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What other bands do you think moved away from the original formula and because of that slowly declined. I honestly would be happy if Keane had just made the same sounding album 10 times.
hopes and fears and under the iron sea are two of the most keano albums of all time
They are but it’s was the stripped down use of Piano as the main instrument that replaced guitars that really gave the first album their sound. It held into the second album to some extent but guitars and more synths and bs came into the sound. The sound of the first album really was what people loved Keane for imo.
That wasnt the problem, the problem was that, all of sudden, they wanted to be The Killers.
Yeah they fell off hard with the third album. I didn't like it at all
shit band
uh oh you friggin moron you just got Keaned
one hit wonder band
like oasis
idk i wouldn't say that

>Everybody's Changing
>Somewhere Only We Know
>Is It Any Wonder
>Nothing In My Way
>Crystal Ball
they had a fair few songs that were pretty popular at the time. maybe its just a regional thing
Gentle kek
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Nuh-uh. They were a 2 hit wonder band, that was mogged by a 4 hit wonder band named Blur
nice album
keane were always a nice band for those more wistful moods...

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