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Just recently made the switch to trying to keep my music stored locally, does anyone have any cool foobar themes they'd wanna share?
i like it bland
>falling for the foobar meme
>decides to build a music library
>chooses foobar
god your life must suck
what do you suggest?
Serious question, but what's wrong with it? It sucks once you download it, but it's easy to get it going once you've downloaded a pack that's already made.
cracked amarra luxe. foobar is ass outside of converting files.
I liked Eole but it chugs like a motherfucker when you have too much music. also I think it got taken down
this looks like ass unless you want to stream shit, for some reason
>looks like ass
yes it does navigate like software from 2002 but its the best sounding player you'll find, as long as you have a good MQA or flac of your music youll notice a difference
>foobar is ass
again, why?
the UI sucks, it doesnt upsample, it doesnt have MQA decoding, the up/down music discovery is awful, it is the vlc media player of music players. also shilled by open source trannies
these only things only apply if you use it stock, which no one does.
forgot to mention music doesnt sound transient at all when playing on foobar, but if youre someone who cant tell apart a spotify rip from 24bit, then I guess it doesnt matter
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it still sounds like ass, doesnt have MQA decoding, and doesnt upsample. why foobar trannies put so much work into turning foobar into music bee, when they could JUST INSTALL MUSIC BEE, I dont fucking know. If you do not export any kind of audio file, you do not need foobar
>the UI sucks
you can customize it to your preference or download new themes for it.
>it doesn't upsample
that's a good thing.
>it doesn't have MQA decoding
good, MQA sucks and even Tidal is throwing that shit away.
retard can't figure out foobar
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>you can turn foobar into music bee
wow foobar is so great!!!!!!!

>it doesnt upsample which is a good thing
found the zoomie who doesnt listen to music made before 1980

>MQA sucks
absolute cope its the best standard for rips we have

I'm not transgender so I don't enjoy spending hours configuring awful open source software to be somewhat usable
okay you've convinced me, where do i download amarra luxe, cause i can definitely tell the difference between 320kbps and even 800+kbps flac, so i want to hear the difference myself.
lime torrents, rutracker, if youre on windows
how does musicbee compare to foobar sound wise?
why are zoomies terrified of torrents?

the sound put out is identical as far as I can tell, i cant move from one to the other and tell a difference
you clearly don't know shit what you're talking about and it's fucking embarrasing.
>why are zoomies terrified of torrents?
they're less tech literate than boomers
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>you clearly don't know shit what you're talking about and it's fucking embarrasing.
seething foobarfag who definitely uses soulseek LMAOOOOO half of your 24bit files are fake
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>he thinks it takes hours to set up foobar
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>hes been listening to music on a player thats functionally a compressor on top of his songs master
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my songs don't have a master they are free
>he keeps talking shit he doesn't know nothing about
stop projecting your stupid behaviours on someone you don't know nothing about stupid schizo.
I download all my stuff from Red or Qobuz and I use MusicBee as a daily music player. Not because it "sounds better or clearer" but because I like the UI.
You call me a zoomie yet you act like one, like I said earlier, shut the fuck up, it's fucking embarrasing to read your nonsense.
it's not that, i torrent all of my music, it just seems like a legitimate music player should have an official website to download it from, like i wouldn't download musicbee off a torrent website when i could download it off of the official website.
musicbee, again, cant properly decode MQA files

it doesnt have bit perfect playback on a handful of formats

keep seething timmy
Foobar is perfectly fine and it works but you'll have to work it out a lot, which I guess is fine if you want to learn about software and music processing and shit, but if you just wanna listen to music and sort out your locally stored music there's already programs out there that work perfectly fine and probably have everything you'll want in the future.
If you're mostly superficial like me and want nice UIs then MusicBee is very customizable and it has a lot of skins. I use Strawberry which is a fork of Clementine and it's buggy as shit, but I only use it cause it's extremely simple and it has moodbars.
>the UI sucks
it takes two seconds to put a functional theme over it
>it doesnt upsample, it doesnt have MQA decoding
oh, you're just retarded
>the up/down music discovery is awful
I don't even know what this is supposed to mean
>also shilled by open source trannies
oh, you're doubly retarded. it's not even open source btw

if you can just admit to yourself that you fell for a streaming company's snake oil you'd probably be much happier
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Let me guess, you consumers need more.
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use the nadia album grid OP. is sexy
(pic not my foobar some reddit fag)
What is the best music app on a droid? Been using Samsung Music player since it was released
what do you want it to do? suck your dick? i just want it to play music
then use winamp
it consumes more resources and doesnt have tabbing for playlists
so? you just want it to play music

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