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File: neegorz.jpg (92 KB, 1080x1756)
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ITT: post digicore, emotional hip hop, cloud hip hop songs that are heavenly.
Statement of purpose: a shrouded of audictory rejection in yamnayan retrose is unearthed by Subterreanic explorers. groundwork was laid a long time ago, nowadays the pieces are in motion, summoning angels in human form to deliver teh new message of God. a reclarification of beliefs. its not wifout attacks from the corrupted, not even close:
pan mój i bóg mój.
bringing you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but!!
you doubt & you falsely evaluate.
your lord is not my God.
your record label CEO is not my God.
God has brought to you a new form of music spawned organically at teh intersecting of the mind heaven and earf.
what do i choose to close teh deal?
you can hate me all you want, it's truf. truf above all.
you try too hard to mimic their mannerisms and aesthetic, it's really embarrassing and why this shit utterly ceases to exist outside of discord and your 37 replies threads.
Man I would click the links but the way you write is so incredibly cringy that there is just no way I can do you the credit. Grow a personality, you can be any kind of person but for fucks sake be yourself, because dogg this gay shit ain't it.
btw was nosgov's xitter hacked or did PiS losing election last year impact her mind? liek more increased psychic attacks. she got anti psychotics last year which is probly cause more God-centric people would recommend more God-centric medication. but her music recently has turned away from God. wat?
what is so out of it today, tat a tripfag is compelled to reply to my post? nigga, you are so far away from Heaven.
Whatever nerd, I know who I am. You're pretending to be a gay British person. You're better than this dogg, come on now. We probably like half of the same music even.
british?? wat
just talk about music plz, don't care about social posturing
wtf is teh point of posting under a tripcode, and saying useless shit liek this? idc what you liek bro!!
u dont have cameras on u bro!! no TMZ!!
resolving digressions:
timeline of events matches up wif hackin theory bro XD bump
still goddit, some of its real
memeing my life away one tiktok at a time
i only use it 4 nosgov, i am not tapped in!!
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have you tried teh mic in a cup meffod?
>emotional hip hop
literally who is this new trip?
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cross its path one day!
EMO! its bin emotional, emotion is teh only way to experience a world that's REAL! ur musics ide-unlogical, bro
man dis shit is cooked bruh
on this day, op ascended to gigafag

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