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highest grossing tours of all time adjusted for inflation:

Taylor Swift (2023–2024) $1.8b (estimate, should gross around $2.2b)
U2 (2009–2011) $997m
Elton John (2018–2023) $939m
Ed Sheeran (2017–2019) $925m
Coldplay (2022–2024) $900m (estimate, should gross over $1b)
The Rolling Stones (2005–2007) $820m
Guns N' Roses (2016–2019) $696m
Coldplay (2016–2017) $650m
The Rolling Stones (1994–1995) $640m
AC/DC (2008–2010) $617m
Harry Styles (2021–2023) $617m
The Rolling Stones (2017–2021) $614m
Céline Dion (2003-2007, Vegas residency) $608m
Ed Sheeran (2022–2025) $600m (estimate, should gross over $700m)
Roger Waters - The Wall Live (2010–2013) $600m
U2 (2005–2006) $588m
Madonna (2008–2009) $584m
Beyoncé (2023) $580m
The Rolling Stones (2002–2003) $515m
Pink Floyd (1994) $514m
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My theoretical tour (2026-2028) $7.5b
highest cocksucking count:
OP (today) 50m
Congrats, Anon!
>only one american band
surprised Michael Jackson isn't in there
The absence of any consistency in how long the tour lasts/how many shows are played makes these numbers meaningless. Celine Dion’s fucking residency is on there. Some of these artists have tours that have been going on for four or five years and they’re being compared to acts that tour for a year. Just complete nonsense.
No MJ? Taylor is really the new king and queen of pop.
You made it!
>Some of these artists have tours that have been going on for four or five years and they’re being compared to acts that tour for a year. Just complete nonsense.
yes, OP should have included the years during which these tours took place, what a faggot piece of shit
>Roger Waters - The Wall Live (2010–2013) $600m
>Pink Floyd (1994) $514m
he won
The Wall is gay though.
He wasn't in Floyd in 94 anymore
>Harry Styles on the list
>Coldplay 2022-2024 being higher than in 2016-2017
>Ed Sheeran below Elton John and fucking U2
This list is terminally ill, it has to be put down.

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