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the greatest jazz pianist of her generation
spiral is her best song
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yeah budday
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I need an autistic crazy-haired Japanese piano gf now
roasties can't play an instrument
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been listening to this on repeat for the last few days. the bass player is incredible
but who is the best keytar player of our generation?.
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still would
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>>spastic key hitting
why do you keep posting this twitter clip of a guy admitting he got filtered?
lmao obsessed
She can take a jazz pianist on my face if she wanted
She can take herself to your face?
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>45 years old
the random shit he's playing doesn't even sound like jazz so his argument is dogshit lmao
My wife
I saw her live a few months ago playing sonicwonder stuff
she's fucking crazy, like watching a mad scientist
was very impressed, good show too
Fuck that picture is fucking hilarious. The fuck
Not jazz and also no.
The hair?
Saw them live, bassist is nuts, drummer was nuts, hiromi was (of course) crazy good.

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