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What is the cure for such disorders? (Beatings.)
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>literal coolest thing ever
that's not a Black Sabbath album
lol, beep boop music
no, /mu/ does do this with alot of music but Daft Punk is genuinely garbage.
You people have fucking brianworms if you don't like Daft Punk at least a little bit. I get if it's not your genre or your thing, but to say it's garbage? Who are you trying to impress?
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>plebbit knows about your /mu/sic
It's plebbit, simple as.
Saying that something is reddit doesn't equal calling it garbage.
It simply means that you have normie tastes.
Anyone could call 4chan reddit at this point, and they'd be correct.
What you like is reddit? Go to reddit. They have higher quality discussions than here, unironically.
>Saying that something is reddit doesn't equal calling it garbage
Lol. Yeah, ok.
Reddit reply.
Here's a 4chan reply, you fucking cum-guzzling mongoloid nigger
>here's a 4chan(reddit) reply
>delivers a reddit reply
Based inbred hydrocephalus negroid low IQ subhuman jewish coprophagus meta-golem chimera.
You truly are the embodiment of Plebbit's perfection, here's my updoot, kind faggotroon.
Alright yeah you won that one. I'm gonna go ahead and commit Japanese ritual suicide now. Have a good one, dog.
r*ddit thread, r*ddit board, r*ddit website
I liked this album until /mu/ said it's reddit

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