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File: Brat-and-its-the-same.jpg (50 KB, 600x600)
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This shit is super catchy but what’s the deal with people intellectualizing Charli XCX and treating her music as high art?
It’s exceptional pop music, but it’s not that deep.
Normies are retarded and can’t form original thoughts. For the record I don’t hate charli
>High art
Bullshit classist concept.
>poorfag posting
Get back to your shirt before you cant afford rent again, wagie
>what’s the deal with people intellectualizing Charli XCX and treating her music as high art?
how is it you're just discovering Poptimism?
it's really not, though
that's their way of coping with her being a perpetual flop
you mean this board, which is full of normies with normie taste
Yes but also this album is huge with tik tok obsessed women in their 20s
Charli board
Charli website
for me it's I Think About It All the Time and Guess
twinks are gonna twink
reddit and it’s the same but there’s three more subreddits so it’s reddit
>Charli XCX and treating her music as high art
Idk it's the only pop music that I genuinely enjoy, everything else just sounds like Maroon 5 tier trash to me
Zoomers are easily impressed by the bare minimum
it comes out of a cool and influential music scene from the past decade, but it waters it down for mass appeal while referencing it lyrically so normies can pretend that they've always cared about it. this pedigree means it's smart btw
trooning out is in vogue it seems. charli is the troon goddess because she looks like a bloke

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