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How would people react if Oasis got back together? Would people care at this point?
Ten people on /mu/ would care and that’s like half the board

I would pay $500 to see Oasis. Maybe even more if someone like Stone Roses opened.
Don't Look Back in Anger is like Gen X Mr. Brightside no way would that not bring us our of our Fentanyl stupor to have one last reach at our youth.
No one would care in the age of rap and industry plant pop.

thats accurate
I just like watching Liam bully his gay brother
I saw them on their last tour
they were fookin biblical
let's do it again lads
it’d be trash
Too late i think
They had the chance years ago but Noel is a retarded egomaniac
I saw Liam two days ago
>How would people react if Oasis got back together?
Fucken MAD fer it ya kno what I mean

LG x
I just watched the video of them being wankers at the 1996 Brit Awards, wish I hadn't. What a bunch of douchebags
well a few reunited gigs at O2 or something wouldn't cut it. tickets would be exclusively bought up at exorbitant prices by retard celebs and politicians clout chasing and instagrammaxxing.
this is probably what Noel envisions and what Liam fucking despises.

it would only work on a biblical scale if it was a world tour with original members where ticket prices were set below 100 bucks and they ripped it up for 2.5 hours every night while playing the entire What's the Story album and Liam has free reign to say and do what he pleases on and off the stage.
in uk maybe people would care
in america, nope, nobody knows who these guys are
they were never popular here.
the streaming era has made that observation obsolete.
sza has billions of views on spotify
and yet nobody cared about this bitch during glanstonbury

different countries, different cultures.
who? spotify numbers are faked.
great melody and crafted songwriting are universal.
It would best work if they became an urban, hiphop act, doing rap versions of their old songs.
That'll never happen lad but you're 100% right
I don't think Noel wants that any more than I do.

LG x
>Would people care at this point?
Only if it was a cage match to the death
Liam i didn't mean Noel wants it i am more so conveying he has seen the beast and has no intentions of going into battle against it.
your happy go lucky northern low IQ lifestyle is un flappable and Noel knows it but can't ignore what the reality is anymore like he can't just get up there and hack away Some Might Say to zonked mix raced trash and not fundamentally understand what is at stake and how you both helped bring it about.
they made so much fucking money from wonderwall there is no need for either to do a reunion. reunions only happen when artists are almost broke
at most they would probably reunite on a personal level. a full on oasis reunion is likely out of the question.
Means nothing in this case if people aren’t listening

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