discover that conservatives are the exact same crybaby snowflakes as the liberals they’ve been mocking for years. Pathetic humourless pussies, all.
>How can you stomach 4chan at all?
I'm fine with the joke, I'm just explaining to the other anon why it's a problem to most people.
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what he say?

christ was a pussy
>>complains about the same people as the geese
And you know this about me, how?
So I always thought Jack Black was a normal white guy, not a jew
>[gay joke]
>[incomprehensible virtue-signaling rage]
>dude wtf
>[rage continues]

>[actual political violence]
>[cheering for it under the guise of a joke]
>dude wtf
>[blubbering of "hypocrisy" that totally isn't hypocritical in itself guys]
>under the guise of a joke
I guess you’re entitled to that opinion. But I immediately understood it to be a joke because:
1) Tenacious D is a well-known comedy and satire act
2) I’m not an actual retard
How long has the "it's just a joke" defense been whittled away? When it's a joke that offends "modern sensibilities," it's a serious statement, but when you cheer on a serious event that could've suplex'd an entire nation and the whole Western world into a political apocalypse, it's just a joke bro.
He is a giant pussy for cancelling a tour over that shit. This era is so incredibly unbelievably pathetic and bland.
he probably got v& by some glowies
>I was blindsided by what was said at the show on Sunday.
My bandmate said the silent part out loud.
>I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form.
Except when I laughed at his comment.
>After much reflection,
Disney and Nintendo yanked me aside and threatened to cut my access to leading roles in kid's movies
>I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour,
I quit my side-job
>and all future creative plans are on hold.
I'm putting the bong down for a while.
>I am grateful to the fans for their support and understanding.
No refunds.
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using it as an excuse to quit because he has nothing left creatively to offer and he knows he won’t be treated kindly after embarrassing himself by fundraising for a dementia patient
It's an unfunny joke that everyone can make but if your panties are in a twist because of edgy subject matter then you must have thought George Carlin was public enemy #1.
>edgy subject matter
Right, it's not like Western politics is already a tire fire and the assassination attempt was a car crashing into it, and if it was successful it would've been a full gas tanker.
Or anything like that.
>I'm putting the bong down for a while.
you mean the 14 prescriptions and coke
You mean Biden isn't gonna invite him to the WH and have him speak at the DNC?

Dude picked the wrong party. He's no Ted Nugent.
>but at least he's fit
nigga can't ride a bike, walk up staris, find his way off a stage, or complete a sentence you shitty baiter
How much does he want to strangle Kage right now?
How many fans who don't care about this nonsense are they fucking over?
man i just want the new album theyve been working on
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90% of musicians are jews with connections
I don't get it, cons can't score any wins but this got them cancelling tours? Australia has hate preacher laws where if you come to call for political violence you can just be straight up banned from the country, maybe its that. This is why Tyler the Creator got yeeted by a bunch of feminists a few years back
>Those people should not be given such influence in our culture. They should be ignored.
This is true of all entertainers. Why we give so much (or any) credence to their opinions outside of music, cinema or whatever is beyond me. They sing and dance, they're not supposed to understand politics and if they comment on it, it should be treated the same as when a child does it.
yeah we should trust cia anchors and pundits and pentagon spokesman instead
I'm amazed there's so many retards in this thread that don't understand that their record label doesn't want to be known as the record label that signed a band that "jokes" about political assassinations. Or that venues hosting them don't want to be associated with a band that "jokes" about political assassinations. Or that Biden probably doesn't want a guy who's a member of a band that "joked" about murdering his political opponent to speak at the DNC because it's really bad optics. I can go on. Basically Jack Black's career might be over despite throwing KG under the bus.
Not to mention they're in Australia right now, a country that has deported or denied entry to people for less.
He didn't voluntarily decide to conclude the tour early. All their venues dropped them because suddenly the security would have cost too much and the insurance quotes skyrocketed.
Could be pressure from their record label as well in order to do damage control. "You fucked up, now lay low until things have settled down."
They don't want to get dime bagged
That fat kike did nothing wrong. Lil homie shouldn't have missed.
>senseless murder of civilians
Which begs the questions jables....what kind of civilian murders would you think are sensible?
Am I crazy? It doesn't seem like what he said was that big of a deal.
What the fuck happened to it being a rock band?
it would genuinely be funny if trump was assassinated.
it would genuinely be funny if your parents kicked you out of the house and sold your clothes
Good. I hope more and more people get canceled for not having the correct opinions. Divide this country even further, and silence freedom of speech.
basically the america leg of the tour was going to be their normal "rock the vote" stuff, which is pretty explicitly pro dem. The dems are trying to distance themselves hard from this trump assassination attempt, so the tour can't continue or it will look like the dems are endorsing the assassination attempt
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>Good. I hope more and more people get canceled for not having the correct opinions. Divide this country even further, and silence freedom of speech.
>it would be genuinely funny if American politics sped towards a singularity of violence and derision instead just circling it
>because someone i'm told is okay to hate would be dead
My first act would be making Soi Jaks illegal
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Trump ain’t even president yet and he already finished the fligugigu band. lmao meme magik is no joke
you’re probably underage but in a vacuum what he said wasn’t that bad. in the real world what happened is for the past 7 years the media and loud mouths like Tenacious Diabetes have painted someone to be Hitler to the point of a radical person trying to blow that person’s head off. To immediately continue the rhetoric of ‘he deserves to die’ transcends edgy banter and continues the shit that just almost got a man’s head blown off on live tv, like for real almost had his head exploded by a bullet. He’s still free to say it but everyone else is free to say Fuck You Tenacious D, and that’s all that’s happening.
Trump is gonna win because Israel needs Tru.p to win to safe itself from Hamas. How do you leftists not see this yet
>the vote is super-mega rigged
>in Trump's favor
BlueAnon, is that you?
biden is supplying all the weapons israel needs, said in a recent interview he is a zionist and has zero meaningful pushback in his own party
I want to watch the world burn because of humanities very own hubris. I have no stake in this cultural war
im too autistic for this world, for 8 years i watched people wish death upon orange man and then when someone finally tries you get all this pearl clutching like >>122803118
at what point does "too soon" wear off? when do we start hearing shane gillis make ear jokes, 3 months?
you're very tone deaf, anon. you might have actual autism.
>I want to watch the world burn because of humanities very own hubris
I hope you're either crazy-prepared, or have the most metal-as-fuck suicide in history planned.
>for 8 years i watched people wish death upon orange man and then when someone finally tries
Yeah, it's almost like cause and effect, or something. Like there was a near-decade-long propaganda campaign villainizing someone and everyone who thinks higher of him than a demented Fanta-colored fascist, all while pretending it's all to protect the civility of Western politics, and then one deranged idiot finally got close enough to do what the media tacitly told him to do.
If it's not coming together yet, you're more than just autistic.
Is it so hard to understand that their label and other business partners don't want to be associated with a band "joking" about murdering politicians and their supporters less than 24 hours after it happened.
Not everyone is a bloodthirsty permanently online redditor. That shit looks bad to normalfags who don't care about politics but don't like violence. It's bad for business.
>> I hope you're either crazy-prepared, or have the most metal-as-fuck suicide in history planned.

Neither. I’ll just sit on my high horse and watch everyone else tear each other apart
Lol you are outright fucking retarded and delusional. You are a complete fucking dumb fuck. Are you fat? Do you hate yourself? No one wants to hear your shitty take on anything you fucking incel loser
>I’ll just sit on my high horse and watch everyone else tear each other apart
>but that'll never come for me, even though I just admitted I've made zero preparations
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>Neither. I’ll just sit on my high horse and watch everyone else tear each other apart
Because everyone is afraid to piss off the loser piece of shit Twitter crowd for some reason. That's what started the whole woke shit to begin with. The brigading from a bunch of piece of shit scumbags on the internet makes Hollywood establishment afraid for some reason and has for 10 years now
This incident, as well as October 7th, are plain examples that Trump supporters don't support free speech. Total fucking hypocrites.
>the people calling a for-legal-reasons "joke" about an assassination psychotically tasteless are "a bunch of piece of shit scumbags on the internet"
Their label would have forced them to apologize no matter what.
Yes who cares..like you didn't know some liberal commie idiots like Jack black wouldn't make a joke about that? Suck it up and deal with it faggot. I'm not a liberal at all either but I hate when people act like little faggots over jokes or words
They won’t come for me cuz I’m special :-)
Somehow, people still give other people the benefit of the doubt, even when they disagree with them. Guess that's dead, now...
>I’m special
Got that right...
>deeuurrrr got dat rite…
Yes, that's how you sound.
Spotted the Virgin lmaoo
>uh duh dats how u sound
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wow so much for the principled right amiright fellow redditors? take my upvote!
there is no right or left, there’s football teams playing the same sport larping as heroic
KG's agency dropped him and he was getting shit on all over, so the tour was going to be cancelled regardless. JB sidestepping it and letting KG take all the heat is the quickest way to cool everything down and let everyone forget about it so that the D can get back to work (because let's be real, most twits and the media never heard of KG before being told to be mad about this and will forget about him real soon).
Neither of them gain anything from JB defending him, and that could result in both of their careers being killed.
they will never work together again
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It's one thing to say le edgy thing when you're anonymous in a sea of other anons also saying le edgy thing. But when you're in real life and have a business tied to your name, you can't just run around saying deport niggers or Trump should have gotten his brains blown out. Yes he just said what we were all thinking, the point is try opening a store and hang a sign in the front window that says "Trump should have died" and see how well you do. I also hope you enjoy drumpfers slashing your tires, breaking your windows and possibly trying to put a bullet in you.

Kyle fucked up, took a big steaming shit on the carpet and played hot potato handing it to Jack. Jack made the unpopular but correct decision. He probably wants to keep playing as Tenacious D and this is the only way to do it. Unless he wants to support Kyle and go the way of the Dixie Chix.
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>hehehe i'm just gonna make a comic where I look calm and smart and you look angry and stupid
>sorry pal looks like I win again
>Yes he just said what we were all thinking
you mean what you and your faggot friends are thinking. there is no ‘we’ here, you piece of shit
Show me the other rock bands that made a death wish to Trump in the last 48 hours?
>there is no ‘we’ here, you piece of shit
nigga read the thread, this ain't your home of /pol/
This. Also increase political violence and civil unrest. I want people to suffer and die.
you’re not from this board. you’re part of the faggot culture war invasion that is here for pol news
>he just said what we were all thinking
We're not all psychopaths who demand blood sacrifices for non-existent transgressions, no.
Only reasonable take itt imo. Jack was directly campaigning for Biden so it makes sense he doesn't want a joke like that tied to it. Drumpftards are still being pissbabies about it tho
Yes, those are the only people who had anything less than a positive reaction to someone not-so-tacitly cheering on an act of political violence and laughing about it like everyone would be on board with the "joke."
8 years of supporting fascism isnt consequence free, hick
>Yes he just said what we were all thinking
>Drumpftards are still being pissbabies about it tho
Even if Trump was the Antichrist himself, political assassination makes democracy impossible, and Trump's assassination would cause an irreparable civil war.
biden is a fascist, city slicker butt pony
>8 years of supporting fascism
4 years of him not being a fascist.
Buddy, you might want to tone down the fascism fearmongering. One of your boys radicalized by it just tried to pull a JFK. You don't want the glowies after you.
hypotheticals and reality hit differently

even applies to trump himself. he's been coddled his whole life as a pampered rich boy living in a gold tower with his name on it. he's never struggled or faced adversity. he's been threatened and called names but has never actually faced any real harmful action beyond harshly worded criticisms or losing a lot of money when he already has millions

we might see a softer trump this term since he faced this near death experience. he might actually start to be introspective and reflective for once in his life and govern a lot more reasonably
>govern a lot more reasonably
See >>122804932
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I'm not even gonna lie to you anon, back in 2018 i used to be one of those "free speech" liberal types that would say shit like "i don't agree with what you say but i'll defend you're right to say it" and you know what it got me, censored. We've had almost a decade of conservatives being cancelled for the most innocuous shit from Colin Moriaty to James Damore to Scott Cawthon. We've got people being put in jail for saying 'its ok to be white' and the white house conspiring with social media to censor political opponents. Then you're all omg why don't you support free speech; why don't you? Oh wow a leftist got hit for once, wont you defend me? no. I don't care about the commentary but i'll pretend to be wounded if it hurts you politically

Politics is a lot like evolution. If some creature evolves an advantageous change it wins and those that are left behind lose. It's adapt or die. The left has won because it is relentless in censoring its enemies and in many cases making their views explicitly illegal. Your views are selfish and you demand right wingers accept a defeated political position. I believe you should be held to the same standard you've held everyone else "oh you're a hypocrite" oh no
Do you not understand the difference between, "I should tell a gay joke without my life being ruined" and "I hope the entire American political theater bursts into flames if it means the target of my BPD-esque obsession gets his head removed for the blood god"?
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You've been making George Floyd memes for over 4 years now and one Trump joke turns you all into frothing SJWs lmao
>You've been making George Floyd memes
Who's "you"? Only six of those posts are mine.
See the bottom post in your mass-reply (happens to be mine).
The entire American political theater deserves to burst into flames, yes. Glad we agree.
when was george floyd president?
You can't make jokes about your Presidents now?
once again, you miss the point. you can make jokes about presidents. but why are bringing george floyd into this? there’s no comparison to trump. if you think you’re making a point by saying’you made fun of out guy, so we can make fun of yours’ that doesn’t add up because trump was made fun of long before george floyd, and george floyd is a citizen. compare hillary or biden and you’ll see people went to prison for making jokes about them.
So that's a "no, I don't." Thanks for the confirmation.
compare hillary or biden and you’ll see people went to prison for making jokes about them

Please link me your made up source.
I wouldn't recommend bringing your favorite Floyd jokes to your next concert either.
douglass mackey
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>Lock her up! But don't make fun of daddy Trump!
>Yes he just said what we were all thinking
lmao /mu/tards everybody
>celebrity's house burns down
>dark jokes
>republican: you should go take a vacation. don't want to get all burnt out stressing about it
>democrats: i hope your house burns down again and you fucking die
If you're too retarded to understand why people are more upset about one side over the other.
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>Mackey operated several Twitter accounts under the "Ricky Vaughn" persona,

>According to HuffPost and a team of data scientists, Vaughn was the top promoter of the @TEN_GOP Twitter account, which was controlled by the Russian Internet Research Agency.

>In podcasts and interviews hosted by white nationalists, Vaughn explained that his radicalization started with the Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign. Then, after the 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin, he became a believer in cultural Marxism and other antisemitic conspiracy theories. Vaughn said "I owe a lot to" Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich, who were involved in the anti-feminist Gamergate harassment campaign. During the 2016 election, Vaughn promoted antisemitic and white nationalist memes.[Vaughn said that through Twitter, he aimed to "introduce ideas of racial consciousness" and "racial separatism" to mainstream conservatives.

Where's the bloody jokes?
>can't respond to a point without turning it into petty score-settling
keep reading and maybe try looking at what happened, not a fucking liberal trash report trying to justify giving him prison time for mocking hillary and her supporters. also, where’s the JOKE in saying you wished somebody got killed? i can write a report and make them seem bad, too. don’t blame trump people for tenacious d, that’s their own management and jack black taking himself out. trump didn’t come after him with lawyers like hillary. trump CAN take a joke or madonna would be in jail for threatening to blow up the white house.
fat kike bastard forgot to update his approved talking points

the overton window is a sliding scale
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I kept reading and it sounds like he still broke the law. Aren't you all about following the laws?

>In 2016, Mackey promoted internet memes claiming that it was possible to vote for Hillary Clinton through text messages; the memes were targeted at Black and Latino voters, and were designed to look like official Clinton campaign ads, reusing her campaign logo, slogans, and fine print. One of the memes said "Avoid the Line. Vote from Home." At least 4,900 people tried to vote by texting the number shown in the memes. Around the time Mackey promoted these memes, he discussed ways to "limit black turnout" and described black voters as "gullible".

>Mackey was arrested in January 2021 for attempted voter suppression, alongside several co-conspirators.
And actors, sports celebrities, politicians..
They don't need anyone to save them from their own creation
i’m not a trump supporter or conservative. if you can define ‘joke’ and ‘making fun’ as free of consequences for democrats, then i will argue that tricking moronic hillary voters (regardless of legality) should be considered a joke as well. you’re only helping to make the point that tenacious d SHOULD be pubished for the ‘joke’ if you care about legality in these types of scenarios. the difference is democrats can’t take a joke for the last ten years and demand arrests and firings, and now they are getting a taste of what that’s like. ok, fine. fair play. if you pursue douglass mackey fully, then expect every little joke to be pursued fully, legal or not. i’m not on either side, but i can clearly see dems are upset their rules are being used against them. i dunno, maybe just refrain from the jokes altogether. they aren’t funny or original or intetesting. people are losing their jobs for saying ‘he should have aimed better’
remember when dens used to say ‘it’s a private company, free speech isn’t guaranteed!’
the "love always wins" crowd sure showing their colors recently
it's called being an adult. grow up
You included mine by mistake.
saying the president should be assassinated is not free speech LMAO
the number of cattle in these threads unironically mad about this is yet another great indicator of how 2016 ruined this board. nobody really gives a shit
>Yes he just said what we were all thinking
not all of us are apart of the hivemind
>stop having human reactions to psychotic comments
I assumed they had already broken up in, like, 2003. This is the first time I had heard about them since then.
people don't say exactly what you're saying more often because being bluntly honest about these tactics is considered cringe
liberals trying to claim "dark humor" and "free speech" after crying about those for the past how many years is hilarious
I'm not mad. I'm just trying to explain to perma online redditors that they live in an echo chamber. KGs agency was going to drop him regardless if there was any backlash. "joking" about political violence less than 24 hours after someone domed an innocent bystander while trying to kill an ex president is extremely bad PR. No company wants to be associated with that.
Had to try one for old times sake.

It was just an off-the-cuff joke, yeah it's in poor taste but the joke and the band themselves aren't even particularly relevant to the conversation that's blown up around it, it's just being used as an excuse for everyone to spout off their opinions about the assassination attempt and the election and Trump and MAGA and so on and so on and so on

Before this happened I hadn't heard anyone even mention Tenacious D for like 20 years

Tribute was a pretty cool song, that's all I remember
Hi Destiny
Publicity stunt for their new album
>It was just an off-the-cuff joke
I'm sorry, but after years of being told that every joke I tell is a window into my psyche, I'm done giving these people the benefit of the doubt for their "jokes."
It's pretty easy to understand, Jack Black is in a lot of family films, not a good look when the guy from the new Kung Fu Panda is in a band opposite a guy who just joked about Trump being shot, like the joke itself is pretty innocuous and whatever, but I can see how various film executives would be shitting themselves if Black didn't say anything about it
sounds about right
>the joke itself is pretty innocuous and whatever
"Don't miss next time." It's only "innocuous" to you because you agree with the sentiment while ignoring the fact that one bullet did not miss, killing a man in front of his family.
What's the joke? "I hope someone tries to kill you again and this time they better succeed" doesn't sound like much of a joke.
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>tfw was supposed to go to the Newcastle show
I wonder if they're genuinely afraid of being assaulted in the streets for going too far. Like Destiny, I honestly don't think he's safe walking around right now.
Because it's not. It's only "funny" if you agree that Trump is legitimately deserving of death via execution.
Good thing Trump isn't the president then.
That's a lot of words just to say you're a disingenuous faggot.
Former and potential Presidents are (or should be) treated with as much protection as THE President.
lol fag
>Fuck that lazy fat cunt
jack black? agreed.
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freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences :)
hes been on tv for hours ad libbing polciy and global discussions. get out of your echo chamber.
"woke" has been a metaphor for centuries
you are clearly unschooled
nice gymnastics.
did you buy a Don Jr coffee mug or tshirt making fun of pelosi's husband's almost fatal attack?
petty score settling?
wow more fucking gymnastics
you reap what you sow, trumptards.
The only thing similar between those things is that it was very weird that both were able to occur.
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This. Kikes rule all forms of media/entertainment in this country. If you haven’t come to realize that at this point, there’s no hope for you.
Lol Destiny, his twitter tirade and stream was fucking unhinged, you've gotta respect someone who immediately after a shooting goes ahead and posts a photo of the dead man's blood and says all I'm seeing is a +1 for Biden. What a crazy motherfucker, in the stream he was calling Shapiro and Peterson retards too when someone said his mainstream debate appearances are over after this, fucking based
Kyle did nothing wrong, jokes about this sorta stuff is funny, people should be able to talk shit about anything if you agree with it or not, I feel like Jack is being a pussy for not sticking up for him, anyone who tries to be the "bigger" person over something like this is stupid, we all thought it so why the hell is society so concerned about censoring itself, they'll be back together in a few years time, they just need to wait out all the political bs for a while
So... people are really going against them? People really like Trump like that.

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