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Greedy bitch that reeks of weed and cat urine
quailty thread
terminally obsessed incel that will never get to smell her asshole
that's david foster wallace incel retard
number 1 on spotify though
>Oh boy I sure do love the smell of shit
You’ve never gotten laid
>he doesn't know about female butt pheremones
You are but a boy, a child.
>I’M DEPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leave Ozempic Chris Chan alone
can we force this meme onto the masses? i would love to see an artist's career get completely derailed by a lame joke
what is this meme even about?
She looks like she smells of weed and cat urine
I don't see it catching on anon, I mean people love weed and cats
I'm so tiered fpbp/
They like trashy bitches with dirty bong water that don’t clean up after their cats?
You’re in the minority.
People like women that are clean
you’re not people
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she walled hard
He also doesn’t like women.
I don’t like pasty dogs with monster energy breath and Twinkie wrappers surrounding her pig pen
Damn Billie hit the wall fast & hard
When have you smelled her lately? Are you stalking her? Super creepy.

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