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File: vase-rene-lalique.jpg (127 KB, 750x911)
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Give It Away
That Drake song.
Does fort worth ever cross your mind
the only one I really know is All My exes live in Texas but that's a helluva song.
I borrowed someone's car and listened to their GS cd and it was good, though.
Damn, was just listening to this early this morning on the way to work. Nice digits btw
More like George fucking gay lmao
Lefty's gone
Fool hearted memory
that one and
Came to post
One of my favorites at least
This was about his daughter who passed away
Such a beautiful song
Love this
Ive never been loved the way George Strait sings about love
Guitars, Cadillacs…Hillbilly Music.

Oh wait, different guy in a white Stetson hat.
Don't worry baby you can still make Cheyenne

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