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what the hell happened to all of the experimental indie of the late 2000's
People realized that shit was terrible. Pitchfork went too far when they tried to tell people Liars was a good band and it was their downfall
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>experimental indie of the late 2000's
>late of the pier
only released one album and broke up
>fever the ghost
hasn't released anything since 2015
again hasn't released since 2010
finally just released a new single after 14 years of nothing
only finally doing one show after maybe 10 or so years
12 years since their last album
>tim smith from midlake
band is trash now without him
>sweet trip and crystal castles
both broke up because of scummy bandmate shit
special mention of low roar even though they're 2010's because RIP Ryan Karazija
and that's not even scratchign the surface of bands who peaked in the 2000s and then started doing modern pop bullshit (modest mouse, arcade fire, beck, phoenix, death cab for cutie)
dirty projectors?
>reddit of the pier
>reddit the ghost
>tim reddit from midreddit
>reddit trip and reddit castles
>low reddit
Reddit Projectors
That's just how movements in popular music go anon. They get old, get off the drugs so they don't die and become complacent. Experimentation is risky and the older you get the more you hate risk. So you write some poppy bullshit that still resembles your old stuff but without the vitality of youth. Art will always be a young person's game.
but i want to stay young forever anon
and i want my favorite musicians to always make similar enough but not the same music at least 1 album every 2-3 years forever
Same what happened to the rest of guitar music.

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