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Elaborate, OP
>4 years old
>has the balding pattern of a middle aged man
The game was rigged from the start
There's not backstory
OP just wanted to post a pic of a little girl here
the music was made by a pedophile
False arachnid
>the actual album is marked as spam
Sorry I fell asleep
>>122798503 correct
The album was purportedly made by a 5 year old girl named Emily. Many people fell for it. But it was actually created by a transgender furry pedophile with Emily as their trans-age persona.
where did you get that
Absolutely disgusting
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it involves some opaque tranny drama
Nicole 12 - Substitute
An album with the scorpion in the title
how does the first album have a disturbing backstory at all?
I mean Mikko Aspa is a pedo.There's a cp on the original album cover.
it isn't CP, it just looks like it. do you think mikko aspa would actually distribute CP to people? he'd be in jail nigga. he's just an edgelord.
xhe probably made this up for clout
When are we thinking is the 41% countdown, lads? I'd give them 3 years
i think it's from cp. but yeah he's an edgelord.
the album is called substitute because it's a substitute for the real thing.
I understand that, I'm just saying the original album cover comes from a cp magazine. What happened to Peter Sotos didn't just happen to him.
how do you know that?
Oh, I don't know officer. Just a hunch
Sotos needs the burn in hell. That guy is legit evil. I'm shocked Albini supported him for so long.
albini was a pedophile who liked to watch cp and jack off to it. i don't even think sotos was a pedophile, albini was
He literally got busted for possessing CP. He wrotes books about kidnapping, torturing and raping children. Albini released his album "Buyers Market" which consists of police interviews of child abuse and child rape victims.
The guy is scum and so is Albini.
Might as well post it ITT:
Not quite disturbing but pretty depressing that their complete schizo of a dad forced his teenage daughters out of school to play in a band they didn't want to play in because of a plam reading prophecy when they were all children
yeah, i know what sotos is known for, lol. i don't think he's a pedophile. i think he's an edgelord who thinks it's some kind of subject worth "examining" because it's so taboo. he cites a lot of feminist authors, i doubt he was into it for libidinal reasons alone. i think steve albini was, he isn't the smartest guy around
I dunno think it's pretty safe to assume he's a pedo considering pretty much all of his literature consists of raping children, in verbose graphic detail.
At what point does one finally admit that the guy is a creep who has absolutely solicited or abused children. Not accusing you of being an apologist but you're definitely playing devils advocate.
>pretty much all of his literature consists of raping children, in verbose graphic detail
buyer's market and his sound collage stuff have a lot to do with victims, the psychological effects, etc. i don't think he was a pedophile, there is a big moral problem with what he did, and in that he sacrificed my ability to take him seriously, but i don't think he wanted to rape kids.
if you listen to the whitehouse song about him off of one of their newest albums, they talk about him getting molested by a family friend. there's a lot more to it than what you're describing.
>if you listen to the whitehouse song about him off of one of their newest albums, they talk about him getting molested by a family friend.
Do you happen to know the particular track, I'm willing to do further research.
I guess my gripe comes down to how he is so hyper-fixated on child abuse, the same way a lot of Anons on 4chan are hyper-fixated on politics to the point of absolute mental illness.
Not sure putting other victims on blast is the best way to cope with getting sexually assaulted as well... Jim Goad did an interview with Albini and Albini sure took a liking to his fixation on child abuse, almost like the two had something in common.
track 6 on asceticists. i don't think he understood that sharing that content contributed to victimisation, or he was so deluded that he thought it was worth it for the purpose of an "inquiry". he was a freaky guy in a time where anything went, and it's almost not respectable that the other guys in whitehouse let him do his thing for multiple albums and then decided to ditch him and call him a pedo and engage in the most basic criticism of his work. i'm not denying he's done some pretty reprehensible shit, i just don't think it was to get off, it was mostly to seem smart.
their reunions were something else as well

"...the Wiggin sisters did not seem at ease on stage and did not engage much with the audience. Fishman wrote that "watching the Wiggins being led through a zealous re-creation of music they'd never been particularly proud of was a jarring experience". Though he acknowledged that Krakow and his band clearly respected the Shaggs' music, he asked: "What did it mean to celebrate a mistake? If accidental art is recreated on purpose, what is it?""
Thank you kindly.
That's pretty typical of the mentally ill, though. Talking about heinous things without a regard for the victims he is exploiting.
>he was a freaky guy in a time where anything went
Ain't that the truth. There was some crazy shit coming out of the 90's that everybody looks back on with a big "yikes."
Hell, murder magazines were popular in Mexico and South America during the 90's, like, even sold openly in mom & pops gorcery stores, doesn't necessarily make it right. Maybe the other band members were right to give him the boot, guy was a fuckin' nutcase through and through.
>i just don't think it was to get off
Again, at what point does fantasy become a fantasy instead of him coping with his own trauma? Exploring your trauma while exploiting the trauma of others isn't exactly transformative, seems like exploring a fetish.
>art become fantasy
oopsie daisy.
I didn't even know they did reunions, or that they even wanted to do that in the first place. It's kind of funny that their Dad's prophecy became true in the literal sense.
i doubt he would have been able to reissue the album two times with that image if it was real. and fwiw the reissue has a disclaimer stating the model is above age.
>i don't even think sotos was a pedophile
Lolwut? Take a look at any of his books. Sotos is a catalogue of depravity, pedophilia is just one of his paraphilias
yeah, and everyone who ever talked about hitler was a nazi.
>transgender furry pedophile
Why does this demographic overlaps so much?
Anon, most Anons who ACTUALLY read Mein Kampf front to back are often doing so because they idolize Hitler. And you using Mein Kampf as an example of "just because the artist said reprehensible shit doesn't meam they themselves are reprehensible" is disingenuine and a horrible argument.
I'm all for free speech but if it exploits the weak or incites extremist values for profit, it is dubious at best, bannable at worst.
A man who writes novels about raping children should rightfully be questioned and scrutinized in the same way an author who calls for the eradication of a specific racial/religious group should be scrutized and questioned.
>A man who writes novels about raping children should rightfully be questioned and scrutinized in the same way an author who calls for the eradication of a specific racial/religious group should be scrutized and questioned.
who said they shouldn't be scrutinized and questioned? does peter sotos not invite you to scrutinize and question him?
Naw man, i'm saying people who actively seek Sotos literature are the same people who often justifying their neurosis by any means necessary.
There comes a point where if you scream "I'M A PEDOPHILE LOOK AT ME" over an over, it stands to reason that it can be assumed it is because you like avusing children, and not some "Oh, he's just expressing his views, as extreme as they may be."
Spereating art from the artist only goes so far. Eventually people starting thinking "Huh, maybe this Hitler character really did believe that eradicating all jews would lead to prosperity... Whouldathunkit?!?"
if hitler got as close to irony as sotos ever did, we could have a discussion of if he really hated jews or not. if hitler ever compiled the testimonies of holocaust survivors, we might question if he liked the whole holocaust thing
Hitlers hands were forced. He achieved unprecedented power in a short time because the great depression made peoples lives suck ass so he had a convenient call to arms to unify Deutschland into waging a war. Then, he used his warped ideology to focus on le juice.
I very seriously doubt when he himself was personally executing juice with his handy dandy Luger did he ever consider "Maybe what I am doing is wrong. Maybe what I am doing will have a negative effect globally" he got power, and like many got addicted to it, and used the power to commit atrocities.
Sotos wrote entire books about abusing children and his best excuse was basically "You just don't get it mannnnn, freeze peach cry more LMAO."
i don't think that was his best excuse. how do you think he got whitehouse on board with it?
Whitehouse aren't saints, Anon, they are an obscure noise band most people haven't heard of, and i'm sure the other members are just as weird and creepy as Sotos, they just don't carry the same baggage for obviois reasons.
Besides, who gives a fucking shit about what some noise artists think? They're musicians, not high intellectuals, and musicians in noise music nonetheless.
Sotos doesn't even bother denying his neurosis anymore, he openly admits to being fucked in the head and having extreme views only the most mentally ill agree with.
You're Gary Pucket, aren't you?
Noise "musicians" are methamphetamine/stim abusing faggot LOSERS. Absolutely stupid, and absolutely pretentious. They are shining living case studies of the Dunning-Krueger effect as souls.
The worst show I have ever been to was a noise music/powerviolence show.
Just high pitched guitar amplifier feedback fed into broken electronics with the "artist" twisting lnobs to make the torturous sounds slightly less intolerable.
Looking around the crowd was basically Fantano clones scratching their beards thinking what they are listening to is "profound" "visceral" and "ethereal."
I left midway through and never took the hipsters that invited me seriously ever again. One of the guys went by "wutang shogun donovan" and espoused absolute word vomit about how using 555 timers with guitar pedals to produce a rudimentary delay was "genious."
Bringing back early 2010 memories LOL.
>Besides, who gives a fucking shit about what some noise artists think? They're musicians, not high intellectuals, and musicians in noise music nonetheless.
your statements imply i think peter sotos is somehow worth anything as an artist, or that whitehouse are saints. i never said any of that, so can we please have a single discussion on this website that doesn't degenerate into trading caricatures of each other? whitehouse have an obvious message in a lot of their songs. they might not be "high art" or "intellectuals" to you, but you'd be in denial of a very obvious fact of their music if you denied that they have messages. they have a lot of songs about psychological manipulation, abusive relationships, sexual, psychological, intellectual abuse in general. they have a song about the door pattern, a pickup artist manipulation technique developed by self-help psychotherapists on the same album that they have an infamous sotos collage. sotos himself references dworkin as a big influence, a feminist who wrote a lot about rape. part of their shtick is dissecting abuse from the perspective of both the victim and victimizer. so yeah, under that paradigm, sotos' fixation isn't out of place. what is out of place for someone bent on performing "empathy", is sotos' contributions to revictimizing people by spreading CP. that's a pretty big knock against his rep. what i can say is that i have no idea why he does what he does, but there are a multitude of reasons besides just being a pedo.
also, mummy and daddy is basically entirely about domestic violence and physical abuse of children. do you think that the members of whitehouse were undeniably professing their desire to beat up kids?
I'm being cordial with you, but please understand we are at a fundamental disagreeance on Sotos. An impasse.
Music is totally subjective, so my interpretation of Whithouses music will almost certainly be different than yours no matter how much artist intent comes into play. They could make a profound album about transcendentalism, the human condition, sapien intertwining with machina, but is it sounds like total noise sprinkled with crusty vocals about these subjects, it isn't palatable to me. And that's okay. I am just as justified to not enjoy Whitehouse as you are to enjoy them, and that clearly shines through in your replies.
"Industrial Society and its Future" is considered profound thought provoking reading by some and the ramblings of a murderer to others. He wrote what he wrote, that is self evident. Just depends how the reader usurps his literature.
I'm actually kind of fascinated with you coming so strongly to Sotos defense. Honest question: do you believe outsiders creating art should be exempt from persecution but be subject to criticism, unless it infriges anothers basic human rights?
Sounds like Sotos had more creative control on that record than the others. Also around the same time he was booted, your point?
elaborate nigger
i mean, i think sotos deserves whatever justice is most useful for distributing cp. but if he simply wrote about the topic a lot, or just did his sound collages, i think the answer is a little less obvious. there is work to be done to put a magnifying glass on stuff like this, that people would rather pretend didn't exist. and sotos really did a better job making it seem profoundly unpleasant than beat poets, "sexual liberation" and "free love" advocates did.
i'm not defending sotos, i think he's too up his own ass to to fulfill his own expectations. i'm just specifically against the idea that we can conclude he acts out of fetishism alone, just like how neofolk artists who walk the line between fascism and irony are often not actually fascists, just people too up their own ass about being edgy and provocative to notice what side they fall on themselves.
seeing the subject the guy preferred in picrelated. why not midgets? same thing but legal.
can't believe so many retards believe this shit. Frank Zappa created this album/band as a joke
it still cracks me up that satire does not exist in the minds of any person born after the year 2000
>i'm just specifically against the idea that we can conclude he acts out of fetishism alone
But this goes back to what I was explaining about how, after sooooo many books about pedophilia, child abuse and the grotesque involving children, is it not reasonable to conclude: "This guy has a fetish involving sexuality and children." If you keep repeating subject matter, no matter how you justify it, the public scrutinizes according and the artist is shunned. Many artists have been persecuted for less.
Trevor Brown tried to defend his art in the UK but had to flee to Japan because the Japanese are open minded to that sort of thing. He literally fled arrest to continue his art, and while I find some of his art questionable (Evil is literally banned in my country because of illustrated CP and child abuse) I find a lot of his art gorgeous.
Not saying Sotos literally works are 1:1 recollections, not at all, but if he describes them in 1:1 detail, is it unreasonable that he is reliving or at least fetishizing his trauma?
>Not saying Sotos literary works are 1:1
I'm operating on 2 hours sleep and about to go to bed :(
Phin if you're reading this move out of Florida
the boomers on that site that go back to "fix" their reviews according to the current political climate are somehow even bigger faggots than the zoomers are
the fact people are still having the same goddamn conversations about sotos as ten years ago makes his crap kinda based honestly. wouldn't let him within a 50 foot radius of a child thoughbeit

It's also hilarious how zoomers think everything edgy was "acceptable at the time" and now the enlightened gen z has arrived and supposedly knows better. It was never acceptable, that's exactly why acts like Whitehouse and Throbbing Gristle did what it did.
Imagine getting unironically upset at Rush's randian inspirations, it was the tamest shit aside from the odd antisocialist song like The Trees and Something For Nothing which is indinstinguishable from a normal conservative's point of view.
Isn't that like 90% of music?
Noise is music. Cope harder faggot

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