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whats the deal with this album? Everybody praises it but it sounds like generic boomer rock from whyte people
its insane how corny this shlock sounds but I guess white boys eat it up
This was the template that all those bands started ripping off, remember this came out about half a century ago. You think edm and nu-metal existed back then? Gotta crawl before you walk
and an ooga booga to you too, op!
For me, it's Seventh Son of A Seventh Song
If there's one thing I do quibble with to Mr Harris however, the esteemed bassist and penner of tunes that he is, it would be his rather lax lyrical economy policy. 'Living on a razor's edge... balancing on a ledge... Balancing on a ledge... living on a razor's edge...' Yes, yes, very riveting stuff indeed! In fact, in reality, that is to say, *scoffs*, balladeering was historically a complex entanglement of poesy, scrivening, and lyricomelodic phrasing encompassing diverse metaphor and half-rhymes galore. There was simply not enough breath left in the passing of the stave to engage in such trifling repetition of an admittedly rousing chorus and pre-chorus phrase. It, however, contents me in the knowledge that listeners of Iron Maiden will one day graduate to become listeners of the cerebral and provocatively lyrical artists such as Steely Dan and Tool.
That verse before the chorus on Evil That Men Do makes me laugh when I haven't listened to that album in a while. Can I Play With Madness is also a funny song just because of how jarring of a tonal shift it is with the rest of the album.
Invaders 8
Children 7
Prisoner 8.5
22 Acacia 7
Number 8.5
To The Hills 8
Gangland 7.5
Hallowed 9
I think Powerslave is better, but NOTB mostly just sounds like generic boomer rock because the title track and Run To The Hill are so overplayed.
>he doesn't have the superior American CD with Total Eclipse
Dickinson wrote the words to this one
But the corniness IS the APPEAL!
Hope your tap water sterilizes you, OP. God forbid you ever breed.
Same level of ESL drivel as the resident Pantera hater thread 0/10, made me reply
>whyte people
fuck off
Based, this is the best song on the album for me.
>children and acacia lower than gangland
Fuck outta here, the two best tracks on the album aside from hallowed
>something something buzzwords something something i have shit taste in everything
>every line needs to be complicated
it's rock, you go by feel not thought.
Priest > Maiden
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Quit responding seriously to bait you retards.
>whats the deal with this album? >Everybody praises it but it sounds like generic boomer rock from whyte people
>its insane how corny this shlock sounds but I guess white boys eat it up
I wrote that retarded GRRM drivel, and feel the need to state that I do unironically love that album, and that song, but I still think the pre-chorus shamelessly repeating those two lines is hilarious, and feels like the band just cheekily tried to see what they could get away with
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son is just as bad with Dickinson belting out the title line in the chorus with various ludicrous degrees of operatic melisma
While it’s no Killers, it’s still a solid Maiden album that has influenced countless metal heads across the world for 42 years.
And that's a good thing, subhuman. You don't have to understand it. Now ban the white majority for fighting fore with fire. It's okay I'm not a subhuman
>Major scale up
>Major scale down
This shit has to be one of lowest musical iq i've listened to in my life
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>removes invaders
>removes 22 acacia avenue
>removes ganglands

ahhh perfect

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