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File: thevoidz.jpg (12 KB, 300x168)
12 KB
>You can't use AI for your next album cover that is about to come out
>You can do that because....... you just can't okay?
We should just eliminate album art
Whats the point?
Nobody's trying to sell a record anymore
It should just be plain text

It looks beautiful like Grimes "I wanna be software cover" like anime meets old fashioned paperback science fiction cover.

Shoutout to Hellblazer1138 while im out here
I am in 100% agreement with 0% of this post
tyranny was maybe 10 years ago
I would like to go back
stfu faggot zoomer trash
You are the problem with this country
you don't care about music
you mad
You can't use AI art because it puts artists out of work.

And right after we rightfully ban all AI use and save artist jobs we will:
>ban sewing machines so all the cloth factory workers can have their jobs back
>ban auto manufacturing robots so car manufacturers can have their jobs back
>ban farming machinery so crops have to be sown, grown and reaped purely through human labour
>ban alarm clocks, so the knocker-upper industry can return
Just think of the hundreds of millions of jobs we can create just by banning things that replaced them
>You can't use AI art because it puts artists out of work.
that's not why you can't use ai art
that is one reason you "can't."

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