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totally forgotten, deserved tbqh
>every old /mu/ classic is actually hipster trash!
>old /mu/ classic
back when /mu/ used to suck off p4k, maybe
>hipster trash
yeah, Deerhunter is the definition of hispter trash
Never Stops is one of my favorite songs ever
Nothing Ever Happened is also amazing
but I don't care much for the rest of that album :(
Deerhunter is one of the best bands of the 21st century and Rainwater Cassette Exchange is the best EP of the 21st century. Halcyon Digest is top 10 2010s
Cryptograms / Flourescent Grey
he's unironically sexy. trve fags get it
shitty pitchfork landfill indie fronted by a fag
for me it's
Turn It Up Faggot
Best band in recent memory to come out of Atlanta. Truly a miracle desu. The second side mogs the first. I wish they would make a purely instrumental album
Bradford is mega based. His autism was always kino.
they really fucked up by trying to get cute and releasing Monomania after Halcyon. They could have blown the fuck up but it's like Bradford was allergic to the hype surrounding the band
ew what an ugly cover
more like mega faggot
cryptograms, microcastle and halcyon are some of the greatest rock albums of the 21st century for sure. What a fucking massive and unique sound they used to have.
...and then they shat out Monomania and everyone stopped caring about them
it's wild how quickly that band became yesteryear's news
That's a good album, though. Their last one worth listening, unfortunately.
Neither Of Us, Uncertainly is one of the greatest songs of all time

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