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What the fuck happened to this band?
Peter Svensson can't be bothered since he's making too much money copying the Max Martin songwriter model, and the band has too much integrity to make anything new without him
>Chuck Me Chuck Me
>Fuck me and suck me
>Feed me seed me
>Just say that you Sneed me
Not twee enough dammit
he's not really copying him, he just works in the same circles.
who cares
>/mu/tard bases entire idea of band on one picrel
"Copying", in the sense of making radio hits, instead of quirky indie desu
Step On Me is heavenly.

They had a pretty full career it was just relegated to Sweden where they were super stars.
they were pretty popular in bongland too
always liked nina persson solo project.
what's going on on here
They were popular everywhere. Lovefool and My Favorite Game had a lot of airplay. Carnival is really cool.
deftones did a cover of do you believe

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