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>O2 arena shows like 30% sold
>Manchester Co-op Arena was half empty, even with tickets dropped to an almost acceptable £80

Lol. lmao.

You don't come to the UK and try to charge American Ticketmaster prices. People aren't as desperate to throw money at rich people here. It's why tickets to the Euro 24 final were £80 face value whilst the NFL charges consoomers $10k a seat for the Super Bowl.

£60 max in the UK.
true, the UK is basically a third world country at this point, people are getting shorter because of malnutrition iirc
Who's a good boy lel
Just say your poor
Maybe it's just that most euros can't name a single song of her. Without the inescapable marketing telling us that she's supposed to be a popstart we wouldn't even know her name.
imagine paying to see lip-syncing, backing-tracked goyslop "live." why do normaldroids love shoving industry waste down their throats so fervently? do people pay this amount of money just to socialize and so that they can post it on their social media pages as some sort of status thing?
Billie Eilish is a one hit wonder. Sorry brah's. She's just a literal who with 0 airplay after "bad guy" and that was 5 fucking years a go.
She will have to be happy with having a career in USA only
This. More people would see live music and acts if they could afford it.
It could be this too. I’ve never met anyone who can name any other song she does other than Bad Guy
Her audience was 14 year olds for a moment 4 years ago. She can't charge Taylor Swift prices.

Meanwhile The Killers absolutely packed the place the other night
She's not even worth 10 quids
Also she absolutely sucks live.
To be honest TS is really not worth the money she charges either. She's only marginally more interesting live than Billie.
>industry plant fails to sell tickets after her paid relevance fades
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>Billie Eilish is a one hit wonder.
her current album is #1 on Spotify since 8 weeks, she also has the #1 song right now, in other words kys
Mr Brightside is basically a pub anthem in the UK. Of course they're gonna sell out over there
aren't these shows in july 2025? how common is it to sell them out a year in advance?
yet no one shows up to see her
ding ding ding ding
Spotify listens are easily botted (i.e. paid for). It should be a huge red flag when someone with a supposed #1 album isn't selling tickets
doesn't this just shows that zoomers aren't into concerts? Or perhaps is a concequence of the covid reclusions?
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>meanwhile chad Robert Smith forcing Ticketmaster to lower prices for all seats and all merch when he came to the US last year
see >>122802126
>I’ve never met anyone who can name any other song she does other than Bad Guy
Bad Guy isn't even her most popular song
May have this conversation again?
I'd love read again how companies buy millions of listeners for 4 bucks.
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Some gypsy managed to bot Spotify out of hundreds of tousands. It's naive to think a company that doesn't need to beg on the street to pay the accounts can't do the same.
>yet no one shows up to see her
"Happier Than Ever: The Tour by Billie Eilish grossed a total of $131.8 million from 1154946 tickets sold in 79 shows."
My man, I've been able to pay for YouTube likes and views for over a decade with a quick search. What's so farfetched about a billion dollar record company paying Indians pennies to press the play button on one of their artists' Spotify page? Ever sign up for Twitter or Snapchat and get followed by dozens of women within minutes? I bet you think those are real people too.
also from early may: "Billie Eilish’s “HIT ME HARD AND SOFT: THE TOUR” has now sold over 1 million tickets. In light with this, tickets from some shows are reportedly SOLD OUT."
damn it's almost like this is a bait thread from one of those "Spotify is bots" schizos
>What's so farfetched
the lack of evidence?
>conveniently ignored post
>you don't have proof all those random women I've never met following me on Twitter are bots
>Elon even said he was cracking down on bots!
>you're a schizo with no evidence!
Do you know what critical thinking is?
Her stage show is so shit

>brother farting about with a launchpad in the background
>Billie, dressed like she hasn't bathed for a week, jumps about and sings the last two words of each line (the backing track does the rest)
>a pile of 15 year old "rebellious" girls thinks this is good, actually

no one is talking about Twitter dumbfuck
>unfamiliar with analogies
>unfamiliar with critical thinking
Things aren't looking too good for you, brainiac.
You euros are fucking with me right? Are you telling me concert prices are actually generally affordable in your countries, despite the artist?

Yeah, that American-style FOMO pricing is trying to sneak in here but it must be fought at every opportunity.

For example, my Porter Robinson ticket was £27 whilst the Americans were rightfully saying theirs were too expensive at like $200 each on the same tour.
80-120 euro bucks for euro artists who can sell out the same arena multiple times in a row.
Dude, I havent been able to see a bigger named band that I like since I became an adult. And I thought it was just like this everywhere if you were, say, Rammstein. I wanted to see them pre covid in my city but nosebleed seats were $500. And now I find out you guys are actually seeing them without opening credit cards or selling kidneys? I sincerely hate being American. I hate this fucking country, man.
I saw her at the o2 in london 2 years ago, think it was ~£70 ea in one of the closest parts of the seated section. She did 6 nights there on that run. 70 was about the price of the cheap seats up in the clouds this time. the album + singles didn't flop here either. people are just thinking with there wallets in mind for once, at this rate she'll have to downgrade to brixton or somewhere, embarrassing for such a huge artist
This is just ragebait because of dynamic pricing and resale shit. She’s doing six shows not three, the shows are a year away, and you can go to asx and check the seating charts right now to see that they’re like 85% sold for every night. You have brain damage if you think they won’t all be sold out or near sold out by year’s end.
Why would anyone pay money to go to a stadium, to stand or sit in a crowded space with shit acoustics, with uncomfortable furniture and filthy bathrooms, surrounded by people yelling and taking pictures for instagram, to watch someone who can neither sing nor dance lip synch to a pre-recorded backing track?
You would have a better time going to a local amateur production of Chicago. The people on stage will actually be singing and dancing for starters. The surroundings will be more pleasant, the bathrooms more likely to be clean, the seats more comfortable. There will be an intermission, maybe even with food and drink that is actually fit for human consumption, and the whole night with dinner beforehand and a taxi home will still cost you less than half that.
The music might even be live.

Why the fuck would you go to a Billie Eilish concert?
Have Billie sold all the tickets for the 3 dates in O2 Arena?
Most people are poor now
Disappearing middle class in the us and the uk. Who did they think fill up these seats?
my poor
Billy and her brother are industry plants and her voice is edited. Their parents are high up in the industry.
Meainwhile kpop are selling out every arenas all across Europe
As someone who's outside her target audience (I'm 33) and only knows one song I'd say it's this. Somebody somewhere really loves Billie Eilish and has promoted her to an insane degree. She is everywhere without seemingly any actual songs to justify why.
I've never been to a concert. What are normal ticket prices? I can't imagine paying more than.. like $40 tops.
they're getting shorter because they keep importing indians and pakis who are all 5'3"
>Billie Eilish BOMBS on UK tour
karma for all the bongoloids claiming they discovered her first

they do this shit all the time
based robbie, got to see them with a decent view for only $30
>It's why tickets to the Euro 24 final were £80 face value whilst the NFL charges consoomers $10k a seat for the Super Bowl.
Super Bowl tickets are expensive because it's the Super Bowl. Sorry, but the Maui Invitational of soccer doesn't have anywhere near as much value as one of the biggest sporting events in the world.
good. I hope her career tanks and she gets desperate enough to sell nudes
It's time musicians stopped having "careers" and went back to working at gas stations and other transient jobs like artists are supposed to
the industry plant of industry plants
Is it true The Killers is a faggot band? Like I just learned this and it's fucking me up because I'm not gay?
Cheapest tickets to Taylor Swift with Paramore as the opening act were less than 199 PLN (about $50) in Warsaw
>It should be a huge red flag when someone with a supposed #1 album isn't selling tickets

£234 is roughly $300. Most Billie Eilish fans are probably like 15-25. They don't have the disposable income to afford a $300 ticket but can buy the $12/month Spotify.

Besides, if you can bot Spotify plays then everyone else can do it too. Sabrina Carpenter can do it, Chappell Roan, Karol G, anybody on this list >>122802164
>I'm not gay?
why are you asking us faggot
true. most people who are not teens who might have been interested would have watched her at glastonbury on the TV a few years ago and that was shit. there is no way anyone is thinking a billie eilish gig is a good fun night out.
>The Killers
a band for 40 year old boomers
where do you get these formatted stats from?
Of course she does. Industry plants are only decent in the studio. They can’t replicate anything live.
>You don't come to the UK and try to charge American Ticketmaster prices
Really fucking annoying. This is also why I've always refused to go see Tom Waits, who was doing this shit ages ago, asking anywhere from 100 - 200 Euros where most acts are around 60.

people don't want to see top 40 pop live.
>why do normaldroids love shoving industry waste down their throats so fervently?

they don't.

the Jew Fags and the Commie Cunts at the top are relentlessly pushing industry waste down their throats, and they're just worse quality people who are unable to escape it.

They do not spend money on it, but they do consume it because they don't know how to escape it.

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