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OP here, actually I just realized Drake is still above in daily streams, FALSE ALERT! STAY STRONG!
People who care about this shit are worse than pedophiles
so you're on Drake's side I presume?
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oh my god who fucking cares?
I recently heard "not like us" and i thought it was one of those soundcloud rappers, what a nasal voice that was. How the fuck did that blow up to such an extent?
people are paid to stream the song?
this is a music board not a literature board
white people who listen to rap should be gassed
___ _____
that works with radios anon, but this is just going everywhere else (Sports games, Tv Shows, a TON of dj play, ect.) I've heard it played in the club like 30 times since it released and even sw that fredagain retard playing it, which pretty much guarantees white people will blast it everywhere.
Why does The Weeknd have a picture of MF Doom?
>marketing strategies like fake beefs work
wow. crazy.
both of them are pedos, and kendrick is a convicted wife beater.

both are evil. this is gay. stop paying attention to big artists. they all do epstein type shit, or know people who do and keep quiet.
people are desparate for something new. also payola and marketing. we havent had a hip hop beef in awhile, they're always proven to work, this is the only one weve had with top name rappers since like tupac and biggie, and both those guys were actually less popular to the general public than these current two.
I read books and I care about this.
It's funny seeing how people are saying Drakes career is over for alleged pedophilia but nobody cares about the Astroworld shit anymore.
The Heart Part 6 is secret kino

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