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File: christgau1med.jpg (17 KB, 400x266)
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Debut [Elektra, 1993] :(
Accurate. Bjork is indeed shit.
The trip-hoppier stuff like Come To Me and Play Dead is fine. Not in love with the more house-oriented material though.
One of the rare times I agree with this chode
Bjork is shit
Vespertine was good
How did it go wrong? The sugar cubes were pretty good
Shitting on Bjork is Rule #1 of escaping pleb taste. Bravo Christgau
When she didn't have a proper band around her to curb her more retarded ideas.
>I hate it.
Truly the first /mu/ poster
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>gets beat up by a junkie saxophonist
Debut is the only good album by Bjork
Because you couls still get some Sugarcubes vibe off that stuff
Later she got way too self indulgent and trapped in her own 'I am le quirky bizzaro icelandic fiend, buy this outlandish product'
By a trustfunder whiner

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